Illegal Downloading Essays (Examples)

57+ documents containing “illegal downloading”.

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Downloading Music
Many college students have strong opinions about whether they should be able to download music for free from the Internet. The issue was brought to a head when musicians sued Napster for providing the means to violate their copyright by distributing their music for free, which meant that the musicians would get no royalty for the music. Napster designed an application that made it easy for people to share MP3 files. Napster claimed that they only provided the medium and that those sharing the music were the ones violating copyright law (usiness Wire, 2000).

Universities, most of whom provide Internet connections for their students, have two concerns over the practice of downloading music. First, they recognize that the students are breaking the law by acquiring, without payment, copyrighted material they should have paid for. ut possibly more important to the universities, the high rates of downloads clogged the university's computer….

However, there are certain actions the university can take on which would help deter students from committing such crimes in the future. Opening up potential contracts with legal music downloading programs can help curb the tie of illegal downloads, while still keeping prices for legal music at a minimum for already struggling college students, (Burk 2007). Another recommendation which would prove effective is limitations on certain types of downloading programs used by students on campus internet connections. If a student is then found to use certain programs, they may be subject to removal from the campus connection for the duration of the semester. Such actions have been proven useful in the past by other Universities (College Publisher 2008). And so, this administration should, and will, take similar measures to curb illegal downloading of music by the student body.


Burk, Jennifer. (2007). Colleges look to steer students away from illegal downloading of….

..for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research" was a more important right to protect under Fair Use Doctrine (Liebowitz, 1985, p.4). Freedom of access to information was more important, and creating an unregulated market environment of ideas. Granted, file sharing is not always used for such a legitimate purpose, but then again, neither were 'taped' VHS movies and programs.
hile on the surface it would seem because intellectual property law that "provides the copyright holder an exclusive right to copy the intellectual product," is necessary because "the lack of competition in the reproduction of the intellectual product allows greater remuneration to the copyright holder than would otherwise be the case," the right to profit off of one's product is not absolute, and the consumer also has a right to fair use and access (Liebowitz 1985). Furthermore, even if Grokster and….

Downloadable, inexpensive music gives more power to listeners they had during the CD age, in which CDs were getting increasingly expensive, and consumers felt forced to purchase them, even if they liked only a few songs on the album. Technology can be empowering.
The music industry did have a point: the nature of downloadable music is not like a cassette tape or VHS, given the ease of recording and mass distribution. Its actions prosecuting individual violators in retrospect, however, were a public relations disaster and accomplished no social good. From a utilitarian standpoint and in terms of the general good, monitoring and legally sanctioning suppliers rather than focusing on the demand side of the industry seems to be the best way to ensure that file sharing is conduced in an ethical manner.

Violations will likely continue to occur, given that many nations, especially in the developing world, have a less proprietary….

The ethics of free downloads has been tested in research and shows it won't stop without some threat of punishment (Taylor, 2004).

One of the ways this problem can be addressed is for the government to implement laws that increase the fines for free sharing while providing benefits by way of reduced taxes to companies that offer downloading for a reasonable cost. Paying the artists a portion of each sale is not as difficult as it sounds. Each time a particular song from an artist is downloaded the computer software can generate that the funds paid get divided between the artist and the site and a monthly check gets sent to the artist.

If this is not done and the downloading from free sites continues music as society knows it will change forever. A world without new music is a world without joy. How many songs do you know that remind you….

Arguably the deficiencies in processes and technologies throughout the distribution channel enable the unethical sharing of digital property by consumers in the first place. it's as if the incompetence of these channel partners' platforms, either from a website standpoint with the support of DM technologies or the reliance on faulty, often poorly designed DM systems, technologies and techniques create much opportunity to take digital and intellectual property and repurpose it illegally across P2P sites that seek to make all music egalitarian (Lysonski, Durvasula, 2008). it's as if the mid-tier of the distribution channel is leaving the door open wide enough from an intellectual property standpoint to allow for individuals to selectively choose which songs, digital products of all sort, and what platforms they want to repurpose them on (Levin, Dato-on, Manolis, 2007).

When the music distributors, both in the form of traditional forms including music stores selling CDs and non-traditional forms….

There is one platform that supports the downloaders, however. Studies have indicated that downloading music for free actually helps sell music in the long run. The music industry cites fallen revenues for the last four years as evidence that illegal downloading is cutting into their profits. However, a study by two academic researchers finds that some people who download music illegally eventually purchase the music they have downloaded. A reporter writes, "In fact, illegal downloading may help the industry slightly with another major segment, which Oberholzer and Strumpf call 'samplers' -- an older crowd who downloads a song or two and then, if they like what they hear, go out and buy the music" (Silverthorne, 2004). However, the researchers also discovered that the majority of downloaders are teens and college students who have plenty of time to download, but do not always have the resources to eventually buy the music….

A current movie industry trend has been to offer viewable videos online, through a more traditional recent development of DVD ordering online. The emphasis has been on expanding services to match the convenience of cable on demand programming as well as fill the void of access in legitimate ways to stem the effects of the illegal resources. Software to decode codecs, as well as to download all forms of media online are available 24 hours a day and are unlikely to decrease in popularity or demand. The current logical argument is that most people who do download such illegal fares are still likely to go seek legitimate forms of the media to obtain better quality and in the traditional forms, such as DVDs, Music CDs and even program software when they find that exposure to such illegitimate forms is favorable. (Garland 24)

In conclusion, the most logical argument is not to….

Illegal file sharing has cost the recording industry thousands of jobs. Musicians are denied millions in royalties. This does not even consider illegal file sharing of movies, television shows and software. As with any crime, the only winner is the criminal. Thieves take the property of others without permission, and use it for their own gain. Nobody else wins with illegal file sharing. The negative consequences of illegal file sharing demand that action to be taken to curtail it.
In order to stop such criminal behavior, an effective deterrent is required. The actions of the recording industry have reduced illegal file sharing, but it has not stopped it. People are still sharing files illegally. They do so through file-sharing services like Soul Seek or Limeire or through BitTorrent sites. Clearly, the current approach of dealing with the issue through civil lawsuits is not acting as a deterrent to a degree….

Vargas outlines a broader pattern in the consumer world which informs the proposal here, indicating that there is a splintering of all marketplaces between online and retail outlets which is changing the way that the latter must conduct business. These are ideas that direct the strategy here suggested for Midwest University.
Accordingly, key terms which will be considered in the proposal are those of 'file-sharing,' 'intellectual property,' and 'online piracy.' In the current online file-sharing context, everyday university students have essentially become bootleggers, according to legal research and assertion by both the music industry and the United States Congress. These are sources which appear to favor the music industry institutions, but in actuality, take a narrow perspective that is damaging to compromise for all parties. The program proposed here will be informed by a desire to overcome this hindrance to cooperation through a carefully constructed mediation whereby the university determines….

Film Industry and Movies

Ilbo, Hankook, "Illegal Distribution of Movies Bleeding the Film Industry,"
Korea imes, 7 December. 1999 uesday, Pg. 1. LexisNexis. Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. 20 Apr. 2017.

According to government agencies of the film industry, illegal downloading of movies online has expanded recently. Ilbo states that when movies come out online a few weeks after the movie has come out in theaters affects the film industry financially. hese damages are not just to the film production company but also to the director and actors, because when the industry as a whole makes less money so do the people who earn their livelihoods from producing films. It is a serious issue for the film industry now to be able to provide people with a superior movie theater experience in order that they are willing to purchase a ticket instead of illegally downloading to watch at home.

Espejo, Roman, "Copyright Infringement," Book, 2009. 21.….

Microsoft has not yet taken a stand on DRM issues nor have the defined their strategies for dealing with the intricacies of RIAA and NARAS as it relates to the content purchased. As a result, consumers vary of the RIAA and NARAS are taking a much more cautious approach to adopting the Microsoft digital music store as a result. There is a very good chance however that Microsoft will concentrate on an aggressive strategy to eventually attain DRM-free status of their downloads while also appeasing the legal entities that dominate this industry. Their challenges and the series of efforts they will need to make in order for this entire strategy to be successful will be fascinating to watch evolve over the coming years. Yet these two examples illustrate a fundamental fact about the future of Internet-based distribution of music and digital media, and that is only larger, more vertically….

Society Bring Law
Law Alteration

There is a fair amount of veracity in the assumption that major changes in society frequently account for changes in laws. The relationship between these two occurrences appears fairly direct and even logical. Major changes in society ultimately result in different types of behavior in people. When people begin acting differently, their actions tend to produce different consequences than before whatever change was made in society. Not all of these consequences are favorable. Some are dangerous, and many times, they are unforeseen and can have a significant impact on society in a way that was not intended due to whatever sort of change was initiated. Therefore, there are frequent occurrences of alterations in the law to accommodate for these unforeseen occurrences, and to attempt to preserve the original spirit and safety of the law.

Numerous examples can substantiate this thesis. Virtually any aspect of technology can readily….

Apple Innovation
Innovative Strategy at Apple

Apple Inc. is a company that is known worldwide as one of the most visionary and innovative companies in existence. This reputation is in spite of the near failure of the company during the mid-1990s, after its founding in 1976. hat sets Apple apart from its competitors is the unique CEO and founder, Steve Jobs, who set a path for Apple that was based on excellence in both technology and design. The mission statement of Apple is surprisingly simple; saying "Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, and creative professionals and consumers throughout the world with its innovative hardware and software offerings. The visionary statement of Steve Jobs, however, is more telling of the principles that guide Apple. It goes, "Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above systems and structures, and not….

One study by the ePolicy Institute found that 85% of employees admit to recreational surfing at work and seventy percent of employees admitted to receiving or sending adult-oriented personal e-mails at work, while 60% admitted to exchanging e-mail that could be considered racist, sexist or otherwise "politically incorrect" (Griffaton pp). In fact most traffic to Internet pornographic sites occurs during regular business hours, probably because Internet connections usually are faster in the workplace (Griffaton pp). Companies have taken note of these statistics and have adopted e-mail and Internet usage policies that contain provisions for continuous or random monitoring of usage (Griffaton pp).
The ePolicy Institute study reports that 77% of employers monitor employees' e-mail and Internet use, in fact, 10% of workers with e-mail and Internet access, roughly 14 million people, are under continuous online surveillance (Griffaton pp). Approximately two thirds of employers have disciplined or terminated employees for violating….

2 Pages
Term Paper


Illegal Downloading by College Students

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Downloading Music Many college students have strong opinions about whether they should be able to download music for free from the Internet. The issue was brought to a head when…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Downloading Music to All Students

Words: 401
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

However, there are certain actions the university can take on which would help deter students from committing such crimes in the future. Opening up potential contracts with legal music…

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4 Pages


Illegal File-Sharing it Seems'so

Words: 1387
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

..for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research" was a more important right to protect under Fair Use Doctrine…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Illegal Music Downloading Ethics and

Words: 1867
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Downloadable, inexpensive music gives more power to listeners they had during the CD age, in which CDs were getting increasingly expensive, and consumers felt forced to purchase them,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Downloading of Music Off of

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The ethics of free downloads has been tested in research and shows it won't stop without some threat of punishment (Taylor, 2004). One of the ways this problem can be…

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7 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Ethics and Technology Illegal Downloads

Words: 2424
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Arguably the deficiencies in processes and technologies throughout the distribution channel enable the unethical sharing of digital property by consumers in the first place. it's as if the incompetence…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Business Illegal Downloads the Purpose

Words: 1398
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There is one platform that supports the downloaders, however. Studies have indicated that downloading music for free actually helps sell music in the long run. The music industry cites…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Downloading With the Full and

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A current movie industry trend has been to offer viewable videos online, through a more traditional recent development of DVD ordering online. The emphasis has been on expanding services…

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4 Pages


Sharing the Issue of Illegal

Words: 1381
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Illegal file sharing has cost the recording industry thousands of jobs. Musicians are denied millions in royalties. This does not even consider illegal file sharing of movies, television…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Midwest Research a Music Downloading

Words: 1227
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Vargas outlines a broader pattern in the consumer world which informs the proposal here, indicating that there is a splintering of all marketplaces between online and retail outlets…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Law  (general)

Film Industry and Movies

Words: 795
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Ilbo, Hankook, "Illegal Distribution of Movies Bleeding the Film Industry," Korea imes, 7 December. 1999 uesday, Pg. 1. LexisNexis. Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. 20 Apr. 2017. According to government…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

Internet's Impact on Music & Digital Entertainment in 20 yrs

Words: 2230
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Microsoft has not yet taken a stand on DRM issues nor have the defined their strategies for dealing with the intricacies of RIAA and NARAS as it relates…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Society Bring Law Alteration There Is a

Words: 653
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Society Bring Law Law Alteration There is a fair amount of veracity in the assumption that major changes in society frequently account for changes in laws. The relationship between these…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Apple Innovation Innovative Strategy at Apple Inc

Words: 611
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Innovation Innovative Strategy at Apple Apple Inc. is a company that is known worldwide as one of the most visionary and innovative companies in existence. This reputation is in spite…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Employee's E-Mail in the Year

Words: 1326
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One study by the ePolicy Institute found that 85% of employees admit to recreational surfing at work and seventy percent of employees admitted to receiving or sending adult-oriented…

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