Information Literacy Essays (Examples)

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Literacy & Its Influence on Business and Future Leaders
The objective of this study is to explain how information literacy influences scholarship, practice, and leadership in a specific profession or discipline. For the purpose of this study, the legal profession will be chosen.

Badke (2009) writes in the work entitled 'How e Failed the Net Generation' that the orld ide eb came upon most of us who encountered it in the early 90's as a novelty. E all guessed it would be promising, but few of us had any idea what it would become in less than 3 decades." (p.47) Many of today's students are noted in the work of Badke to have "grown up with the web, so for them it is not a novelty. It's mainstream. It's embedded in their lives." (p.47) For those in the legal profession, the orld ide eb had made a huge difference in the….

While Lauer and Yodanis (2008) point out that the weblog has many applications, such as a journal or other means or personal use, they state that it can be used as a tool for students to collaborate with each other and share their learning, in addition to a tool for research where students can record their notes, thoughts, and links to more source material. Furthermore, the authors suggest that a weblog is a tool that students can use to passively become information literate, a tool that should not be forced upon them. Zabel (2004) would agree, as she suggests the passive nature of research is something that students must undertake for themselves (para. 4). Thus, Namwar and astgoo (2008) synthesize the concepts of scholarship and practice through the suggestion of this innovative, technological tool. Students can use weblogs as a means of interpreting the scholarship that they are asked….

Literacy in Education: Its Influence on Scholarship, Practice and Leadership
It was said of Thomas Jefferson that he knew almost everything there was to know. Life was simpler 250 years ago, and the world was smaller. There were only a fraction of the books that there are today, which was not a great problem since most people could not read. For today's learner, however, there is an infinite amount of information available from a wide array of resources and in many different formats. The challenge for students is to find the information they need and evaluate it critically. It is not a skill that students develop automatically through assignments and projects; they must be explicitly taught. The challenge lies, ultimately, with educators, who need to revise curricula and update practices to meet the needs of a new generation of students.

If schools are not always doing a good job teaching these….

CRAAP is a useful acronym to help all people develop information literacy and media literacy. The acronym asks the researcher to check source currency, source relevance, source authority, source accuracy, and source purpose. This exercise will apply the CRAAP test to a source I found related to my research question on criminal psychology. Specifically, I am looking for information on police interrogation tactics and false confessions. Source: Nesterak, E. (2014). Coerced to confess. The Psych Report. 21 Oct, 2014.
1. Currency: The Nesterak (2014) source is 3 years old, making it fairly current. Because the topic of false confessions and criminal justice is not as time-sensitive as, say, research on an emerging technology, I believe that three years old is sufficiently current for this research.
2. Relevance: The Nesterak (2014) source is directly related to my research topic on false confessions and police interrogation. Because this source is written for a general….

Literacy on Ethics
Meta Ethics

"Meta-ethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics. (20111).

The website provides a brief explanation of the difference between the three types of ethics. This website defines metaethics as the nature of ethics and how people make determinations of moral reasoning. It questions whether ethical decisions are made by the individual or are reflective of societal norms. It is a form of ethics that actually questions how ethics are defined.

Hare, R.M. (1952). "The Language of Morals."

This article discusses how we as people make decisions about ethics based on the dialogue we have as people from the same society. If there is one singular ethical language that everyone shares in, then there is unlikely to be variations from it. What we consider ethical or virtuous is all based on what society tells us is good. We accept all that the society tells us as good is something that is good.

Normative Ethics


Information literacy instruction (I LI) is the process of instructing people how to use information resources in order to effectively search for and retrieve information. Thus, librarians have been teachers and instructors for many years. ILI can be most effective if the teacher (librarian) engages in the most efficient means of instruction. This method of instruction is most effective if it includes empirically validated the learning principles, active learning techniques, and incorporates principles of constructionism. Constructivism attempts to account for how knowledge is conceptualized when new information merges with existing knowledge or belief systems. Thus, new information is recreated within the individual in order to allow the person to adapt to the world. According to this viewpoint, which has its origins in cognitive psychology, constructs are filters that the person uses to merge with new information in order to create meaning and order in the person's subjective experience.

Thus, librarians (teachers)….

In an information age, developing discernment and discrimination when digesting sources of information is a critical skill. Information literacy is the critical skill of being able to recognize credible sources and become a critical consumer of data. As Head & Wihbey (2014) point out, “finding useful information and a sense of what to trust” are now considered essential job skills (p. 1). Therefore, information literacy needs to be approached in a more serious manner. Knowing how to research and locate adequate, appropriate, and correct information is important in almost every field. Information literacy is not just a job skill; lifelong learning depends on developing information literacy (Module 1).
As importance as researching on the Internet can be, the ability to research is not sufficient. Information literacy involves an understanding of the process of delving into academic databases and utilizing the professional research skills that librarians can offer. Research shows that new….

CITICAL INFOMATION LITEACY Critical Information Literacy: Communicating ProfessionallyCommunications in academic or professional arenas differ from communications taking place at a personal level. For example, personal communication could involve jokes, gossip, humor, and playfulness with close ones, while communication with professionals includes a straightforward tone without comic relevance. A formal tone and word structure are chosen to be plain and serious in conversations.Understanding the audience in personal and business communication is the key to the right form of communication. For example, when an email is targeted for a CEO of another business, for instance, to partner with the firm for mutual benefits, the conveyance of opinions and facts would be tightly structured. However, if an email is written to a friend where plans for upcoming vacations are intended, the email would be more informal, even sometimes using slang words that are understood by the same groups of friends or specific phrases….

The other sector of life where information literacy is vital and omnipresent is the career field. It is not simply a matter of preference or choice. Many businesses actively embrace the harnessing and day-to-day use of computer and informatics technology because the business being able to thrive in the marketplace or even survive in general as a business can literally depend upon it. Such a state of affairs requires employees and leaders that are well-versed and adept in literacy regarding information, computers and informatics, among other things such as project management skills, leadership traits, and so on.

Job descriptions discoverable online are bereft and thick with requirements that relate to information, computer and informatics literacy. Examples include prospective employees being familiar with the construction and/or use of database technology, internet technology, familiarity with operations systems such as Mac OS and Windows, software suites like Microsoft Office and so on. Failure to….

Information Education

Paterson Public Schools School 28 or Public School Twenty Eight was erected in 1962. The president is John J. Pasquale and the vice president is Leonard R. Jacoby. The general contractor for the school is Thomas Construction Company. PS28 is located in New Jersey. The school's address is 200 Presidential Blvd., Paterson, NJ 07522. The school's telephone number is [HIDDEN] . There are a total of 360 students in the school.
The school has several classrooms dedicated to specific areas such as pre-kindergarten, special education, and performing arts. The students range from pre-kindergarten all the way to grade 8. So the age range is around 4-13 years of age. Because New Jersey is located within the tri-state area, the population is diverse with black, Hispanic, Asian, and white students and faculty. The principal, Nancy Castro is Hispanic as well as the Assistant Principal, Victoria, Larosiliere. The majority of the students are….

Behaviors to Improve Customer Service
Library scientists are confronted with patrons with a diverse background in library usage, as well as experience in accessing information from online resources. Understanding how people interact with information and theories such as Marchionini's Information-Seeking Process and Kuhlthau's Information Search Process can help practitioners provide better service to patrons. To this end, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning these issues, followed by a summary of the research and important findings

Some people walk into learning resource centers fully equipped with the skill set needed to intuitively navigate their way through the ISBNs, Dewey Decimals and the Internet maze to find precisely what they need and many information-seeking models assume this level of expertise for all students. For instance, Savin-Baden and Wilkie (2006) report that, "Many information-seeking models approach students as experts, who are completely aware of what they are….

Technology in NursingIntroductionI possess a caring nature, and the decision to pursue a career in nursing was informed predominantly by the suitability of this characteristic in the nursing profession. While my caring nature was the fundamental drive for the pursuit of a career in nursing, other elements that contributed to this decision were the nature of the work and the perks that come with being a nurse. For example, the supportive work environment required to coordinate patient care effectively facilitates a cordial relationship with colleagues and continuous learning from more experienced practitioners in the field (Pepito & Locsin, 2019). With such exposure, one can choose different areas of specialization in the nursing career, such as critical or emergency care, pediatrics, geriatrics, or specific disease care.The nursing work extensively involves offering care for patients that involve administration of medication, meeting the needs of patients, and documentation of the proceeding of care…. requires understanding and manipulating the processes used to create messages in the modern world" (Adams & Hamm, 2000, p. 22) in fact the student is expected to be able to decode the information from various types of media. However the equally important point is also made that this expanding definition of what literacy comprises does not "...diminish the importance of traditional reading and writing skills; rather, it recognizes the increasing importance of information and communication technology" (Adams & Hamm, 2000, p. 22).
This is an important caveat to the enthusiastic embrace of modern technology and visual aspects of modern teaching. In other words, while visual literacy has become more important and while this aspect is closely linked to the use of modern technological tools such as computer, yet the basics of teaching and education should not be forgotten. Of equal importance however is the view that; "Today's students live in….

Literacy is more than knowing how to read and write in a given language. At the level of college education, literacy pertains to mastering the means of communication for different subjects. Literacy therefore may entail understanding specific jargon of a chosen field, but it may also mean being literate in the modes of inquiry, paradigms, assumptions, and methodologies of specific subjects. Each college major will have different literacy needs and requirements for a successful college term and for graduation. It is crucial that college students master the literacy skills that relate to their chosen major, if they hope to graduate and succeed in their future career.
One type of literacy that pertains to almost all college majors is information literacy. According to the Association of College and esearch Libraries (ACL, 2014), information literacy is defined as "the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information," (p. 1).….

CUNY Information Competency Tutorials are made up of eight different tutorials and quizzes. The topics covered in the tutorials include: Determine Your Information Needs, Define the Research Topic, Locate and Retrieve Relevant Information, Use the Technological Tools For Accessing Information, Take the Quiz, Evaluate Information, Communicate Using a Variety of Information Technologies, Understand the Ethical, Legal, and Socio-Political Issues Surrounding Information and Information Technology, and Use, Evaluate, and Treat Critically Information Received From the Mass Media (Information Competency Tutorials, n.d.).
These eight tutorials will not only teach you how to become an A+ researcher but will develop your information literacy and critical thinking skills. The tutorials follow a set of CUNY information literacy learning goals and objectives that all students should achieve by the time they have completed 60 credits. The first tutorials are intended to prepare a student to use library and other information sources in order to do research.….

Topic 1: The Evolving Definition of Literacy in a Digital Age

In the 21st century, the concept of literacy has undergone a significant transformation due to the advent of digital technologies. Explore how the definition of literacy has expanded in the digital age to encompass digital literacy, information literacy, and transmedia literacy. Discuss the implications of this evolving definition for education and society as a whole.

Topic 2: The Literacy Divide: Access, Opportunity, and Equity

Examine the persistent literacy gap and its impact on individuals and communities, particularly in marginalized and underserved areas. Analyze the factors that contribute to the literacy divide, such....

3 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Information Literacy and Its Influence on Business and Future Leaders

Words: 988
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Literacy & Its Influence on Business and Future Leaders The objective of this study is to explain how information literacy influences scholarship, practice, and leadership in a specific profession…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Literacy Information Literacy as the

Words: 1453
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

While Lauer and Yodanis (2008) point out that the weblog has many applications, such as a journal or other means or personal use, they state that it can…

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3 Pages


Information Literacy in Education and Its Influence on the Scholarship Practice and Leadership

Words: 1088
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Literacy in Education: Its Influence on Scholarship, Practice and Leadership It was said of Thomas Jefferson that he knew almost everything there was to know. Life was simpler 250…

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2 Pages


Information Literacy and the Craap Test

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

CRAAP is a useful acronym to help all people develop information literacy and media literacy. The acronym asks the researcher to check source currency, source relevance, source authority, source…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Information Literacy on Ethics

Words: 501
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Literacy on Ethics Meta Ethics "Meta-ethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics. (20111). The website provides a brief explanation of the difference between the three types of ethics. This website defines metaethics as…

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3 Pages


Design Training Programs Based on Appropriate Learning Principles and Theories Information Literacy Instruction

Words: 886
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

ILI Information literacy instruction (I LI) is the process of instructing people how to use information resources in order to effectively search for and retrieve information. Thus, librarians have been…

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2 Pages


information literacy and the'significance of research

Words: 622
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In an information age, developing discernment and discrimination when digesting sources of information is a critical skill. Information literacy is the critical skill of being able to recognize credible…

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1 Pages


Communicating Professionally Critical Information Literacy

Words: 336
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

CITICAL INFOMATION LITEACY Critical Information Literacy: Communicating ProfessionallyCommunications in academic or professional arenas differ from communications taking place at a personal level. For example, personal communication could involve jokes,…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Literacy the Topic of Information

Words: 4349
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The other sector of life where information literacy is vital and omnipresent is the career field. It is not simply a matter of preference or choice. Many businesses actively…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Information Education

Words: 1743
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Paterson Public Schools School 28 or Public School Twenty Eight was erected in 1962. The president is John J. Pasquale and the vice president is Leonard R. Jacoby. The…

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2 Pages


Information Seeking Behavior Carol Kuhlthau and Marcia Bates

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Behaviors to Improve Customer Service Library scientists are confronted with patrons with a diverse background in library usage, as well as experience in accessing information from online resources. Understanding…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Information Technology

Critical Information Literacy Technology in Nursing

Words: 1602
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Technology in NursingIntroductionI possess a caring nature, and the decision to pursue a career in nursing was informed predominantly by the suitability of this characteristic in the nursing profession.…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Visual Literacy in Higher Education

Words: 3931
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper requires understanding and manipulating the processes used to create messages in the modern world" (Adams & Hamm, 2000, p. 22) in fact the student is expected to be…

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2 Pages


Importance of Different Literacies

Words: 682
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Literacy is more than knowing how to read and write in a given language. At the level of college education, literacy pertains to mastering the means of communication…

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3 Pages


CUNY Information Competency Tutorials Are Made Up

Words: 1054
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

CUNY Information Competency Tutorials are made up of eight different tutorials and quizzes. The topics covered in the tutorials include: Determine Your Information Needs, Define the Research Topic, Locate…

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