Internet Privacy Essays (Examples)

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Internet Privacy the Main Issue
Pages: 4 Words: 1412

According to the current laws, which are not really up to speed yet, an employer can monitor employee email if he or she has a legitimate business purpose for doing so. There is a belief that, because the employer has an email and computer system for employee use, the computer system (as well as the resulting email and browsing history) is the property of the employer. hile this makes sense, some states have enacted 'right to privacy' laws so that companies cannot make this claim against their employees and cannot monitor what they do on the Internet during company time. It then becomes difficult to balance the need to supervise and control employees with the need to make sure that those same employees' rights are not being violated by their employers. There is no clear legal rule as to what is acceptable and what is not in the field of…...


Works Cited

Boustani, Eric Bakri. (2002). An Employer's Approach to Email Policies.

Loney, Matt. (2002). Covert Staff Surveillance 'Illegal'. ZDNet UK.,t269-s2108075,00.html .

Monitoring Your Employees' Email, Voicemail, Telephone and Internet Use. (2002). Nolo. .

Purdy, LeAnn. Email in the Workplace. (2000).

Internet Privacy the Internet Has
Pages: 4 Words: 1357

In this sense, internet privacy represents a challenge indeed.
Internet privacy is a relatively new term and the definitions are therefore rather scarce or general. For instance, it can be defined as "the ability of individuals to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others." (Givens, 1999) in this sense, privacy is a matter of personal choice and is therefore subject to prior agreement from the individual. However, considering the fact that the internet is a global network in which high technology plays the most important role and without which none of the benefits of communication would be possible, it is rather hard to control the degree to which one's privacy is violated.

One of the most important players in the debate over internet privacy is the federal government. The terrorist threat represented a powerful alarm signal for the defense system, with everything…...


Works Cited

Givens, Beth. The Emperor's New Clothes: Privacy on the Internet in 1999. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. 1999. 15 June 2007 

Jones, Jennifer, and McCarthy, Jack. Government ponders Internet privacy issues. Infoworld. 2007. 15 June 2007 

Macura, Katarzyna J. "Communicating on the Internet." Radiological Society of North America. 2007. 15 June 2007 

Public Records on the Internet: The Privacy Dilemma. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. 2006.

Internet Privacy the Greatest Challenge to the
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Internet Privacy
The greatest challenge to the legal foundations of the Internet is the continual assault on individual privacy, brought about by continually loosening standards as to how personal data is used, stored and tracked online. Foremost among these threats is the relentless use of personal data from websites, social networks and other online forums where people are coaxed into giving up as much data as possible to support advertising strategy-based business models (Christiansen, 2011). This is the greatest possible threat to individual liberties as it strikes at the core of a person's dignity online and their ability to trust websites they actively engage with and rely on for their work or social lives (Dhillon, Moores, 2001). Facebook is among the most egregious of violators, with a history of being hypocritical in their approach to personal information privacy while building a business model worth many billions of dollars (Chai, Bagchi-Sen, Morrell,…...



Chai, S., Bagchi-Sen, S., Morrell, C., Rao, H.R., & Upadhyaya, S.J. (2009). Internet and online information privacy: An exploratory study of preteens and early teens. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 52(2), 167.

Christiansen, L. (2011). Personal privacy and internet marketing: An impossible conflict or a marriage made in heaven? Business Horizons, 54(6), 509.

Dhillon, G.S., & Moores, T.T. (2001). Internet privacy: Interpreting key issues. Information Resources Management Journal, 14(4), 33-37.

Dinev, T., & Hart, P. (2006). Internet privacy concerns and social awareness as determinants of intention to transact.International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10(2), 7-29.

Internet Privacy for High School Students
Pages: 40 Words: 12595

Internet Privacy for High School Students
The unrestrained stream of information is conceived necessary for democracies and market-based economies. The capability of the Internet to make available the vast quantity of information to practically everyone, irrespective of their locations thus entails large benefits. The Internet provides access to the greatest libraries of the world to the students even in the smallest towns and permit the medical specialists to analyze the patients situated about thousands of miles away. The attribute of interactivity of the Internet fosters communication and personal and political expression. The Internet also assists to make the economies progress as it enhances the ease, speed and cost effectiveness with regard to the collection, compilation and delivery around the world to the multiple extent. The electronic commerce will decline the business costs as companies are able to take the benefits of enhanced access to customers, products and suppliers worldwide along with…...



Baskin, Joy Surratt; Surratt, Jim. "Student Privacy Rights and Wrongs on the Web" School Administrator. Vol: 35; No: 2; pp: 102, 114-116

Beth Givens, (February 2000) "Privacy Expectations in a High Tech World" Computer and High Technology Law Journal. Retrieved from   Accessed on 14 April, 2005 

'Board Policy with Guidelines Date Subject: Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy" (17 July, 2001) North Sanpete School District Policy. Number V-30. Retrieved from Accessed on 14 April, 2005

Brooks-Young, Susan. (November-December, 2000) "Internet usage update" Today's Catholic Teacher. Vol: 17: No: 2; pp: 53-56

Internet Privacy When Life Is
Pages: 1 Words: 380

Even sex, she said, because everybody has a sexual nature. In other words, she accepted living her life as "an open book."
She saw the trend on Internet web sites such as Myspace as an extension of life in a small town. The difference today, however, is that a record is being kept for all time. The Einsteins and Ghandi's of tomorrow will be there, sharing their thoughts, feelings, revelations, and what it is like to them. it'll be great for scholars and people doing history. Of course, older people who were raised to keep certain things to themselves -- like how much money they earn, the details of their love lives, and their drug and alcohol habits -- will feel that sharing such information so openly is inappropriate. Privacy is a value, and it's hard to change values learned early in life. Plus, as Shirkey argued in the article,…...

social media postings and the internet privacy
Pages: 1 Words: 446

Internet privacy: Social media posts that lead to an employee being fired The virtual world that is the internet resents myriad of challenges particularly when professionally dealing with the internet in a organizational setting. The issue of knowing what should be put out there and what should not has been contentious issue among many organizations and employees have found themselves at crossroads over what they post as individuals on their own behalf and how people interpret such posting over the internet and its effect on the image of the organization. Several employees have had to retract their postings and even some sacked from their organizations over the post they make.
The resources to be utilized herein are:
Weiss J,. (2014). A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach by Joseph Weiss. Retrieved August 24,2018 from
This is the full version of the book hosted on an academic website hence instrumental in researching about the unethical…...

Internet Privacy
Pages: 17 Words: 5412

Filter Bubble
A Review of hat the Internet Is Hiding From You

This paper reviews the book, The Filter Bubble: hat the Internet is Hiding from You, by Eli Pariser. The purpose of this paper is to analyze this book in an attempt to determine where the future of the internet is headed. The Filter Bubble begins with an overview of how Google began customizing its search results for intent users in 2009 and the results of that customization. The author hypothesizes that the future of the net is personalization. This is the undertone of the entire work. Follow up pieces by the Economist, including several supporting articles, suggest that personalization is indeed the future of the internet. These articles, while not cited by page number as they are online, do show that personalization is occurring. This however, is leading to decreased privacy over the web. This is a primary point Pariser…...


Works Cited

Alexander, Christopher, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein.. A Pattern Language: Towns, buildings, construction. New York: Oxford University Press. 1977.

Battelle, John. The Search: How Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture. New York: Portfolio, 2005.

"Black hates, grey hairs. A shake-up in the hacker underground and fresh attacks suggest change is coming up to computer security." Aug 6, 2011. The Economist. Retrieved: 

"Breaching the great firewall. Home-grown micro blogs are succeeding where Twitter failed."

Regulating Internet Privacy Regulation Has Remained Pinnacle
Pages: 3 Words: 1242

egulating Internet Privacy
Privacy regulation has remained pinnacle of issues that got birth with internet. Every innovation in technology is at the expense of privacy; it is no more there as most of technicians believe. A layman using internet does not find how and when his personal information is can be traced by someone else; privacy at workplace that was once enjoyed by the employees is no more at one's disposal, and the never ending cookies and internet bugs allow heightened levels of internet surveillance. General public, heedlessly, isn't aware of such issues and is jolted only when such issues are raised on media. Marc otenberg tells us about its importance, "Privacy will be to the information economy of the next century what consumer protection and environmental concerns have been to the industrial society of the 20th century" (Spinello, 2003).

What is the extent of privacy erosion? Where is it necessary and…...



Lugaresi, N. (2010). Electronic privacy in the workplace: Transparency and responsibility. International review of law, computers & technology, 24(2).

OECD guidelines on the protection of privacy and transporter flows of personal data. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2013, from 

Schwartz, Paul M. (2000). Internet privacy and the state. Connecticut Law Review, Vol. 32, spring.

Spinally, R.A. (2003). Cyber Ethics: Morality and law in cyberspace. Canada, CA: Jones and Barlett Publishers.

Computer Ethics Internet Privacy One
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

Unfortunately, many consumers may not be aware of their photographic image being used in this fashion and even if they were, existing privacy laws fail to provide any substantive protections. For example, in response to these trends, the Harvard Law eview published an essay entitled, "In the Face of Danger: Facial ecognition and Privacy Law," with a majority of the article describing how "privacy law, in its current form, is of no help to those unwillingly tagged" (2007, para. 3). These issues have become even more salient because of the proliferation of social networking sites as discussed further below.

Privacy within social networking sites

Currently, there is a wide array of social media networks available, including social sharing sites such as YouTube and Flickr and social networks such as Linkedln and Facebook (Hensel & Deis, 2010). Others such as Spokeo and Twitter have become the virtual meeting places of choice for millions…...



Bamberger, K.A. & Mulligan, D.K. (2011). Privacy on the books and on the ground. Stanford Law Review, 63(2), 247-249.

Brodkin, J. (2009, December 8). PCWorld. Retrieved from 


Buchholz, R.A. & Rosenthal, S.B. (2006). Internet privacy: Individual rights and the common good. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 67(1), 34-36.

Employee E-Mail and Internet Privacy Policies the
Pages: 2 Words: 639

Employee E-Mail and Internet Privacy Policies
The increased usage of the Internet and e-mail has changed the way companies do business. Nearly instantaneous communication can take place globally. Information on a countless number of topics can now be accessed from anywhere around the world. These technological developments have not only helped employees increase their efficiencies, but also has given them a new means of distraction from their duties. For this reason, many companies have developed e-mail and Internet policies.

At my job, our e-mail policy states that e-mails should not include illegal or libelous statements. E-mail is to be used for business purposes only and e-mail communications are the property of the company. For this reason, the company may access sent and received from work computers at any time, this includes deleted e-mails that are stored on the company's servers. The Internet policy is similar in that the Internet is also to…...



Fact sheet 7: Workplace privacy and employee monitoring. (2010). Retrieved 6 Dec 2010, from .

Privacy rights of employees using workplace computers in California. (2010). Retrieved 6 Dec 2010, from .

Regulations Internet Privacy -- Let
Pages: 3 Words: 929

The same survey quoted by Ries noted that 92% of respondents do not trust online companies to keep personal information confidential and 82% believe that the government should regulate use of personal information by online companies. (FTC Study, 2-3)
If companies do not respond, not only will business stand in danger of being over-regulated by the government, but also consumers may not trust sites and withdraw their business. This was recognized, not by a liberal publication, but the stalwart defender of capitalism known as Business eek. To stem consumer privacy fears, the publication proposed a four-point plan to protect online consumer privacy through relatively non-invasive federal legislation. The plan has the added advantage of being similar to the data privacy requirements adopted by the European Union, another concern, given the increasingly international nature of internet commerce -- and it might be added the United States cannot afford to lag behind…...


Works Cited

Business Week. (29 Mar 2000) "Online Privacy it's time for rules in Wonderland." Retrieved 5 Mar 2005 from version,

FTC. (2000) "Privacy Online." A Report to Congress. Retrieved 5 Mar 2005 from

Ries, David. (2001) "Protecting online consumer privacy: an overview." Retrieved 5 Mar 2005 at

Vericept Company Internet Privacy in
Pages: 1 Words: 426

While this may seem absurd, on the other hand, careless employees, if not monitored, could actually expose private customer data in a dangerous fashion -- an employee who accesses his work account on his computer through a wireless network in a public place could be hacked, and cause grief to a customer as well as himself.
A utilitarian might state that the greatest good for the greatest number lies in stringent scrutiny of employees -- after all, the number of people potentially harmed by security breaches is far greater than the one or two employees who must self-monitor their email more carefully. Thus employers should have the right to exercise oversight of customer data and employee use of corporate information and technology, at home and at work. But a Kantian would respond that to set such a precedent is dangerous, and leaves open the possibility that someday all workers who…...

Privacy for High School Students
Pages: 40 Words: 12892

Internet: Privacy for High School Students
An Analysis of Privacy Issues and High School Students in the United States Today

In the Age of Information, the issue of invasion of privacy continues to dominate the headlines. More and more people, it seems, are becoming victims of identity theft, one of the major forms of privacy invasion, and personal information on just about everyone in the world is available at the click of a mouse. In this environment, can anyone, especially high school students, reasonably expect to have any degree of privacy? High school students, after all, are not protected by many of the same constitutional guarantees as adults, but their needs for privacy may be as great, or greater, than their adult counterparts. To determine what measure of privacy, if any, high schools students can expect at home and school today, this paper provides an overview of the issue of privacy, followed…...



Alarming Number of Teens Addicted to the Internet. (2001, February 1). Korea Times, 3.

Albanes, R., Armitay, O., Fischer, B., & Warner, J. (1998). Marijuana, Juveniles, and the Police: What High-School Students Believe about Detection and Enforcement.

Canadian Journal of Criminology, 40(4), 401-20.

Black's law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Internet Profiling and Privacy This
Pages: 12 Words: 3885

Ethics is an essential part of the individual condition. As an important person who starts up a large business as well as deals on a daily basis with other corporation at all arena of expansion so basically business ethics is lively and glowing plus hotly chat about in boardrooms all over the world. Furthermore for the majority of administration and boards know their accountability goes well beyond periodical results. These corporations consist of one component of a much larger arena that has lost its cooperative acceptance for unprincipled actions. Moreover, if an individual is in scripting copy and keeping a client's electronic business or electronic commerce website think about the consumer confidentiality and legal issues which includes publishing and copywriting for a customer is an evidence of how they are out looked to the rest of the earth. pessimistic or offensive piece of writing published as regards a variety…...


Works Cited

Graham JH Smith, Partner Bird & Bird, et al. Internet Law and Regulation. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, 2007.

David R. Johnson and David G. Post, et al. Law and Borders - the Rise of Law in Cyberspace. Standford Law Review, 1996.

CRS Report for Congress. Rev. Of Internet Privacy: Overview and Pending Legislation, by Macia S. Smith. The Libary of Congress July 10, 2003.

Hamlet, Clay, and Mike Strube. "Community Banks Go Online." ABA Banking Journal, 2003.

Internet Laws
Pages: 8 Words: 3271

Internet Ethics and the consumer's private existence in an unstable regulatory environment -- untapped economic waters in a wild, wild west of identity theft and chronic consumption
hen it comes to Internet ethics, even in the absence of legal requirements, businesses must themselves self-regulate when it comes to consumer privacy. If they do not, it is likely that the government will step in to do so, as the government has done in the European Union. This will only hurt businesses economically, and do damage to the equal ethical obligation corporations owe to shareholders. Furthermore, good business sense is about trust between the consumer and the business, and this is not honored when businesses unfairly spy upon casual surfers of their websites, or use consumer data for their own profit as well as research and marketing purposes.

Americans, according to a recent poll cited by J. Hodges in the journal of the Internal…...


Works Cited

Ewald, Helen. (April 1, 2003) "You're a Guaranteed Winner: Composing the You of Consumer Culture" Journal of Business Communication.

Hodges, J. (Feb 2001): No Faith in the System - consumer service shows Internet users concerned about privacy." Internal Auditor. Retrived 8 Jan 2005 at 

Kaess, Ken. (June 2004) "Emotion in Advertising." Journal of Advertising Research.

Lofton, Lynn. (October 2004) "Offices Enforce Acceptable Policies to Keep Up with Tech." Mississippi Business Journal.

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