Lyric Essays (Examples)

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Lyrics for the Song Your Reasons for
Pages: 4 Words: 1432

Lyrics for the Song, Your Reasons for Choosing it, And the Source Information
The song that was chosen is titled Airplanes by B.O.B. The lyrics are, "Can we pretend that airplanes. In the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now. Wish right now, wish right now. Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now. Wish right now, wish right now. Yeah, I could use a dream or a genie or a wish. To go back to a place much simpler than this. 'Cause after all the partyin' and smashin' and crashin'. And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion. And all the pandemonium and all the madness. There comes a time where you fade to the blackness

And when you starin' at that phone in your lap. And you…...


Glasser, Linda. "Student's Hip Hop Hit Hot." Cornell University, 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2014

Kreps, Daniel. "B.O.B. Owes." Yahoo Music, 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2014

Seidman, Lacy. "TI and BOB." Billboard, 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2014

Lyrics Evoke the Challenges of
Pages: 4 Words: 1456

Children (most times adolescents, although sometimes younger) left their families to seek their fortune in America. America became famous (and notorious to the pious) as the 'goldeneh medinah' 5 where it was literally believed that the streets were paved with gold (and where one lost one's religion). ussian emigration created the first massive influx of Jews to America. Once there, Jewish life as implicated in the lyrics took on a different turn, and became almost obsolete.
The Shtetl Way of life; Cheder; and Jewish scholarship.

estricted from turning outward, the Jews turned inwards and focus sharpened on Jewish scholarliness exclusively for the males. It was the elite who became a Talmid Chocham 6, and the Jewish housewife, often, supported her spouse so that he could continue to learn 7. Jewish scholarship defined the yichus (i.e., pedigree) (or lack of it) of the family, and Jewish orthodoxy was heavily bent on yichus.…...



Cahan, a. The Education of Abraham Cahan. Phil: JPA, 1969.

Howe, I. World of our Fathers. NY: Harcourt Bruce, 1976.

Johnson, P.A History of the Jews. UK: Harper Perennial, 1987.

1 Johnson, 358

Popular Song Lyrics Poetry Has Its Origin
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Popular Song Lyrics
Poetry has its origin in performed song, but there is a profound difference between a poem written to be read and lyrics written to be sung. This is due to the power of music: it acts upon the feelings without articulating anything, and harnessed to lyrics music may seem to lend emotive force to whatever (if anything) is endorsed in the text. s a result, writing lyrics to a contemporary pop song entails a fairly simple formula: all that is required are lyrics obey a law of vagueness, such that anyone can identify with it. The listener can imagine almost anything that matches his or her sense of what the tune "means." s far as the major record labels are concerned, a song only needs to be a sufficient advertisement for itself -- a "radio-friendly unit-shifter," to borrow a phrase from Kurt Cobain, where "radio-friendly" indicates a song's…...


A mulatto, an albino,

A mosquito, my libido (Nirvana, 1991)

Again, the sense of menace that we get from the load of guns in the first line recurs in the sense that something "dangerous" might be happening at the party. But it is clear that we are now talking about a sexual, rather than a violent, situation because the lights are out. Nonetheless, anything sexual seems to be contradicted by the sense of a social group: "Here we are now, entertain us" gets repeated twice. This dispels any sense that, if a sexual encounter is indeed being described, there would be any intimacy or tenderness. Instead, this is teen sex dictated by peer pressure and conformity. Considering that Cobain was writing this song at the height of the AIDS crisis, and of grim warnings

Blo Boston Lyric Opera Case Study Customer
Pages: 3 Words: 945

Boston Lyric Opera: Case study

Customer objectives for its three strategic themes

Develop loyal and generous supporters

There are two major elements to this goal of the opera company -- that of building customer loyalty and generosity. Funds from tickets are not enough alone, so the opera must solicit donations. Keeping track of donations is an essential metric to using a Balanced Scorecard approach. But there is another component of this metric -- determining the demographics from whom the donations are solicited. The BLO wishes to build its young, professional donor segment to ensure that the opera has a long, steady source of revenue from a growing rather than shrinking consumer base. Lowering the demographic age of the donors and also measuring the extent to which attendees at specific types of fundraisers become regular patrons is also required.

Build reputation on the national and international opera scene

Ultimately, an opera company's objective is to produce…...

Song's Lyrics in Terms of
Pages: 2 Words: 564

..Ain't no feeling like being free, I'm like an eagle set free, And finally I'm looking out for me" (Free pp). The chorus demonstrates how this woman feels about getting out of her relationship. She's expressing how freedom feels, how good it feels to finally stand up for oneself and move on in life. This woman has decided to put the past behind her, including this relationship. She has reached her limit with being used and abused by her lover. In fact, one of the lines reads, "I'm tired of that happening," meaning she has heard his lies and excuses until she cannot bear to hear another word from his mouth (Free pp).
Although there is anger throughout the song, it is a liberating anger, the type of anger necessary to move out of an abusive relationship. Anger can be the fuel needed to find the energy for important changes and…...


Works Cited

Destiny's Child: Bio

Free." Destiny's Child. Retrieved October 03, 2005 at

Christopher Marlowe's Short Lyric The Passionate Shepherd
Pages: 3 Words: 1182

Christopher Marlowe's short lyric "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" has exercised an influence on English verse which hardly seems indicated by the limpid faux-naif quality of the poem itself, written in simple four-line stanzas, each composed of a pair of simple rhymed octosyllablic couplets. R.S. Forsythe traces a whole host of imitations in English and in Continental verse of Marlowe's pastoral song, and concludes that
"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" has exercised, for over three hundred and thirty years, upon English poetry an influence, direct or indirect, which is equalled by that of few poems; second, that, probably because of the popularity of these verses, a literary device was created -- the invitation to love -- which, in one form or another, adapted in this way or that, has persisted down into our own days. (742)

But I would propose that an examination of the metaphor and simile in this…...


Works Cited

Cheney, Patrick. "Career Rivalry and the Writing of Counter-Nationhood: Ovid, Spenser and Philomela in Marlowe's 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love'." English Literary History 65.3 (Fall 1998): 523-55. Print.

Forsythe, R.S. "The Passionate Shepherd and English Poetry." Proceedings of the Modern Language Assocation 40.3 (September 1925): 692-742. Print.

Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets with Critical Obsevations on Their Works. Charlestown: Samuel Etheridge, 1810. Accessed 21 March 2011 online at: 

Leiter, Louis. "Deification Through Love: Marlowe's 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love'." College English 27.6 (March 1966): 444-9. Print.

John Keats Lyric Poem Compared to Narrative
Pages: 6 Words: 1833

John Keats: A lyric Poem compared to a narrative one
The poetry of John Keats:

Common themes in "La Belle Dame sans Merci" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn"

Both poems by John Keats "La Belle Dame sans Merci" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" have a common theme: the transient nature of human desire. The poems reflect common Romantic preoccupations: exotic settings, art, and mysterious powers that serve to underline the limited nature of human love and desire. The ballad romance "La Belle Dame sans Merci" tells the story of a knight who is miserable after being abandoned by his lover, the fabled woman of the title. The "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is written in the poet's own voice as he gazes on the work of classical Greek sculpture. The poet compares how reality is always changing and imperfect while art is eternal, including the static, artistic portrayals of the two…...


Works Cited

Keats, John. "La Belle Dame Sans Merci." Poetry Foundation. 29 Nov 2014. Web.

Keats, John. "Ode to a Grecian Urn." Poetry Foundation. 29 Nov 2014. Web.

Song Lyrics Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1012

Billy Joel's Piano Man
One phrase that can sum up the success of Billy Joel's song, Piano Man, is "slice of life." The song give us a glimpse into the life of a struggling performer who has earned fame on a small scale playing the piano and singing at a bar in a small town. This song is timeless because it is a story about many characters making their way through life.

The music and lyrics of this song operate together to create a comfortable atmosphere. This atmosphere reflects the atmosphere of the small bar in which the story is taking place. Because most of the music in the song is the piano, the image of the piano player is constantly brought to our minds. From the very beginning of the song, we are drawn to listen to it because it is not intrusive. The song is not demanding that we listen…...


Works Cited

Joel, Billy. Piano Man. 1973. Billy Joel Lyrics Page. Site Accessed March 26, 2004.

Claude Debussy's Lyric Drama Prelude
Pages: 8 Words: 2294

Debussy repeats this flute melody throughout the piece at different paces against a variety of chords. hile the overall form of the piece is considered to ABA, it is important to note how one section of the piece blends beautifully with the next. The piece has a continuous flow and it is so subtle that listeners are not tempted at any point to beat time to any rhythms.
The typical feeling of weightlessness that is associated with Impressionistic music and the simple act of repetition are what make this piece a success. e should also consider that "Prelude de L'apres Midi d'un Faune" was composed with the stage in mind. The intention of the piece was to leave listeners with something profound to think about long after the sound of the music stopped. Debussy was successful in that the piece had an effect that reached farther than any other French…...


Works Cited

Lesure, Francois. "Claude Debussy." Oxford Music Online. Information Retreived October 12, 2008. 

Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun." The Kennedy Center Online. Information Retreived October 12, 2008. 

Trezise, Simon. The Cambridge Companion to Debussy. Cambridge University Press. 2003.

Should Lyrics Be Taught as Poetry
Pages: 4 Words: 1797

Poetry and Music: Should Lyrics be Taught as Poetry?
One of the more interesting discussions in modern literature is whether song lyrics should be considered as poetry. Historically, there was not necessarily a distinction between songs and literature, as bards used music to help convey literary ideas, whether in the form of songs, spoken verse, or even stories that may have been set to music. However, modern society has differentiated song lyrics from poetry, and has done so in a manner that may be very dismissive of the meaning in song lyrics. Song lyrics are considered to be merely a part of popular culture, while poetry is considered an art form. However, the reality is that song lyrics can engage in the same in-depth level of storytelling and focus on the same issues as poetry. The poem "The Supremes" by Cornelius Eady discusses the topic of bullying in schools, and it…...


Works Cited

Eady, Cornelius. The Supremes. Name of Textbook. Ed. Editor's Name(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Year. 361-362. Print.

Swift, Taylor. "Mean." Speak Now. Big Machine, 2010. CD.

Appendix A: Lyrics to "Mean" by Taylor Swift

You, with your words like knives

Parsing and Analyzing of Lyrics
Pages: 3 Words: 1822

Beyonce Lyrics
The author of this brief report has been asked to analyze the lyrics of the song Formation by Beyonce, the pop and &B artist who is widely known to the American public. ather than just summarize and print out the lyrics, the author of this report will instead analyze and assess what they lyrics are saying. The contexts, backstory and societal implications behind what is being said will be analyzed along the way. The song will be broken down into snippets based on each point being made and what is being said. The size of the snippets will vary a little bit but will all be fairly self-contained on their own so that a full point can be made for each portion. While many songs out there in the pop music sphere are vague and leave some interpretation to the listeners, much of what is being said in Beyonce's…...



AZLyrics. (2016). BEYONCE KNOWLES LYRICS - Formation. Retrieved 18 July

2016, from

Lyrics and Meaning of the Word Crazy
Pages: 2 Words: 627

proud of it. look at this as the attribute that spearheads my personality. Allow me to indulge myself
The word "crazy" can be defined in many different ways. One of the meanings that really talks to me is, "having an unusual, unexpected, or random quality." One might understand this better from World War . Each army had their own land which was not even contestable. Then, on the border facing the enemy, each side dug trenches to protect themselves against an oncoming attack. During the whole war they were fighting over a mile or two of no-man's land. Back and forth for 4 years straight.

This may seem a totally crazy, but if you really stopped and thought about it for a second, this is what life is all about: stepping out onto the battlefield and into the mud. f you want, you can live your life on what's given…...


In my life, I try to step out onto the battlefield every day. Every time a curve ball is thrown at me, I swing. Even if I swing and miss, I know that I am now a little bit more prepared for the upcoming pitch. I know people who shy away from anything that may seem out of the ordinary. They never take the initiative and their whole existence becomes monotonous and habitual, day in and day out. Seal, in his 1991 megahit, "Crazy," characterizes this idea in one fell swoop: "But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy…" What's survival without living? Without getting a little crazy?

It seems that Gnarls Barkley and Seal have very similar understandings of the word "crazy." By contrast, Pierre Bouvier, the lead singer and songwriter of the Canadian band Simple Plan, describes "crazy" in a totally different manner. In their song, "Crazy," he sings, "Tell me what's wrong with society, When everywhere I look I see, Young girls dying to be on TV, They won't stop 'til they've reached their dreams, Diet pills, surgery Photoshop pictures in magazines, Telling them how they should be, It doesn't make sense to me, Is everybody going crazy?" It seems that he is referring to people who are committing mindless actions without thinking for one second about what they're doing or the ramifications those actions can have. These people are plummeting downward into a materialistic abyss that's filled with the heightened emphasis on outside appearances and the outrageous routes they must take to get there. These people are acting in a crazy fashion. However, their craziness can best be defined as insanity, as they've allowed their entire lives to be dictated by what society or the media has deemed "hip." And that's a bad crazy.

A person has to strive to get the level where he or she doesn't really care what "John Q. Public" has to say about them. Learn to enjoy the type of craziness that allows you to live your life the way you want to live it. Because that's the best crazy of all.

Egyptian Love Lyrics
Pages: 2 Words: 650

The Egyptian love songs/poetry as part of the coursework are revealing and interesting, regarding Egyptian life, society, and conceptions of love, romance, and sex. These love poems, such as other poems from other eras and countries, are sensual and imaginative. The Egyptian love poems/songs show variation and intensity, though there are some themes that bind or connect them. The paper will identify patterns and themes in some of the selected poems as part of general analysis of Egyptian love songs/poetry.

Many of the poems describe the body and describe feelings about the body. In this way, many of the poems are similar in their vivid descriptions or depictions of the body of the person desired, and the person who is desiring. Such descriptions and details add intensity to the poems and they additionally actively engage the imaginations of the readers. On some occassions, the descriptions are about a body part or…...

Wordsworth Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Pages: 7 Words: 2171

Poetry has existed as a popular art form for many years. The following discussion will focus on what poetry, poets, and the lyric mean to illiam ordsworth as related in his PREFACE to Lyrical Ballads. The research will also connect John Stuart Mills and Roman Jakobson's definitions of poetry to that of ordsworth.

Poetry Poets and Lyric according to ordsworth

illiam ordsworth was one of the preeminent poets of the 20th century. He possessed powerful beliefs about the meaning of poetry poets and lyric which he expressed through his Preface to Lyrical Ballads. The initial paragraphs of the preface acknowledge that the type of poetry presented in the book differs greatly from the type of poetry that the general public, at the time had become familiar with reading. For this reason ordsworth felt the need to explain the poetry. ordsworth then goes on to explain that authors of the past made a…...


Works Cited

Wordsworth W. Retrieved September 12, 2009 from; 

Stuart Mill: Retrieved September 12, 2009 from; 

Jakobson, R. Retrieved September 12, 2009 from; 

on+%22What+is+Poetry%3F+%22&source=bl&ots=2Y57wQyC5_&sig=O0IShbWde3WZkWYBO1cBcBsscPI&hl=en &ei=paOpSuqVAsrPlAfapbjXBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#v=onepage&q=Jakobson%20%

Trayvon Martin and Race
Pages: 5 Words: 1470

Citizen -- A Review & Analysis
It is without question that race relations and the treatment of minorities, black people in particular, has progressed and advanced significantly over the existence of the United States. Slavery was abolished nearly a century into the existence of the United States in 1865 and the Jim Crow era came to a halt in light of events like Brown v. Board of Education in the 1950's and the Civil Rights laws being passed in the 1960's. However, even though many to most of the abhorrent and soulless behaviors that typified the years before those events came to pass are now outlawed, what has instead emerged is a rather underground yet not impossible to notice pattern of black people being treated in a way that is clearly different, more negative and more violent than is the case with whites or even other classes of minorities. hile some…...


Works Cited

Amazon. "Amazon.Com: Citizen: An American Lyric (9781555976903): Claudia Rankine:

Books." N.p., 2017. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Love, Shayla. "Transgender Identity Is Considered A Mental Illness By WHO. But That May

Soon Change.". N.p., 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

a streetcar named desire scence 3 analysis?
Words: 128

You can find great information on Scene 3 of A Streetcar Named Desire here: The use of language varies a lot between Stanley (very coarse) and Blanche (full of lyric and emotion when she speaks about her husband). Symbolism is particularly important, because Tennessee Williams was very focused on more than just what was said by the characters. He wanted the people who read his work to experience more than just the words of the people in the story. It's also possible to find the scene on YouTube so you can watch it and understand more about the motifs and....

why music is important?
Words: 396

Music is important for several reasons:

1. Emotional expression - Music allows us to express our emotions, whether it be happiness, sadness, excitement, or anger. It can help us cope with difficult times and enhance our positive experiences.

2. Cultural significance - Music is an integral part of many cultures around the world. It reflects the history, traditions, and values of a society and can bring people together in a shared experience.

3. Cognitive development - Listening to and playing music can improve cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. It can also stimulate creativity and critical thinking.

4. Therapeutic benefits - Music....

My teacher suggested focusing on compare and contrast. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 718

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Literary Analysis

Compare and contrast the themes and motifs in two works of literature.
Analyze the use of symbolism and imagery in two different poems.
Explore the development of a character in two different novels.
Examine the differences in narrative structure between two short stories.
Compare the perspectives of two narrators in a novel.

Historical Events

Compare and contrast the causes and consequences of two major historical events.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the strategies used by two different leaders during wartime.
Explore the impact of two different technological advancements on society.
Examine the ways in....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding musical?
Words: 178

1. The Impact of Musical Theatre on Society
2. The Evolution of Musical Genres
3. The Psychology of Musical Preference
4. The Influence of Technology on the Music Industry
5. The Role of Music in Film
6. The Importance of Music Education in Schools
7. The Representation of Gender and Race in Popular Music
8. The Power of Lyrics in Music
9. The Connection Between Music and Emotions
10. The Role of Musicals in Preserving Cultural Heritage
11. The Rise of Music Streaming Platforms and Their Impact on the Music Industry
12. The Relationship Between Music and Memory
13. The Effect....

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