Kubla Khan Essays (Examples)

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Kubla Khan Coleridge Writes in Xanadu Did
Pages: 2 Words: 423

Kubla Khan" Coleridge writes, "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan / a stately pleasure dome did decree:" (1-2).
The author and work is identified, and then the passage is recreated as close to the original as possible. There punctuation differs from the case of using three lines or less.

In, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," T.S. Eliot writes:

Let us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized upon a table;

Let us go through certain half deserted streets, (Eliot 1-4)

) In the opening lines of Coleridge's "Kubla Khan," a decree to construct a place devoted to pleasure is undertaken near a river (1-3).

An ellipse (…) that is both preceded and followed by a space.

Brackets [ ] indicate words that are not part of the original text.

Journal: Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume. Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication.

Website: Editor, author, or…...


For example: "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry." Friends: The Complete Sixth Season. Writ. Andrew Reich and Ted Cohen. Dir. Kevin Bright. Warner Brothers, 2004. DVD.

9b.) Depending on the type of source used, the entries will vary accordingly.

9c.) Both formats track the needed information to properly cite your sources. The annotated contains notes as to why or how the citation fits with your paper. The annotated bibliography is akin to a 'working notes' of your paper and when done properly it is very close to a first draft.

The Poem Kubla Khan
Pages: 5 Words: 1515

‘Kubla Khan’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a world-famous poem that many believe has romantic influence. Written in the summer of 1797, Coleridge, then in ill health, decided to retire to a farm house in the middle of Linton and Porlock, by himself. He had a profound sleep for several hours, to which came to him the lines that would turn in Kubla Khan’. Although due to some questioning by a person, he had a dim recollection of the images and lines, the still managed to write the poem from such inspiration. Because imagination, freedom, and feeling are focal points of Romanticism, it is something of note the origins of the poem because they help explain why ‘Kubla Khan’ has romantic elements. ‘Kubla Khan’ is a dream of a poet and uses Gothic and Romantic elements to provide the reader with a series of carnal and decadent delights that are…...


Works Cited

Coleridge, S. Kubla Khan. HarperPerennial Classics, 2015.


Coleridge's Kubla Khan and The
Pages: 2 Words: 743

However the speaker in "The Pains of Sleep" seems to have a much firmer grip on reality in his waking hours, whereas that of "Kubla Khan" persists in deluding himself even when not strictly in the vision, with his imaginings of the dome in the air.
Clare's "A Vision," "I Am," and "An Invite to Eternity"

1) How is "A Vision" similar to "Kubla Kahn" in mood and tone? What specific word choices lead to this similarity? Words like "glow," "flame," "faded," and "eternal ray" all contribute to the same sort of ethereal tone as "Kubla Khan." He supernatural quality is signified in both poems by a sense of auras; of things emanating their presence beyond their physical boundaries. These words are some of the specific indicators of that phenomenon in this poem.

2) How do you interpret the last stanza of "A Vision"? How does it relate to the prior stanza?…...

kubla khan and poem
Pages: 1 Words: 405

They are of an indeterminate time and place -- like a dream.
Coleridge's evident admiration for this fantastic place makes the viewer admire it as well, although it could also be interpreted as the palace of an autocrat. At times, his declarative language makes the viewer almost believe that the poem is true, given the specificity of his images. But the poet also admits that the "damsel with a dulcimer" he saw was a vision, and the paradoxical pairing of the sunny dome and the frosty caves of ice makes the reader understand that this experience, however intense, is a dream or vision. In the final lines Coleridge asks the viewer not to wake, but to close his or her eyes, as only by shutting his or her eyes "with holy dread" can the viewer see: "he on honey-dew hath fed, / and drunk…...

Kubla Kahn Imagery in Coleridge's
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

In other words, the simile is more concrete and memorable than the green hill it is supposed to describe. The lack of 'realism' of the poem becomes even more evident through the use of such strange language: the use of language is more important than describing something 'real' like a hill.
If this were not extravagant enough, Coleridge piles yet another image on top of this one that asks the reader to imagine in terms of 'as if': "A mighty fountain momently was forced: / Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst/Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail, / or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail." Again, the image of the fountain is actually less striking than the simile, the grain being threshed and the fierce hail.

Images piles on top of images, similes upon similes to the point that by the time the reader arrives in Kubla's palace, he or she has forgotten…...

Beowulf as a Hero Lesson
Pages: 19 Words: 8817

Your answer should be at least five sentences long.
The Legend of Arthur

Lesson 1 Journal Entry # 9 of 16

Journal Exercise 1.7A: Honor and Loyalty

1. Consider how Arthur's actions and personality agree with or challenge your definition of honor. Write a few sentences comparing your definition (from Journal 1.6A) with Arthur's actions and personality.

2. Write a brief paragraph explaining the importance or unimportance of loyalty in being honorable.

Lesson 1 Journal Entry # 10 of 16

Journal Exercise 1.7B: Combining Sentences

Complete the Practice Activity on page 202 of your text. After completing this activity, read over your Essay Assessment or another journal activity you've completed.

* Identify three passages that could be improved by combining two or more sentences with coordinating or subordinating conjunctions. Below the practice activity in your journal, write the original passages and the revised sentences you've created.

* Be sure to indicate which journal or writing assignment they came from.


Role and Importance of the
Pages: 20 Words: 5946

Most individuals fail to appreciate life to the fullest because they concentrate on being remembered as some of the greatest humans who ever lives. This makes it difficult for them to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, considering that they waste most of their time trying to put across ideas that are appealing to the masses. While many did not manage to produce ideas that survived more than them, others succeeded and actually produced thinking that remained in society for a long period of time consequent to their death.

Creativity is generally regarded as one of the most important concepts in society, considering that it generally induces intense feelings in individuals. It is responsible for progress and for the fact that humanity managed to produce a series of ideas that dominated society's thinking through time. In order for someone to create a concept that will live longer than him or her,…...

Coleridge & 18 Thcent Tradition Samuel
Pages: 4 Words: 1523

His belief that literature is a magical blend of thought and emotion is at the very heart of his greatest works, in which the unreal is often made to seem real.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge effectively freed British (and other) poetry from its 18th century Neo-classical constraints, allowing the poetic (and receptive) imagination to roam free.

orks Cited

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Kublai Khan. In The Portable Coleridge, I.A. Richards

Ed.). New York: Penguin, 1987. 157-158.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In The Portable Coleridge, I.A. Richards

Ed.). New York: Penguin, 1987. 80-105.

Moore, Christopher. "Introduction." Samuel Taylor Coleridge. New York:

Grammercy, 1996. 10.

Nokes, David. Raillery and Rage: A Study of Eighteenth Century Satire. New York: St. Martin's, 1987. 99.

Pope, Alexander, The Rape of the Lock. Representative Poetry Online. Retrieved September 22, 2005, from:


Romanticism." ikipedia. 3 Apr. 2005. Retrieved September 22, 2005, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanticism.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)" Prentice Hall Literature:

Author Biographies. Retrieved September 22, 2005, from: http://www.phschool.com/atschool/literature/author_biographies/coleridge_…...


Works Cited

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Kublai Khan. In The Portable Coleridge, I.A. Richards

Ed.). New York: Penguin, 1987. 157-158.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In The Portable Coleridge, I.A. Richards

Ed.). New York: Penguin, 1987. 80-105.

romantic era poems and literature
Pages: 4 Words: 1347

1. Samuel Taylor Coleridge relies on rich multisensory imagery to achieve poetic goals in “Kubla Khan.” The sensory imagery Coleridge uses anchors the poem within the genre of Romanticism, as the poet evokes an idealized past based on the descriptions of the mythic Xanadu. Phrases like “stately pleasure-dome” (Stanza 1, line 2) also add evocative sexual imagery that coincides well with the imagery of the splendor of the natural world, with lines like “deep romantic chasm,” (Stanza 2, line 1). In “Kubla Khan,” Coleridge uses multisensory imagery to juxtapose light and darkness, femininity and masculinity, civilization and savagery, to induce a dreamlike effect.
In keeping with the Romantic era tropes, Coleridge relies heavily on nature imagery. Each stanza is filled with references to nature, such as the “incense-bearing tree,” and the “sunless sea,” in Stanza 1. Stanza 2 continues to evolve the imagery of the natural world, only now Coleridge takes…...

Alfred Lord Tennyson's the Palace
Pages: 6 Words: 1860

43). To that comment, Tennyson is believed to have replied that the poem is "The embodiment of my own belief that the Godlike life is with man and for man" (Brunner, p. 43).
In critiquing the Palace of Art Brunner offers common-sense substance that some previous critics had avoided. He claims that the poem demonstrates "to live in art…is to live for selfish delight" and living in selfish delight is not "Godlike" but instead it is like living in hellish mode. The truth about Tennyson is that he is rarely satisfied with "mere accurate observations of states of mind," Brunner continues (p. 43). Brunner should know, and certainly does, that Tennyson's refusal to be satisfied with mere observations is not unique to him, or to poets. Creative artists in all mediums are rarely satisfied with the status quo or with doing what is expected.

Result of the Problem / Discussion

In the…...


Works Cited

Brunner, Larry. "I Sit as God'? Aestheticism and Repentance in Tennyson's 'The

Palace of Art.'" Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature, Vol. 56 (2003).

Cronin, Richard. "The Palace of Art and Tennyson's Cambridge." Oxford Journals,

XLIII (3), 195-210.

Culture Bias in the Travels
Pages: 6 Words: 2128

If it isn't demons, idols, and black magic, it's sex -- the most repressed impulse in the estern-Christian tradition.
During and after his time in the court of Kubla Khan, one notices an increased tone of rationality in the narrative. Less exoticized details of the life of people in the Orient begin to emerge, such as food and clothing habit, but the earlier sensationalism is not lost entirely -- perhaps cannot be, as it is such an engrained part of the estern perspective when viewing the sights of Asia. He travels to a region he identifies as "Bengala," which according to Latham is likely Bengal but could possibly be Pegu, which was in the process of being conquered during the time of the Great Khan's court (Latham, 189). Though this passage also contains a brief and simple message about the main sources of sustenance for the people in this region,…...


Works Cited

Polo, Marco (attributed). The Travels of Marco Polo, Ronald Latham. New York: Penguin, 1958.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge During Samuel
Pages: 4 Words: 1277

" However, refutes Ernest Coleridge, whatever may be said about Coleridge for or against, as an "inventor of harmonies," his self-criticism was the most stern of all. He continually wrote and rewrote his work in order "discover and reveal the hidden springs, the thoughts and passions of the artificer."
One would be wrong to believe that it was only his family that thought his work excellent. Many later critics have been just as positive about his writings. Suther (5) said, for example, that Coleridge's greatness was due to his "dogged refusal to pretend that the problems and paradoxes of human life are any less vast, ineffable, and terrifying than his intuition revealed to him they were." In his efforts to come to terms with life using words such as "tragedy," "sin," "guilt," "redemption," "grace," "eason," "inspiration," and "God," to describe phenomena he was helping others deal with the paradoxes that they…...



Coleridge, E.H. (1912). The Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London: Henry Frowde.

Jackson, J.R. (1995). Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Critical Heritage. Volume: 1

London: Routledge.

Suther, M. (1960) the Dark Night of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Contributors: Marshall New York: Columbia University Press.

Los Angeles The Fiction Love
Pages: 5 Words: 2067

Mildred tries to imitate the economical management in her own family. Like in Faye's case, whose marriage had been a "business arrangement," her own marriage to Monty has the same business character: Mildred chooses Monty for his relations that could help her daughter to make the most of her musical talent. Also, Mildred's other attempt in getting a husband for money is telling for the way she is constantly selling or trying to sell herself, and not only her prettiness, but also her cooking talents. The analogy between her career as a waitress, and then a restaurant manager, trying to sell food and the way Mildred tries to sell herself as a wife to ally Burgan, using the same cooking talents as a weapon, is striking. It is here that we most clearly detect the parallel between private life and mass economy. Love, like in est's book, is nothing…...


Works Cited

Cain, James. Mildred Pierce. New York: Alfred A Knopf Inc., 1941

Jurca, Catherine White Diaspora: The Suburb and the Twentieth Century American Novel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001

West, Nathanael. The Day of the Locust. New York: New Directions, 1950

Metaphysical Poetry Journal Exercise 3 1A
Pages: 10 Words: 3452

The Lord will lead one to safety always. One can simply believe in something higher to get the meaning of this; it doesn't have to be Jesus. Psalm 127, contrarily is confusing because it states that unless the Lord builds the house, it is built in vain. This seems to be more literal, but I do get the idea. Unless the people building the house are doing it with the love of the Lord in their hearts, or building it for him, then what is the point?
Didactic poetry can be quite comforting as seen in Psalm 23 or it can be much too literal and seen as both confusing and condescending. Psalm 127 isn't very instructive spiritually speaking, unlike Psalm 23.

Updated Proverb: A broken toe can hurt, but a broken heart can kill.

Metaphors: Obscure or Illuminate? Didactic literature with its use of metaphors can sometimes obscure the message, as…...

Percy Bysshe Shelley in Representative
Pages: 2 Words: 858

Because I was happy upon the heath,

And smiled among the winter's snow,

They clothed me in the clothes of death,

And taught me to sing the notes of woe.

And because I am happy and dance and sing,

They think they have done me no injury,

And are gone to praise God and his priest and king, Who make up a heaven of our misery."

In these two poems, Mark Blake was allegorically relating the importance of God and religion in our lives. In The Little Black Boy, he gives an optimistic perception of God. The poem having the persona of an African child who questions his color and identity learns from his mother that God does not base his love on the color of one's skin. His mother also teaches him that the lives we have here on earth are temporary and but mere preparations of the rewards we will receive. Therefore, our appearance here…...



Percy Bysshe Shelley. (2006). Retrieved December 13, 2006, from Representative Poetry Online


Romanticism. (2006) Retrieved on December 13, 2006, from Encyclopedia Britannica online.  http://www.Encyclopediabritannica.com 

William Blake poems. (2006). Retrieved December 13, 2006, at  http://quotations.about.com/cs/poemlyrics/a/William_Blake.htm

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