Interior Design Essays (Examples)

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Interior Design and Theories Architects Everywhere Have
Pages: 6 Words: 1648

Interior Design and Theories
"Architects everywhere have recognized the need of… a tool which may be put in the hands of creators of form, with the simple aim… of making the bad difficult and the good easy" (Corbusier).

Interior Design is considered to be a multi-faced art where an array of different arts and projects come together to turn a given space into an effective setting for the required purpose. In the past, the interiors of a building were put together instinctively. The development of society and complex architecture has contributed to the contemporary profession of interior designing. Today, many architects also work as interior designers to give the inside of a building a functional design that conforms to the theme of the entire structure.

Usually seen as a secondary to architecture, interior designing often involves a combination of architecture, industrial design, engineering and even craftsmanship to shape together a space for use.…...


Works Cited

Corbusier, Le. The Modulor. Foreword of 2nd Edition, n.d.

Kulahcioglu, Can. "History and Theory of Interior Architecture." n.d.

The Center for Palladian Studies in America, Inc.,. "Palladio and English-American Palladianism.." (n.d.).

Vitruve. Book 1. Preface, trans. Morgan.

Art - Interior Design Form
Pages: 3 Words: 856

In principle, all of my individual solutions looked good on paper and "worked" even after implementation; however, the inconveniences associated with some of the options should have been considered in the design phase. For one simple example, I chose a sleeper sofa and matching coffee table that was easily movable at night; it also worked nicely as a desk area during the day time in a small studio apartment. Initially, the solution worked perfectly, with the coffee table fitting in a closet, standing up on its end. During the design phase, I never anticipated that the dual use of the coffee table as a desk area would eventually conflict with the necessity of moving it and standing it on its end to use unfold the pull-out bed from the sofa..
On paper" the initial solution worked perfectly; in practice, that choice required moving all the "desktop" papers and other accumulated…...



Pennington, T. (2008). Good Design Can Change Your Life: Beautiful Rooms, Inspiring Stories. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Susanka, S, Obolensky, K. (2008). The Not So Big House: A Blueprint for the Way We Really Live. Newton, CT: Taunton Press.

Green Interior Design Just a
Pages: 5 Words: 1748

(2009). Feel the Green Under Your Toes. Retrieved April 6, 2010, from
Austin Energy. (2009). Sustainable Building Sourcebook: Floor Coverings. Retrieved April 5,

2010, from

DiClerico, Daniel. (2010). Home & Garden Blog: Some Low-VOC green finishes make the Grade in the latest Consumer Reports review of interior paints. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from

Earthshade. (2010). elcome to our "tree free" online catalog. Retrieved April 6, 2010, from

Eastern Blass Block. (2009). Commercial Glass Block. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from

Environmental all Systems. (2009). Environmental all Systems: Sustainable Design.

Retrieved April 5, 2010, from

Huntsman. (2008). Sustainable Chemistry Products at Huntsman Pigments. Retrieved April 6,

2010, from

Jones, Louise. (2008). United States Green Building council and LEED Certification /

Environmentally Responsible Interior Design. In Environmentally Responsible Design, Ed.

Dr. Louise Jones. Hoboken, NJ: John iley & Sons, Inc.

Laumer, John. (2005). Columbia Forest Products Converting to soy-Based Plywood Adhesive. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from

New American…...


Works Cited

Accor North America. (2009). Feel the Green Under Your Toes. Retrieved April 6, 2010, from .

Austin Energy. (2009). Sustainable Building Sourcebook: Floor Coverings. Retrieved April 5,

2010, from

DiClerico, Daniel. (2010). Home & Garden Blog: Some Low-VOC green finishes make the Grade in the latest Consumer Reports review of interior paints. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from

Egyptian Influence on Interior Design
Pages: 3 Words: 992

Egyptian Art's Influence on the 1920's development of 'Art Deco' and Contemporary Interior Design Today
The triumph of art over nature. Thus Egyptian interior decor, art, and design may be contrasted with the art of Greece and Rome during the ancient, classical era. This triumph of art over nature as exhibited in Egyptian art and design, however, did not merely speak to the fashioners of this national language of art. It was to later experience a resurgence during the American 1920's and the period's manifestations of Art Deco, as spawned by the capitalist, modern, and standardized qualities of that period's art and culture. The ethos of standardization and commercialization in contemporary, popular interior design of course still exists today in the world and cityscapes around us, and thus shows the continued and lingering influence of this ancient form of understanding the human body and the human construction of social space. (Collectics,…...


Works Cited

The Andy Warhol Museum. 2002.

Art Deco." Antique Jewelry Online. 2004. Antique Jewelry

Art Deco: Architecture." Retropolis. 2004

International Style Architecture and Interior Design
Pages: 5 Words: 1544

International Style of Design & Architecture
The International Style

In the 1920s and the 1930sa major architectural and design style emerged that was referred to as the International Style by Henry-ussell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson in their book titled the International Style (Hasan-Uddin & Jodidia 2009). Hitchcock and Johnson published the book in order to catalogue and preserve a record of the work introduced at the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture that took place in 1932 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City (Hasan-Uddin & Jodidia 2009). Other references to the International Style category are attributed to Walter Gropius, a pioneer of modern architecture, in his book Internationale Architektur, and to Ludwig Hilberseimer in Internationale neue Baukunst (Hasan-Uddin & Jodidia 2009). Circa 1900, architects across the globe had begun to devise innovative solutions that allowed them to integrate traditional precedents with new technological possibilities and enduring social demands (Hasan-Uddin…...


References 3

Hasan-Uddin K. And Jodidia, P "International Style" Cologne, Germany: Taschen, (2009).

Henry-Russell H. And Johnson, P "The International Style" New York, NY W.W. Norton & Company, (1997).

Jarzombek, M "The Disciplinary Dislocations of Architectural History," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 58: 3 (September 1999)

Environmental and Interior Design Environment for Disabled and Elderly Population
Pages: 3 Words: 704

Environmental Design
Environmental & Interior Design_ Environment for Disabled and elderly population

Environmental design: Summary


At times, it has been difficult to reconcile environmental design with aesthetics and the practical needs of populations. Environmental design strives to serve the needs of the persons who inhabit spaces rather than focus on the aesthetics of architecture alone. Environmental psychology is the study of how inhabitants relate to the area they inhabit and how design can have an effect on their behaviors (Kopec 2006: xii)

Environments for disabled and elderly populations

Being challenged with disabilities or the limits of age can make it difficult to perform acts of daily living. However, by creating structures with an eye upon the needs of the population and the demands of their acts of daily life (ADL), planners and builders can empower residents with physical challenges to remain independent as long as possible. Because of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commercial…...



Kopec, Dan. (2006). Environmental design. New York: Fairchild.

Decorative Hardware in Interior Design in the US and the Different Styles
Pages: 4 Words: 1192

History of Decorative Hardware in the U.S.
As man became more civilized and began to build more complex structures in which to live, he began to need certain accoutrements to aid with these structures. As man began to put doors on his structures, he found it unwieldy to pick up the door and move it every time. So, he invented the door hinge. With the advent of windows came the need for shutters and shutters too worked better with hinges. Much of this early hardware was rudimentary and primitive, none the less, it worked. The first doorknobs probably consisted of a piece of rope attacked to the door to pull it open and closed.

As civilization advanced, so did their structures. The Civil War era added stairs and thus the need for railings and banisters. The post-civil war era saw many advancements in inventions to make people's lives more convenient, such as…...


Gordon and Hartman, 2000

Willow Glen Kitchen and Bath. Willow Glen Kitchen & Bath's Kitchen Workbook. Self Published. 1996.

Gordon and Hartman, 2000

Style of Interior Designer Philippe Stark
Pages: 2 Words: 681

Philippe Stark
Biography of Philippe Stark

Philippe Stark was born in Paris in 1949 the son of an aircraft designer ( Starck spent his childhood under his father's drawing boards, sawing, cutting, gluing, and sanding, dismantling bikes, motorcycles and other objects ( He attended the Ecole Nissim de Camondo in Paris and he set up his first company in 1968 to produce inflatable objects ( In the 1970s he fitted out the Paris night-clubs La Main Bleue (1976) and Les Bains-Douches (1978) and decorated a suite in the Elysee Palace in Paris in 1982 for French president Francois Mitterand ( Starck has worked independently as an interior designer and as a product designer since 1975 ("Philippe Stark"). Since then he has reached a phenomenal international reputation in hotel interiors, furniture design and domestic products ( Not limited to any particular medium, Stark has also designed a number of private dwelling houses and…...



Designboom. "Philippe Starck." Designboom. May 23, 2005. Web. December 13, 2010. .

Wikipedia contributors. "Philippe Starck." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 6 Dec. 2010. Web. 13 Dec. 2010.

Allmodern. "Designer Spotlight: Philippe Starck." 2009. Web. December 13, 2010. .

Why Employing 6 Interior Designers Sales People at Ethan Allen Is Better Than 10
Pages: 8 Words: 2107

Ethan Allen

usiness Analyst

Ethan Allen Designers: Case Study on Employee Management

Problem Analysis, Solutions and Recommendations.

usiness Analyst

Low Employee Motivation

Employee's Needs and Organization's Needs Not Consistent

Employees Cannot Work as a Team

Commission Only System ad for Morale

Resistance to Change

Alternative Solutions

Pay Salary Only

Operate as a Team

Hire Two More Employees

Employ Six Designers and Introduce Overtime Payments

Hire Assistant Designers

This report has been prepared for the design firm, Ethan Allen. The company currently wishes to expand its design team to ten designers instead of the current eight. The reaction of the employees to this decision shows various problems within the organization.

These problems are related to employee morale with the commission-only pay structure central to the problem. The pay structure is a symbol that the employees goals are not effectively aligned with the organization's goals. Along with this problem comes various others including high employee turnover and low morale.

After analyzing the problems it is recommended that the company employ…...



Billsberry, J. The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations. London: SAGE Publications, 2000.

Daft, R.L. Management. Fort Worth: The Dryden Press, 1998.

Kristoff-Brown, A.L. "Goal Congruence in Project Teams: Does Fit Between Members' Personal Mastery and Performance Goals Matter?" Journal of Applied Psychology. 86.6 (2001): 1083-1095.

McGraw, T. Personal communication, March 24th, 2002.

Romantic and Modern Design Styles Comparing the
Pages: 6 Words: 1568

Romantic and Modern Design Styles
Comparing the Ornate and the Natural: A Study of Two Theories of Design

History often dictates societal mentality more so than current climate, yet in times of peace, it seems that the beautiful and the artful flourish. This very concept is debatable, especially in interior design, where the fashions of the time very often have a much-felt impact upon design theories and the way in which they are carried out. Yet it is in history that one finds inspiration, or the contradiction thereof. For instance, during the mid to late 19th century, it was against history that romanticism was born. Yet in the early 20th century, immediately following this period of romanticism, it was out of a societal need for simplicity prior to the two Great ars that a more natural aesthetic was born, expressed so perfectly by the architect Frank Lloyd right. The following paragraphs will…...


Works Cited:

1. Customer Notes -- Provided by Customer from Academic Notes and Books

2. Britannica Encyclopedia, (2012). Interior Design: The Romantic Movement and the Battle of the Styles. Retrieved from, 

3. Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, (2012). Wright's Life and Work. Retrieved from, 

4. Pile, J. (1997). Color in Interior Design. McGraw-Hill: New York.

Env Design the Field of Ergonomics Takes
Pages: 2 Words: 440

Env Design
The field of ergonomics takes into account the following:

Anthropometrics (body measurements)

Biomechanics and physiology

Environmental Ergonomics.

Cognitive ergonomics

Ergonomics design and evaluation

Ergonomics specific needs

Ergonomics law

Three Components of Ergonomics and Environmental / Interior Design

• Anthropometry: body size, strength, shape, and work capacity.

• Ergonomics: study of behavior and activities of people; adapting systems and workstations to the needs of users; different applications in various fields such as biomechanics, environmental, cognitive science

• Relation to Environmental / Interior Design: "Anthropometric data are used to design workspaces, safety equipment and personal protection tools considering the differences between the characteristics, abilities, and physical limits of any particular human body," (p 3)

Key Points of Ergonomic Design

Appropriate for the end user (age, gender)

Do not rely on "average man" theory, which rarely works

Keep in mind reach, clearance, and adjustability factors

Time and funding are considerations in the design and engineering process

Case Study: Hospital Surgical Workplace

The same principles that govern design in other areas…...

Domestic Interiors Is a Significant Part of
Pages: 4 Words: 1092

Domestic interiors is a significant part of our lives because we live and spend a good part of our time indoors. We may love the outdoors, but it also represents the freedom we get from staying indoors and the reality that a good part of our lives are confined within four walls. We sleep, eat and do other activities at home, work in buildings or factories, study in schools and colleges and entertain in restaurants, galleries and theaters. All this makes domestic interiors an important aspect of living.
Human beings are believed to have appeared on earth 1.7 million years ago and history shows that primitive shelters were used by our ancestors for comfort and protection. The earliest known dwellings have been caves or other homes made of materials that were readily available in the region like mud, stones, sticks, animal skins, tree barks and leaves. Since then, we have made…...



Pile, John. 2005. A History of Interior Design. London, UK: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.

American Federation of Arts. 1912. Magazine of Art, Volume 3. Washington DC: American Federation of Arts.

Victorian Station, 2006. Interior Design. [online]. Available at:   [Accessed 20 October 2011]. 

Kaufmann, Edgar; MMA. 1970. Introductions to Modern Design. Ayer Publishing.

Relation of Human Factors and Interior Space Design
Pages: 3 Words: 895

Human Factors and Interior Space Design
The objective of this work in writing is to summarize the article entitled "The Relation of Human Factors and Interior Space Design." This article begins by noting the importance of the human having tools that fit them well and that this was realized early in the development of the human species. Specifically, this article notes that Australopithecus Prometheus "selected pebble tools and made scoops from antelope bones in a clear display of selecting/creating objects to make tasks easier to accomplish." (p.3) Over the centuries there was improvement in the effectiveness of the tools as discovered by anthropologists and archaeologists including tools such as hammers, plows and axes. During the Industrial Revolution, more advanced machines were developed that assisted man with his work including such as the spinning Jenny and the rolling mills.

The methodology utilized in the study under review is reported to have been…...

Conspicuous Consumption Design and Purpose
Pages: 8 Words: 2507

The notable exception to this layout of the various departments of the casino at The Venetian is again its Sports-ook, which is entirely rounded into a half-circle and therefore gives an air of having consumed far more resources than a rectangular shaped Sports-ook would. It is easy to craft a desk that is straight, to cut the wood in a way that makes it have strong borders and edges; for that reason most desks that you see are straight. To cut the wood so as to make it rounded is far more difficult, and someone looking at such a curved piece of wood would have to assume high expense involved in procuring and designing wood in such a fashion.

In the center of the floor of the Venetian (and not all casinos are like this) are the slot machines, conspicuous examples of mass expenditure, ringing and glittering and flashing lights. To…...



1. Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class, taken from Michael Lewis (ed.), The Real Price of Everything (Sterling, 2007), 1048-1227.

2. Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, taken from Great Books of the Western World, Volume 40 (Britannica, 1952)

3. Jason Goetz, The Bubble Boys: How Mistaken Educational Ideals and Practices are Causing a Warped Social Fabric (CreateSpace, 2011)

4. Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or to Succeed (The Penguin Press, 2005)

Edr What Is Environmental Design Research Design
Pages: 4 Words: 1197

What is Environmental Design Research?

Design and art can accept scientific principles

Environmental Design Research (EDR) = the study of the mutual relationships between human beings and the physical environment at all scales, and applications of the knowledge thus gained to improving the quality of life through better informed environmental policy, planning, design, and education. (passive and active definition)

EDR is related to many other areas of the social sciences


building science or structural engineering

Design practice

Eg. An architect does research to apply to a single building project, but EDR applies research to things like job satisfaction and other measurable results that advance the whole field.


Basic Research (generation, discovery of knowledge)

Applied Research (answering specific questions related to specific social policy or context)

Research Applications (apply research to policy, plans, designs)

**Must communicate results to policy/professional applications

EDR = Environmental Psychology = Environmental Behavior Studies

2. History and Impact of the Field

Systematic research began in 1950s:


I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on codiaeum variegatum. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 343

1. The history and cultural significance of Codiaeum variegatum as a decorative houseplant.
2. The importance of proper care and maintenance for Codiaeum variegatum to ensure optimal growth and vibrant foliage.
3. The role of Codiaeum variegatum in indoor air purification and its impact on indoor air quality.
4. The different varieties and colors of Codiaeum variegatum and how they add diversity to indoor plant collections.
5. The potential health benefits of Codiaeum variegatum, such as stress reduction and mood enhancement, based on scientific research.
6. The propagation methods and best practices for growing Codiaeum variegatum from cuttings or seeds.
7. The environmental impact of Codiaeum....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on codiaeum variegatum. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 535

Topic 1: The Evolution and Cultivation of Codiaeum Variegatum

Trace the evolutionary history of Codiaeum variegatum and its place within the genus.
Discuss the origin and diversity of its variegated leaf patterns.
Examine the history of its cultivation, from its initial discovery to its global popularity as an ornamental plant.

Topic 2: The Physiology of Variegation in Codiaeum Variegatum

Explain the genetic and cellular mechanisms underlying the varied leaf colors and patterns in Codiaeum variegatum.
Describe the role of pigments, chloroplasts, and other cellular components in leaf variegation.
Discuss the environmental factors that influence the expression of variegation traits.

Topic 3: The....

What essay topics could be interesting on codiaeum variegatum?
Words: 349

1. The history and origins of Codiaeum variegatum as a popular houseplant
2. The different varieties and cultivars of Codiaeum variegatum and their unique characteristics
3. The care and maintenance of Codiaeum variegatum, including watering, light requirements, and pest control
4. The symbolism and cultural significance of Codiaeum variegatum in different societies
5. The potential health benefits of having Codiaeum variegatum as a houseplant, such as improving air quality and reducing stress
6. The use of Codiaeum variegatum in landscaping and garden design
7. The role of Codiaeum variegatum in traditional medicine and herbal remedies
8. The impact of climate change and environmental factors on the cultivation....

What essay topics could be interesting on codiaeum variegatum?
Words: 397

Ornamental and Cultural Significance of Codiaeum Variegatum

Exploring the diverse colors, patterns, and cultivars of Codiaeum variegatum, and their aesthetic and cultural significance in different regions.
The role of Codiaeum variegatum in traditional and contemporary horticulture, including its use in landscaping, interior design, and botanical gardens.

Environmental Impacts and Sustainability

The ecological effects of Codiaeum variegatum on local ecosystems, considering its invasive potential and impact on native species.
Sustainable practices for cultivating Codiaeum variegatum, including responsible propagation, soil management, and pest control techniques.
The potential of Codiaeum variegatum to contribute to urban greening and biodiversity conservation efforts.

Botanical and Genetic Studies


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