Individual Freedom Essays (Examples)

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Individual Freedom
When the English Parliament and Crown enclosed their views with undue fiscal and theoretical restrictions upon the citizens of the North American colonies, the men who would become known as America's Founding Fathers rejoined with a quick, powerful, rhetorical and later military response. These politicians cum philosophers approached the legal authorities with the disdain of an unjust ruler, purporting instead a policy of individual rights protected by a government that allows for the common good. To the leaders at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, the liberties of all men were clear; "They are entitled to life, liberty, and property."

In their actualization of these beliefs, they created a system that mixed the importance of individual liberties with the great need to protect the common good in a careful balance that is the basis of the American political paradigm.

The great thinkers of pre-Revolution America adopted a synthesized political ideology that….

Mrs. Peters shows this belief when she says, "But Mrs. Hale, the law is the law." (Glaspell, 16.)
Many of the laws that govern society are based on maintaining society. This includes criminal laws, which are easily justified, they protect everyone's safety. It also includes business laws, which again protect society by clarifying how businesses can operate. Everyone has a responsibility towards society simply because they are part of it. This means that individual freedom is restricted in favor of the freedom of society.

The question that "Trifles" raises, is when is it all right to overlook this responsibility to society in favor of responsibility to an individual. In life, this question is raised often. Stealing is a crime, but is it acceptable to steal food if a child's life depends on it? In the play we see that a criminal crime of 'suppression of evidence' occurs where Mrs. Peters and….

..three-fourths of employers monitor their employees' web site visits in order to prevent inappropriate surfing." (Employee Monitoring: Is There Privacy in the orkplace?)
In my own experience I have found that technological innovations like email are an invaluable tool for communications and doing business. However I am also aware that in many ways privacy and individuality can be imposed on by these new technologies. There is also the continual and increasing danger of viruses, malware and spyware than can reside on one's computer and that can comprise personal data and information. One is in effect continually threatened by a wide range of technologies that are actually designed to interfere with individual privacy without one's knowledge. Small programs called cookies can gain entrance to a personal computer while surfing the eb and these can send out personal data and information to advertisers and marketers about your personal life.

In this sense, while email….

S. citizens. In this program designed to help young ones value the freedoms they currently experience:
according to Tyler Barnwell, stands for grievance, as in "to petition the government for a redress of grievances." which denotes religious freedom, Leslie Anne Hill, a Presbyterian, states:

"means you don't have to follow a certain religion." stands for freedom of assembly, Sherri Jones states is "the right to get together with other people peaceably, but not to disturb anyone." which is for freedom of speech, Stephanie Kenfield relates: "means you can say anything you want to say, and nobody can stop you or anything, but not bad words and stuff." stands for freedom of the press, Justin Jolly explains: "You could write and say anything you want on a piece of paper or in a newspaper or anything like that." "Getting a grasp..., 1994)

The ruling for The Alpha Epsilon Pi v. The College of Staten….

Individual Knowledge and Power
19th century poet Emily Dickinson is famous for her writing about the sometimes odd quality of being human, or rather the unnatural social norms that humanity has constructed. Dickinson claims that "[m]uch Sense -- the starkest Madness -- / 'Tis the Majority," meaning that most people guide their lives through typical principles of an objective common sense. Despite the best efforts of the philosophers and statesmen who have fostered Western principles of common sense throughout the centuries, people are not mathematical certainties; and while general rules are essential to the well-being of the population, individual lives cannot be dictated by a standardized social formula. True human growth and progress is a journey often taken alone, in which a person has to develop his or her own ideas of right and wrong. This short essay examines three different ways individual knowledge and power is originated, fostered, and remains….

V. Government System RARPA

The government introduced the RARPA Program which is abbreviated for the:: "Recording and Recognition of Progress and Achievement Summary of the Evaluation Report" in relation to the Pilot Projects April 2003 to March 2004 Learning and Skills Development Agency National Institute of Adult Continuing Education 2004 August. Since 2002 the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) has focused its efforts on establishing an appropriate method of recognizing and recording the progress and achievement of learners that is non-accredited in nature. Development of a model called the 'Staged Process." The RARPA consists of the application "of an explicit and common staged process to the recognition and recording of progress and achievement, together with the validation of this process through a range of judgments about its consistent and effective application." The background of the project is stated to be that LSDA and NIACE were involved in preparation of work in….

Individuals and Their ights - a book by Tibor . Machan
Machan's view is that libertarianism has a "moral superiority" over other political theories and practices - and hence, that reflects one of the pressing needs for this book to be written.

The essence of the author's arguments in this book is that a comprehensive "moral defense" of the sometimes controversial tenets of libertarianism had not yet been presented - albeit this book was published in 1989, and subsequent to its appearance there have indeed been numerous academic justifications and explanations for the libertarian philosophy herein espoused. The author admits, in the Preface (p. xvi), that he had to choose between a) just "charging ahead" and presenting his arguments (ignoring critics), or b) the path of "looking often at criticisms" and giving readers key rebuttals to those attacks. He chose "b" - because he recognized, in an honest editorial position, that his….

Sonny's brother wakes up and states, "Freedom lurked around us and I understood, at last, that he could help us to be free if we would listen, that he would never be free until we did" (47). Sonny was more free and living a life more true than his brother realized.
The transformation in Sonny's brother is dramatic. Duncan writes, "By the end of the story, the narrator has gained much more than an astute musical ear. He has learned . . . To listen" (Duncan). Throughout the story, Baldwin designates the act of listening as the linchpin of this moral tale; by focusing on an often-overlooked component of communication, this early Baldwin story illustrates how Brother, initially deaf to what Sonny calls "all that hatred and misery and love," opens his ears to his culture, his brother, and himself. and, through Brother's example, readers might also become more willing….

In the fierce amounts of fighting, Ferguson tried to break through the enemy position and was killed. This caused his men to lose faith and surrender.
However, the rebels could not maintain control of these forces. As they were fearful that Cornwallis could counterattack at any moment. This forced them to retreat into the mountains. The battle was significant, because it made Cornwallis abandon his strategy of pacifying the South. As a result, he moved his forces into Virginia (where he was surprised by Washington and the French). This led to his surrender and the subsequent peace treaty. (Bower)

These events are showing some of the parallels that the U.S. is facing with its War on Terror and dealing with non-traditional military forces. What causes their ranks to increase; is the approach that is taken by American officials in different regions of the world. In many cases, this has meant that….

Individual Autonomy

Individual Autonomy
The Merriam -- ebster's Dictionary defines "autonomy" as "the quality or state of being independent, free, and self-directing, independence from the ... whole, the right of self-government," and lists as a synonym, "self-reliance" (Autonomy pp). The dictionary defines "Individual" as a "single human ... existing as a distinct entity, separate" (Individual pp). The Declaration of Independence begins by stating the colonies' position on autonomy, saying that at times it is necessary to dissolve connection with another, "and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them" (Declaration pp). The Founding Fathers then went on to justify their separation by listing truths of self-evidence, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" (Declaration pp).….

Freedom of the Press and

Authors Donald Lively and ussell Weaver describe Hustler Magazine as Falwell's "antagonist (p. 79)," no doubt representing for Falwell abuses of our Constitutional freedoms.
"In 1983, Hustler Magazine decided to parody Falwell using a Campari Liqueur advertisement. The actual Campari ads portrayed interviews with various celebrities about their 'first times.' Although the advertisement actually focused on the first time that the celebrities had sampled Campari, the ads portrayed the double entendre of the first time that the interviewees had engaged in sex. Hustler mimicked the Campari format and created a fictional interview with Falwell in which he stated that his 'first time' was during a drunken incestuous rendezvous with his mother in an outhouse (p. 79)."

The Oregon Commentator, May, 2007

There is probably no limit to the outrage that was felt by Falwell, and by his support base, both of which would have been offended, first, by using Falwell in any….

3. Comfortable Shelter and Dignified Accommodations. Although everyone would like to remain in their own homes as long as possible and live an independent lifestyle, age-related diseases and infirmities frequently require placement of the elderly in long-term care facilities that vary drastically in their quality of care. Some progressive facilities employ evidence-based interventions such as pet therapy, art therapy and music therapy that have been shown to be effective in promoting quality of life among the elderly, while others simply allow their residents to wither away, neglected, unnoticed and uncared for by family or friends.

4. Reasonable Assurances of Safety (freedom from crime, terrorist attacks, etc.). In the culture of fear that has emerged in the United States and elsewhere following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, older people, like anyone else, want to be assured of their physical safety as they go about their day-to-day lives.

5. Social Life. Many….

In the older forms, people could live and work in relative independence if they disengaged from politics. Under a modern totalitarian government, people are completely and utterly dependent on, and submissive to, the rule and whims of a political party and its leaders. Older forms of such a government ruled by divine right, while the modern totalitarian state is ruled and run by a dictator who controls a political party. Examples of totalitarian governments are Germany under Adolph Hitler, the U.S.S.R. particularly under Joseph Stalin, the People's Republic of China under Mao Tse Tung, Italy under enito Mussolini and Iraq under Saddan Hussein. The ruling party is the elite and the whole society is subjugated to a hierarchical order wherein an individual becomes responsible to another of a higher position of authority. All social groupings are either destroyed or subjected to the purposes of the ruling party and the….

The Cost of Freedom

History has shown that freedom is not inherently a part of society, rather it is something fought hard for and won. When countries fight for freedom, when people rise for liberty, they do so because they feel they must. Whether it is a strict government, a deranged dictator, or a highly religious society, people have seen their freedoms limited to varying degrees. The United States has been built upon the idea that freedom should be a basic right. While the country has seen its fair share of battles, with itself and with outsiders, it has maintained this very ideal throughout its history.
What is freedom and liberty? Why is it so important that people would risk their lives to maintain certain freedoms? To begin analysis of these two words, I will present my own definition of freedom and liberty followed by how others define these two words. First and foremost, freedom….

Mill agrees that the mischief a person does to himself can affect others, and he finds that it is right to bring to bear moral disapprobation,
henever there is a definite damage, the case moves out of the province of liberty and into that of morality or law. ith reference to that which is merely contingent, however, society can afford to bear the inconvenience (Magid 799-800).

Mill in his work on Liberty proposed a simple principle for determining whether society has a right to limit individual freedom, a principle based on utilitarian concepts and applicable to the individual in his or her dealings with society. that principle can be stated as follows:

The only thing of ultimate value is the happiness of individuals, and individuals can best achieve their happiness in a civilized society when they are left free to pursue their own interest with their own talents as these have come….

Historical Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption

The Evolution of Social Drinking Customs: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Culture
Alcohol Prohibition: A Comparative Analysis of Global Experiments
The Role of Alcohol in Colonialism and Empire Building
The Temperance Movement and its Impact on American Society
The History of Alcohol Taxation and Regulation

Health and Society

Alcoholism and Addiction: A Biopsychosocial Perspective
The Effects of Alcohol on Physical and Mental Health
Alcohol-Related Violence and Crime: Causes and Consequences
Alcohol and Public Health Policy: Balancing Individual Rights and Social Responsibility
The Social Stigma of Alcohol Use: Its Impact on Individuals and Communities

Cultural and Literary Depictions....

The dynamic intersection between philosophical ethics and Christian theology is a complex and rich area of study that involves examining the moral principles and values that guide human behavior and decision-making, in both secular and religious contexts. This paper aims to explore this intersection, tracing the historical development of ethical thought in Western philosophy and Christian theology, and examining the ways in which these two disciplines have influenced each other over time.

One of the central themes in this exploration is the concept of moral realism, which asserts that moral values and principles are objective and independent of human beliefs or....

Enforced Military Service: Enhancing Community Unity and National Defense

I. Introduction
Begin with a compelling hook and statistics highlighting the prevalence of social issues in communities.
State the thesis statement: Enforced military service effectively addresses social issues while enhancing community unity and national defense by fostering discipline, commitment, and shared experiences.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Tackling Social Issues
A. Homelessness:
Explain how military service provides shelter, food, and structure for homeless individuals.
Discuss programs that connect veterans with housing and support services after discharge.
B. Gang Activity:
Describe how military training and discipline break down gang hierarchies and foster respect for authority.

Key Aspects of American Culture

American culture is a vibrant and dynamic tapestry woven from a rich blend of influences that have shaped its unique identity over centuries. Here are some key aspects that distinguish it from other cultures:

1. Individualism:

American culture places a high value on individual freedom, autonomy, and self-reliance. Individuals are encouraged to pursue their own goals, express their opinions, and assert their rights. This emphasis on individualism contributes to a strong sense of personal responsibility and self-determination.

2. Egalitarianism:

Despite the presence of social stratification, American culture espouses the idea of equality for all. The Declaration of Independence famously proclaims....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Individual Freedom When the English Parliament and

Words: 1181
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Individual Freedom When the English Parliament and Crown enclosed their views with undue fiscal and theoretical restrictions upon the citizens of the North American colonies, the men who would…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Freedom and Responsibility in That

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mrs. Peters shows this belief when she says, "But Mrs. Hale, the law is the law." (Glaspell, 16.) Many of the laws that govern society are based on maintaining…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Individual and Technology the Problem

Words: 1030
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

..three-fourths of employers monitor their employees' web site visits in order to prevent inappropriate surfing." (Employee Monitoring: Is There Privacy in the orkplace?) In my own experience I have found…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Freedom of Association Facts the

Words: 1997
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. citizens. In this program designed to help young ones value the freedoms they currently experience: according to Tyler Barnwell, stands for grievance, as in "to petition the government for…

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3 Pages


Individual Knowledge and Power 19th Century Poet

Words: 720
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Knowledge and Power 19th century poet Emily Dickinson is famous for her writing about the sometimes odd quality of being human, or rather the unnatural social norms that humanity…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Individual Learning Plans in Community

Words: 4463
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

V. Government System RARPA The government introduced the RARPA Program which is abbreviated for the:: "Recording and Recognition of Progress and Achievement Summary of the Evaluation Report" in relation to…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Individuals and Their Rights by Tibor Machan Libertarianism

Words: 1670
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Individuals and Their ights - a book by Tibor . Machan Machan's view is that libertarianism has a "moral superiority" over other political theories and practices - and hence, that…

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3 Pages


Freedom in Music in Sonny's

Words: 1124
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Sonny's brother wakes up and states, "Freedom lurked around us and I understood, at last, that he could help us to be free if we would listen, that…

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2 Pages


Freedoms Warriors Freedom's Warriors Office

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Assessment

In the fierce amounts of fighting, Ferguson tried to break through the enemy position and was killed. This caused his men to lose faith and surrender. However, the rebels…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Individual Autonomy

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Individual Autonomy The Merriam -- ebster's Dictionary defines "autonomy" as "the quality or state of being independent, free, and self-directing, independence from the ... whole, the right of self-government," and…

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17 Pages


Freedom of the Press and

Words: 5379
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Thesis

Authors Donald Lively and ussell Weaver describe Hustler Magazine as Falwell's "antagonist (p. 79)," no doubt representing for Falwell abuses of our Constitutional freedoms. "In 1983, Hustler Magazine decided…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Death and Dying  (general)

Individual Perceptions of Successful Aging

Words: 773
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

3. Comfortable Shelter and Dignified Accommodations. Although everyone would like to remain in their own homes as long as possible and live an independent lifestyle, age-related diseases and infirmities…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Systems the Concept of Freedom

Words: 2498
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the older forms, people could live and work in relative independence if they disengaged from politics. Under a modern totalitarian government, people are completely and utterly dependent…

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3 Pages

American History

The Cost of Freedom

Words: 990
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

History has shown that freedom is not inherently a part of society, rather it is something fought hard for and won. When countries fight for freedom, when people rise…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Freedom and Also the

Words: 3796
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mill agrees that the mischief a person does to himself can affect others, and he finds that it is right to bring to bear moral disapprobation, henever there is…

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