Hydraulic Fracturing Essays Examples

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Hydraulic Fracturing

Fracking or hydraulic fracturing can be described as a process of drilling deep the earth after which a high pressure water mixture can be directed within the rocks for the gas trapped beneath the sand to be released. The rock is injected with sand, chemical and water at high pressure that will make the gas underneath to flow out on top of the well.

As much as fracking has its advantage to a nation, it also have some negative part of it for example in U.S., it has revolutionized the energy industry, but also prompted environmental concerns.


Through fracking drilling firms are able to access resources which are difficult to reach such as gas and oil. Fracking has helped to significantly boost the U.S. domestic oil production as well as driven down gas prices. USA has been provided with gas security for about 100 years, this is in addition to an….

The growing opposition to the shale gas industry has conflicted with the need for domestic independence on energy and a reasonable debate is understandably created. Like a Pandora's box, a great and helpful technology has been afforded to the people of this country in the form of hydraulic fracturing, however this technology must be tempered in order for the true and real benefits to be realized. Debate and opposition on this topic is welcomed and will produce a situation where many interests have been heard and incorporated within the argument. " if the hype turns into reality, then the world energy markets can look forward to floating on clouds of cheap gas, certainly up to 2030, if not beyond, " (p.10).

There is a great deal of literature extant on this topic and is worth exploring to gather a finer appreciation for what is at stake in this shale gas revolution.….

Anthropogenic Technologies Such as Fracking on the Environment
The people living in the Midwestern United States and most especially Oklahoma have become increasingly alarmed by the number of earthquakes they have experienced in recent months due to the efforts of the oil and gas industry to extract every last ounce of petroleum from the ground using hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") technologies.. On the one hand, these efforts can be viewed as laudable since they optimize the amount of natural energy available, but on the other hand, these extractions methods have caused unprecedented earthquake activity in regions that have not experienced any earthquakes for more than a century. hat is particularly problematic about these events is the fact that regulatory agencies have failed to implement effective policies that could potentially prevent these manmade disasters. For instance, according to a recent report by Cook (2015), "Although injection induced earthquakes have become commonplace across….

Hydraulic Fracturing ("Fracking")
The Legal and Environment Aspects

Page 3 Introduction / hat is Fracking? / Executive order

Page 4 Department of Energy Advisors

Page 7 Law Student Article -- Let States Regulate

Page 8 European Union on Fracking

Page 8 Legal Action in yoming / California Controversy

Page 9 riter's Opinion on Fracking

Legal Issues in Fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing -- also commonly referred to as "fracking" -- is a technique for extracting natural gas and oil from the crust of the earth. It has become a controversial program because there are environmental impacts associated with fracking. This paper reports on existing laws and policies in states and at the federal level that have to do with fracking.

hat is Fracking?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains that hydraulic fracturing creates "fractures in the rock formation that stimulate the flow of natural gas or oil" -- and by creating fractures, it makes it possible to recover volumes of oil and….

For G&G personnel, it will provide an ability to recognize very early in the evaluation process the potential for fracturing to improve potential target formations, as well as learning what types of formations make the best targets for fracture stimulation.
Hydraulic Fracturing -- Design and reatment

Michael B. Smith • 9 -- 10 February

his 2-day post-conference course provides a sound engineering approach to fracture treatment design. It covers the fundamental principles concerning how hydraulic fracturing treatments can be used to stimulate oil and gas wells. he material also includes a thorough discussion of fluid/proppant selection and ancillary fracturing topics such as how to perforate for a frac treatment and how to select appropriate diagnostics.


he SPE Conference I recently attended from February 6 to 8, 2012, at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, the Woodlands, exas, covered shale fracturing, soft rock fracturing, fracture diagnostics, fracture materials, fracture conductivity, fracture modeling….

Fracking in Colorado
Hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") is not a new approach to locating and exploiting gas and oil in the United States. It has been used as a strategy since 1949, according to Earthworks, an environmental group. Fracking is a strategy oil and gas companies use to retrieve quantities of oil and gas that are trapped in shales, coalbed formations and other underground areas that have previously been drilled. The environmental impacts of fracking can be significant, especially for neighborhoods and communities that are near to the fracking project. In Colorado there are a number of controversies surrounding the process of fracking, and this paper reviews those issues and proposes solutions to those issues.

hat is Fracking? How does it ork?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is presently studying fracking to determine if the current tactics used by oil and gas companies are having negative impacts on water resources in the areas where….

Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing
Energy is major driving factor in all daily activities, from home use to industries. There are various sources of energy, the major one being natural gas and petroleum. Throughout the years, methods of harvesting these forms of energy have been met by many challenges. However, with the advancing steps made in technology as a field, new ways of harvesting the petroleum and gas energy have been designed and modified over time. It is in this line that the hydraulic fracturing method of getting access to these fuels was developed.

Hydraulic fracturing is the process of introduction of fractures in a rock layer by use of a pressurized fluid. Naturally, hydraulic fractures usually form and occur as veins or dikes. Artificial hydraulic fracturing is also known as hydro fracturing or fracing. It is used to retrieve petroleum, natural gas and other substances from their underground reservoir wells. It….

Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing
This study provides a comprehensive elaboration of the legal implications of hydraulic fracturing. Moreover, it reviews the environmental issues associated with the process of hydraulic fracturing. The role of hydraulic fracturing in the United States energy needs is also reviewed. Some of the environmental issues raised concerning the process include ground water contamination, chemical implications as well as air contamination. The legal issues handled include the absence of adequate regulations within the national environmental laws framework that govern hydraulic fracturing (Tiemann, & Vann, 2011).

Legal issues

The current trends in the federal regulatory process, in the country are contained in the underground injection control program. However, the legal framework fails to articulate the requirements for the hydraulic fracturing activities clearly. This exemption at the national level allows for the continued use of a process that has negative implications t the environment. On several accounts, proposed legislation on the….

Pennsylvania Act 13? Compare it to Vermont's May 2012 legislation: http://www.leg.state.vt.us/docs/2012/Bills/Intro/H-464.pdf Compare these with the New York State decision on local control of fracking found in Doc Sharing at.
The Pennsylvania Act 13 of 2012 provides tougher environmental standards, and authorizes local governments to assess an impact fee on fracking operations but is otherwise intended to facilitate the extraction of natural gas from unconventional sources. The Act's provisions include (a) increased setback requirements for unconventional gas development; (b) enhanced protection of water supplies; and (c) strong, uniform, consistent statewide environmental standards. Based on this framework, Pennsylvania seeks to ensure the responsible development of these important resources. By contrast, the New York State decision on local control of fracking In re Cooperstown Holstein Corp. v. Town of Middlefield made it clear that the local communities retain jurisdiction over the roads that facilitate access to energy sources, but the New York State….

Legislative History of Fracking
Legislative history is a term used to refer to the background or events that contribute to the enactment of a statute (Taylor, p.1).  This process includes various activities and/or events such as committee reports, hearings, and floor debates.  Apart from referring to events leading to the enactment of a law, legislative history is usually documented so that it can be utilized in the future to help in the interpretation of a law.  Generally, legislative history provides a suitable foundation for understanding what was involved in the formulation and enactment of a statute.  An example of an issue with a strong legislative history in the United States is hydraulic fracking, which is commonly known as fracking.  This paper examines the legislative history of fracking in the United States and part of policy writing and analysis.  The evaluation includes a brief description of the historical/political context of the issue….

Hydralic Fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing: Understanding the Controversial Extraction Method


Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is a controversial method of extracting natural gas and oil from deep
underground rock formations. This process involves injecting high-pressure water, sand, and chemicals into shale or
other rock formations to create fractures, allowing the trapped gas or oil to flow more freely and be extracted.

The use of hydraulic fracturing has sparked intense debate between those who advocate for its economic benefits and
those concerned about its environmental impact. Proponents argue that fracking has helped to increase domestic energy
production, create jobs, and reduce reliance on foreign oil. They also point to the economic….

Fracturing Boom or Bust

Hydraulic fracturing can be compared and contrasted in sharply different manners; rhetoric on both sides can go over the edge, and oftentimes such extreme rhetoric ensures that any type of sane or rational discussion is rendered virtually impossible. Opponents have gone so far as to call hydraulic fracturing an "abnormally dangerous activity" (inaldi, 2015, p. 388) while proponents often argue that additional "EPA controls would cause energy prices to skyrocket, slow the development of natural-gas fields, and block enormous economic benefits" (Hobson, 2009, p. 19).
Both sides of the issue seem to make strong points in order to support their positions. Few and far between are the calls for objective and trustworthy research such as the one in America (the magazine) that asks for opponents and proponents to at least agree on the fact that the science behind fracking should take into effect the complexity of the situation as well as….

Hydraulic Conductivity

Hydraulic Conductivity, How it Is Measured and hy it Is Important for Transient Storage
The hydraulic conductivity of soil is related to its texture. The rate is generally higher in coarser soils, but it is also influenced by structure and can be profoundly influenced by soil management operations and the exchangeable cation status (Richards 1956). The quality of irrigation water is an important consideration when determining irrigation feasibility and permanence alternatives. Rather than hazards to irrigation agriculture from the soluble constituents of irrigation water, the main problems appear to be the accumulation of soluble salts and exchangeable sodium in soil. In this regard, the salinity of irrigation water has a direct impact on such factors as crop selection, the appropriate method of application of the water, as well as the leaching required to effectively manage salt accumulations in the soil, all of which are factors subject to constraints imposed by drainage….

Fracking Policy Analysis

1. Executive summary
While the extraction of natural gas by means of hydraulic fracturing is a decade- long practice, of late, it has witnessed immense development owing to advancements in the area of horizontal drilling which enables gas and oil operators to now harness earlier- unprofitable natural gas reserves within rock formations. Extant extraction- related policies combine state-federal alliances and voluntary endeavors by private organizations. More unprejudiced, scientific studies providing details on how fracturing and extraction potentially affect environmental media like water and air are essential, in addition to those focusing on natural gas surges’ long- term effects on local societies. Primary models and hypotheses may offer a basis to reasonably discuss possible effects.

Maintenance of the current state of affairs with regard to free market rules and governmental policies will potentially continually check short- run public expenses; however, it will not contribute sufficiently to furthering response to concerns regarding about hydraulic….

Business hetoric: Drilling in the Marcellus Shale
and Environmental Politics

Inexpensive energy sources are a requirement if the country is going to continue to thrive the way it has for more than 200 years. The United States is trying to decrease the amount of fossil fuels that it uses in everyday applications. However, the worry is not the fuels themselves, but the costs associated with the fuels. Fossil fuels are a viable resource if they are clean and extracted from the earth in ways that can be shown to be environmentally friendly. Because of these requirements, natural gas has become one of the new class of fuels that is thought of as superior to producing products from crude oil.

Natural gas is a clean energy source that can be extracted more safely than other sources of gas. Another bonus is that the product is very plentiful in the United States. More than any….

Oil and gas well development using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a somewhat controversial way to get petroleum products out of the ground.  It has greatly increased the amount of accessible petroleum products that people can get from the ground, but comes with environmental concerns.  The two major environmental concerns seem to the increased potential for groundwater pollution and the increase in the likelihood of earthquakes in the area where the fracking is occurring.  Because these concerns are so well-known, we would address them in any research we did about hydraulic fracturing. 

Research Topics on Hydraulic Fracturing

  1. What fluids work....

2 Pages


Hydraulic Fracturing Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing Can

Words: 535
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hydraulic Fracturing Fracking Fracking or hydraulic fracturing can be described as a process of drilling deep the earth after which a high pressure water mixture can be directed within the rocks…

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17 Pages
Term Paper


Hydraulic Fracturing of Shale

Words: 5004
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The growing opposition to the shale gas industry has conflicted with the need for domestic independence on energy and a reasonable debate is understandably created. Like a Pandora's box,…

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2 Pages


Hydraulic Fracturing What Is Wrong With This Picture

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Anthropogenic Technologies Such as Fracking on the Environment The people living in the Midwestern United States and most especially Oklahoma have become increasingly alarmed by the number of earthquakes…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing

Words: 2330
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hydraulic Fracturing ("Fracking") The Legal and Environment Aspects Page 3 Introduction / hat is Fracking? / Executive order Page 4 Department of Energy Advisors Page 7 Law Student Article -- Let States Regulate Page…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Technologies in Hydraulic Fracturing Technologies

Words: 1769
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For G&G personnel, it will provide an ability to recognize very early in the evaluation process the potential for fracturing to improve potential target formations, as well as…

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4 Pages


Fracking in Colorado Hydraulic Fracturing Fracking Is

Words: 1363
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Fracking in Colorado Hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") is not a new approach to locating and exploiting gas and oil in the United States. It has been used as a strategy since…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing Energy is major driving factor in all daily activities, from home use to industries. There are various sources of energy, the major one being natural…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing This study provides a comprehensive elaboration of the legal implications of hydraulic fracturing. Moreover, it reviews the environmental issues associated with the process of hydraulic…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Legal Issues in Hydraulic Fracturing

Words: 561
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Pennsylvania Act 13? Compare it to Vermont's May 2012 legislation: http://www.leg.state.vt.us/docs/2012/Bills/Intro/H-464.pdf Compare these with the New York State decision on local control of fracking found in Doc Sharing…

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4 Pages


Legislative History of Hydraulic Fracturing

Words: 1481
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Legislative History of Fracking Legislative history is a term used to refer to the background or events that contribute to the enactment of a statute (Taylor, p.1).  This process includes…

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7 Pages

Hydralic Fracturing

Words: 1873
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Hydraulic Fracturing: Understanding the Controversial Extraction Method Introduction Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is a controversial method of…

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5 Pages

Sports - College

Fracturing Boom or Bust

Words: 1645
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Hydraulic fracturing can be compared and contrasted in sharply different manners; rhetoric on both sides can go over the edge, and oftentimes such extreme rhetoric ensures that any type…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Hydraulic Conductivity

Words: 1587
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hydraulic Conductivity, How it Is Measured and hy it Is Important for Transient Storage The hydraulic conductivity of soil is related to its texture. The rate is generally higher in…

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12 Pages


Fracking Policy Analysis

Words: 3910
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

1. Executive summary While the extraction of natural gas by means of hydraulic fracturing is a decade- long practice, of late, it has witnessed immense development owing to advancements in…

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11 Pages


Business Rhetoric Drilling in the Marcellus Shale

Words: 3160
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Business hetoric: Drilling in the Marcellus Shale and Environmental Politics Inexpensive energy sources are a requirement if the country is going to continue to thrive the way it has for more…

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