Issues Essays (Examples)

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Though some nations have adopted laws prohibiting interfaith marriage, especially
in contexts where theocracy rules, others yet are simple obstruction in
unity by social and cultural barriers. Marriage is surely one way to
undermine the perceived meaning of such barriers.
To this extent, "the first problem to be confronted by anyone
interested in bringing about a Hindu-Muslim theological dialogue would be
to motivate both sides to enter into such dialogue with openness and
seriousness. To have such a dialogue in a estern setting where dialogues
are in fashion nowadays is one thing; to have it in India, Pakistan, or
Bangladesh is quite another, and to bring it -about would require much
talent and commitment." (Swidler, 270) Here though, is presented something
of a remarkable challenge and simultaneous opportunity for those who have
chosen an interfaith marriage. In such contexts, where sometimes dangerous
hostility is likely to exist toward such a union, the interfaith couple may
proudly demonstrate that which is possible in the opening….

Pastoral Counseling
Issues in the helping profession

Pastoral counseling: An overview

Multicultural sensitivities

Pastoral counselors today will inevitably come into contact with persons of widely varying cultural traditions. For example, when counseling someone regarding how to care for an elderly parent with whom the family is now residing, the counselor must be aware that different cultures view the elderly in different ways. For some people, taking care of older parents is considered to be a necessary obligation -- the extended family rather than the nuclear family is prioritized. The counselor will not necessarily alter his advice, but it should be nuanced and informed with cultural awareness.

In other matters, such as dealing with diverse religious groups and matters of sexual orientation, personal desire may seem to come into conflict with scripture. The counselor may state the position of his faith, but still approaches the client with a loving and open mind, rather than reacting in….

Issues in Ethiopia

Ethiopia and their effect on U.S. Interests

Cultures within Ethiopia

Ethiopia and their ability to influence a Local Issue 5

Ethiopia Influence on Regional Issues

Issues in Ethiopia and their effect on U.S. Interests

interests inside the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Area of Operations

This essay explores Ethiopia and the elements of reasoning, assess the cultures within Ethiopia and their ability to influence an issue of local, regional, or global importance and its effect on U.S. interests inside the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Area of Operations. It also involves Ethiopia's influence on local issues such as the food famine and not to mention the regional issues such as child soldiers and the conflicting battles going on in the surrounding regions.


Critical Reasoning Assessment of issues in Ethiopia and their effect on U.S. Interests


It is clear that the nation of Ethiopia is….

Issues and Ethics

To efficiently exercise ethical group therapy a therapist should internalize the morals, values, and behavioral make-up of each person within the group. Whereas group therapy has the tendency to attend to interactional and interpersonal, specific therapy generally looks at the intra-psychic. Group therapy has actually been shown to have efficient treatment advantages in the treatment with different mental and individual issues.

Principles in Counseling

Principles in counseling can be specified as: "the concepts of conduct regulating a specific individual or a group." Glosoff & Kocet (2005) highlights the ACA Code of Ethics which deal with the following "5 points: 1) the honest obligations held by its members 2) to support the goal of ACA 3) to develop concepts that specify honest habits and practices 4) offer honest standards to help specialists in building an expert strategy for those using counseling services which advertises the values of the counseling careers 5) to….

Another Country: Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Our Elders

Main Points:

Aging is one of the most important social, political, and economic issues in America at the moment.

People are living longer, but they are not necessarily living better.

It is important to have new models of aging that bring families together rather than condone or enable isolation and alienation.

There are cultural differences in attitudes toward the elderly.

Generation gaps also reveal points of divergence and reveal fractures in inter-generational communication.

Structure: Book is divided into three main parts comprising ten chapters, plus a prelude, an introduction, and a conclusion.

Part I. "Landscape of Age"

Chapter 1. "Another Country"

The author uses visiting another country as a metaphor for aging.

Example: When we try to communicate with someone from another country, there are cultural and language barriers. It is the same way when we speak to someone of another age group. We are used to being respectful of other cultures….

Issues in Policing

The police or law enforcement officers act as the initial contact between criminals and the criminal justice system. The main function of these law enforcement officers and agencies is to maintain law and order and protect the community from crime. One of the essential elements that enable the police to achieve their objectives, which is also considered as the backbone of policing, is patrol. As the central feature of police operations, majority of the law enforcement officers are assigned to patrol in order to deliver numerous police services to the public. The importance of patrol in police operations is also evident in the fact that patrol officers and patrol cars are the most visible symbols of law enforcement. The other aspects include the fact that patrol officers are the most significant decision makers in policing and the experience of patrol being a formative portion of an officer's career. The….

Education Advocacy Issues
Massive institutional racism and structural inequalities still exist in the United States, especially in housing, public education and the criminal justice system in inner city areas. In every urban area, the quality of education available to poor and minority students is demonstrably worse by any measure than that of their white peers in the suburbs. This type of institutional discrimination is not caused by genetic or cultural deprivation but by the fact that the U.S. has always been and remains a highly segregated and unequal society based on race and social class. Of course, this violates the liberal, egalitarian and meritocratic ideals on which the nation was (supposedly), but after all, the U.S. managed to survive with slavery for almost a hundred years after its founding, and with legal segregation and disenfranchisement of blacks for a hundred years after that. Chicago, Detroit, East St. Louis, Camden, New Jersey….

Health Care eform
Since his presidential campaign, President Obama has placed a priority on health care reform. He has consistently restated his intention to increase the public's access to quality health care, reduce overall costs, and improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery. The potential outcome would be public insurance options and new legal requirements for insurance companies. For example, companies would not be able to refuse or discontinue an individual's coverage based on preexisting conditions. The estimated cost for these health care reforms could be anywhere from $1 trillion to 1.2 trillion dollars over the next ten years. Clearly, many of these proposed changes can be viewed as positive, especially for Americans who do not have adequate health coverage or have lost coverage due to medical conditions. The major change resulting from this process is that public money, some from taxes, would be used underwrite the cost of care,….

Issues of Absentee Fathers

Absentee Fathers
Unfortunately, the scenario in which there are absentee fathers in a family has occurred far too frequently in contemporary society. This issue is more prevalent among certain social groups than among others. For instance, in communities in which there is poverty, substance abuse, high incidences of crime, and accordantly high rates of teenage pregnancy, there is a systematic destruction of the nuclear family. As such, the occurrence of absentee fathers is prevalent in these conditions, which do not infrequently affect African-Americans and other historic minority groups. There are several issues that absentee fathers create. Some of these include the fact that women have to take on the role that was traditionally assigned to men -- acting as the provider -- and become saddled with the responsibility of behaving as both the mother and a father. Additionally, children grow up with a lack of stable male presences in their….

Project management is a systematic methodology of attaining aims and objectives in a given criteria for instance time and budget spread on number of years. Project management has been behind every major project for instance man landing on the moon to polio campaigns throughout a country (Gray C and Larson, 2008).
The subject of project management has grown and blossomed over a number of years. It dates back to cavemen. The cavemen would hunt in groups for a successful hunt. The Egyptians used some form of project management to construct the pyramids of Giza we see today. This is a clear instance of how viably project management has been used during the past centuries (Gray C and Larson, 2008).

In case of modern era, the project management has been monumental in development of industries and other fields. It makes sure that a project is completed under a given deadline. This protocol is….

Sustainable Construction Issues
Waste eduction Process

Sustainability Construction Issues

Civil Engineer/Contractor comprehension

Legislation and creating awareness

Sustainable Construction Implementation

isks of Sustainable Construction

Adaptive reuse issues

ecycling of Waste Processes

f. Principles of Sustainable Construction

Global warming

Energy conservation

g. Procurement and the process design

The project cycle

The Design-Bid-Build approach (DBB)

Strategy, Plan and programming of the project

The Main Procurement Activities

h. Bombarding sustainable construction issues

Ideologies of sustainability, especially in construction are perceived in favor of sustainable development. A good contractor and civil engineer works at the best interest of meeting the demands of the current technicalities of constructions and correlation to the present generation. However, attainment of sustainability is faced by several issues that are patent to construction issues. Adequate concepts should be exemplified and comprehended to avoid misconceptions that in turn implicate to essential procedures of construction such as procurement and design processes. Similarly, sustainability construction should be maintained by noting the long-term impacts it has to the global economy, culture, environment and….

Faculty is Remote, but not Detached," published on the web by The New York Times, opportunities for online teachers are booming at universities across the country. Improvements in technology like Web streaming and Internet bulletin boards have made the Internet experience of learning more rewarding, effective, and popular than ever for undergraduates and graduate students alike. According to the most recent data available: "nearly 3.5 million students were taking online courses in the fall of 2006" (Tahmincioglu 2008).
This has brought individuals from outside the traditional university community and widened the range of professors students are exposed to in an educational setting. For example, a former marketing executive who "never dreamed she would be able to teach at a college" but who has "fallen in love with teaching" can continue her regular work, post her lessons online, and hold virtual office hours (Tahmincioglu 2008). This is also a reduced cost….

Healthcare Workers and Disasters
Disasters due to extreme environmental conditions, technology, or mass violence often necessitate intervention by healthcare workers. Therefore, it is important that healthcare workers are adequately prepared for the potential of disaster through appropriate training and education. This preparedness allows healthcare workers to approach and deal with any emerging issues effectively and adapt to drastically changing situations and demands. Furthermore, the roles of healthcare workers also often significantly change during or after disasters.

One of the most important issues with regards to healthcare workers in the context of disasters is preparedness. Hsu et al. (2006) recognized that there is a critical need for disaster training for all levels of healthcare training that is effective and evidence based. This training should include the development of specific guidelines and standards in training health care workers to respond to major events (Hsu et al., 2006). In response to this need for effective….

managerial accounting issues for MasterCard Worldwide. MasterCard is a multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Purchase, New York. Originally founded in 1966 as the Interbank Card Association, the company currently serves more than 24,000 financial institutions and other entities in more than 210 countries and territories. With 5,600 employees, the company's mission is promoting new, safer, and more convenient ways to pay, and accelerating the displacement of cash and checks. MasterCard's 2010 revenue was U.S.$5.539 billion, with net income of U.S.$1.846 billion.
According to their website, MasterCard's worldwide network processes more than 23 billion transactions per year. The network has the capacity to handle more than 160 million transactions per hour, with an average network response time of 130 milliseconds and a 99.9% reliability rate. MasterCard's global telecommunications network, known as Banknet, links all MasterCard issuers, acquirers, and data processing centers into a single financial network with its operations hub….

Acceptance of Jews in 18th Century Europe

The eighteenth century brought a sea change to philosophical, scientific, cultural, and social thought. This era, termed the Enlightenment, signaled a step toward freedom from dogmatic ignorance. When the floodgates opened in central and western Europe, England, and the Colonies, social norms and governance were critically examined, questioned, and often rejected.[footnoteRef:1] The thrust was toward rationality and it invited unprecedented consideration of religion and governance. Of the many groups who stood to be impacted by the Age of Reason, none were so visibly marginalized and stigmatized as European Jews. [1: C.W. Routledge, "The Status of Jewry in Europe," Chapter 41 [companion pdf], in Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, UK, accessed March 11, 2011,]

The Nexus of Change for European Jews

The humanitarian ideals of the Enlightenment prompted several prominent German spokesmen to engage in argument about the living conditions….

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....

The application does not have to be difficult. It should be used for you to state the issues, and then state the rules and facts that are related to those issues. Then you can explain how the facts do (or don't) meet the requirements of the rules. Next, state whether the court would find a defendant guilty or not based on the rules and the strength of the facts. The main thing to remember is not to leave loose ends. Make sure you address each one of the facts and the elements of the rule. It can help to make....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Issues Pertaining to Hindu-Muslim Interfaith

Words: 1674
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Though some nations have adopted laws prohibiting interfaith marriage, especially in contexts where theocracy rules, others yet are simple obstruction in unity by social and cultural barriers. Marriage is surely one…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions

Words: 973
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Pastoral Counseling Issues in the helping profession Pastoral counseling: An overview Multicultural sensitivities Pastoral counselors today will inevitably come into contact with persons of widely varying cultural traditions. For example, when counseling someone…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Literature - African

Issues in Ethiopia

Words: 2700
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethiopia and their effect on U.S. Interests REASONING ASSESSMENT OF ISSUES IN ETHIOPI Cultures within Ethiopia Ethiopia and their ability to influence a Local Issue 5 Ethiopia Influence on Regional Issues Issues in…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Issues and Ethics

Words: 1375
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethics To efficiently exercise ethical group therapy a therapist should internalize the morals, values, and behavioral make-up of each person within the group. Whereas group therapy has the tendency…

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2 Pages
Book Report


Issues of Aging Psychology

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Aging Another Country: Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Our Elders Main Points: Aging is one of the most important social, political, and economic issues in America at the moment. People are living longer,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Issues in Policing

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Policing: The police or law enforcement officers act as the initial contact between criminals and the criminal justice system. The main function of these law enforcement officers and agencies…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Issues and Advocacy Framework Development on Education

Words: 3977
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Education Advocacy Issues Massive institutional racism and structural inequalities still exist in the United States, especially in housing, public education and the criminal justice system in inner city areas. In…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Abortion

Issues That Affect Health Care Delivery

Words: 926
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health Care eform Since his presidential campaign, President Obama has placed a priority on health care reform. He has consistently restated his intention to increase the public's access to quality…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Issues of Absentee Fathers

Words: 1265
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Absentee Fathers Unfortunately, the scenario in which there are absentee fathers in a family has occurred far too frequently in contemporary society. This issue is more prevalent among certain…

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7 Pages

Business - Management

Issues in Project Management

Words: 2639
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Project management is a systematic methodology of attaining aims and objectives in a given criteria for instance time and budget spread on number of years. Project management has been…

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12 Pages
Literature Review


Issues of Lightweight Steel Structures

Words: 4187
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Sustainable Construction Issues Waste eduction Process Sustainability Construction Issues Civil Engineer/Contractor comprehension Legislation and creating awareness Sustainable Construction Implementation isks of Sustainable Construction Adaptive reuse issues ecycling of Waste Processes f. Principles of Sustainable Construction Global warming Energy conservation g. Procurement…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Issues and Trends in Distance Learning

Words: 604
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Faculty is Remote, but not Detached," published on the web by The New York Times, opportunities for online teachers are booming at universities across the country. Improvements in…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Issues of Health Care Workers in a Major Disaster

Words: 592
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare Workers and Disasters Disasters due to extreme environmental conditions, technology, or mass violence often necessitate intervention by healthcare workers. Therefore, it is important that healthcare workers are adequately prepared…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Issues in Managerial Accounting

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

managerial accounting issues for MasterCard Worldwide. MasterCard is a multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Purchase, New York. Originally founded in 1966 as the Interbank Card Association, the…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Issues Around Accepting Jews in Europe in 1781

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Acceptance of Jews in 18th Century Europe ACCEPTANCE OF JEWS IN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EUROPE The eighteenth century brought a sea change to philosophical, scientific, cultural, and social thought. This era, termed…

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