Inventions Essays (Examples)

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Invention of Gun Powder and the Impact it Had on the Chinese Society and Warfare
The invention of gunpowder was driven by the quest for unending life. Gunpowder, however, ended up being more or less a death potion, responsible for the development of the deadliest war weapon, after the atomic bomb. An invention dating back to the Song and Tang Dynasties, between the 9th and 11th centuries, gunpowder came to be considered one of China's "Four Great Ancient Inventions,' alongside the compass, printing, and papermaking. Due to its explosive nature, gunpowder was first used for fireworks, and later, as an explosive in war. Prior to gunpowder invention, the Chinese military used fire as their main war weapon. Fire, however, had limited coverage, and Chinese strategists sought to develop a weapon with wider coverage.

Gunpowder was employed in warfare in the 15th century. It evolved from the ancient cannon to the modern-day firearm.….

com). Although basic trackball mice are still commercially available, they have been largely overshadowed by newer versions of the computer mouse based on optical and laser technologies. All computer mice allow the user to control the position of a cursor on the screen (or alternatively, a player position in a game) as the trackball, optical or laser sensors detect user movements and translate those into digital input. The mouse devices installed on the latest versions of laptop computers work differently from trackball and optical mice that are external to the computer but the underlying input principles are the same for laptop track pads and click buttons as they are for external mice. External mice may be wireless as well as wired, allowing users increased ergonomic flexibility.
Like most computer-related inventions, the mouse has had a positive effect on social change. Making computers more accessible to a greater number of people, making….

Energy is the basis of industrial civilization and modern society. There is little doubt that without energy, modern life would cease to exist. Over the last two hundred years, human beings have relied heavily on fossil fuels for their energy needs. Fossil fuels, however, are non-renewable and in limited supply and if we continue to use the earth's fossil fuel resources at the present rate, we would soon run out of the earth's fuel reserves. Moreover, burning of fossil fuels contributes to air pollution, acid rain, and global warming that could ultimately make life unsustainable on our planet. ith several promising alternate energy sources such as 'geothermal,' 'nuclear,' 'wind' and 'solar' power having proved either too expensive, too dangerous or impractical, the need for a new invention that provides an alternate fuel was never more urgent as it is today. The invention that I have in mind is the solution….

y then, the principles of division of labor and interchangeable parts had been successfully demonstrated by the American inventors Eli Whitney (1765-1825) and Samuel Colt (1814-1862). (Assembly Line - History)
The assembly line was first used on a large scale by the meat-packing industries of Chicago and Cincinnati during the 1870s. These slaughterhouses used monorail trolleys to move suspended carcasses past a line of stationary workers, each of whom did one specific task. Contrary to most factories' lines in which products are gradually put together step-by-step, this first assembly line was in fact more of a "disassembly" line, since each worker butchered a piece of a diminishing animal. The apparent breakthroughs in efficiency and productivity that were achieved by these meat packers were not immediately realized by any other industry until Ford designed his assembly line in 1913. Ford openly admitted using the meat-packing lines as a model. His success….

invention changed lives entrepreneurs . People vision determination helped shape world. My Canadian envention snowmobile. I present information interesting creative rest class. Things answer: hen invention snowbile created? ho invented ? here invented? hat impact invention society? How long invention ' '? Have improvements made invention? hat future invention? The emphasis presention entrepreneur enhanced consumer satifaction entrepreneur agent change.
Joseph-Armand Bombardier's snowmobile

As technology came to influence virtually every domain at the start of the twentieth century, people came across the difficulty of traveling through the countryside during winter. In spite of the fact that a series of devices were invented at the start of the century, none of them seemed capable of completing this task. As a result, people designed an all-terrain vehicle meant to transport individuals and freight over lands where other vehicles remained stuck. Some people felt that it was essential for them to get actively engaged in….

Invention by Design, by Henry Petroski, published in Cambridge, MA by the Harvard University Press in 1996. Specifically, it will discuss what in the book is relevant to the Mechanical Engineering program, the author's main points, and whether these points are valid or invalid. Henry Petroski's book takes engineering to a level that just about anyone can understand, and makes it interesting even to the layperson. This book is not only an excellent introduction to the many facets of engineering; it is also a fascinating look into engineering by example, from the simple paper clip to the complicated oeing 777 aircraft. It is a fascinating look into what makes good engineering, and what engineers actually do, and should be required reading for any engineering student.

On first glance, "Invention by Design" seems to be simply a book about engineering. However, the author has several differing thoughts and ideas….

Invention and Summarize the Significance of the Underlying Technology Innovation
The device titled the Thornton Adjustable Positioner or TAP is an oral/dental device worn in the patient's mouth during sleep to move the lower jaw slightly forward to create an open airway for proper breathing while sleeping. The device or some like them have been previously tried on minor sleep disturbances such as snoring, yet, their efficacy has been unknown for more serious problems such as mild to severe sleep apnea. Sleep apnea, a disorder that creates oxygen deprivation during sleep and can moderately to severely affect the health of the individual first by depriving the individual of restful sleep and in more severe cases by creating oxygen deprivation that can lead to other chronic diseases or even acute death from asphyxia.

Up to this point the most commonly prescribed device for sleep apnea is a device that forces oxygen down….

Invention of the Swept Wing

This is a paper about the swept wing. There are five references used for this paper.

There have been a number of innovations in the field of aviation over the years. It is interesting to examine the swept wing and determine why it was developed, and if the wing performs the function it was designed for.

The Swept Wing

The theory behind "sweeping an aircraft's wing is to delay the drag rise caused by the formation of shock waves (" A planform is "the shape and layout of an airplane's wing. A swept-wing is a wing planform, used on high-speed aircraft that spend a considerable portion of their flight time the transonic, the range of velocities just below and above the speed of sound. The swept-wing is a wing that is bent back as some angle, instead of sticking straight out from the fuselage ("

A Swept Wing's Function

An extremely….

One of the main differences between the two texts is that language has changed to reflect shifts in gender norms. Notably, the newer version omits the word "obey" for the woman's marriage vows. Likewise the phrase "Who geveth this woman to be maried unto this man?" is also removed in the current version.

In spite of key differences related to tone and gender, many features have changed little in the Book of Common Prayer marriage ceremony. The exchange of rings is a similar feature. Also, the purpose of marriage is outlined to mention procreation in both texts. Heterosexual language prevails.

Thus, the general structure of the two documents are remarkably similar and shows that the Anglican Church has attempted to remain true to the original document. For example, a pithy introduction is soon followed by the exchange of vows and the "declaration of consent." The main differences between the two texts are….

When Serbia refused, Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia, forcing the mobilization of ussia to prevent the destruction of Serbia.
German forces mobilized in support of Austro-Hungary by prior agreement, and declared war on ussia in response to her mobilization of forces.

To avoid a war on two fronts, Germany attacked France because of the fear that France would attack Germany once Germany and ussia went to war against each other.

Britain entered the war against Germany because Germany invaded Belgium to bypass the most fortified approaches into France. By 1917, German attacks on neutral shipping bound for England provoked the U.S. To enter the war as well. Some of the first action of the wider war was the occupation of German colonies in Asia and Africa. By the end of the war, England was poised to rule much of the Middle East until after World War II, which control was ratified soon….

Barbara Hamby

Barbara Hamby's poem Invention has a fairly unique format. It is written in story mode that almost represents a stream of consciousness of the writer. Two lines are paired together before a break. However, the breaks do not correspond with punctuation and sentences are free to spill over into the next section. This creates an interesting and somewhat fragmented design for the poem's structure.

The begging of the poem eludes to the authors fascinations with the development of civilization and the technologies that have helped to move it along. She believes that if it were up to her then people would still be chasing boars and clubbing them to death. She doesn't believe that she could have come up with the technology herself to make these progressions. However, there is one exception; she believes she could handle the development of poetry and theatre.

Yet, inventions such as bread seem elusive. She….

Invention of Tradition

Traditions that are presented as age old and showcase a link between the distant past and present tend to have their origins in present times and are rather modern public, social, cultural and political manifestations. Most have their origins not more than three to four centuries ago. 'Invented traditions' is hence the name coined to aptly, if loosely, represent the devised or imposed (if forced) traditions seen today. These new traditions may have been instituted formally in recent times (and can be ascertained to a specific date or year) but were established very rapidly, and came to be recognized as traditions. The tradition of the royal broadcast of Christmas is an example, which illustrates the point. The broadcast started in Britain in 1932.
Invented traditions are those practices that are impressed upon the peoples of a nation or society or even a part of the society through repetition, making it a….

This software is used to perform common tasks like storage, data back up and data transfers.
Small and medium businesses have embraced this technology because it involves no start up costs (like servers, hard disks, technicians etc.) therefore making it cost effective. Basically payment is based on the storage space taken by the user, again, this makes it user friendly. It may also be referred to as hosted storage.

The flying Organizations

Smart companies are looking at the various aspects of the cloud and pushing some application into the cloud and some into the traditional data center environment. The most significant value of cloud computing is not just the cost benefit but agility for the whole business. This is done by creating an opportunity for firms to upload anything concerning their IT infrastructure to an outside provider. With cloud you only contract for the services you need and at the time that….

Suggested Invention

Fast Food -- Health Food

The United States has become royalty of the fast food industry and there have even been books and documentaries concerning the culture. Families today are on the move constantly, whether going to work, school, sports events, meetings, or social events. Driving through the "drive-through" has become a common routine and for many, a daily ritual. Society has become a "drive-through" society for everything from banking to prescriptions to dry-cleaning. People do not like to get out of their cars unless it is absolutely necessary. And driving up to a window to pick up food has become as much a way of life as the remote control for electronics.

In the year 2000, people in the United States spent approximately $110 billion on fast food (Fast pp). Fast food is undoubtedly a multi-billion dollar industry that is only going to continue to grow as lifestyles continue to become….

While many might feel inclined to believe that the first part of the book is primarily meant to discuss Auster's father, it is likely that the writer actually wanted the book as a whole to serve as an autobiographical account. This is basically an abstract book and it is difficult to provide a strict definition concerning the writer's intentions when writing it. However, it is nonetheless intriguing to embark on a journey of analysis and to express opinions concerning his exact feelings.

Although the second part of the book focuses primarily on the author, it is difficult to ignore the fact that he puts across feelings related to solitude, as he apparently feels that it would be difficult and almost impossible for him to be the person he wants to be. It practically appears that the first part of the book is meant to set the grounds for readers to be….

Looking at how cars were invented and reality quickly became the go-to transportation method for much of the world is fascinating.  While the automobile was invented in Germany and France, Henry Ford, who mastered automation and the mass production of cars, probably deserves much of the credit for the automobile’s early successes.  In fact, Ford’s focuses on wages and affordability probably deserve credit for the rise of the American middle class, suggesting that the history of the automobile and the history of the middle class are inextricably intertwined.

I. Introduction

A. Precursors....

Title: Reasons Why the US is the Best Country in the World

The United States of America is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential countries globally. As an epitome of democracy, economic strength, innovation, and cultural diversity, several reasons make the US the best country in the world today.

1. Political Stability:
The US boasts a stable political system that upholds the principles of democracy and individual liberties. Its robust system of checks and balances ensures accountability and prevents the concentration of power, making it an attractive destination for both citizens and immigrants.

2. Economic Powerhouse:
The United States possesses the....

Importance of Understanding the Law on E-Commerce

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, has revolutionized the way businesses and consumers interact. With the rise of the internet and digital technologies, transactions are increasingly taking place online, creating both opportunities and challenges that require a thorough understanding of the legal framework governing e-commerce.

1. Consumer Protection

E-commerce laws aim to protect consumers from unfair or deceptive practices. Consumers have specific rights related to online purchases, including:

Right to Accurate Information: Merchants must provide clear and accurate information about products and services, including descriptions, prices, and delivery terms.
Right to Return Goods: Consumers may have the right....

6 Pages


Invention of Gunpowder and the Impact it Had on the Chinese Society and Warfare

Words: 2193
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Invention of Gun Powder and the Impact it Had on the Chinese Society and Warfare The invention of gunpowder was driven by the quest for unending life. Gunpowder, however, ended…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Invention of Mouse the Computer

Words: 744
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

com). Although basic trackball mice are still commercially available, they have been largely overshadowed by newer versions of the computer mouse based on optical and laser technologies. All computer…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Invention Energy Is the Basis of Industrial

Words: 726
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Invention Energy is the basis of industrial civilization and modern society. There is little doubt that without energy, modern life would cease to exist. Over the last two hundred years,…

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4 Pages


Invention of the Assembly Line

Words: 1291
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

y then, the principles of division of labor and interchangeable parts had been successfully demonstrated by the American inventors Eli Whitney (1765-1825) and Samuel Colt (1814-1862). (Assembly Line…

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4 Pages


Invention Changed Lives Entrepreneurs People Vision

Words: 1230
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

invention changed lives entrepreneurs . People vision determination helped shape world. My Canadian envention snowmobile. I present information interesting creative rest class. Things answer: hen invention snowbile created?…

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5 Pages
Book Report


Invention by Design by Henry Petroski Published

Words: 1638
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Book Report

Invention by Design, by Henry Petroski, published in Cambridge, MA by the Harvard University Press in 1996. Specifically, it will discuss what in the book is relevant to…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Invention and Summarize the Significance of the

Words: 1156
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Invention and Summarize the Significance of the Underlying Technology Innovation The device titled the Thornton Adjustable Positioner or TAP is an oral/dental device worn in the patient's mouth during…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Invention of the Swept Wing

Words: 1662
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Aviation Invention of the Swept Wing This is a paper about the swept wing. There are five references used for this paper. There have been a number of innovations in the field…

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3 Pages


Invention of Electron Microscopes and

Words: 787
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

One of the main differences between the two texts is that language has changed to reflect shifts in gender norms. Notably, the newer version omits the word "obey" for…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Invention of Peace Discussion 1

Words: 573
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

When Serbia refused, Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia, forcing the mobilization of ussia to prevent the destruction of Serbia. German forces mobilized in support of Austro-Hungary by prior agreement,…

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2 Pages


Invention by Barbara Hamby

Words: 505
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Barbara Hamby Invention Barbara Hamby's poem Invention has a fairly unique format. It is written in story mode that almost represents a stream of consciousness of the writer. Two lines are…

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10 Pages


Invention of Tradition

Words: 3003
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Traditions that are presented as age old and showcase a link between the distant past and present tend to have their origins in present times and are rather modern…

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20 Pages
Capstone Project

Education - Computers

Invention of the Internet Has

Words: 6685
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

This software is used to perform common tasks like storage, data back up and data transfers. Small and medium businesses have embraced this technology because it involves no start…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Suggested Invention

Words: 491
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Invention Fast Food -- Health Food The United States has become royalty of the fast food industry and there have even been books and documentaries concerning the culture. Families today are…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Paul Auster's Book The Invention

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While many might feel inclined to believe that the first part of the book is primarily meant to discuss Auster's father, it is likely that the writer actually wanted…

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