Hysterectomy Essays (Examples)

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The information comprises of the life styles, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and usage of medicine, weight and history of dieting, gynecologic history, psychological factors, and social background. Among all such factors the study revealed that the hypertension and the use of diuretics were crucial risk factors for hysterectomy which are found prevalent among the educated women and women having weight fluctuations. The study thus concluded that the history of hypertension, weight cycling, and absence or less of education are inextricably related to constitute the risk elements for pre-menopausal hysterectomy. Hypertension is regarded as a plausible biological factor of menorrhagia and a cause for hysterectomy. (Settnes; Jorgensen, 1998)
Not withstanding the clinical indications, the rate of hysterectomy varies in accordance with the personal or demographic characteristics of women. The studies, however, depicts inconsistency on the influence of the race, education, and socio-economic status of the patient on hysterectomy. Some of the studies….

I would like to discuss the complications resulting from this procedure as my mother has undergone this surgery and I have seen how a patient can suffer from numerous consequences. Hysterectomy can lead to many long-term complications which may include urinary problems, hormone imbalance, sexual issues, depression, adhesions and heart complications etc. For this reason, hysterectomy has often under attack. It is believed that this procedure is being performed far more commonly than needed and hence some critics are skeptic of the need to have this performed because in most cases, the problems are not very serious. "Many people question the fact that more than 650,000 hysterectomies are performed in the United States each year. Very few of these operations are performed because of a life-threatening situation, and it is likely that many of them are unnecessary. Per capita, half as many hysterectomies are performed in the Great Britain as….

technology has revolutionized society: communication, transportation, commerce, and especially medicine. . Ironically, for centuries and still in Oriental Medicine, healthcare was and is tailored to the individual. Even the Greek Physician Hippocrates wrote that he prescribed sweet elixirs to some and astringents to others depending on their individual condition (Pray, 2008). 21st century medicine, though, is more about an individual person's genetic code, and is made possible by advances in genetic technology and engineering. This is partially due to the Human Genome Project, a massive program completed in 2003 that focused on the identification of the individual genes that make up human DNA with the overall hope that it would initiate genomic medicine -- healthcare delivered based on the individual's medical history and genetic profile (About the Human Genome Project, 2011). Traditionally, medicine diagnoses human illnesses based on quantitative and qualitative signs and symptoms. With the advent of genetic….

Pap Smears Have Played a

Presence of regional and distant metastases alters the stage of the disease and for these patients, standard therapy is inadequate [KEYS et al. 2004]. With the diagnoses of endometrial adenocarcinoma it is most likely that the patient in question is at an early stage of disease. To have a better prognosis, further surgical diagnosis to achieve a FIGO stage is needed as that will allow doctors to ascertain the level of myometrial muscle invasion, histological type, and differentiation grade [AMANT et al. 2005]. If the patient is at a FIGO stage one, the five-year survival rate stands at 85%, with stage II standing at 75%, stage III at 45%, and stage IV at 25% [GRISBY et al. 1992]. Treatment should follow the established regimen of hysterectomy along with radiation therapy.


Amant, F. et al. 2005. Endometrial Cancer. ancet, 366, pp. 491-505.

Boulet, G.A.V., et al. 2008. Human Papillomavirus in Cervical Cancer….

O'Connor, Anahad. (June 22, 2004) "The Claim: Too Much Sleep Is Bad for You." The New York Times. Science & Health Section. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/22/health/22REAL.html
It's hard to believe, but this article councils the reader that getting more than seven hours of sleep may be hazardous to his or her health. "A 2002 study found that getting more than seven hours of sleep each night was associated with a shorter life span. Several studies since then, including one this year by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, also found a link," between poor health and getting more than seven hours of sleep a night.

Thus, the article makes vague reference to several studies pointing to such a correlation, but only provides specific information on one particular 2002 study. This "2002 study examined data on more than a million Americans over the age of 30 between 1982 and 1988." The article, however, does….

Another distinction central to the Black feminist's thoughts is the alienation she suffers due to the omission of her presence in history. This omission is not only found in traditional examples of history, but also in Eurocentric feminist views of history. The following quotation from Lorde in her letter to Daly shows the frustration and lack of understanding about the reason such an omission is propagated even among those of her same sex. "…why doesn't Mary deal with Afreket as an example? hy are her goddess-images only white, western-european, judeo-christian…here are the warrior-goddesses of the Vodun, the Dohomeian Amazons and the warrior-women of Dan…Mary has made a conscious decision to narrow her scope and to deal only with the ecology of western-european women (Lorde, 1979, p. 94)." The exclusion of African goddesses from Daly's text, which described the historical roots of women's power, is only a slight example of the….

Mortality Rate and Disease

Population of the City of Atlantis on March 30, 2003 = 183,000
of new active cases of TB occurring between January 1 and June 30, 2003 = 52

of active TB cases according to the city register on June 30, 2003 = 238

The incidence rate of active cases of TB for the 6-month period was: [ONE POINT]

per 100,000 population per 100,000 population per 100,000 population per 100,000 population

130 per 100,000 population

183,000 is 183% of 100,000, so the rate per 100,000 would be 52 divided by 1.84...or 28.

The prevalence of active TB as of June 30, 2003, was: [ONE POINT]

14 per 100,000 population

130 per 100,000 population

144 per 100,000 population

264 per 100,000 population

e. none of the above

B -- using the same math as above...except it's 238 / 1.84 -- 129.3

3. Which of the following is an advantage of active surveillance? [ONE POINT]

a. requires less project staff

b. is relatively inexpensive to employ

c. more accurate….

Abortions, in addition to being moral and religious wrong, are wrong for the damage that they can cause the woman physically and the emotional scars. Emotionally at the time of the abortion, the feeling may be of relief from the unwanted child but later the feelings can change to depression or guilt. In later life, the abortion can haunt the person especially if she has more children and she has to think about the one she aborted. The feelings are there regarding would my child have had a brother or a sister. Ask any woman who has lost a child during or after childbirth and they will tell you. YOU NEVER FORGET.

A woman considering abortion should take a good long look at the medical complications that can be faced by an abortion. They can affect the health of a woman at the time of the abortion as well as later….

A newer and easy test is the OSOM Vlue, which mixes a swabbed specimen from the vagina with a reagent. The test yields sialidase activity or presence in the vaginal fluid in 10 minutes. Sialidase is produced by V pathogens (Mashburn).
pH Level

The most reliable criterion for detecting V is a pH>4.5 (Mashburn, 2007). A normal pH should, therefore, rule out V. A pH >4.5 can also indicate trichomoniasis or muco-purulent cervicitis. Vaginal inflammation more strongly suggests trichomonas or muco-purulent cervicitis, in turn associated with gonorrhea or chlamydial trachomatis (Mashburn).

The patient's pH level is 6, indicating V.

Wet Smears

These are an inexpensive and relatively easy screening procedure for the most common sexually transmitted diseases, such as V (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). The practitioner should be appropriately trained and experienced in using this procedure. Hence, the proper protocol and quality control are needed to insure accurate diagnosis. The wet smear is….

Pregnant Man Being Born a

Beatie did not accept biological determinism as the means by which to do gender. On the other hand, Beatie transcends gender altogether. By rejecting and then changing his genitalia and physique, Thomas Beatie passed through his life as a male and was legally and socially identified as such. He married a woman and most of the people he interacted with treated Beatie like they would any other man. When Beatie chose to become pregnant, he further stretched the boundaries between male and female. Beatie both subverts and ascribes to traditional gender roles and norms. Pregnancy is a female domain; had Beatie been born with male reproductive organs he would not have been able to experience childbirth. He and his wife would have been forced to adopt a child or choose a surrogate mother. Yet the fact that Beatie states, "I see myself as my own surrogate" shows that a….

hat produces value in managed care is a good health outcome rather than medical intervention. Not every visit to a doctor is necessary; nor is every test conducted, every medication prescribed, or every placement in an intensive care unit going to produce an effective outcome. Ideally, medicine should be ruled by rationality and efficiency in the choice and implementation of evaluations and treatments. This means that the variability between providers not only should be but can be eliminated, and the only factors that should make a difference in deciding who to treat and what treatment to undertake is the nature of the patient's disease or injury (Birenbaum, 14)."

hat these opposing views tell the insured, the uninsured, and those of us who rely on the expertise and ethical practices in an industry that has our very lives in their hands, is that they're not making decisions in our best interest -….

People I Will Meet in

The fourth person I will see in heaven is Lisa. Lisa is the owner of my son's daycare. She is a vision of courage and strength because she recently discovered that she has cancer at the young age of 27. While this is devastating enough, she must face the fact that a hysterectomy lies in her future - a future without children which is something she wants so badly. Despite this news, she continues to live her life and if worse comes to worse, she will adopt. In addition to this strength, she also accepts people as they are. When I encountered difficulty finding a daycare that would accept a child with a cleft palate, Lisa had no problems with this at all. She had no experience but was willing to learn. My son started attending that daycare when he was 10 months old, now he is 3 years old,….

There are two constant irritations in U.S. pharma companies' relationships internationally:

Some developing nations, such as India, razil and South Africa, are chipping away at the patent situation, trying to shorten the time until the drugs can be brought out in generic form.

The U.S. has supported high prices as the cost for innovation. Since other countries are not playing along, this means that their citizens are benefiting from the innovation paid by Americans.


ig Pharma is at a crossroads today. The previous "great" chronic diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, infectious disease (viral and bacterial) have now been tackled by "blockbuster" drugs.

The high regulatory pressures, price pressures and lack of future such blockbuster markets dictates that pharma companies will have to innovate a lot more in niches -- more products, smaller markets. The large pharma companies which grew up in a time of plenty will therefore have to radically change how they do….


Mouffak, Faycal; Gallarda, Thierry; aup, Nicolas; Olie, Jean-Pierre; and Krebs, Marie-Odile (2007) Gender Identity Disorders and ipolar Disorder Associated With the Ring Y Chromosome. American Journal Psychiatry 164:1122-1123 July 2007. Online available at http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/164/7/1122#R1647CHDJECID

Childhood Gender-Identity Disorder Diagnosis Under Attack (2007) National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. NARTH. Leadership U. Online available at http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/narth/childhood.html

Osborne, Duncan (2003) Voices - Identity Crisis. OUT magazine. Los Angeles, April 2003. Liberation Publications, Inc. Online available at http://www.antijen.org/Out.html

Hepp U, Kraemer , Schnyder U, Miller N, Delsignore a: Psychiatric comorbidity in gender identity disorder. J Psychosom Res 2005; 58:259-261

Habermeyer E, Kamps I, Kawohl W: A case of bipolar psychosis and transsexualism. Psychopathology 2003; 36:168-170

Diagnosing and Treating Gender Identity in Women (1997) Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health eJournal. 1997 Online available at http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/430853_4

Zucker, K.J. (1985) Cross-gender-identified children. Chapter 4 in .W. Steiner (ED.) Gender Dysphoria: Development, Research, Management, New York. Plenum Publishing Corp., 1985.

Davies, N. (2007)….

Gail Godwin's "Dream Children" and Tobias Wolff's "The Liar" are both stories about escapism. In "Dream Children" a woman whose baby was stillborn and who may have had a hysterectomy because of it finds solace in out-of-body experiences and dreams. Her escapism is harmless, and yet it deeply disturbs her neighbor and worries her husband. Likewise, James's compulsive fibbing in "The Liar" is not intended to hurt anyone, but the behavior gravely disturbs his mother. James lies to create alternative realities, just like Mrs. McNair uses astral travel. The two short stories are told from different points-of-view: "The Liar" in first person and "Dream Children" in third. However, the tales share a considerable amount in common including characterization, resolution, and theme. Both Godwin and Wolff show how escapism is a natural human response to painful life situations.
Godwin and Wolff are both Southern writers; both were born in Alabama but later….

Surgical site infections (SSIs) are a common complication following obstetrics and gynecological surgeries, leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Several factors have been identified that can affect the risk of developing SSIs in these patient populations.
One of the key factors affecting SSIs in obstetrics and gynecological postoperative patients is the presence of comorbidities. Patients with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and immunosuppression are at a higher risk of developing SSIs due to impaired wound healing and increased susceptibility to infections (1).
Surgical technique and perioperative practices also play a crucial role in preventing SSIs. Inadequate sterilization of....

6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Hysterectomy Refers to a Surgical

Words: 2338
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The information comprises of the life styles, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and usage of medicine, weight and history of dieting, gynecologic history, psychological factors, and social background. Among all…

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4 Pages

Sports - Women

Along With Its Prognosis and

Words: 1201
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

177). I would like to discuss the complications resulting from this procedure as my mother has undergone this surgery and I have seen how a patient can suffer from numerous…

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4 Pages


Technology Has Revolutionized Society Communication Transportation Commerce

Words: 1736
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

technology has revolutionized society: communication, transportation, commerce, and especially medicine. . Ironically, for centuries and still in Oriental Medicine, healthcare was and is tailored to the individual. Even…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Pap Smears Have Played a

Words: 848
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

1997]. Presence of regional and distant metastases alters the stage of the disease and for these patients, standard therapy is inadequate [KEYS et al. 2004]. With the diagnoses of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


O'Connor Anahad June 22 2004 the Claim

Words: 1074
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

O'Connor, Anahad. (June 22, 2004) "The Claim: Too Much Sleep Is Bad for You." The New York Times. Science & Health Section. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/22/health/22REAL.html It's hard to believe, but this article…

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6 Pages

Sports - Women

Black Fem Thought a History

Words: 1983
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Another distinction central to the Black feminist's thoughts is the alienation she suffers due to the omission of her presence in history. This omission is not only found in…

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6 Pages


Mortality Rate and Disease

Words: 2419
Length: 6 Pages

Population of the City of Atlantis on March 30, 2003 = 183,000 of new active cases of TB occurring between January 1 and June 30, 2003 = 52 of active…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Abortion

Anti-Abortion Any Country That Accepts

Words: 996
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Abortions, in addition to being moral and religious wrong, are wrong for the damage that they can cause the woman physically and the emotional scars. Emotionally at the time…

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15 Pages
Research Proposal

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Vaginosis a Growing Scourge Among

Words: 4124
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

A newer and easy test is the OSOM Vlue, which mixes a swabbed specimen from the vagina with a reagent. The test yields sialidase activity or presence in…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Pregnant Man Being Born a

Words: 1512
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Beatie did not accept biological determinism as the means by which to do gender. On the other hand, Beatie transcends gender altogether. By rejecting and then changing his…

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4 Pages


Ethical Issues in Performing Unnecessary

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

hat produces value in managed care is a good health outcome rather than medical intervention. Not every visit to a doctor is necessary; nor is every test conducted, every…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


People I Will Meet in

Words: 601
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The fourth person I will see in heaven is Lisa. Lisa is the owner of my son's daycare. She is a vision of courage and strength because she recently…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Pharmaceuticals Industry Political and Social

Words: 1647
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There are two constant irritations in U.S. pharma companies' relationships internationally: Some developing nations, such as India, razil and South Africa, are chipping away at the patent situation, trying to…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Identity Disorder the Objective

Words: 1507
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ibliography Mouffak, Faycal; Gallarda, Thierry; aup, Nicolas; Olie, Jean-Pierre; and Krebs, Marie-Odile (2007) Gender Identity Disorders and ipolar Disorder Associated With the Ring Y Chromosome. American Journal Psychiatry 164:1122-1123 July…

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6 Pages


Gail Godwin's Dream Children and Tobias Wolff's

Words: 1686
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Gail Godwin's "Dream Children" and Tobias Wolff's "The Liar" are both stories about escapism. In "Dream Children" a woman whose baby was stillborn and who may have had a…

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