Humanitarian Essays (Examples)

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Humanitarian Action in a Dangerous Age
Humanitarian action in the present dangerous age necessitates "Humanitarian Intervention" and "Pre-emptive action."

Human rights violations have taken place from the medieval times to the present day, throughout the world. Recently, serious and widespread human rights violations and humanitarian catastrophes have rocked the world and prompted new international responses. Cambodia, Uganda, Somalia, Rwanda, Serbia, Bosnia' Cuba and other Latin American countries, South Africa's apartheid regime, East Timor, Congo and most recently Iraq - the list is never ending - have challenged the international communities to deal with these situations. The magnitude, duration, and pace of recent emergencies, as well as how to respond to them, present serious challenges to governments and the larger international community. Actions to address such humanitarian catastrophes are urgently needed. The way a government treats its citizens is no longer exclusively an internal affair. Massive human rights violations, genocide, and repression of….

Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Project Plan

The project at hand has the potential to really make an impact in the world today. It examines how organizations are actually handling management of humanitarian aid in cases of natural disasters in the attempt to increase overall efficiency of supply chain management. This examination is meant to highlight any inefficient areas in order to better situate humanitarian efforts to become more effective measures for delivering the help that is most needed in dire situations.

Business Objectives

The project needs to be incredibly detailed, and thus will have to spend a significant amount of time examining the issues at hand. Thus, the cycle time will be approximately six months for research and project construction, including data collection. Then the project will need another six months for the analysis of the data and the write up of the final document. Interviews and survey analysis will all be conducted….

S. And from the battle field back to the families here in the U.S.A. As well (Military Advantage, 2011).
IV. elief Impact on Economic growth

The relief that the AC provides to the various disaster stricken areas has over the years proven to be vital in the revival of the economy of the areas and the countries at large.

(a). Why some area receive less aid than others

The distribution of aid has various factors that determine the proportion of the aid that an area can receive. The fundamental one is the extent of the need that prevails. There are disasters that destroy the entire supply of the victims and leave them with no supplies; these are usually given more priority than those who need a supplement to the little they are left with after the disaster.

The other factor that would dictate the amount that a region can get over the other is the….

Instead, they chose to pursue their endeavors abroad; I believe such people must possess a genuine concern for improving the welfare of others. I myself have always shared such concerns throughout life; thus I have come to know that humanitarian assistance best expresses such concerns.
The necessity and importance of humanitarian assistance has become more apparent than ever today. The well-publicized situations in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan have served as constant reminders of the suffering people experience during times of war. Recent news has covered the devastating effects of the tsunamis that struck nine countries throughout Asia and Africa, killing more than 20,000 people. Many other regions of the world continue to suffer from hunger, disease, and oppression, even if they don't garner as much public attention as the events mentioned above. This serves to illustrate the importance of humanitarian assistance. Without it, people would be left to fend….

The story highlights the rigors of international aid work, revealing the very real dangers that greet aid workers.
Moreover, the Chechnya situation highlights the problems with political restructuring. Although the first several sections of the book focuses more exclusively on the character of Cuny himself and not necessarily on Chechnya, Anderson already begins to hint at the political underpinnings and motives for his book. Anderson is showing how humanitarian conflicts brew continually worldwide as geo-political boundaries are artificially drawn around nationalism rather than ethnic integrity. The situation in Chechnya continues to be tense, well over a decade after the disappearance of Cuny and his colleagues. Similar conflicts, such as that of the Kurds, also demand sensitive yet conscientious aid.

Scott Anderson, and especially Fred Cuny, understands the importance of humanitarian engineering as an ethical imperative. Communities of marginalized and oppressed people continue to succumb to international pressure and the dictates of….

S. And Haiti communications infrastructure in the damaged areas. The large numbers of generators can be used for other purposes if not needed to power comms equipment. Unfortunately, they require a large workforce to assist with humanitarian effort. The engineer brigade will provide heavy construction support. Including specialized workforce and equipment that can rapidly enhance and build up the temporary infrastructure to support military and locals. It can assess the structural integrity of buildings, bridges, road and power network. They have carpenters, electricians and equipment that can provide disaster relief to aid in personnel recovery and to restore local services.
The U.S. Army special forces will establish contact with and provide security for both Haiti and U.S. government officials. They will advise the Haitian military and security forces. They will also facilitate the evacuation of personnel in rapidly deployable and austere environments. SOF have highly specialized personnel with regional/cultural training and….

Humanitarian Lesson

Humanitarian Lesson
In fulfilling my appreciation for life and all of its wonderful experiences, I have dedicated my efforts to learning and helping others in their journey. Acceptance into "insert schools name" Healthcare Management program appears to be the pathway on which I can continue my studies and contribute to my community and environment.

The decision to contact and ultimately apply to this program is a direct result of the summation of my life experiences. As a child, my main interests always centered around the healing processes and how these processes can be maximized for full efficiency and effectiveness. This field of study both satisfies my internal desire to help others while providing a useful and appropriate means of attaining a respectful and worthwhile career in medicine and healing.

To me, life is a reward and should not be undervalued or marginalized. Protecting this gift by applying methods and systems to help heal….

Humanitarian Emergencies

Humanitarian Emergencies

The United Nations defines a complex humanitarian emergency (CHE) as a humanitarian crisis in a country, region, or society where there is total or substantial breakdown of authority ensuing from internal or external conflict and which necessitates an international response that goes beyond the mandate or capacity of any single or ongoing UN country program. Such emergencies necessitate customized, focused, and practical field reactions to be structured within short time frames, frequently under difficult convenience, security, and climate circumstances. Over the years, operational efficiency in the field of humanitarian aid has increased because of experience and research carried out during these emergencies (Complex Humanitarian Emergency Program, 2012).

Humanitarian assistance is the aid to an affected population, which serves as its primary purpose to save lives and alleviate suffering of a crisis-affected population. Humanitarian assistance must be offered in accordance with the basic humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, and neutrality. The….

" (Jonge Oudraat, 338) This shift demonstrates a greater interest in focusing the nature of sanctions strictly on an offending action rather than in a sweeping manner which impacts the civil order of a targeted nation.
An example of use to our discussion might be North Korea, where the UN has increasingly sought sanctions that focus their attention on the equipment, technology and resource required to advance North Korea's ambition for nuclear capability. The desire to protect a public already recognized for its issues of poverty, humanitarian abuse and scarcity of resource has encouraged a shift away from methods of compellence that would seek to break the North Korean regime by popular deprivation of economic and infrastructural necessaries.

The idea of denial and deterrence sharpens the relevance of sanctions by ensuring that deprivation is felt by the regime in question rather than by the public. Even still, such policies are only marginally….

Marketing for Humanitarian Organizations
Marketing and Humanitarian

Marketing is often described as the activities which a company or organization undertakes in selling and buying products and services. It involves promoting their products and services through advertising, sales, and delivery to clientele. Marketing is often embedded in the marketing mix which states the four 'Ps' of marketing which are product, place, promotion, and price. Marketing involves concept such as customer relationship management, business marketing, societal marketing, and branding. Customer relationship management refers to the activities conducted to provide the best possible interaction between the organization and its clients to ensure they build loyalty (Piercy and Evans, 1983: 19). Business marketing refers to the activities that organizations or companies take to market themselves to other organizations through providing quality goods and services that make other organizations want to be associated with them. Societal marketing refers to curtailing harmful activities that may occur in the….

Spirituality is not a set of rules and it cannot be understood as an object or even an objective but instead spirituality is a state of being and the essence of the true nature of mankind when receiving positive spiritual energy and guidance and then taking those and applying them to daily live and implementing the accompanying principles, ethics and morals into the processes in forming and directing the culture and society.

erry, Thomas in Hill, ernice. Money and the Spiritual Warrior. Jung: Reflections on Psychology, Culture and Life. 10 May 2009. Online available at:

C.G. Jung. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969.

Hill, ernice. Money and the Spiritual Warrior. Jung: Reflections on Psychology, Culture and Life. 10 May 2009. Online available at:

Kevin Phillips, Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich, roadway ooks, 2002, see also: Public Citizen News, Nov-Dec. 2002,….

International Disasters and Humanitarian Law
Great infrastructure damage and social dislocation have been common consequence of natural disasters and social disasters for example wars. The aims of relief and post-disaster reconstruction comprises of:

Instant physical relief of victims

eduction of social dislocation

estoration of a function of social organization and reparation of physical infrastructure

The major disaster or wars international actors are United Nations agencies and ed Cross Movement.

International policies and laws have played a greater impact in helping shift disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction in that, whenever there is major disaster there is immediate establishment of a rescue and recovery command center under the body of the United Nations, ed Cross and affected governments; this aid in supervision of relief efforts participating foreign military such as U.S. forces being part of it. For example for the case where there was establishment of U.S. dominated command centre set at airbase in Utapoa, Thailand at the….

United Nations (OCHA)

U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

OCHA forms a significant part of the United Nations secretariat, which contributes remarkably in matters concerning human welfare across the globe. OCHA's responsibility is key to activities that relate to the saving of human life and interventions of various humans aids that come in handy during natural and man-made disasters. It is a part of the United Nations organization that forms a network, which connects various humanitarian actors in times of emergencies. OCHA has a policy development that distinctly defines its core functions as supporting effective humanitarian aid, saving life, and reducing suffering (OCHA, 2012).

The roles and responsibilities of OCHA cannot be sidelined from the core values and mission of the United Nations body. The mission is to:

Gather humanitarian efforts form different national actors across the globe to help save human life in….

This is significant, because it is illustrating how the act is giving all nonprofits the chance to be in compliance with: various provisions of the law the moment a particular organization has been added to the list. As a result, the arrests and the activities of law enforcement that are directed at these groups is Constitutional. This based on the premise that they are supporting terrorism by: continually ignoring these distinctions that have been made. At which point, they should be subject to arrest and prosecution under the law.

In this aspect, the decision will have an impact on number of different stakeholders. As far as institutions / groups are concerned, this will have a positive impact for law enforcement and the intelligence community. The reason why is because, they can use the decision as way to effectively target those individuals that are providing any kind of support for terrorist….

Moral Interventions

Humanitarian intervention: hen is it justified?
One of the most controversial concerns of 20th and 21st century international affairs is the question of when it is justified to embark upon humanitarian interventions. On one hand, there have been clear examples in recent history of genocides (most notably in Rwanda and Bosnia) that clearly defy human decency. On the other hand, the concept of national sovereignty well as the logistics and costs of a coordinated humanitarian intervention can be daunting. Furthermore, calls for humanitarian intervention also often provoke concerns about using such interventions as the pretext for self-interested actions of a more powerful state. This paper will argue that while there are legitimate philosophical objections to humanitarian interventions, on a practical basis such interventions are required to preserve international stability and to prevent future warfare.

A number of theorists of international relations believe that humanitarian interventions of any kind are unjustified. As noted….

One of the most interesting issues in international relations is the role that nuclear weapons play in the effort to obtain peace.  Many people suggest that nuclear weapons can preserve peace.  The United States was the first country to actively deploy nuclear weapons in an effort to shorten a war by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. The widespread destruction, which was unlike anything ever experienced in a war up to that point, is often credited with ushering in the end of World War II, at least in the Pacific....

Deforestation is a major issue with a global impact, but calls to end deforestation are going to remain unsuccessful unless people really understand the causes and effects of the process.  The economic depression in areas that are vulnerable to deforestation may leave them with few alternatives, and the ecological devastation that results from deforestation only perpetuates the economic vulnerability.  Here are some of our suggested titles for an essay about the causes and effects of deforestation:

Deforestation Essay Titles

  1. Worlds that Will Never Be Known: The Impossibility of Predicting the True Effect of Deforestation
  2. Indigenous People, Colonialism, and....

Title: The Impact of Global Wars on Societies: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons

Global wars have shaped world history, leaving indelible imprints on societies and cultures. This essay explores the causes, consequences, and lessons derived from the major global wars in history. By examining significant conflicts such as World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, we gain an understanding of the profound socio-political changes and humanitarian crises resulting from these wars. Utilizing a range of authoritative resources, this essay aims to present a comprehensive examination of global wars and their legacy.

I. Causes of Global Wars
A. Imperialism and Expansionism

Yes, there are several news topics related to adversity that would make for a compelling essay subject. Here are a few examples:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic: You can explore how people worldwide faced numerous adversities due to the pandemic, such as health challenges, economic struggles, mental health issues, and social isolation. You can discuss stories of resilience, innovative solutions, community support, and lessons learned.

2. Climate change and natural disasters: Write about the adversity faced by communities affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or droughts. Discuss the challenges of rebuilding lives, adapting to new circumstances, and finding sustainable solutions to....

9 Pages
Term Paper


Humanitarian Action in a Dangerous Age

Words: 2550
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Humanitarian Action in a Dangerous Age Humanitarian action in the present dangerous age necessitates "Humanitarian Intervention" and "Pre-emptive action." Human rights violations have taken place from the medieval times to the…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Project Plan Description

Words: 1318
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Project Plan Description The project at hand has the potential to really make an impact in the world today. It examines how organizations are actually handling management…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

Humanitarian Services of the American

Words: 2601
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

S. And from the battle field back to the families here in the U.S.A. As well (Military Advantage, 2011). IV. elief Impact on Economic growth The relief that the AC provides…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Humanitarian Assistance Is an Extremely

Words: 562
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Instead, they chose to pursue their endeavors abroad; I believe such people must possess a genuine concern for improving the welfare of others. I myself have always shared…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Humanitarian Engineering the Man Who

Words: 621
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The story highlights the rigors of international aid work, revealing the very real dangers that greet aid workers. Moreover, the Chechnya situation highlights the problems with political restructuring. Although…

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6 Pages


Humanitarian Assistance in Joint Publication

Words: 2133
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Assessment

S. And Haiti communications infrastructure in the damaged areas. The large numbers of generators can be used for other purposes if not needed to power comms equipment. Unfortunately, they…

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2 Pages


Humanitarian Lesson

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanitarian Lesson In fulfilling my appreciation for life and all of its wonderful experiences, I have dedicated my efforts to learning and helping others in their journey. Acceptance into "insert…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Literature - African

Humanitarian Emergencies

Words: 609
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Safety Humanitarian Emergencies The United Nations defines a complex humanitarian emergency (CHE) as a humanitarian crisis in a country, region, or society where there is total or substantial breakdown of authority…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Humanitarian Implications of Sanctions the

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

" (Jonge Oudraat, 338) This shift demonstrates a greater interest in focusing the nature of sanctions strictly on an offending action rather than in a sweeping manner which impacts…

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10 Pages


Marketing in Humanitarian Organizations

Words: 3784
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing for Humanitarian Organizations Marketing and Humanitarian Marketing is often described as the activities which a company or organization undertakes in selling and buying products and services. It involves promoting their…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Humanitarian Traits Through Spirituality in

Words: 1780
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Spirituality is not a set of rules and it cannot be understood as an object or even an objective but instead spirituality is a state of being and…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


International Disasters and Humanitarian Law

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

International Disasters and Humanitarian Law Great infrastructure damage and social dislocation have been common consequence of natural disasters and social disasters for example wars. The aims of relief and post-disaster…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Words: 697
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

SAFETY United Nations (OCHA) U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA forms a significant part of the United Nations secretariat, which contributes…

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12 Pages


Holder v Humanitarian Law Project

Words: 3734
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

This is significant, because it is illustrating how the act is giving all nonprofits the chance to be in compliance with: various provisions of the law the moment…

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4 Pages


Moral Interventions

Words: 1400
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanitarian intervention: hen is it justified? One of the most controversial concerns of 20th and 21st century international affairs is the question of when it is justified to embark upon…

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