Humanities Essays (Examples)

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Humanities the Role of the

Poetry in particular is seen by some as being irrelevant in terms of practical skills. However, teachers also state that the study of poetry also helps the student to learn the subtle nuances of language and the way that words can function on many levels and in other fields and disciplines. For instance, knowledge of poetry and the intricate connotations of language usage can even be useful in the legal and business environment. In this regard many traditional teachers believe that neglecting the study of literature and poetry "spells doom" for the educational system in the United States. (James a. 1992)
This debate also leads to the controversial area of the teaching of history at schools. From the strictly pragmatic point-of-view only the history of the region or country needs to be taught. More radically, many educators believe today that history is not an essential subject that needs to be….

Humanities" is a branch of education that includes history, fine art, literature, and philosophy. In most universities, the "humanities" department encompasses all of these subjects, and may include capstone type courses such as "Western Traditions," and others. Humanities do not encompass the sciences or mathematics, and yet all of these play a role in the humanities. In fact, there are some people who believe the humanities include sciences such as archaeology and culture study, as well as political science, sociology, and gender studies. Essentially, to study the humanities is to study humanity and what it is like to be a human being at any point in time. The humanities are distinguished from other types of inquiry and expression because they deal specifically with the history, culture, writing, art, and philosophy of a people, a nation, or a world, rather than dealing in scientific thought, mathematics, or other types of study….

Humanities Terminology

Humanities Terminology

Humanities refer to a group of subjects that deal directly with human community and development. It is not associated with scientific aspect of our being but instead focuses on the study of more intangible, artistic and aesthetic aspects of human life. For example, study of culture would come under humanities and not sciences. Similarly everything that tells us something about social sciences, creativity, writing, literature, art and painting would be categorized as humanities.


Art being the most important and by far the most diverse branch of humanities needs to be formally defined and understood. But defining art is a challenging task as everyone views this subject differently and what may be art to one may not be art for someone else. Art formally refers to painting, sculpture, drawing and everything that helps us creatively express ourselves. It is a part of who we are as Nancy Aiken's writes in The….

It represents beauty, art, and artistic performance, and that is a vital aspect of the humanities that distinguishes it from many other aspects of our culture. It exists to entertain and enlighten, rather than to teach or solve problems.
As noted, this musical compares favorably with many other musicals popular around the same time. The music is especially memorable - in fact, many popular recording artists of the time, including Barbra Streisand, had hit songs with music from the musical, and so, it found its way into pop culture and interest. I am not familiar with many Broadway musicals of the time, but it fits into the same type of cultural expression that is still popular today - the Broadway musical, which never seems to lose its appeal. Modern musicals have become a lot more staged and complex, like the "Lion King" and "Wicked," but they are essentially, the same….

Romeo and Juliet defy their parents to marry one another. Romeo even defies the law of the land, to return to Juliet, and Juliet defies her father's will when he tells her to marry Paris. The Italian couple's loyalty to one another, to the passions they feel overrides family, country, and kin.
Bonnie and Clyde's devotion to one another was similarly unswerving: "It is said that Bonnie never killed anyone....she apparently justified her criminal activities because she did not want to leave her man's side. She would stay with him no matter what -- even though it meant the death of nine police officers" (Rosa, 2007). True, "Bonnie was a gum-chewing waitress and Clyde was a two-bit hood out on parole," Bonnie was not the daughter of a wealthy patriarch like Capulet nor was Clyde the son of a well-connected family like the Montagues (Ebert, 1967). This hardly gels with….

ole of Music in Africa

ole of Music and Musical Instruments in Africa

ole of Music and Musical Instruments in Africa

Music has always played an important role in the life of Africans. The oldest record of any musical instrument in the world is also in Africa, namely "bone flute" found in Haua Fteah (McBurney, 1969). In the traditional African Culture, every aspect of life was associated with the specific music that accompanied telling of a story. Unlike people of other countries, African people are not only listeners but almost everyone in Africa sings or is expert in playing musical instruments.

If we look at the history, we find out that music was so important in African culture that it was part of the routine language and talking of the people. There are around 700 languages spoken in Africa due to which the music of Africa is also very diverse (Ammons, 2003). Due to….

Street Punk Neverland

His pixelated face leaned back into the frame on my computer monitor with a refreshed grin, the music having changed from Death Metal to agner. "For a while I played in a band that did metal covers of agner and Verdi at raver clubs." His stories always seemed to be part tall-tale, part drug-induced hallucination, and part artistic license, but what made him so fascinating was that I believed every word he said. His articulate speech laced with uninhibited profanities, the only name he would give was Baal when we met in an Internet chat room, and with blonde hair and blue eyes he was a bizarre twist on the ideal American boy. Baal is the self-proclaimed "Pack Leader" of between five and fifteen street punks somewhere in California. Apparently living in a loft above an abandoned warehouse they jokingly call Neverland, Baal was anxious to tell me….

It can go clearly round corners so a tale can last longer and end where it started as a circular narrative.
Normally inside the Doric temples, the ceiling was supported by superimposition of two-level columns. Yet, in addition to the main cella, at the rear of the Parthenon was a smaller treasury or Parthenon, and hence the name of the building. In the interior of this smaller area, the columns would look cumbersome and the separate Doric columns all-consuming of the floor area. However, by deciding to use the hidden Ionic columns in this end of the building, it provided a secret that was consistent with the frieze positioning.

Previous Greek temples were built to be seen only from the outside. Viewers never entered could just glimpse the statues inside through the open doors. The Parthenon, instead, was constructed so that the aesthetic elements allow for a smooth transition from the….

As the new divine Pharaoh of Egypt, I am considered, by many, to be the most respected of my time. I am energetic and a patron of the arts. I am kind to others, yet rule in a way where things get done. I am a man of respect. I respect others, as I wish to be respected. I am a man of family. I hold my family close to my heart and will until the day I die and I am buried under my statue in the garden. My name is Genoh.

I rule during an era of turmoil and change. The change has been for the better and I see much unity in our midst among our people. I am a king of the 1st dynasty. I have begun my rule and plan to rule for many, many years to come. I plan to continue serving those under my….

Humanities, Discuss the Relationships Between Two Historical Art Periods
The Renaissance and Ancient Greece

The social order is constantly experiencing progress as a result of its tendency to move forward by making use of earlier ideas. The masses generally modify earlier ideas with the purpose of creating new ones, as each period throughout history was inspired from period before it. The classical period was one of the most influential eras in the history of mankind and it is only safe to say that it inspired a series of attitudes in the estern world. Early Greek history has fueled thinking in several domains and much of the ideas present in the contemporary society originate there.

Classical Greece marked a period of maturity when regarding matters both from an intellectual and from an artistic point-of-view. Athens and Sparta experienced significant cultural achievements during the period and secured their position in the Hellenistic world by concepts….

Humanities Related Library Internet Resources
Annotated Bibliography

Pierce, James Smith and H Janson. From Abacus to Zeus: A Handbook of Art History, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.

There are several factors that make arts to be valuable or not. Art value is assessed via several ways including comparison to existing market standards of similar arts before they are taken for auctions. According to this article, hypothetical methods based on market values are used to find the value of arts taken for auctions. The most important factor used during the valuation is the artist who designed the art. Artists who are well-known and highly regarded have high value associated with their works. Paintings like Matisse's call for higher price than those of little known artists. The other factor vital during the valuation is the uniqueness, type and copies of the work. Art pieces produced in large quantities bring….

Humanity's Global Need For Water
As the Earth's population of human inhabitants continues to swell in exponential fashion, moving from 6 billion to 7 billion during the last decade alone, humanity has been forced to confront a crisis it has long ignored: the finite amount of fresh water on the planet. Seemingly every human behavior, from agriculture to armed conflict, requires massive amounts of potable water for a wide array of reasons. Drinking, bathing, waste disposal, washing clothes and dishes, watering lawns and gardens; all of these daily activities are dependent on an available supply of running water. Even specialized activities like cooling heavy machinery during construction projects, clearing silt and debris within mine shafts, and extinguishing house or wild fires necessitate the collection, storage and dispersal of tremendous reserves of water. Despite the seemingly endless supply of fresh water emanating from the world's creeks, streams, rivers, lakes and ground wells,….

Humanity Revealed in Shakespeare's Othello
Shakespeare knew what he was doing when he creating characters full of good and bad qualities. We need only to look at his drama, Othello, to see a wide range of them. Othello, Iago, and Desdemona are colorful creations of human nature. What they reveal is the astonishing truth that regardless of how much we "progress" as a society, we do not change a whole lot. We make find ourselves finding cures for certain diseases, playing with technological gadgets, and exploring space, but the truth remains that we are still the same kinds of human beings Shakespeare watched every day. Shakespeare highlights jealousy, trust, racism, and physiological drama in Othello and these themes are very much a part of our modern society. At the end of the day, we are still human and are driven by our basal desires, which can ultimately lead to our ruin….


humanities modes human inquiry expression. Be address items paper: Define term humanities. Distinguish humanities modes human inquiry expression.
What are the 'humanities?' Why do they matter?

The word 'humanities' contains the word 'human' and thus interlinked with the definition of the humanities is the definition of what it means to be 'human' as conceived within academia. According to Stanford University, "the humanities can be described as the study of the myriad ways in which people, from every period of history and from every corner of the globe, process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world" (The humanities experience, 2013, Stanford University). These disciplines are very diverse but there is a general 'lumping' of non-quantitative fields under the broad 'tent' of humanities disciplines, even though mathematics is occasionally classified as a humanities….

This does not only apply in the case of someone interested in Native American culture, as it can also assist someone performing business with natives, concerning that the respective individual would know the attitudes that he needs to employ in order to make the partnership as effective as possible.
Lala Guerrero's song "No Chicanos on Tv" is meant to induce strong feelings in audiences as individuals acknowledge the fact that the contemporary society straightforwardly discriminates particular groups on account of their particularities. It is difficult to determine whether it is best to laugh or to cry when hearing the lyrics, as they are intense and sarcastic at the same time. When considering the humanities in general and their connection to this song, it appears that they are also directed at changing people's perception of certain communities. The song raises public awareness concerning the gravity associated with discriminating particular groups and….

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

There are four different philosophical approaches in education: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism.  While each of these four philosophical approaches can be seen in parts of modern-day education, realism is probably the most pervasive current philosophical influence.

Realism developed from the teachings of Aristotle and can be thought of as concerning objective facts.  While different people may perceive things in various ways, the objective truth of an event does not change.  This emphasis on rational thought means that realism underpins much of what we think of as truth. 

Realism is reflected in educational approaches that teach critical thinking skills....

An integrative theory is any theory that combines the central concepts from two or more theories into a single theory.  While you may hear the term integrative theory used primarily in the social sciences, it is not specific to any discipline.  It is possible to use integrative theories in any science or social science and they can even be applied to the humanities. Therefore, one of the first things you want to do when writing any type of academic paper about an integrative theory is decide which theories will be part of your final....

Literacy is important in all subjects because it plays a crucial role in fostering effective communication and comprehension. It enables students to understand and interpret information, allowing them to engage with various subjects effectively. Here's the answer with proper spacing and format:

1. Improved Communication: Literacy skills provide students with the ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively. These skills enhance communication, enabling students to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and opinions clearly in any subject.

2. Comprehension and Critical Thinking: Literacy equips students with the ability to understand and interpret various texts, whether they are related to mathematics, science, humanities, or....

10 Pages


Humanities the Role of the

Words: 2980
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Poetry in particular is seen by some as being irrelevant in terms of practical skills. However, teachers also state that the study of poetry also helps the student…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Humanities Is a Branch of Education That

Words: 745
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Humanities" is a branch of education that includes history, fine art, literature, and philosophy. In most universities, the "humanities" department encompasses all of these subjects, and may include capstone…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Humanities Terminology

Words: 872
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Humanities Terminology Humanities: Humanities refer to a group of subjects that deal directly with human community and development. It is not associated with scientific aspect of our being but instead focuses…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Humanities the Musical Cats Attended

Words: 679
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It represents beauty, art, and artistic performance, and that is a vital aspect of the humanities that distinguishes it from many other aspects of our culture. It exists…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Humanities Till Death Do Us

Words: 1191
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Romeo and Juliet defy their parents to marry one another. Romeo even defies the law of the land, to return to Juliet, and Juliet defies her father's will…

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5 Pages


Humanities Role of Music in Africa Role

Words: 1472
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanities ole of Music in Africa ole of Music and Musical Instruments in Africa ole of Music and Musical Instruments in Africa Music has always played an important role in the life of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Humanities Street Punk Neverland His Pixelated Face

Words: 2165
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Humanities Street Punk Neverland His pixelated face leaned back into the frame on my computer monitor with a refreshed grin, the music having changed from Death Metal to agner. "For a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Humanities Death Rites and Religion

Words: 1411
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It can go clearly round corners so a tale can last longer and end where it started as a circular narrative. Normally inside the Doric temples, the ceiling was…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Humanities as the New Divine Pharaoh of

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Humanities As the new divine Pharaoh of Egypt, I am considered, by many, to be the most respected of my time. I am energetic and a patron of the arts.…

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4 Pages

Drama - World

Humanities Discuss the Relationships Between Two Historical Art Periods

Words: 1052
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanities, Discuss the Relationships Between Two Historical Art Periods The Renaissance and Ancient Greece The social order is constantly experiencing progress as a result of its tendency to move forward by…

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5 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Humanities Related Library Internet Resources Annotated Bibliography

Words: 1691
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Humanities Related Library Internet Resources Annotated Bibliography Pierce, James Smith and H Janson. From Abacus to Zeus: A Handbook of Art History, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice…

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2 Pages

Urban Studies

Humanity's Global Need for Water as the

Words: 556
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanity's Global Need For Water As the Earth's population of human inhabitants continues to swell in exponential fashion, moving from 6 billion to 7 billion during the last decade alone,…

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3 Pages


Humanity Revealed in Shakespeare's Othello Shakespeare Knew

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanity Revealed in Shakespeare's Othello Shakespeare knew what he was doing when he creating characters full of good and bad qualities. We need only to look at his drama, Othello,…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy


Words: 1256
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

humanities modes human inquiry expression. Be address items paper: Define term humanities. Distinguish humanities modes human inquiry expression. What are the 'humanities?' Why do they matter? The word 'humanities' contains…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Humanities Even With the Fact

Words: 811
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This does not only apply in the case of someone interested in Native American culture, as it can also assist someone performing business with natives, concerning that the…

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