Human Rights Violation Essays (Examples)

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human rights violation you selected and explain why you see it as a human rights violation. Then consider how the issue could be addressed or resolved and explain if you believe you have a duty or an obligation to act based on this violation. Why or why not?
Human rights violations in the workplace

According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." It may be a great surprise for some Americans, however, to learn that not all American citizens have an equal right to freedom of political association. For example, in the U.S. Supreme Court decision Adler v Board of Education, the Court found that the First Amendment did not protect government employees….

According to various sources, the human rights situations has not progressed in China over the past few years, and in fact has grown worse in some areas (Young 2009). The Chinese deny this completely, and say that there are no human rights violations. They also add that the President has no right to interfere with Chinese affairs, and the Chinese Foreign Minister suggested that the United States address its own issues of alleged human rights violations before its leaders start accusing other countries of abuses (Young 2009).
Though the Chinese responses to these rather similar attacks on sovereignty were remarkably different in substance, they actually provide evidence of the same basic attitude on the part of the Chinese. After Obama's address, which might have carried a little more weight with the international community as it was not tainted by Guantanamo, Abu Grahib, or other human rights scandals of the Bush….

Various types of Non-Government Organizations can play an important role in the protection of human rights. These organizations are impartial and are unrelated to any political or industrial agenda.
China has always been wary of outer interference protecting their sovereignty at all costs thus it must come from inside china the realization that the Chinese people can no longer bear the lack of political freedom. The educated people are increasingly calling for a democratic process and it is only the people that can force the government to give in to their wishes. The economic power of the country will strengthen individuals and hence the political rights will be demanded by the people. It will not be long before the demands of the individuals will have to be addressed by the government of China.

It can be concluded that the internationalization of human rights is on its way in spite of the….

Social ideals and ethics are secondary. As such, if it were most beneficial to the State to commit genocide while conquering another nation, that would be the course of action taken. However, again thanks to increased media coverage, the world and governing bodies such as the U.N. Would not sit idly by. For this reason, this perspective is quickly becoming antiquated. Idealism, in contrast, is on the other end of the international relations spectrum.
Idealism surmises that a State's internal policies should be reflected in their foreign policies -- what they wish to occur within their boundaries is what they should support outside of their boundaries. Followers of idealism live by the Golden un -- Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. The promotion of human rights globally would be incredibly important, from this perspective, as they too would want to enjoy the benefits of human rights….

It shows that Bush did not ensure the carrying out of exactly accurate procedures detailed in the 'Help America Vote Act of 2002', and this had the inevitable result of the lack of appropriate funds for the purpose of election reform until it was a mite too late. The Act that ensures the equality of education for all the children of the United States of America was also not implemented appropriately. The 'No Child Left Behind' act was supposed to make sure that all children would enjoy equal opportunities in the field of education irrespective of their social background and status and race and color. This was however not carried out in the fullest sense of the term during the Bush Administration, and this meant that children were in fact left behind, and their civil rights were thus being violated. Another facet of the negative aspects of the Bush administration….

human rights, social rights, and civil or political rights. For each, provide a brief description of an issue from the news that exemplifies each type of right.
Current human rights issues

One supposed danger of an expansive definition of human rights is so-called 'rights inflation,' whereby an increasingly broad definition of human rights dilutes the original meaning of the word. Those who fear such 'rights inflation' stress how definitions of human rights "deal with extremely important goods, protections, and freedoms" (Nickel 2010). Examples of these include freedom from slavery, a fair trial, education, and freedom from genocide. However, arriving at a fixed definition of human rights has proven to be extremely challenging. Human rights tend to be based on international norms, and thus vary over time. But there is controversy even between nations as to what is a 'human right' -- hence the controversy when leaked documents revealed that "U.S. authorities….

Another aspect which is important to be taken into account in respect to human rights issues is the right to seek asylum. The 1951 UN Convention for Refugees states that asylum seekers should be helped by the country where they seek assistance in order to prevent the return of the people in a situation which would put their lives or their integrity in danger. However, for the Australian government such a provision is less important than the actual attempt to cut down on immigration and reduce the possibility of people entering legally or illegally in the country. In this sense, there is a famous case which points out precisely this attitude of the Australian government which pointed out the fact that indeed, there is no particular desire for the Australian officials to go beyond their national interest and work for the global one. Thus, in 2001 Australia refused to give….

Terrorism has been a hot topic in the news for over a decade. It has impact people on an international level with countries like France, England, and the United States experiencing attacks. Currently Isis, a terrorist organization, has generated chaos in the Middle East. Government have been destabilized and peace and security jeopardized. Atrocious acts of violence have occurred from child beheadings to rapes and torture. Terrorism threatens the social and economic development of any place it affects.
Furthermore, terrorism directly affects human rights. People lose freedoms and face subjugation from regimes of terrorist organizations. All of which have negatively diminish ones enjoyment of life as well as their human rights. International, national, and regional political leaders make promises and claims that counterterrorism measures will not encroach on human rights. Former President George Bush for example, preached on preserving human rights amidst counter terrorism efforts. However, living up to these promises….

Human ights Violations in the Iraq War
War is a touchy subject. People often have strong opinions regarding war and the practices of war. It is a real challenge to discuss ethics and morality within the context of war. Even within the context of war, people are concerned with issues such as human rights and human rights violations. Human rights violations during war are an issue that grabs organizations across a wide variety of interest and influence, such as the United Nations. Just last week, the United Nations released a report regarding the numerous documented human rights violations occurring during the war in Iraq. People inside and outside of the war may questions whether there have been any human rights violations during the war. According to the United Nations, the answer is yes.

Others may have the view that during war, human rights do not apply, nor should violations of human rights….

Human rights are the activities, freedoms and conditions that all human are entitle to enjoy, and these rights include economic, political, cultural and social rights. Putting differently, human rights are inalienable, inherent, indivisible and interdependent, which cannot be taken away, must be respected, and which the governments are to put in places the instrument to regulate laws and policies for human rights protection. Similarly, international human rights are the set of rules that guide the conducts of state's behaviors. Globally, countries enter into treaties to guarantee certain rights and refrain from violating these rights within their jurisdictions. (IJRC, 2016). The historical facts of human rights started from the declaration of universal human right rights in 1948, and the expressions are referred as aggregate rights of humans. The UDHR ("Universal Declaration of Human Rights") (IJRC 2016 p 1) was ratified by 48 countries with some Muslim countries such as Iran, Iraq,….

Racism in Israel: Israeli Jews to Ethiopian Jews What is considered to be the main cause of the selected political issue (i.e., history, culture, etc.)?
With the high rise of racism throughout the world, Israel has contributed to the racism towards the influx of Ethiopian Jews migrating to their alleged homeland. Ethiopians had little to no exposure to Jews outside of Ethiopia; hence, were not educated of the other Jews in the world. This caused differences with the basic practices of both Israeli and Ethiopian Judaism. During the immigration period, the Ethiopians were named ‘Beta-Israel’ and were considered outsiders for centuries in their homeland of Ethiopia, because they were Jews. The religious discrimination is what caused the immigration to Israel in the 1980s. Majority of Ethiopian immigrants appeared in two groups to Israel. The first was called ‘Operation Moses’ in 1985-6, while the second was ‘Operation Solomon’ which was in 1991 (Ben-Eliezer,….

Future of Human Rights

Future of Human Rights
Human Rights Implementation

This particular batch of readings was of extreme interest and aided in contextualizing the international struggle for the establishment of human rights in a global context. This aspect of the readings was definitely the strong point of them, for each and every article addressed the implementation of establishing human rights on an international basis. hereas previous readings were useful in presenting the ideology of human rights in an ideal sense, the readings in this particular group were considerably more utilitarian in the fact that they demonstrated the tangible application of such ideology which, in a word, is enforcement. All of the readings, including Jack Donnelly's "The Relative Universality of Human Rights," Tom Farer's "Restraining the Barbarians: Can International Criminal Law Help?," and Mark Osiel's "hy Prosecute? Critics of Punishment for Mass Atrocity" -- all of which appeared in Human Rights Quarterly -- addressed the fact….

In that book, which Munoz claims was just a "long interview with a fictitious journalist," Pinochet portrays himself as a life-long "anti-Communist," and he recounts an experience he had as an army officer in Pisagua, a prison where communists were incarcerated. "The more I knew those prisoners and listened to their thoughts, while, at the same time, I studied Marx and Engels, the more I became convinced that we were mistaken about the Communist Party," Pinochet wrote. "It was not just another party… it was a system that turns things on their heads, dismissing any loyalty…" he continued (Munoz, 2008, p. 28). As though justifying the cruelty he perpetrated on thousands of civilians -- in the name of him keeping a grip on his dictatorship -- he said he was "…troubled that these pernicious and contaminating ideas could continue and spread throughout Chile" (Pinochet quoted by Munoz, p. 28).

The fundamental human rights were in fact the man's rights as covered in these acts.
However, we should consider the fact that, at least in many of the Western countries, the legislative framework, as well as the societal implementation of this, enlarged to include women, often around the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th century. In this sense, although the acts and bills covering fundamental human rights do not de jure include women's rights, de facto the reality has changed so as to adapt to the inclusion of women rights.

This is however not the case for countries in other regions, but usually in these countries defending human rights is a challenge in itself, no matter whether they are men's or women's fundamental rights. A radical change of the framework would really make no actual difference in the way this framework is implemented in some of….

International Human ights, Women and Gender
International Human ights: Women and Gender

Women are the most assaulted segment of the human society. A shocking statistic reveals that a majority of the females are subjected to violence and sexual violence by the time they reach their late teens (Fergus, 2012).

Definitions of Violence against women, constitutes the mental and physical torture they are subjected to by way of restricting their right to freedom in the broader sense of the term. The crimes and exploitation against younger girls implies, by definition, violence based on gender discrimination. It has been observed that this act of violence is fallout of the negligence shown towards equality of the female child and womenfolk in general (Fergus, 2012).

The act of violence exposes the women and specifically the younger female child to isolation, loss of identity, unhealthy overall development, psychological and social stigma (WHO, 2006) and hence cause HIV and/or AIDS,….

The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline.  It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants.   We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.


1. The historical background of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
2. The role of Crimea in escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine.
3. The impact of the conflict on Ukrainian society and economy.
4. The international response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
5. Media coverage and propaganda surrounding the conflict.
6. Human rights violations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
7. The implications of the conflict for European security and stability.
8. Peacekeeping efforts and potential resolutions to the conflict.
9. The influence of Russian and Ukrainian nationalism on the conflict.
10. The role of energy resources in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
11. The impact of the conflict on the global economy and energy markets.

Thesis Statement:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict exemplifies the dynamic of "the oppressed become the oppressor," where the once-oppressed Israelis, after gaining statehood, have now become the oppressors of the Palestinians.

Argument Outline:


Begin with a brief historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the establishment of Israel in 1948.
Highlight the initial displacement and oppression of Palestinians by the Israeli state.

Historical Oppression of Palestinians:

Describe the systematic discrimination and marginalization of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, including land confiscation, restrictions on movement, and economic deprivation.
Discuss the human rights violations committed by the Israeli military and security forces.
Provide evidence from historical documents and....

1. The Historical Roots and Evolution of Child Labor: An Exploration of Causes and Consequences

Trace the origins and development of child labor practices throughout history
Examine the social, economic, and political factors that have perpetuated child labor
Analyze the impact of industrialization, globalization, and social movements on the prevalence of child labor

2. The Ethical Implications and Human Rights Violations of Child Labor: Confronting Exploitation and Injustice

Discuss the ethical dilemmas posed by child labor and its violation of fundamental human rights
Examine the psychological, physical, and developmental hazards faced by child laborers
Evaluate the role of international conventions and....

2 Pages


Human Rights Violation You Selected and Explain

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

human rights violation you selected and explain why you see it as a human rights violation. Then consider how the issue could be addressed or resolved and explain…

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3 Pages


Human Rights National Sovereignty and

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

According to various sources, the human rights situations has not progressed in China over the past few years, and in fact has grown worse in some areas (Young…

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5 Pages

History - Asian

Human Rights in China China's

Words: 1764
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Various types of Non-Government Organizations can play an important role in the protection of human rights. These organizations are impartial and are unrelated to any political or industrial…

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6 Pages

Drama - World

Human Rights Improve Around the

Words: 1983
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Social ideals and ethics are secondary. As such, if it were most beneficial to the State to commit genocide while conquering another nation, that would be the course…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Violations of Human Rights in

Words: 4049
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It shows that Bush did not ensure the carrying out of exactly accurate procedures detailed in the 'Help America Vote Act of 2002', and this had the inevitable result…

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2 Pages


Human Rights Social Rights and Civil or

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

human rights, social rights, and civil or political rights. For each, provide a brief description of an issue from the news that exemplifies each type of right. Current human…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Human Rights in Australia Bearing

Words: 2582
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another aspect which is important to be taken into account in respect to human rights issues is the right to seek asylum. The 1951 UN Convention for Refugees states…

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14 Pages


Human Rights Issues With Pre Emptive Counter Terrorist Measures

Words: 4366
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

Terrorism has been a hot topic in the news for over a decade. It has impact people on an international level with countries like France, England, and the United…

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3 Pages


Was Human Rights Violated Iraq War

Words: 797
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Human ights Violations in the Iraq War War is a touchy subject. People often have strong opinions regarding war and the practices of war. It is a real challenge to…

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8 Pages

International Relations

Incompatibility between Islam and Human Rights

Words: 2281
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Human rights are the activities, freedoms and conditions that all human are entitle to enjoy, and these rights include economic, political, cultural and social rights. Putting differently, human rights…

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14 Pages


Israel's Human Rights Violations

Words: 4133
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

Racism in Israel: Israeli Jews to Ethiopian Jews What is considered to be the main cause of the selected political issue (i.e., history, culture, etc.)? With the high rise of racism…

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3 Pages


Future of Human Rights

Words: 961
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Future of Human Rights Human Rights Implementation This particular batch of readings was of extreme interest and aided in contextualizing the international struggle for the establishment of human rights in a…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Augusto Pinochet and Human Rights

Words: 2894
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In that book, which Munoz claims was just a "long interview with a fictitious journalist," Pinochet portrays himself as a life-long "anti-Communist," and he recounts an experience he…

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7 Pages


Qustions on Human Rights and

Words: 2027
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

The fundamental human rights were in fact the man's rights as covered in these acts. However, we should consider the fact that, at least in many of the Western…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Women and Gender International Human Rights

Words: 5450
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

International Human ights, Women and Gender International Human ights: Women and Gender Women are the most assaulted segment of the human society. A shocking statistic reveals that a majority of the…

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