Learning English Essays (Examples)

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Learning English Playing Is the Work of
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Learning English
Playing is the work of children; through playing and interacting children learn their speech, listening, reading and writing. Learning to read and write was an exciting adventure to me as a young child. This adventure typically begins at infancy and last throughout life. The foundation of reading and writing was laid when I began learning that books are meant to be read and not to be chewed and that words and pictures are different. I went through different stages when I was learning to read and write in my childhood.

The first stage was the exploring stage. During this stage my favorite activities were tasting, touching, and sometimes tearing were what I did when I was discovering books. Though my parents did not enjoy all these I had the opportunity of exploring written material.my parents bought me toddler books that were made of hard cardboard hence difficult for me to…...


Works cited

Derry Koralek & Ray Collins (2013).How Most Children learn to read. Retrieved September 11,2013 from  http://www.readingrockets.org/article/386/ 

Lesia, Oesterreich.(2003).Understanding children learning to read and write. Retrieved September 11, 2013 from  http://www.extension.iastate.edu/publications/pm1529e.pdf

Perceptual Learning Style Preference in Learning English
Pages: 10 Words: 3050

Peceptual Leaning Style Pefeence in Leaning English as a Foeign Language in United Aab Emiates Middle School Students
Leaning styles-centeed education is influential at highe education oganizations acoss the wold. Leaning styles ae qualities of how students choose to lean, and they play a cucial function in leaning. These leaning styles daw thei foundations fom both expeiential and biological conditions that make evey leane distinct in the manne in which he/she leans. A cucial step in pomoting leaning is to detemine o evaluate the leaning styles that evey student adapts. Enhancing students' academic pefomance entails offeing optional activities and stategies that coesponds to thei leaning style equiement and pefeences. Students lean, develop and attain bette esults when thei lessons development focuses on attaining the pefeences of thei leaning styles.

Moeove, the motivation of students augments when thei instuctos focus thei attention to the student's leaning styles pefeences. In eaction to the globalization…...


references: A theoretical and empirical study. Advances in Asian Social Science, 2 (2), 2012.

Learning Problems vs Language Problems
Pages: 4 Words: 1303

Learning Problems vs Language Problems
The objective of this study is to examine how learning problems and language problems are related. Specifically considered will be the fact that when students who are learning English as their second language and who are experiencing academic or behavioral difficulties that the teacher and the school's problem-solving teams must examine whether these problems are related to learning a new language or whether the problems may be due to cognitive delays or developmental delay or disability.

The work of Fisher ( nd) entitled "Assessing English Language Learners for a Learning Disability or Language Issue" states that English language learners all "with learning disabilities...too often...fall through the cracks." (p.13) The reason stated for this is that these learners are often considered to be "slow English learners, or they may be in a school district that does not have enough resources to test them in their L1 for learning…...



Recommended Practices for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Documentation of Learning Disabilities (2014) Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario. Retrieved from:  http://www.ldao.ca/documents/Assessment%20Protocols_Sept%2003.pdf 

Special Education and English Language Learners: Guidance for LEA Staff

An Overview of the ELL/SPED Programs and the Identification Process

(Webinar #1) (nd) Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Retrieved from:  http://dese.mo.gov/sites/default/files/webinar/documents/ELL-QandA-12-09-13.pdf

English Literacy My Experience With
Pages: 5 Words: 1545

It is more likely that there will continue to be many varied and constantly changing definitions of the American family, and this will continue to confuse those learning English as they attempt to make concrete connections between words and concepts from their own language and those of the new -- and constantly developing -- culture and language they have adopted.
hen making cultural comparisons, it is important to refrain from qualitative judgments, and I do not mean to imply any here. The Korean concept of the family and its responsibilities is more concrete than the American cultural and linguistic definitions, but this does not necessarily make it better. The American ideals of freedom and self-determination lie at the root of the American family, and lead to very different cultural and linguistic perspectives. It is the difference in vantage point, and not in any perceived difference in quality, that proves a…...


Works Cited

Graff, E.J. "What Makes a Family?" Frame Work. Ed. Gary Columbo, Bonnie Lisle, Sandra Mno. Boston: Bedford, 1997, 26-38.

New York Daily News. "American Role Models." 6 November 2008. Editorial: pg. 32

Tan, Amy. "Four Directions" Frame Work. Ed. Gary Columbo, Bonnie Lisle, Sandra Mno. Boston: Bedford, 1997, 124-127.

Wetzstein, Cheryl. "American Family Needs Some Help." Washington Times, 8 March 2009, M15.

English Only Legislation Is 'English
Pages: 4 Words: 1359

Language continually reminds one (or not), and underscores and reinforces (or not) one's roots, identity, and authentic self. That is, I believe, the real reluctance of those who would cling, too stubbornly, it has been argued by Hayakawa and others, to their first, original tongue. That is also why much of the intimacy, energy, comfortableness, and fun instantly evaporated from the Rodriguez family atmosphere the afternoon one of Richard's teachers suggested to the children's parents that the family speak more English, and less Spanish, at home.
Along with one's language of birth (whatever it is) come feelings of being understood and accepted; and from those spring a sense of one's own selfhood and identity. In my opinion, that is the main, underlying, reason why 'English Only' Legislation is not a particularly practical solution to multilingualism in the United States (if multilingualism needs a "solution"). This is not because such legislation…...


Works Cited

Crawford, James. "Introduction." Language Loyalties: A Source Book on the Official English Controversy. James Crawford (Ed.). Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1992. 1.

Hayakawa, S.I. "The Case for Official English." In A Meeting of Minds: A Brief Rhetoric for Writers and Readers. Patsy Callaghan and Ann Dobyns

Eds.). New York: Pearson Longman, 2004. 446-452.

Headden, Susan, et al. "One Nation One Language: Only English Spoken

English by Time
Pages: 10 Words: 3444

The Norman conquest had forever altered the face of history and the face of the English language.

Middle English

The period thought of as the Middle English period roughly from 1150-1500 is a period that is demonstrative of the massive changes associated with the Norman conquest. Though there is some evidence that French did not completely overtake English in common or official use the language had a great influence upon English via the Normans and the elasticity of the language at its source.

The Middle English period (1150-1500) was marked by momentous changes in the English language, changes more extensive and fundamental than those that have taken place at any time before or since. Some of them were the result of the Norman Conquest and the conditions which followed in the wake of that event. Others were a continuation of tendencies that had begun to manifest themselves in Old English. These would…...


Works Cited

Baugh, Albert C. A History of the English Language. 2nd ed. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959.

Emerson, Oliver Farrar. The History of the English Language. New York: Macmillan, 1894.

McCrum, Robert & MacNeil, Robert. The Story of English: Third Revised Edition. New York: Penguin, 2003.

Spreading the Word; Restore VOA's English-Language Broadcast Funds." The Washington Times 15 Feb. 2006: A19.

English in Thailand Teaching English
Pages: 17 Words: 4751

2002, 108)." By 1996 the teaching of English in Thailand was compulsory for all primary children from the first grade.
Teaching English as a Second Language in Thailand

Although the teaching of English as a second language has been present in Thailand for quite some time, there are still many issues that arise as it pertains to teaching English in Thailand. In some ways it may appear that English language pedagogy is still in its infancy. For instance many people in Thailand have low degrees of proficiency in English (Laopongharn & Sercombe, 2009). This is particularly true as it pertains to the speaking and writing of English. The problems present in Thailand as it pertains to Teaching English as a foreign language has many different causes (Laopongharn & Sercombe (2009). For the purposes of this discussion, Thai culture will be explored as an impediment to the teaching of English as a…...



Adamson, J., 2003. Challenging beliefs in teacher development: potential influences of Theravada Buddhism upon Thais learning English. Asian EFL journal, 5 (3), 1-21.

Adamson, J., 2005. Teacher development in EFL: what is to be learned beyond methodology in Asian contexts?. Asian EFL journal, 7 (4), 74-84.

Chou, C. 2000. Chinese Speakers' Acquisition of English Conditionals: Acquisition Order and L1 Transfer Effects. Second Language Studies, 19(1), pp. 57-98

Forman R. (2008) Using notions of scaffolding and intertextuality to understand the bilingual teaching of English in Thailand. Linguistics and Education 19-319 -- 332

Learning to Read and Write in English
Pages: 4 Words: 1349

Learning to read and write in English has been one of my most treasured accomplishments in the recent past. To begin with, learning to read and write in English is in my opinion the very first step towards becoming a fluent speaker of one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. In that regard therefore, I am convinced that fluency in English is a plus as I pursue my career of choice. Given that English is one of the most common languages, corporations and most organizations would ordinarily hire individuals who can relate well with their customers and clients. Being able to read, write, and speak English will therefore give me a distinct advantage in my future job seeking endeavors. It is also important to note that fully aware that the world is increasingly becoming interconnected; the relevance of learning an additional language cannot be overstated. It…...


Works Cited

Baldwin, James. Sonny's Blues. Stuttgart: Klett Sprachen, 2009. Print.

Brinton, Margaret. 100 Little Reading Comprehension Lessons. New York: Lorenz Educational Press, 2004. Print.

Cusipag, Maria, et al. Critical Thinking through Reading and Writing. Philippines: De La Salle University Press, 2007. Print.

English Language Learners Action Research Proposal
Pages: 5 Words: 616

Action Research Proposal The number of school-age English Language Learners in the state of Alberta is increasing at a fast pace. As these students begin studying, they experience a great deal of challenges, which can impact the acquisition and learning of the English language (New York University, 2018). In particular, one of the key challenges faced by these students is pronunciation. What is more, unlike mathematics, English language does not have a material set of rules or guideline as to what sound every letter of the alphabet signifies. For instance, the letter e can be pronounced as e, eh. In addition, the tenses of verbs can also hamper learning. Cultural differences also play a key role in acquisition of the English language (Wold, 2006). There have been deliberations regarding the most efficacious approaches of second language instruction. Picture seeing texts and hearing sounds that do not correspond with those that are…...

Learning Educational Psychology Multiple Choice
Pages: 13 Words: 3789

A behavior resulting from injury or disease behavior resulting from experience behavior resulting from disease or drugs biologically determined behavior

Evidence that learning has occurred is seen in published research studies changes in thinking changes in behavior emotional stability

Change in performance is preceded by bad reviews scientific research the behavior of others change in disposition

If-then statements may also be referred to as principles generalization hypothesis laws

Statements which summarize relationships are restricted to the physical sciences known as hypothesis known as generalization never used in the social sciences

Rules which govern the gathering of information are known as rigid and dogmatic scientific method being flexible

APA rules for research studies

Informed consent is given by the researcher judicial review the American Psychological Association the research subject

Laws are to beliefs as truth is to untruth accuracy is to inaccuracy convictions are to facts are to convictions

Trace conditioning involves

CS beginning and ending before U.S.

US beginning and ending…...

English Language Learner Experiences
Pages: 4 Words: 1269

ELL Case Study: JavierPart 1Javier (a pseudonym to protect his identity) is a 17-year-old student in the 12th grade, attending a high school in a medium-sized town in the Midwest. Born and raised in Mexico, Javier\\\'s journey to the United States began four years ago, and it marked a major transition in his life and education.Background and Family LifeJavier comes from a close-knit family and is the youngest of three siblings. His early education was completed in Mexico, where he attended middle school before relocating to the U.S. Initially, Javier and his parents, who are employed in a local factory and possess basic literacy skills in Spanish, lived in Arizona. His parents\\\' proficiency in English is limited, which influenced the language dynamics at home, predominantly Spanish.After a couple of years, Javier moved to Indiana to live with his sister and her family. This shift introduced him to a bilingual environment,…...

Promoting ESL in Work-Based Learning
Pages: 25 Words: 8696

Learning that is imparted through an educational institution or training company within the workplace setting in known as Work-based learning (WL). WL is administered by an external teacher in professional capacity and supervised by an employee of the company where WL is imparted. An exhaustive literature review indicates that it was only after Moser report's shocking revelations, regarding lack of literacy, language, and numeracy skills in one out every five adults in ritain that U.K took expedited policy actions to introduce WL. WL is relevant for all adult and young learners and more pertinent for instruction of English as a second language (ESL). Since medium of interaction and business transactions in U.K is English, instruction of ESL is essential for empowering vast percentage of population that does not have requisite skills to compete in labor market due to lack of language skills. Increased use of computers and multimedia in teaching…...



Anderson, RC & Freebody, P 1981. 'Vocabulary knowledge'. In J.T. Guthrie (Ed.),

Beck, IL, McKeown, MG & Kucan, L 2002. 'Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction'. New York: Guilford.

Becker, HJ 2000. 'Pedagogical motivations for student computer use that lead to student engagement'. Educational Technology, Vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 5-17. Viewed on 6 Mar 2013, [http://www.crito.uci.edu/tlc/findings/spec_rpt_pedagogical/ped_mot_pdf.pdf]

Brown, HD 2001. 'Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy'. (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman.

Learning Tasks There Is a
Pages: 6 Words: 1950

This study investigates how ESL students' perception affects the teacher-student interaction in the writing conferences. The multiple-case study explores: ESL students' expectations of the writing conference and factors contributing to the expectations, participation patterns of ESL students in the conferences, and ESL students' perception of the effectiveness of teacher-student conferences. A questionnaire, distributed to 110 (65 NS and 45 ESL) students enrolled in the first-year composition classes, examines students' previous writing experience and expectations of the writing conferences. Pre-conference interviews with 19 focus students (8 NS and 11 ESL) were conducted to verify the survey results. Students' participation patterns were investigated via the video-recorded writing conferences of the 19 focus students. Students' perceptions of the conference were investigated through the post conference interviews with the 19 focus students and follow-up interviews with six Chinese students.
esults of the research that Liu (2009) conducted determined that ESL students and NS students…...



Beare, K. (n.d.). ESL Writing Workshop 2. Retrieved from http://esl.about.com/od/writinglessonplan/a/l_wwshop2.htm

Bitchener, J., & Knoch, U. (2009). The value of a focused approach to written corrective feedback. ELT Journal: English Language Teachers Journal, 63(3), 204-211. doi:10.1093/elt/ccn043.

Liu, Y.. ESL students in the college writing conferences: Perception and participation. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Arizona, United States -- Arizona. Retrieved September 06, 2010, from Dissertations & Theses: Full Text.(Publication No. AAT 3359771).

Matthews-Aydinli, J. (2008). OVERLOOKED AND UNDERSTUDIED? A SURVEY OF CURRENT TRENDS IN RESEARCH ON ADULT ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS. Adult Education Quarterly, 58(3), 198. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database.

Learning a Language Gaining Fluency in a
Pages: 5 Words: 1741

Learning a language: Gaining fluency in a language to be free
The acquisition of language is never a culturally neutral process. When someone learns his or her first or even a second language, that individual also acquires a status in the eyes of the world, based upon how that language is perceived. The race of the speaker, his or her perceived level of education, gender, and race all interact with the stereotypes that exist in the gazer's mind. In Christine Marin's essay "Spanish Lessons," Marin chronicles how her unsteadiness in Spanish did not initially bother her, given the fact that she grew up in a society that prized whiteness. Gradually, as she grew older and her attitude towards her heritage changed, her lack of fluency in her native tongue became a burden. Similarly, Malcolm X was forced to grapple with his complex relationship with the English language. On one hand, it…...

Learning Analysis an Analysis of Personal Learning
Pages: 3 Words: 785

Learning Analysis
An Analysis of Personal Learning

Throughout much initial schooling in the educational system's current set-up, different areas of knowledge and differing tasks are generally approached in wholly separate manners. The study of history is not combined with the study of mathematics, and lessons meant to expand knowledge in biology don't often include lessons in aesthetics and art. This is actually detrimental to the educational process, however, as the fact is most bodies of knowledge touch upon the skills and knowledge acquired in other learning areas. The fact that skills in English and composition would be so essential in acquiring and demonstrating learning in the social sciences and even in certain areas of the "hard sciences" is something that I did not fully appreciate when beginning this course, and now that this has been made clear I realize that I have made significant progress, yet real challenges still remain.

Learning Evidenced in…...

What role do teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects?
Words: 508

Teachers play a crucial and multi-faceted role in promoting literacy across all subjects, not just in language arts. This role extends beyond traditional reading and writing skills to encompass a wide range of literacy types, including digital, informational, and subject-specific literacies. Here’s an overview of the key roles teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects:

Facilitators of Skill Development: Teachers are responsible for developing students' basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is essential across all subjects, as these skills are the foundation for understanding and engaging with content in any area.

Integrators of Subject-Specific Literacy:....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to learning english in united states?
Words: 358

1. The impact of cultural diversity on English language learning in the United States
2. The role of technology in enhancing English language education in the United States
3. Challenges faced by non-native English speakers in the United States education system
4. The importance of English language proficiency for academic and professional success in the United States
5. The effectiveness of bilingual education programs for English language learners in the United States
6. The influence of socio-economic factors on English language learning outcomes in the United States
7. The benefits of English language immersion programs for non-English-speaking students in the United States
8. The role of standardized....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to learning english in united states?
Words: 740

Essay Topic 1: The Role of Immersion in Second Language Acquisition: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Studying English in the United States

Begin with a hook that highlights the importance of immersion in learning a second language.
State the thesis statement: The United States provides an immersive environment that facilitates English language acquisition, but also presents unique challenges.

Body Paragraph 1: Benefits of Immersion
Discuss the advantages of interacting with native speakers in everyday situations.
Explain how exposure to authentic language promotes fluency, pronunciation, and cultural understanding.
Cite research or anecdotal evidence to support the benefits of immersion.

Body Paragraph 2:....

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