Legal Memorandum
Clara and Charles are seeking to file a lawsuit against the former fiance of Clara, Derek, to whom they accuse of breaching the marriage contract before the execution of the agreement. According to Clara, she and her father Clark have suffered from serious financial and emotional damages because of the ignorant and irresponsible attitude of Derek. Clara claims that she has extensively spent money for the preparation of their wedding and was emotionally involved in the whole business. However, the act of deceit by Derek has not only brought her to damages through financial as well as emotional means but she has suffered from humiliation and embarrassment within her social circle and the sole responsibility of this degradation is on Derek. In addition to this, there is another party who has similar charges against Derek, Clara's father Charles.
Charles accuses Derek of bringing financial losses to him and deceiving him…...
(b) A peace officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary in order:
(1) To make an arrest for a felony or to prevent the escape from custody of a person arrested for a felony, unless the officer knows that the arrest is unauthorized; or (2) To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force.
This issue as to whether a police officer is entitled to a special defense regarding law enforcement officers is questionable. Since the Defendant was leaving his home to going to work and was late, it could be said that he was still off-duty. The defense section of the code states that a police officer is only entitled to use physical force in conjunction with carrying out his duties as…...
The adverse effect on the employee must be subjective, as well as objective. Not only must the employee suffer from the harassment, but it is also required that a reasonable person in the shoes of the employee would likely have suffered from such conduct." Id. At 84. hile the Dupont case involved a sustained, systematic history of abusive behavior, the Court also found that if the behavior was extreme enough, a finding of a hostile work environment was justified. In the case of ABC, the company should anticipate that Matthew's quid pro quo demand of Jane will be seen as severe conduct, even without other instances of harassing behavior towards females.
The final element requires a basis for holding the employer liable. Similar to the federal standard created by Faragher, Dupont requires that an employer fail to take prompt and adequate remedial measures, after receiving actual notice or constructive notice…...
mlaWorks Cited
Castleberry v. Chadbourne. 810 So. 2d 1028. Florida 1st DCA. 2002. Print.
Speedway Superamerica. LLC, v. Dupont. 933 So.2d 75. Florida 5th DCA. 2006. Print.
Faragher v. City of Boca Raton. 524 U.S. 775, 118 S.Ct. 2275. U.S. Supreme Court. 1998. Print.
Harris v. L & L. Wings, Inc. 132 F.3d 978. U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit. 1997. Print.
This chapter is completed with further information on a legal analysis in chapter 12, which discusses the organization of the results of the research. The Honigsberg Grid is amply described as a useful instrument in such an organization.
Chapter 13 presents directions as to how a memorandum of law should be written, as well as some of its most important characteristics, notably the fact that this needs to be an objective piece of writing and has to follow a particular format. The chapter also provides a sample of such a memorandum. The notions presented in this chapter are completed in the subsequent chapter, which refers to writing a memorandum of points and authorities.
Finally, chapter 15 refers to how an opinion or client letter is written. The opinion letter is the formal way in which attorneys inform clients about certain legal aspects. As a formal instrument, such a letter has a…...
unning Head: MEMOANDUM11MEMOANDUMFinal Project Part 1I. Memo IntroductionLegal situations are largely impossible to avoid in the course of conducting business. For this reason, the relevance of awareness and proper assessment of such scenarios when, and if, they arise cannot be overstated. In this memorandum, I come up with a formal brief of the lawsuits. In so doing, I will be seeking to provide an informed assessment to the corporate stakeholders of Greenes Jewelry Wholesale with regard to the legal concerns brought up. From the onset, it would be prudent to note that as an intern at the legal department of Greenes Jewelry Wholesale, I am convinced that the company does indeed have significant strengths in as far as its legal claim is concerned.Jennifer Lawson, a former employee at Greenes Jewelry, did indeed sign a confidentiality agreement whereby she made a commitment to keep any information gathered relating to the creation…...
mlaReferencesBagley, C.E. (2012). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century (7th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Chociey, E.F. (2018). The Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016: An Overview and Analysis of the Statute Establishing a Federal Civil Cause of Action for Trade Secret Misappropriation and Notable Case Law to Date. Retrieved from M.A. (2015). Essentials of Contract Law (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.Gross, J.A. & Compa, L.A. (2009). Human Rights in Labor and Employment Relations International and Domestic Perspectives. Champaign, IL: Labor and Employment Relations Association.Justia (2020). Chestnut v. Stone Forest Industries, Inc., 817 F. Supp. 932 (N.D. Fla. 1993). Retrieved from Peacock, W. (2013). Breach of Contract, Confidential Info Leak Case: Hallmark Prevails. Retrieved from Department of Labor (2020). Plant Closings and Layoffs. Retrieved from Frey,
In Brief
It is important to note, from the onset, that there are many commercial benefits that our company could reap by expanding internationally. Thus, the expansion into Mexico is not only timely, but also well considered. However, in engaging in the said expansion, the company ought to be aware of the pertinent aspects of both the U.S. and Mexican law. It is with this in mind that this memo highlights the most likely compliance issues or concerns in as far as the various aspects of law and ethics specific to Mexico are concerned.
Pertinent Aspects of U.S. Law
There are a number of laws and certain legal provisions specific to our expansion into Mexico. Key amongst these include, but they are not limited to; USMCA (which replaced NAFTA a month ago), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) laws, and laws relating to engagement in corrupt practices and money laundering.
For a long time, 26…...
Deloitte (2019). 1.0 Investment Climate. Retrieved from Department of Justice (2020). Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Retrieved from Gomez, O.D. (2018). Labour and Employment Compliance in Mexico. New York, NY: Wolters Kluwer.Graycar, A. (2020). Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.Human Rights Watch (2020). Mexico Events of 2019. Retrieved from Stuart, O. (2018). How Will the Shift from NAFTA to USMCA Affect the Auto Industry? Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – EEOC (2020). Employee Rights When Working for Multinational Employers. Retrieved from Department of State (2019). U.S. Relations with Mexico. Retrieved from
Governor's Office
This memorandum is an analysis of the P&E issues raised by proposed legislative changes regarding criminal sexual behavior, as well as so-called "vices" and other related conduct. The purpose of this analysis is to define a coherent set of public policy objectives characterizing all legislative changes supported by the Fictitious State Governor's Office.
Upgrading penal classification of Solicitation/Prostitution misdemeanors and increasing sentences and fines associated with all Solicitation/Prostitution felonies.
This committee does not recommend enacting any of the proposed penal upgrades across the board as set forth. We recommend re-evaluating current "vice" policy regarding violations of existing
Solicitation/Prostitution statutes in order that funds for law enforcement and prosecution efforts be redirected and channeled more specifically toward violations that most affect "quality of life" issues for lawful citizens of Fictitious State.
Both anecdotal evidence and documented statistical information available from the seventeen counties in Nevada where prostitution is legal suggest that it is essentially…...
unning Head: MEMOANDUM6MEMOANDUMMemorandumIn BriefIt is important to note, from the onset, that there are many commercial benefits that our company could reap by expanding internationally. Thus, the expansion into Mexico is not only timely, but also well considered. However, in engaging in the said expansion, the company ought to be aware of the pertinent aspects of both the U.S. and Mexican law. It is with this in mind that this memo highlights the most likely compliance issues or concerns in as far as the various aspects of law and ethics specific to Mexico are concerned.Pertinent Aspects of U.S. LawThere are a number of laws and certain legal provisions specific to our expansion into Mexico. Key amongst these include, but they are not limited to; USMCA (which replaced NAFTA a month ago), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) laws, and laws relating to engagement in corrupt practices and money laundering.For a long…...
mlaReferencesDeloitte (2019). 1.0 Investment Climate. Retrieved from of Justice (2020). Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Retrieved from Gomez, O.D. (2018). Labour and Employment Compliance in Mexico. New York, NY: Wolters Kluwer. Graycar, A. (2020). Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. Human Rights Watch (2020). Mexico Events of 2019. Retrieved from Stuart, O. (2018). How Will the Shift from NAFTA to USMCA Affect the Auto Industry? Retrieved from Department
Legal Memoranda
Statement of Facts
The prospective plaintiff wrote a novel a year ago on her home computer. She then distributed 100 copies to acquaintances and agents, but without a copyright notice attached. Yesterday she discovered a recently published novel that appeared to have plagiarized her work and is considering a lawsuit.
For a writing to be eligible for copyright protection the work must be original, which the courts and the U.S. Copyright Office have interpreted to mean an independent work that did not rely on the work of others to create. For example, students who complete an essay exam own the copyright to their answer if the work is original. Copyright protection is in effect as soon as the page is inked or the keystrokes captured by the software program. Based on the facts of this case the plaintiff wrote a novel and the work is therefore assumed to be original.
The idea…...
It should also be pointed out that the Defendant, Mr. Taylor, warned the Plaintiff to not play with the dog and that Ms. Buffet openly admits that this is the case. The warning itself will not affect the issue of liability but it will impact on the measure of damages. As Ms. Buffet made no effort to play with the dog or otherwise interact with him the issue of the warning should have little impact on the case but it is something that must be considered.
II. Doctrine of Comparative Negligence Will Mitigate Damages
Assuming arguendo that the Plaintiff can prove negligence by the Defendant she must overcome the tenets of the Comparative Negligence doctrine.
As Florida follows pure comparative negligence she might still be able to recover damages but they would be diminished by how the contribution of fault is measured by the jury. For example, if the jury were to…...
mlaHoffman v. Jones, 280 So.2d 287 (Fla. 1977)
Bessett v. Hackett, 66 So. 2d 694 (Fla. 1953)
Restatement of Torts (Second) §463
Prenegotiation Memorandum (pm)
Negotiation Team
Re: Tamarack, MN and Twin Lakes Mining Company
Position Structure
Twin Lakes Mining Company
The Twin Lakes Mining Company (hereafter known as 'company') makes significant contribution to Tamarack, Minnesota - employing 21% of the residents, providing 33% of the total real estate tax base - and is considered an integral entity to the town's longevity. The city needs Twin Lakes to maintain the current standard of living the residents enjoy.
The City of Tamarack
The city operates on a zero deficit per annum decree. Twin Lakes Mining Company has directly caused some of the need for improvements concerning water quality, air quality, and effluvia and pollution management. The city also relies upon the heavy property taxation to provide economic, culture, and recreation services to the community. Twin Lakes Mining Company does not need the City of Tamarack (hereafter known as 'city') to continue operations in other locations and as a corporate entity.
Criminal Justice
Supervising Attorney
John Ebersol
Determine whether Mr. Ebersol was guilty of shoplifting. If Mr. Ebersol was guilty of shoplifting, determine what he can expect his punishment to be.
Mr. Ebersol purchased a flathead screwdriver from the hardware store on Saturday, but purchased a Phillips head screwdriver by mistake. Mr. Ebersol returned to the store with the intention of purchasing screws for his new screwdriver. When he discovered that the hardware store was out of flathead screws, Mr. Ebersol left the flathead screwdriver on the counter and left the store with a Phillips head screwdriver in his pocket. Mr. Ebersol was detained, interrogated for 2 1/2 hours, and released with shoplifting charges against him.
(1) Is Mr. Ebersol guilty of shoplifting?
(2) If Mr. Ebersol is guilty of shoplifting, what can his expected punishment be?
(1) Mr. Ebersol is not guilty of shoplifting.
(2) If found guilty of shoplifting, Mr. Ebersol can expect to serve…...
Tax Memo
Tax esearch Memorandum
Lauren Smith
From: Tax Accountant, CPA
You incurred $15,000 of educational expenses over the past year in pursuit of your MBA, part of your professional development as a practicing egistered Nurse and nursing administrator. Your employer does not offer an educational expense reimbursement program, and you wish to claim these educational expenses as business expenses in order to claim greater tax deductions. You have worked in numerous administrative positions in your capacity as a nurse, and feel that the pursuit of an MBA was a clear part of your career development.
The only issue is whether or not the education you received at the expense of $15,000 can be deemed work-related education as defined and applied by the IS, which recognizes such expenses as business expenses for employees. If the education can be deemed work-related according to IS rules and definitions, the deduction of the educational expenses as a business…...
IRS. (2011). Tax Benefits for Work-Related Education. Accessed 25 March 2012.
Tax Court. (2009). T.C. Summary Opinion 2009-182. Accessed 25 March 2012.
Interoffice Memorandum of Law
Case: Joe Lee Simmons, Appellant v. State of Texas, Appellee
Docket number: 01-07-00543-C
Office file number
e: Issue [1] was there evidence of possession of cocaine weighing four or more grams but less than 200 grams given the evidentiary requirements of TEX. CODE CIM. POC. § 38.35(d)(1); [2] the validity of a motion to suppress based on the officer's failure to report all offenses committed in his jurisdiction to the magistrate, as required by TEX. CODE CIM. POC. § 2.13(b)(3); and [3] the sufficiency of an indictment under TEX. CODE CIM. POC. § 28.10.
The appellant contends that the trial court erred in admitting the testimony of the State's forensic chemist, who performed a chemical analysis on the controlled substance found in appellant's shirt pocket, because the chemical analysis was not accredited at the time of the analysis; appellant challenges the trial court's denial of his motion to suppress because the…...
TEX. JUR. 3d § 23 Sufficiency of Indictment (2006).
It is the appellant's responsibility to show error on appeal, and if the record fails to show error, then it should be assumed that the trial court acted correctly.
"It is generally presumed on appeal that the court ruled correctly and that the appellant must show error" (Hall v. State, 829 S.W. 2d 407, 410-411).
"It is appellant's burden to not only preserve the alleged error for review, but to present a record of the alleged error sufficient for us to review it and determine if it was error and if so whether the defendant was harmed" (Montoya v. State, 43 S.W.3d 568, 572).
Although Cad Mex Pharma has its patent rights reserved under protection act of Trade elated International Property ights (TIPs) for 20 years ("Agreement on Trade-elated Aspects of Intellectual Property ights") but TIPs also allow government to enforce compulsory licensing under health emergency (World Trade Organization: "Compulsory Licensing of Pharmace"). Now choice of law humbug anything against Candorean government and the TIPs health emergency clause will affix more political pressure on Cad Mex Pharma. So if Cad Mex Pharma takes legal action that could result into Gentura's bankruptcy via employing binding arbitrator and otherwise Cad Mex Pharma can take no legal action and demand marketing rights in another drug. Former option is not recommended as it leads to loose- loose situation and relations with Candorean government would be blemished and as per latter option unwillingness has been witness from Gentura side (Graham Matthew, Sep 2005). Leaving behind only option of claiming…...
1-Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: Article 14, para 5.
2- S. Mithra: Binding Arbitratory.
3- Intellectual property (TRIPs) - Compulsory Licensing of Pharmace: World Trade Organization
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