Liberal Arts Essays (Examples)

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It helps business people to be able to separate business activities from their emotions. This is what is referred to as emotional intelligence. Some of the characteristics of emotional intelligence are confidence, emotional awareness, collaboration and empathy. There is also political awareness and adaptability Bodenhorn, 2003()
The business person also needs to be able to read the emotions of other in order to know the right time to push for something such as a hard bargain in a business deal and the time not to push for it. One thing that business people need to know is that there is a need to think logically and to work efficiently no matter what may be disturbing them emotionally. Liberal arts help the people to cater for this kind of situation Bodenhorn, 2003()

Experienced employees learn to do the repeatable tasks no matter their emotional status. However, for the more complex tasks, there….

Liberal Arts Education
Should College Students be required to take Courses Outside of Their Major Field of Study?

An education that lacks of a world view may be more harmful than meets the eye. One could reasonably argue that the question of whether diversified educational background has value is highly dependent on what you value. There are a multitude of monetary reasons for an incoming freshman to concentrate on a specific field of education and not pursue courses outside of their area of emphasis. For one college is expensive, tuition averages over $13,000 a year at public universities and indecisiveness as well as unnecessary credits can drain a college savings account (onin, 2005). Furthermore in the modern American world of Enron and Lehmann Brothers, if you're not cheating you're not really trying, it's not cheating if you don't get caught, and I didn't do it, you didn't see me, and you can't….

Good and bad judgments

Peer ResponsesPeer Reply 1One believe I find in society that I consider to be merely relative would be Church goers who tend to judge others who do not attend church on the daily basis. I have a pastor who works with us and had to call out a person because he was trying to push his beliefs onto others. As someone who does not attend church often I know that telling others who do not attend church that they are going to hell for living their life is wrong. They are being judgmental over those who do not see the same ways as them. They do not practice what they preach judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven (Luke 6:37). They will judge the way you dress the way you speak, your day to day….

Debate between Liberal Arts and Job Preparation Skills Liberal arts skills and job preparation or vocational skills are the two categories of the eight essential purposes of higher education. These two categories of purposes have had a significant effect on the curriculum of higher education over the years. Liberal arts skills are one of the most important aspects and central purpose of higher education given that it incorporates seven of the eight essential purposes. As compared to the job preparation or vocational skills, liberal arts skills are focused on general education instead of entry to the job market upon graduation from a university/college. It includes instruction in wider, central disciplines like English, Science, Math, and History and is centered on developing skills like critical analysis, problem-solving, and effective oral and written communication. Liberal arts skill is important to the central purpose of why higher education exists in the United States. This….

If one has been "trained" in the ways of poverty, left no opportunity to do other than react to his or her environment, what is needed is a beginning, not repetition. The humanities teach us to think reflectively, to begin, to deal with the new as it occurs to us, to dare. If the multi-generational poor are to make the leap out of poverty, it will require a new kind of thinking -- reflection. And that is a beginning. (O'connell, 2000)
It appears that all students, regardless of class or background, need the foundation of the humanities. There is a tendency with the increase of technology to put more of an emphasis on math and sciences than the arts and humanities. For students to be well rounded, there needs to be a balance of the two.


Edmundson, M. (1997). On the uses of a liberal education: as lite entertainment for bored….

Art the Late 19th Century

In Spirit of the Dead Watching, Gaugin also depicts a Tahitian woman with open sexuality. The woman in Spirit of the Dead Watching lays prostrate on a bed, exposing her naked buttocks while gazing directly at the viewer. Her position is submissive, in spite of the alluring look in the woman's eyes. The spirit of the dead represents traditional Tahitian religious beliefs, which would have been in direct conflict with the Christianity imposed upon the island nation by the French.
Sexuality was also a favorite theme of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. The artist was well-known for his escapades in Montmartre, Paris's cabaret district. Toulouse-Lautrec's work depicts a seedy underbelly of Parisian life rather than idealizing the bourgeoisie. Like Gaugin's work, the paintings of Toulouse-Lautrec embody the social changes taking place in European society during the late nineteenth century.

In Stocking, Toulouse-Lautrec depicts two dancers, one of which is just getting dressed. The….

The production of art should be viewed as a necessity for everyone, the rich or poor, smart or dumb, disturbed or not (Sweet pp). The contemporary tendency to diminish the importance of what used to be referred to as a "liberal arts education," and the downsizing of art and music classes in our grade schools, certainly underscores society's miscomprehension of the "basic need to know ourselves and the best means to exercise that knowledge" (Sweet pp). Joseph Campbell speculated that art and its creation were the only religion left in society, and De Tocqueville's Democracy in America suggests that art embodies the individual's power to combat the tyranny of the majority (Sweet pp).
In June 2005, the International Society for Performing Arts' Board, which is supported by 210 delegates from 28 countries representing Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Africa, voted to endorse a statement urging the world's government….

There is an emphasis on harmony in this structure that shows a new way of thought, and this sense of harmony would be carried over into other works of art of the period and later periods, harmony now being seen as an important artistic virtue. The elaborateness of the decorations have become identified with the Gothic period. As can be seen from the column from Saint-Denis, this sort of elaborate decoration took many forms and most often built sculpture into the building itself. The column from Saint-Denis also shows the power and importance of aesthetic harmony in the figure of a king seeming to emerge from the column itself. This element was not just an aesthetic but a philosophical statement of the time. Suger was much preoccupied with speculations on the metaphysics of light, which governed many of his decisions about the architecture of the building. At the same….

The long-term income difference between those who obtain occupational degrees versus those who obtain more general or liberal arts degrees.
It is a general understanding that education provides individuals with a number of labor market benefits besides increased income. More educated persons tend to be autonomous, more mobile and flexible, enjoy higher job security, and experience higher levels of employment (Lee, 2014). However, income usually receives the highest attention, even though it may not capture all these advantages of employment. As much as all graduates experience these effects of education, this experience is never uniform. Huge differences do exist when it comes to the income and status of occupation of graduates. There have been many investigations trying to find out what brings these variations and one factor that has featured significantly is fields of study. There are different groupings of fields but generally an individual obtains either an occupational specific degree….

Schall's book is to generate appealing and engaging conversations with learned scholars regarding the content of a genuine and dependable liberal arts education. In general, it surveys notions and books fundamental and pivotal to the tradition of humanistic education that has vitally fashioned our nation as well as our civilization. What is more, it makes the argument for an order and incorporation of knowledge in order to have meaning reinstated to the disorganized method to study presently dictating higher education. As pointed out, several students have no issues with the educational system or with what they are being educated. Without a doubt, a great deal of them are not able to perceive or not any sort of issue that is existent with the current educational structure. However, there are others, who "either from their family, religious, or educational background or common-sense experience will begin to detect that all is not….

The idea of humanism started in Italy in the 14th Century and thrived throughout the 15th Century. During this period, Italians placed a significant emphasis on education and increasing knowledge, particularly that of the classical ancient times. The Italians also promoted the exploration of human potential, desire to excel, and the devotion to civic responsibility and moral duty. The link between humanism and education and culture appealed to people of high status to an extent that the idea of humanism had its greatest influence on the elite and powerful individuals ("15th Century Italy," n.d.). Given its impact on the then philosophy, the ideas of humanism permeated art from the enaissance onwards.

The ideas of humanism permeated art from the enaissance onwards because of the greatest impact of humanism on the elite and powerful individuals who had the ability to commission art. Actually, the enaissance was a by-product of the artistic….

Although scientists found artifacts and art objects of the Olmecs; until this century they did not know about the existence of the Olmecs. Most of the objects which were made by this community were associated with other civilizations, such as Mayan, Toltec or Chichimecan. The Olmec lived between 1600 B.C. And 1400 B.C. In South Mexico. The name of this tribe comes from an Aztec word "ollin" which means "land of rubber."

At first they ate fish and they later start to farm, and that made it possible for them to "develop the first major civilization in Mesoamerica." (The Olmec Civilization) Thanks to the steady food supplies the Olmec population grew and some came to have other occupations. "Some became potters or weavers. Others became priests or teachers." (Ibidem) Once the population grew, so did their farming villages which developed into cities. The present-day city of San Lorenzo was built….

Asia and Africa in estern European Art

Globalization is generally associated as a modern phenomenon, however, it is a global movement that began with the Greeks and did not accelerate until the renaissance era. The est, going back to Alexander the Great, has a long history of interactions with Asia and Africa. Ideas and goods were consistently traded. This trend of globalization accelerated with the age of exploration in the 16th century when Europeans came into further contact with Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Driven by the quest for gold and natural resources estern European traders navigated the world. This had a profound effect back home, as Europeans developed an interest in the exotic. The interest blossomed during the 18th and 19th century, during the height of estern power and colonialism. Curiosity into the foreign permeated all levels of society. Artists incorporated Asian and African artistic styles into their own. This….

Pop Art Does Not Refer

Therefore, Warhol offers a visual juxtaposition of capitalism and the arts.
ichard Hamilton used multimedia, collage, and three-dimensional objects in his work to capture the essence of popular culture. Hamilton's collage "Just What is it that Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?" is a seminal piece of pop art, offering subtle critique of the American Dream, of typical gender roles, and of consumerism. obert auchenberg's work, like Hamilton's, uses multimedia to convey the infiltration of materialism into popular culture.

Jasper Johns' work appears more directly political, based on his liberal use of the American flag and similar iconography in painting. Johns' incorporation of American nationalism into the pop art equation adds a special nuance to the genre, revealing searing and satirical political undertones. Johns suggests that former symbols of national conscience have become misappropriated, downgraded to consumer emblems. The use of the flag and American map in his art also….

Henri Matisse Art Is Life

He traveled to Africa, Spain, and Germany and even studied in Russia, where he was exposed to Islamic art. The Dance is one painting that captures a new direction and style of Matisse's painting. Here Matisse is focusing on a single act of humanity. The style is more compact in it use of color. The interplay of human activity is one of the most significant changes we see in Matisse's work. The colors in this piece seem to work more with each other as a whole than they do in the Open indow, Collioure. The shapes could also represent the Eastern influence that we see can be traced backed to the kind of style used in rugs or other decorative pieces. This paining looks as though it is complementing life itself. It is also worth noting that the Dance is completely focused on pleasure. In the Dance, we also….

The educational philosophies of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Carter G. Woodson all aimed to uplift African Americans through education, but each man had a unique approach. This essay will compare and contrast the effectiveness of their educational philosophies in promoting social and economic advancement for African Americans. Booker T. Washington believed in vocational education and economic self-sufficiency for African Americans. His philosophy emphasized practical skills and training for jobs that were in demand, such as agriculture and trades. Washington's Tuskegee Institute in Alabama was a model for his educational philosophy, teaching students skills that would enable them to....

16 Pages
Literature Review


Liberal Arts and Business How

Words: 5512
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Literature Review

It helps business people to be able to separate business activities from their emotions. This is what is referred to as emotional intelligence. Some of the characteristics of…

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3 Pages


Liberal Arts Education Should College Students Be

Words: 1047
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Liberal Arts Education Should College Students be required to take Courses Outside of Their Major Field of Study? An education that lacks of a world view may be more harmful than…

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2 Pages


Good and bad judgments

Words: 1553
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Peer ResponsesPeer Reply 1One believe I find in society that I consider to be merely relative would be Church goers who tend to judge others who do not attend…

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3 Pages


Vocational Skills vs Liberal Arts Skills

Words: 1093
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Debate between Liberal Arts and Job Preparation Skills Liberal arts skills and job preparation or vocational skills are the two categories of the eight essential purposes of higher education. These…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Liberal Eduation for the Poor

Words: 1701
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If one has been "trained" in the ways of poverty, left no opportunity to do other than react to his or her environment, what is needed is a…

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4 Pages

Art  (general)

Art the Late 19th Century

Words: 1181
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In Spirit of the Dead Watching, Gaugin also depicts a Tahitian woman with open sexuality. The woman in Spirit of the Dead Watching lays prostrate on a bed,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Society Support the Arts Why

Words: 832
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The production of art should be viewed as a necessity for everyone, the rich or poor, smart or dumb, disturbed or not (Sweet pp). The contemporary tendency to…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Art  (general)

Gothic Sculpture Art Represents the

Words: 1187
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

There is an emphasis on harmony in this structure that shows a new way of thought, and this sense of harmony would be carried over into other works…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Income difference Occupational vs Liberal degrees

Words: 975
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

The long-term income difference between those who obtain occupational degrees versus those who obtain more general or liberal arts degrees. It is a general understanding that education provides individuals with…

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3 Pages


A Students Guide to Liberal Learning by Schall

Words: 896
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Schall's book is to generate appealing and engaging conversations with learned scholars regarding the content of a genuine and dependable liberal arts education. In general, it surveys notions and…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Renaissance Art Philosophy

Words: 699
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanism: The idea of humanism started in Italy in the 14th Century and thrived throughout the 15th Century. During this period, Italians placed a significant emphasis on education and…

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16 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Olmec Although Scientists Found Artifacts and Art

Words: 5404
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Olmec Although scientists found artifacts and art objects of the Olmecs; until this century they did not know about the existence of the Olmecs. Most of the objects which…

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5 Pages

Art  (general)

Non-Western Influences on European Art

Words: 1360
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Art Asia and Africa in estern European Art Globalization is generally associated as a modern phenomenon, however, it is a global movement that began with the Greeks and did not accelerate…

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1 Pages

Art  (general)

Pop Art Does Not Refer

Words: 368
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Therefore, Warhol offers a visual juxtaposition of capitalism and the arts. ichard Hamilton used multimedia, collage, and three-dimensional objects in his work to capture the essence of popular culture.…

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3 Pages

Art  (general)

Henri Matisse Art Is Life

Words: 861
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

He traveled to Africa, Spain, and Germany and even studied in Russia, where he was exposed to Islamic art. The Dance is one painting that captures a new…

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