Law Enforcement Officers Essays (Examples)

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A Link between Police Line of Duty Traumatic Events and PTSD DiagnosisIntroductionPolicing can lead to a number of situations in which officers experience a traumatic event. As Chopko and Schwartz (2012) show, there are a number of ways in which post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in officers can manifest itselffrom a dwindling of personal effort towards maintaining personal relationships to more on-duty assaults. An individual with PTSD requires treatment so as to be able to address the underlying issues that have resulted in the disorder. Treatment can come through a variety of interventions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, pharmaceuticals, strengthening a support system network, or counseling in order to help those diagnosed with PTSD return to work in an orderly fashion (Plat, Westerveld, Hutter, Olff, Frings-Dresen & Sluiter, 2013; McCanlies, Gu, Andrew, Burchfiel & Violanti, 2017). However, identifying PTSD among police officers can be the challenging part, and if it….

These gratuitous cookies are simply a show of appreciation to the police force in general and enhance the job satisfaction factor for officers.
On the other hand, the Code of Ethics states that "Officers will refuse to accept any gifts, presents, subscriptions, favors, gratuities or promises that could be interpreted as seeking to cause the officer to refrain from performing official responsibilities honestly and within the law" (n.d.). With this in mind, it would not be acceptable for an officer to accept a free oil change, in exchange for him not reporting the fact that he noticed a stolen car in the back of shop. Even when gratuities are given without a specific 'favor' in mind, it could be implied that that officer will give special treatment to the person at a later date, and for this reason, in general, gratuities should not be accepted.


Code of ethics online. (No date).….

police and law enforcement officers have more or less discretion? Why? Give an example of a specific discretionary power in your answer. What parameters may be used to set the limits to discretion, apart from the provisions of applicable laws? Consider the role of ethics in society and discuss how those ethics are funneled to policing and law enforcement. What impact do varying ethical norms of the increasingly diverse American society have on policing? As the police force itself becomes more diverse, would we see different police responses to similar situations?
Although the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, the police have considerable latitude in determining what constitutes probable cause. In general, "courts ordinarily suppress evidence obtained during an unreasonable search or seizure and offered against the accused" and a warrant must be obtained (Fourth Amendment, 2013, Cornell University Law School). However, exceptions to the Fourth Amendment include….

Participant SectionTarget PopulationThe target population for this research question refers to all law enforcement officers who are currently working in the United States. This includes officers who are employed at the federal, state, or local level, and who are responsible for enforcing laws and maintaining public safety in their respective jurisdictions. This population is diverse but should consist of individuals who work in a role in which they are in contact with the public, as the focus of the question is on the impact of education on use of force.Given the nature of the research question, it is important to study the population of law enforcement officers as a whole, rather than focusing on a specific group or subset of officers within a given community or region. This is because the education and training requirements for law enforcement officers can vary depending on their department, jurisdiction, and position. Therefore, in….

Survey esearch DataThe research question for this survey is: What are the psychological biases and tendencies apparent within the law enforcement community that influence their decisions to engage in more aggressive behavior towards minorities, defined as arrest related deaths or death while in police custody, and less aggressive behavior towards those who are white or of similar race.The hypothesis is: Social dominance theory along with cognitive and behavior biases adversely contribute to police behavior towards minorities.The data table to be used is the arrest-related deaths program which is a national census of individuals who have died in the process of an arrest. The date also provides information related to those who have died in the custody of state and local law enforcement. The link to this data is: data tables show that from 2003 to 2009 a total of 4813 deaths were reported to the program. Of reported arrest-related….

Second, I would look at whether I had provided my subordinates with a common purpose, and whether I had taken the time to explain that purpose to my subordinates. Third, I would determine whether I had ensured that my subordinates understood priorities, both my priorities and the priorities of my superiors. Fourth, I would examine my methods of confliction resolution to determine whether I had been using a win-win method of conflict resolution or if I had been adhering to older, punitive means of conflict resolution. Fifth, I would examine my policy towards my subordinates; did I listen to them when they came to me with problems, or did I try to offer solutions without really hearing what they had to say. Sixth, I would look at what I had done to promote synergy; whether I had done anything to actively encourage community cooperation with my organization. Finally, I….


"Accountability refers to the mechanisms by which both law enforcement officers and the agencies they serve are held responsible for promoting social order, reducing crime, and treating each individual fairly and within the limits of the law" (Chambliss, 2011). The three dimensions of police accountability are accountability to the public, accountability to the law, and accountability to each other (other members of the police force. If one were to look at the most fundamental dimension of police accountability, such as accountability to the public, one would see just how crucial this is: "It both defines and protects citizens' rights while also promoting a collective sense of faith in the larger criminal justice system" (Chambliss, 2011).

The three E's are "Effectiveness -- whether police accomplish what they are supposed to do: A. Do they effectively control crime? B. Are they successful in arresting offenders? Efficiency-- whether they accomplish their tasks in a….

"After September 2001 law enforcement agencies realized the potential devastation and chaos an act of terrorism can cause. The Council was created to improve the ability of the Police Department to respond to a situation and educate the Department and the community." (ichmond Police Department, 2004)
Police departments have had to become terrorist experts. The Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council for example is a collaboration of sworn officers and civilian employees with diverse backgrounds. Many of these members are or were leading members of specially trained units or have extensive training in SWAT, bomb technology, military assault, hazmat crime analysis, international terrorism intelligence, strategic planning and many other legal units such as basic attorneys. Through technology and experience, the Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council should be able to identify, acquire, plan, and advise on terroristic crisis. With this knowledge base the unit should be able to therefore anticipate, prevent, and….

Hot Pursuit Policy

The hot pursuit policy to be used by this department will follow the definition established by the Model Policy published by the International Association of Chiefs of Police for vehicular pursuits which defines hot pursuit as: "An active attempt by an officer in an authorized emergency vehicle to apprehend fleeing suspects who are attempting to avoid apprehension through evasive tactics" (quoted in Kenney & McNamara, 1999 at p. 158). The steps to be followed pursuant to this definition and policy are as follows.

1. The use of hot pursuit in this jurisdiction will be authorized when the apprehending officer has reason to believe that the suspect(s) involved represent a danger to the public irrespective of the seriousness of the originating offense involved. This approach is congruent with the findings of a Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of large law enforcement agencies (e.g., those with more than 100 officers) in….

1 Times and Trayvon
The police unit that responded to the Trayvon Martin killing did not do a thorough inspection. They did not even know that Zimmerman’s car was there until his wife attempted to move it. They did not thoroughly canvas the neighborhood and knock and doors—otherwise they would have probably learned that Trayvon was a guest there at his father’s girlfriend’s place. The unit did not even have a homicide division because there were so few murders in the region. For that reason, it may be understood that there were gaps in the procedural work: they were simply inexperienced and not staffed for such an investigation. Would the case have ended up differently had the police been more thorough in their investigation? It is difficult to say: the trial quickly became politicized, which means a lot of talking heads were less interested in facts than in race war. As….

A comparison of Law Enforcement with Other Professions

Who first comes to mind when you think of a 'Leader'? Is it Alexander the Great? Napoleon? Winston Churchill? Gandhi? Leadership is an interesting phenomenon to consider, from the perspective of civilization, of nations, of political change, and of history. What makes one person a leader while another tries and fails? What is a good leader and how is that different from a 'great' leader? The definition of leadership also varies with the context and with the individual who is defining leadership. The nature of leaders has changed as civilization has evolved, and the leaders we as a society need today may be different from those of a century ago. A national leader is distinct from a local leader, a oy Scout leader, or a team leader in a sport.

Thus, definitions of leadership vary with the situation. However, they include certain specifics: an….

Law Enforcement on TV

Law Enforcement TV Shows

The mass media in the contemporary society and for the last few decades has seemed to be addicted to sensationalism. The masses appear to be particularly supportive of stories that have been exaggerated for the simple purpose of captivating viewers' attention. As a consequence, diverse media devices take advantage of the opportunity and produce a series of works specifically designed as a response to people's needs. TV police shows in particular are aimed at providing viewers with stories that are likely to impress them and in many cases certain aspects of these respective stories are fabricated.

Reality TV shows involving law enforcement officers catching criminals have become more and more common in recent years. Most of these shows display both the honorable and risky lifestyle of police officers and the ruthlessness of criminals. However, in many cases it is difficult for viewers not to feel sorry for these….

Law Enforcement and Crime

Migration and Crime
Immigration is one of the major issues that attracted significant attention in the United States, especially because of the increase in security concerns in the country and throughout the world. The significance of this issue is demonstrated in the role immigration policies played in the recent presidential campaigns. Additionally, international migration has found its way to the forefront of security policies, agendas and issues in the United States. As the number of immigrants to the United States has increased rapidly in recent years, the perception of immigration as a security threat has also developed. Apart from attracting concerns from policymakers, the relationship between migration and crime has also been the subject of news publications and opinion pieces. For instance, ick Gladstone recently published an opinion piece in the New York Times to demonstrate that there is no link between migration and crime in the United States.

Article Analysis

The United….

Law Enforcement and Ethics

Ethics in Policing
It is crucial for organizations to clearly define ethics and ethical behaviors in the workplace and to also clearly tell its employees what constitutes unethical behavior (oufa, 2016). There is a strong push to uphold the high ethical standards set for the law enforcement community. However, without clear definition of those ethical standards, such efforts would likely not achieve any significant results.

Our understanding of ethics and ethical conduct is based on our personal and societal values. Personal values are those which are based on our personal experiences, religious beliefs, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These values are unique to every person, which means they are not the best values to inform our professional conduct. Other values, however, are dear to the entire societies or groups. They are derived from the groups' history and understanding of ethical behavior. This is the proper platform on which to base professional conduct/ ethics.….

Militarization of Police
The 21st century has provided in a very short time, major changes to the way society interacts and operates. Governmental structures and institutional principles have also greatly swayed in recent decades. It is apparent that the world is drastically changing and evolving into a new form of culture and society that presents many problems and issues, especially in cases of the law and law enforcement.

The law is changing rapidly and the requirements that are placed on law enforcement professionals in this extremely turbulent time in history have grown and expanded to many different areas of responsibility. Terrorisms and the threat of massive societal upheaval are potential threats to the current and accepted way of life and the burden to protect society from these threats often falls I the hands of law enforcement professionals.

The purpose of this essay is to explain the gradual and sustained militarization of the police,….

Art Heist Unravels: The Case of the Stolen Masterpieces

In the annals of art crime, the recent theft of a collection of priceless masterpieces from the National Gallery has sent shockwaves through the art world and beyond. The heist, which occurred under the cover of darkness, has left authorities baffled and the public reeling in disbelief.

The Stolen Treasures

The stolen works include some of the most iconic and valuable paintings in history. Among them are "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh, "The Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci, and "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer. Their combined value....

Title: The Complex Issue of School Shootings: Examining Opposing Viewpoints


School shootings have become a prevalent and disturbing issue in our society, sparking intense debates and discussions among individuals, communities, and policymakers. This essay aims to present opposing viewpoints on this complex matter, exploring the arguments for and against various approaches to preventing and addressing school shootings.

Viewpoint 1: Stricter Gun Control and Mental Health Interventions

Advocates of stricter gun control measures argue that these policies can effectively reduce the number of school shootings by limiting access to firearms and ammunition. They emphasize the need for comprehensive background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions....

1. The impact of reduced police presence on crime rates in communities
2. The role of community policing in providing protection in areas with limited police presence
3. The challenges and consequences of defunding the police on public safety
4. Alternative strategies for ensuring public safety in the absence of traditional police protection
5. The disparities in police protection and resources available in different communities
6. The effects of a lack of police protection on vulnerable populations such as marginalized communities or victims of domestic violence
7. The importance of adequate training and resources for law enforcement officers in providing effective protection
8. The implications of privatization....

1. The Role of Racism in Police Brutality
2. Legal Implications of Police Brutality
3. Impact of Police Brutality on Communities
4. Police Accountability and Oversight
5. Historical Context of Police Brutality
6. Solutions to Address and Reduce Police Brutality
7. Media Coverage and Public Perception of Police Brutality
8. The Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers
9. Mental Health and Policing
10. Global Perspectives on Police Brutality
11. The Intersection of Race, Class, and Police Brutality
12. Police Unions and Their Influence on Addressing Police Brutality
13. The Effects of Technology, such as Body Cameras, on Police Brutality
14. Police Training and its Impact on the Use of Excessive Force
15. The....

3 Pages
Research Proposal


Identifying PTSD in Law Enforcement Officers

Words: 1011
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

A Link between Police Line of Duty Traumatic Events and PTSD DiagnosisIntroductionPolicing can lead to a number of situations in which officers experience a traumatic event. As Chopko and…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Officers and Gratuities

Words: 372
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These gratuitous cookies are simply a show of appreciation to the police force in general and enhance the job satisfaction factor for officers. On the other hand, the Code…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Criminal Justice

Police and Law Enforcement Officers Have More

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

police and law enforcement officers have more or less discretion? Why? Give an example of a specific discretionary power in your answer. What parameters may be used to…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Law - Enforcement

Best Way to Collect Data from Law Enforcement Officers

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Participant SectionTarget PopulationThe target population for this research question refers to all law enforcement officers who are currently working in the United States. This includes officers who are employed…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Bias among Law Enforcement Officers

Words: 1074
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Survey esearch DataThe research question for this survey is: What are the psychological biases and tendencies apparent within the law enforcement community that influence their decisions to engage in…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Group Productivity as

Words: 1252
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Second, I would look at whether I had provided my subordinates with a common purpose, and whether I had taken the time to explain that purpose to my…

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4 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Corruption Controlling Corruption

Words: 1188
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Accountability "Accountability refers to the mechanisms by which both law enforcement officers and the agencies they serve are held responsible for promoting social order, reducing crime, and treating each individual…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement How Technology Is

Words: 2126
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"After September 2001 law enforcement agencies realized the potential devastation and chaos an act of terrorism can cause. The Council was created to improve the ability of the…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures

Words: 1183
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Hot Pursuit Policy The hot pursuit policy to be used by this department will follow the definition established by the Model Policy published by the International Association of Chiefs of…

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2 Pages

Law - Enforcement

Law Enforcement Abuses in Investigations

Words: 695
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1 Times and Trayvon The police unit that responded to the Trayvon Martin killing did not do a thorough inspection. They did not even know that Zimmerman’s car was there…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Law Enforcement and Leadership

Words: 3596
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leadership A comparison of Law Enforcement with Other Professions Who first comes to mind when you think of a 'Leader'? Is it Alexander the Great? Napoleon? Winston Churchill? Gandhi? Leadership is…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement on TV

Words: 788
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Cops Law Enforcement TV Shows The mass media in the contemporary society and for the last few decades has seemed to be addicted to sensationalism. The masses appear to be particularly…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Law Enforcement and Crime

Words: 2355
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Migration and Crime Immigration is one of the major issues that attracted significant attention in the United States, especially because of the increase in security concerns in the country and…

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3 Pages


Law Enforcement and Ethics

Words: 1028
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics in Policing It is crucial for organizations to clearly define ethics and ethical behaviors in the workplace and to also clearly tell its employees what constitutes unethical behavior (oufa,…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Policing Issues Affecting 21st Century Law Enforcement Officers

Words: 2520
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Militarization of Police The 21st century has provided in a very short time, major changes to the way society interacts and operates. Governmental structures and institutional principles have also greatly…

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