Human Resource Development Essays (Examples)

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However, they focus on cost efficiency and development programs can be costly. Also at this stage, it is crucial to differentiate between the various resources which are required, such as technological resources, financial resources or labor force resources (Mayhew, 2011). This specifically implies that it is necessary to recognize and accept the costs of the development program. It is for instance plausible for the program to generate operational inefficiencies and Wal-Mart has to accept these short-term limitations.
6. Communications. Communications play a crucial role in the development of managers at Wal-Mart, but also at any other economic agent. Communication is in essence "so fundamental, that without it, no organization can exist and function effectively towards achieving its goals" (FK Publications). In order to enhance communications, John M. Grohol recommends the following:

a. Stopping and listening to the other party

b. Forcing oneself to hear what the other is saying

c. Paying attention of….

Human resources refer to the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, aptitude, values and beliefs of an organization's workforce. The more important aspects of human resources are aptitude, values, attitudes and beliefs. But, in a given situation, if these vital aspects remain same, the other aspects of human resources like knowledge, skills, creative abilities and talents play an important role in deciding the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's workforce.

However, enhancement of utilization value of human resources depends on improvement of the human resource aspects like skill, knowledge, creative abilities and talents and molding of other aspects like values, beliefs, aptitude and attitude in accordance with the changing requirements of groups, organization and society at large. This process is the essence of human resource development. It is clear from this interpretation that human resource development improves the utilization value of an organization.….

Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee ights eview

The Office of Civil ights (OC) in the United States is the organization that ensures compliance with anti-discrimination acts such as the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. These are two completely different acts, in that the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 explicitly prevents discrimination against pregnant women and is therefore an employee rights act; whereas the Drug-Free Workplace Act applies only to federal employers and does not extend even to contractors. While it does theoretically protect some workers from the potential dangers of working with colleagues under the influence, the Act is limited in scope and in fact, potentially enables federal agencies covered under the act to violate civil liberties of employees via drug testing. It is worth noting, however, that the Drug-Free Workplace Act does not require nor authorize drug testing (United States Department of Labor,….

The differences identified during this process determined the training objectives that must be reached by these programs. Furthermore, the company selects the trainees, the training methods, and the evaluation process.
The necessity of training programs relies on a series of factors. This is because these programs are able to help the company develop a pool of skilled employees that can be recruited on several positions within the company. This is useful in the case of companies that prefer to focus on internal recruitment sources. In addition to this, such training programs allow the company to better use technological developments as a result of skilled employees.

Training programs also develop motivated teams, characterized by high efficiency and productivity levels. This increases employee satisfaction and helps the company improve its position on the market in comparison with its competitors. This strategy also allows the company to expand its business on international level.

There are….

Strategic human resource development in small businesses, in the United States," explores prior studies, which investigated the frequency and impact of strategic human resource development, and strategic planning in small businesses in America (Fox, 2013, p. 77-115). In order to achieve the objective, the paper utilizes studies from countries, for instance Canada, and the United Kingdom, primarily because the countries share several economic and cultural attributes with the United States (Fox, 2013, p. 79). Following the review, the paper aims, in addition to the fore-mentioned aims, to explore the role of human resource professionals in the strategic business planning (Fox, 2013, p. 99).
Fox's presents a literature review and follows a review of relevant literatures on the subject. The work depends greatly on prior literatures, which explains the online search strategy the author employed. Fox searched for the prior literatures using popular databases including Scopus, Business Source Complete, ABI Inform….

1. Describe the learning condition you think is most necessary for learning to occur. Use specific examples to support your answer. Learning depends on practice more than anything else, the ability to rehearse either mentally or physically the necessary skills or knowledge. As Noe (2013) points out, there are several pre-practice conditions necessary for learning to occur. Those include metacognitive conditions and a positive climate of learning. Characteristics of a positive climate of learning include feedback, reinforcement, goal setting, and reminders. Employees need feedback, “information about how well people are meeting the training objectives,” (Noe, 2013, p. 176). Feedback helps keep trainees on course, maximizing training resources and minimizing time wasted. Feedback is not empty praise or criticism but concrete and detailed evidence about what is being done correctly and how to change what is not. Metacognition refers to the conditions whereby individuals develop self-mastery and control over their own thinking….

A number of companies put into practice an ethnocentric direction in which the management is focused on the home market. Ideas that begin from the headquarters are thought to be better than to those that come from the foreign subordinate. Top organization in the foreign business is usually managers that come from the head office. Some of the businesses take a polycentric approach, in which each market is thought to be exclusive. Supervision in home companies is typically taken on by local people. The third approach is geocentric, which is rather like the ethnocentric approach as it shifts the authority back to the head office for employing managers. These supervisors are hired from dissimilar areas around the world. Essentially the geocentric approach looks for the most part appropriate employees from a collection of gifted people and they are employed on their value and not because of where they came….

Off the job training is implemented in a location different from the actual place of employment. The more common methods of off the job training include the day releases (through which the employees take the day off work to engage in the training program), distance learning, block release courses, sandwich courses or self-study. The main advantages of this method are that the quality of the results is increased, as the commitment is also higher. Additionally, the trainees come to capitalize on the expertise of various specialists and can become more knowledgeable and confident employees. Still, despite these advantages, off the job training is not suitable for diversity efforts at the Police Departments; it is costly and it induces the loss of work (Tutor2U).

Last, the behavioral methods of training include processes such as games and simulations, behavior modeling efforts, business games, case studies, equipment stimulators or role plays (Training and Development).….

Human esources Development (HD) Needs Analysis. Description: You obtain information directly uploaded material ( slides voice recording / upload audio file) HD Manager official website company information provide company, strategy, current issues future plans assessment.
Human resource development issues at ACQ Australia

As the workplace changes, ACQ must also change and place more emphasis on the development of its staff members. The identified problems include an increased attention on customers and a decreased attention on employees, a complex working schedule and an increased workload of adjacent services. It is as such recommended for the company to focus more on its employees and seek a balance between customer and staff orientation, to engage the employees in the schedule construction and to differentiate the tasks assigned based on skills.

Table of contents


Purpose of the report


esearch methods

Significance of the project

52. Literature review

52.1. Customer centric business

62.2. Difficult working schedules

72.3. Adjacent tasks

73. The issues at ACQ

73.1. Customer….

Adult Education
Within Human esources Development

The literature which describes and analyzes the important aspects of adult education - within the Human esources Development genre - is vitally important in relating to today's employees who seek - and deserve - learning opportunities within their workplace environment. It provides a point of reference, it offers stimulating ideas for digestion and analysis, and it zeros in on the issue at hand, which is that learning should be encouraged and facilitated by employers, and it should be done in such a way that gains in individual learning and knowledge will transfer to competency on the job, and ultimately, profitability for the employer.

An exceptionally useful article by Theodore J. Marchese, entitled, "Insights from Neuroscience and Anthropology, Cognitive Science and Work-Place Studies": e.g., the brain is "remarkably plastic across the lifespan..."

Early experiences and genetic inheritance are very important," Marchese writes in his piece, 'The New Conversations….

HD Strategy
Strategy and Human esources Development: Evidence of Best Practices and General ecommendations

Developing and adhering to a clear and concrete strategy is something that seems of obvious importance to any organization, yet a true understanding of what strategic planning and commitment entails is often surprisingly lacking in many organizations. In order for a strategy to be effective, not only must it appropriately account for external situations and internal capabilities, but it must also include concrete operational controls that will serve to maintain strategic focus and goal attainment in all areas of the organization's activities. One such area is human resources management, and especially human resources development. The following pages contain a review of current literature on the subject, providing a set of evidence-based best practices for human resources development that support overall strategies and providing a brief set of general recommendations in the area.

Evidence of Best Practices

General and long-term research….

Advice is given to supervisors on how to correct poor appearance and employee misconduct. In these instances, progressive guidelines and other requirements must be taken into account the completing disciplinary actions and in resolving employee grievances and appeals. Information is given to employees to encourage a better understanding of management's goals and policies. Information is also given to employees in order to assist them in improving poor performance, on or off duty misconduct, and/or to address personal issues that influence them in the workplace. Employees are told about appropriate policies, legislation, and bargaining agreements. Employees are also directed about their complaint and appeal rights and discrimination and whistleblower safeguards (Employee elations, 2009).
Preserving a positive, productive work environment is significant for all managers. This is often accomplished by engaging in: mentoring and coaching your staff, regular feedback, including annual performance reviews, open and honest communication regarding group, unit and university….

Another valuable lesson is pegged to the necessity to select and hire the most suitable staff members. Then, the equal employment rights stimulate the researcher to adopt a more open view of cultural diversity in the workplace. Additionally, as a future application, it would even be important to remember that people of different backgrounds have different skills and abilities. Instead of striving to standardize them, the players in the workplace community should try to capitalize more on the points of difference offered by culturally diverse staff members, such as their increased ability to communicate with culturally diverse customers.

5. Impact of the Study on Career and Personal Life

It is yet uncertain as to how the personal career of the researcher would be impacted by the findings of the study. What is however known with certainty is that the baggage of HM knowledge of the researcher has significantly increased. Within the context….

Human esource Management is a practice of managing human skills, capacities and talents, to ensure their effective usage in the attainment of organizational goals, objectives and overall competitiveness (Youssef, 2012). Every Human esource manager performs various functions of recruiting, hiring, selecting and training competent employees. In addition, the manager offers competitive compensation and benefits packages, which attract, motivate and retain qualified employees. However, it is the function of the Personnel manager to devise ways, which will increase the employee effectiveness in performing the jobs. These ways include training, offering education and developing the capacities of the employees. As a result, there is an improvement of the employee contribution towards the attainment of organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
Effective management of employees' productivity is a crucial element in attaining organizational success (Youssef, 2012). High levels of productivity enable the organization to offer high compensation and benefits packages, which do not affect its competitive….

Human esource Learning Development
Human esources Learning Development

Learning and development is among leading businesses. Despite the current organizational budget squeezes, companies are making significant investments in training employees. esearches done on American companies reveal that these billion investments have actually improved the workforce where by skills are being transferred to everyday job (Wilson, 2005).

Human esources and Learning and Development activities support the Organization's strategy

Learning development or training development is one of the most significant components to our work and lives. Many people perceive training to be an activity that gives the outcome or is a result of learning. The learning is also considered as the new competency or abilities, skills and knowledge. We highly value learning in our culture. We may have undergone a series of learning processes, but many of us are still not equipped with the knowledge of carefully modeling an approach to training and development. This topic can….

8 Pages

Business - Management

Human Resource Development Human Resources

Words: 2517
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

However, they focus on cost efficiency and development programs can be costly. Also at this stage, it is crucial to differentiate between the various resources which are required,…

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9 Pages

Business - Management

Human Resource Development Strategies in the Ghana

Words: 2358
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Dissertation

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES IN THE GHANA WATER COMPANY. Human resources refer to the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, aptitude, values and beliefs of an organization's workforce. The more…

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2 Pages


Human Resource Development

Words: 662
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

HM Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee ights eview The Office of Civil ights (OC) in the United States is the organization that ensures compliance with anti-discrimination acts such as the Pregnancy…

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9 Pages


Strategic Human Resource Development Strategic

Words: 2867
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

The differences identified during this process determined the training objectives that must be reached by these programs. Furthermore, the company selects the trainees, the training methods, and the…

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3 Pages


Strategic Human Resource Development in Small Businesses

Words: 1037
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic human resource development in small businesses, in the United States," explores prior studies, which investigated the frequency and impact of strategic human resource development, and strategic planning…

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2 Pages

Human Resources

Human Resources Development Learning Training

Words: 696
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1. Describe the learning condition you think is most necessary for learning to occur. Use specific examples to support your answer. Learning depends on practice more than anything else, the…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Human Resources Development in the

Words: 997
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

A number of companies put into practice an ethnocentric direction in which the management is focused on the home market. Ideas that begin from the headquarters are thought…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Human Resources Development and Training

Words: 1624
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Off the job training is implemented in a location different from the actual place of employment. The more common methods of off the job training include the day releases…

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8 Pages


Human Resources Development HRD Needs Analysis Description

Words: 2372
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Human esources Development (HD) Needs Analysis. Description: You obtain information directly uploaded material ( slides voice recording / upload audio file) HD Manager official website company information provide…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Adult Education Within Human Resources Development the

Words: 4195
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Adult Education Within Human esources Development The literature which describes and analyzes the important aspects of adult education - within the Human esources Development genre - is vitally important in…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

HRD Strategy and Human Resources Development Evidence

Words: 1175
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

HD Strategy Strategy and Human esources Development: Evidence of Best Practices and General ecommendations Developing and adhering to a clear and concrete strategy is something that seems of obvious importance to…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Human Resource Management Equal Employment

Words: 2578
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Advice is given to supervisors on how to correct poor appearance and employee misconduct. In these instances, progressive guidelines and other requirements must be taken into account the…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Human Resource Management the First

Words: 2206
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Another valuable lesson is pegged to the necessity to select and hire the most suitable staff members. Then, the equal employment rights stimulate the researcher to adopt a more…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Human Resource Management Is a Practice of

Words: 2438
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Human esource Management is a practice of managing human skills, capacities and talents, to ensure their effective usage in the attainment of organizational goals, objectives and overall competitiveness (Youssef,…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Human Resource Learning Development Human Resources Learning

Words: 1498
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Human esource Learning Development Human esources Learning Development Learning and development is among leading businesses. Despite the current organizational budget squeezes, companies are making significant investments in training employees. esearches done…

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