Living Will Essays (Examples)

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Living Wills

Living Wills
All too often, living wills are something "swept under the rug" by patients who need them and by those who could help patients set them up and get them in place. When a patient goes to the hospital, either to be admitted or to use emergency services, he or she is often asked if there is a living will in place. Often, the answer is "no," and when asked whether he or she would like to create one, the answer is still "no." There is too much stress in a situation like that, and the person wants to be treated for his or her immediate problem, not be taught about other documentation. Because of that, there must be a better way for a person who is elderly and/or who has a chronic condition. The proposed intervention would involve the elderly and those who live with chronic issues such as….

The overall incidence of the withdrawal of life sustaining measures in European ICUs is not known, although withholding and withdrawing life support is actively used by most European intensivists, shortening of the dying process remains rare. In the treatment of terminally ill patients in Japan, new surveys indicate that Japanese physicians tend to treat the patients more aggressively. An analysis showed that in Japan, patients wishes are often not taken into account while a greater weight is placed on the feelings of the family. The overall feeling in Japan is that to withdraw or withhold treatment is essentially to abandon the patient and heroic measures are usually undertaken in an attempt to prolong the patient's life until family members are present at the bedside to witness the time of death. The physicians in Japan who were interviewed regarding end of life care still seemed to feel that withdrawing or….

resuscitate orders and living wills (also known as "advance directives"). Specifically, it will discuss the ethics of these orders, and how they relate to medical law and professional ethics. Living wills and do not resuscitate orders (DN) are common methods for patients and their families to indicate their wishes during times of hospitalization and treatment. However, there are so many exceptional cases and circumstances surrounding these issues that they are continually controversial, and test the bioethical standards of the medical and legal communities. Where do patient rights and medical ethics blend, and where do they diverge? These are not simple questions to answer, as the research shows.
Living wills and do not resuscitate orders are usually created by patients and their families as a means to ensure their lives are not prolonged if they are suffering a debilitating or terminal illness, and they need life support or resuscitation. They are….

Wills Outline of Gilbert Law


Revival of revoked wills. In most cases, a revoked will is not revivable unless it is reexecuted or revived by codicil; however, if a revoked will was destroyed, it cannot be revived in this fashion.


Dependent relative revocation. These are mistakes of law made by the testator concerning the disposition of property that can be disregarded in the administration of a will.

Components of a Will


Integration. This term refers to the collation of various sheets of paper into a cohesive whole which constitutes a single, entire will which is executed via a single act.


Incorporation by reference. A majority of states allow documents that were not integrated into the single, entire will to receive the same force and effect by referencing them in the will.


Facts of independent significance. This term refers to the description of intended beneficiaries or bequests in a will that relate to an extrinsic act or event that must have….

Living Constitutionalism

Living Constitutionalism
As the leader of the free world, the United States remains in the limelight as the rest of the world keeps a keen eye on how they conduct their affairs. As it appertains to constitutional interpretation, the U.S. has a sound philosophy dubbed 'living constitutionalism.' In the American constitutional dispensation, as in other countries, the letter of the law is unequivocal. That notwithstanding, many agree that every society is dynamic in nature. As such, as society keeps changing, there is a growing need for the constitution to be equally as dynamic in view of various considerations. Implementing and enforcing the letter of the law as stated in constitutional clauses often has its shortcomings. The concept 'Living Constitutionalism' revolves around humanizing the law. By adding the element of humanity in the law, the constitution gains a dynamic element. This idea relates to the view of the society as contemporaneous, which….

Living With Incurable Cancer at the End of Life-Patients' Perceptions on Quality of Life
Johansson, Christina Melin RN, Phd-student; Axelsson, Bertil MD, PhD; Danielson, Ella RN, PhD

This article is either a qualitative or a quantitative research study. Identify which, and then complete the table below where applicable. Write no more than three sentences in each cell of the table. The study may not contain all of the elements listed, or the element may be necessary and is not addressed. If the study does not address one of these elements and it is not necessary, simply indicate as N/A in the appropriate box. If the element is not adequately discussed, explain based on your readings and your understanding of the research study.



Research question

How do patients describe their perceptions of the quality of life (QoL) in incurable cancer at the end of life?



Patients with terminal cancer often receive palliative care (treatment to relieve….

One author once wrote, "It is but fair to say that America is not a land of one race or one class of men. e are all Americans that have toiled and suffered and known oppression and defeat, from the first Indian that offered peace in Manhattan to the last Filipino pea pickers...." (esling, 2007, p. 55).

esling went on to quote Bulosan as saying, " America is also the nameless foreigner, the homeless refugee, the hungry boy begging for a job and the black body dangling on a tree.... e are all that nameless foreigner, that homeless refugee, that hungry boy, that illiterate immigrant and that lynched black body. All of us, from the first Adams to the last Filipino, native born or alien, educated or illiterate -- e are America!" (esling, 2007, p. 55). Perhaps that is the reason why an individual with nothing to his name but what….

Both strong emotions and that is what effect the sentence has on the mood of the piece. She sees a weasel for the very first time, and it is a very emotional experience for her. It is as if she can see inside the weasel's head, and understand its' motivations, and it is a very intimate look into her and the way she looks at relationships, even with natural objects.
This paragraph shows how much she admires the weasel, and that she wishes she had the same tenacity of spirit. She again uses words and phrases that are reminiscent of lovers, and she says, "I could very calmly go wild," which is funny and telling at the same time. "Going wild" means becoming much simpler and less complicated, and that is why the author wants us to live like weasels, they are uncomplicated and simple, something that can be good….

The Golgi receives new proteins and lipids from the ER, finishes them up, addresses them and sends them to their final destination. In this way, the Golgi could be the postal service of the city. Lysosomes get rid of unusable waste within the cell and recycles those materials that can be reused, making it the recycling and garbage center of the city. Mitochondria are where ATP, the main energy molecule, is made. It could be considered the city's power plant. Then we have the cell's cytoskeleton, which gives the cell its shape, strength and its ability to move. It can be looked at as the roadways and bridges of the city. ("Chemical Composition of the Body," 2005)
Cells do not act alone and have help from things like enzymes to complete their job. Enzymes are proteins make chemical reactions within cells occur faster ("Chemical Composition of the Body," 2005). ithout….

Living at Home vs Living

First, dorms are certainly more convenient when it comes to getting to and from classes. Therefore, it would appear that dorms are a more convenient alternative for students. However, getting to and from class is only one concern for the average college student. College students living at home will probably be able to eat home-cooked meals without leaving their residences to do so, have access to private washers and driers, and easier parking access. Therefore, depending on the length of a commute, living at a home may actually be more convenient and provide a student with more free-time than living at a dorm. Once again, one must consider a particular scenario to determine convenience for a student.
The final factor to consider is privacy; dorm rooms offer students more privacy from their families, while living at home may permit students more privacy in their bedrooms. For many students, the move….

Living System
The Organization as a Living System

There are many different metaphorical models that have been used to describe organizations, from ships to machines to human brains. Another perspective views organizations as equivalent to living organisms or really to any complex living system, where reactions happen both on an immediate and reactionary basis and as a matter of planning and decision making. This perspective can be especially useful when viewing organizations during volatile times and in a host of other conditions; though this metaphor is not necessarily better or more complete than other symbolic ways of viewing organizations, it certainly has benefits in certain applications and situations. Viewing the organization as a living organism can help one to determine how the organization makes its decisions, where the powerful and weak points of the system are, and even predict its behavior as an entity that above all wants to survive in a….

Any tells his son to soberly build a garden and home and tend it, which is true on a literal level about keeping a tidy property, and also a metaphor for an orderly and moral soul. Do not rely on another man's goods, he says. Do not fall into debt -- credit card debit or otherwise. Treat elders with respect -- rise when they come into the room. But do not strike back at a brawler, or reveal too much of yourself.
However, this last bit of advice that stresses the need for social decorum that may reveal something unique about Egyptian society. Clearly ancient Egypt was a hierarchical society, and perhaps highly politically charged. Treating one's social better with deference, and not revealing too much of one's own affairs was integral to one's personal and social survival. But although the political atmosphere in ancient Egypt was no doubt very….

For example, does one really have to think about ethics while they are grocery shopping? ell, perhaps if one is thinking of cutting in line or taking the last shopping cart when there is an elderly woman who will be stuck with a basket.
Aristotle's virtue ethics said that people have to hone their virtues and this is a nice thought. He believes that everyone is born with the inherent tendency to do good, but people have to work on it just as one might have musical ability, they still must train in order to become a professional. Just because we think that we are ethical, good people (and we probably are) doesn't mean that we don't have to work on being better. This is also quite a nice theory, however, utilitarianism is still the best way for one to lead a happy, right life, because, once again, it forces….

Living and Doing Business With Australians
Word Count (excluding titles): 1159

The Commonwealth of Australia has a population of twenty two million and consists of six states and two territories and has the thirteenth largest economy in the world. The majority of the population gathers around the coastal cities and has one of the lowest population densities in the world. Australia is a country overflowing with natural beauty and unparalleled multiculturalism. To do business in Australia requires a deep understanding of the cultural complexity. Home to a great many immigrants this island continent is one of the world's most culturally diversity nation. Nearly twenty-five percent of Australian residents were born in another country. Even greater percentages have parents or grandparents who were immigrants or refugees from a vast range of nations. This rich diversity, coupled with the indigenous population, presents the businessman with unique opportunities and challenges.

Doing Business

The range of cultural….

Living Out a Dream
To Live Out a Dream

I was a boy who loved to read, write, and daydream. Everyday I cherished going to school and my mother never had a hard time waking me up because I knew that one day I would be able to take care of her and my family. My father passed away when I was 12 and he would always tell me that a smart man will opt to use with his brain before his back, and that I could do anything I put my mind to. He was a strong believer in these notions and in my ability, the oldest of 4 children.

It all began when I was 15 years old. Having no option, I needed to work. Everyday after school I would run home and do the necessary chores so my mother would not have to worry. After, I would ride my bicycle….

Sure! Here are some potential essay topics on molst:

1. The history and development of the molst (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) program.
2. The importance of advance care planning and how molst forms can help facilitate important end-of-life conversations.
3. The benefits and limitations of using molst forms in healthcare settings.
4. The ethical considerations surrounding the use of molst forms and end-of-life decision-making.
5. A comparison of molst forms to other advance care planning documents, such as living wills and durable power of attorney for healthcare.
6. The role of healthcare providers in promoting and implementing molst forms with patients.
7. The impact of molst....

Essay Topics on End-of-Life Issues

Euthanasia and Assisted Dying

Thesis Statement: The legalization of euthanasia and assisted dying provides individuals with the right to make autonomous decisions about their own death, ensuring a dignified and peaceful end-of-life experience.
Supporting Arguments:
Individuals should have the freedom to choose the time and manner of their death, especially when faced with terminal or debilitating illnesses.
Legalization allows for regulation and transparent end-of-life practices, preventing abuse and coercion.
Euthanasia and assisted dying can alleviate suffering and preserve dignity, reducing the burden on individuals and their families.

Palliative Care and End-of-Life Comfort

Thesis Statement: Palliative care plays....

3 Pages
Research Proposal

Death and Dying  (general)

Living Wills

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Living Wills All too often, living wills are something "swept under the rug" by patients who need them and by those who could help patients set them up and get…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Living Wills and Advanced Directives

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The overall incidence of the withdrawal of life sustaining measures in European ICUs is not known, although withholding and withdrawing life support is actively used by most European…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Do Not Resuscitate Orders Living Wills

Words: 1689
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

resuscitate orders and living wills (also known as "advance directives"). Specifically, it will discuss the ethics of these orders, and how they relate to medical law and professional…

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10 Pages

Business - Law

Wills Outline of Gilbert Law

Words: 3832
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

E. Revival of revoked wills. In most cases, a revoked will is not revivable unless it is reexecuted or revived by codicil; however, if a revoked will was destroyed, it…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Living Constitutionalism

Words: 3355
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Living Constitutionalism As the leader of the free world, the United States remains in the limelight as the rest of the world keeps a keen eye on how they conduct…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Living With Incurable Cancer at the End

Words: 602
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Living With Incurable Cancer at the End of Life-Patients' Perceptions on Quality of Life Johansson, Christina Melin RN, Phd-student; Axelsson, Bertil MD, PhD; Danielson, Ella RN, PhD This article is either…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Living Rooms Being a Perceived

Words: 1822
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One author once wrote, "It is but fair to say that America is not a land of one race or one class of men. e are all Americans that…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Living Like Weasels Dillard Is

Words: 370
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Both strong emotions and that is what effect the sentence has on the mood of the piece. She sees a weasel for the very first time, and it…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Living Organisms Are All Around

Words: 990
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Golgi receives new proteins and lipids from the ER, finishes them up, addresses them and sends them to their final destination. In this way, the Golgi could…

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2 Pages


Living at Home vs Living

Words: 792
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

First, dorms are certainly more convenient when it comes to getting to and from classes. Therefore, it would appear that dorms are a more convenient alternative for students.…

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4 Pages


Living System the Organization as a Living

Words: 1126
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Living System The Organization as a Living System There are many different metaphorical models that have been used to describe organizations, from ships to machines to human brains. Another perspective views…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Living The Egyptian Dream in

Words: 826
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Any tells his son to soberly build a garden and home and tend it, which is true on a literal level about keeping a tidy property, and also…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Living Well and Rightly Moral

Words: 1478
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, does one really have to think about ethics while they are grocery shopping? ell, perhaps if one is thinking of cutting in line or taking the…

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4 Pages


Living and Doing Business With Australians Word

Words: 1195
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Living and Doing Business With Australians Word Count (excluding titles): 1159 The Commonwealth of Australia has a population of twenty two million and consists of six states and two territories and…

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2 Pages


Living Out a Dream to Live Out

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Living Out a Dream To Live Out a Dream I was a boy who loved to read, write, and daydream. Everyday I cherished going to school and my mother never had…

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