Mahatma Essays (Examples)

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Mahatma Gandhi
Qualities I admire

the UN has even set and international peace day to celebrate him. Some of the qualities admire in this great man includes his great belief in himself. Mahatma Gandhi did not have a peculiar physique; he was a poor orator, lived a simple life, and did everything to avoid publicity. However, populations across the world still regard him as a great personality because he always believes in himself. He had the belief that he was entitled to a great responsibility to ensure that his fellow citizens lived in absolute freedom. He believed that he had a significant role to play in attaining freedom of the Indian land. His faith has triggered my faith, as well as the faith of billions of people across the world (Punnett & Shenkar, 2004).

Another quality, which I cannot ignore, is his persistence and resistance; to begin with, he was ignored, mocked criticized….

Gandhi accounted the fear of losing a comfortable life not equal to the goal of universal freedom. In a world where "working-class" politicians get $400 haircuts, where "people's" advocates live in penthouses, where our President is considered down-to-earth because he only owns one outrageously expensive home, how refreshing would it be to find a leader who not only identifies with, but also lives the lives of his constituents as Gandhi did?
The people's love for Gandhi fueled another aspect of his courageous nature. Understanding he could not be killed but only martyred, he engineered situations where only winning outcomes were possible. Either the authorities would capitulate and he would have his way, or they would kill him and risk the wrath of hundreds of millions of Indians. He did not fear death. Rather, he embarked on innumerable fasts-unto-death, offering his life as the ransom of the people's faith and independence.….

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader who dreamt of making India an independent state, which would be free from the British rule. From 1917 to 1947, Mahatma Gandhi has been a great leader and has worked to make his dream true. His non-co-operation movements and the famous Salt March are few examples of his life which are significant enough to express his identity (Metcalf and Metcalf, 2006).
Gandhi had very aggressive nationalist facts (Metcalf and Metcalf, 2006). A number of characteristics were preserved by Gandhi during his leadership regime. One of such characteristic was Satyagraha. Apart from Satyagraha, many other actions were also taken by Gandhi to obtain independence and to join up India. Great commitment was given by Gandhi on Satyagraha, which showed that he did not want violence despite of the fact that he was a fighter who was fighting for the rights of his people. At first Gandhi….

In fact it is argued by many who fall into this caste category and their external proponents that attaching a word to the caste that implies that they are in some way weak and in need of protection is as damaging as suppressing their successes. (85)
The 'untouchable', to me, is, compared to us, really a Harijan - a man of God, and we are Durjan (men of evil). For whilst the 'untouchable' has toiled and moiled and dirtied his hands so that we may live in comfort and cleanliness, we have delighted in suppressing him. (Young India, August 6, 1931 [quoted in Gandhi 1933: 40-1])

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Gandhi would likely have been hurt by the sentiment and rejection of the Harijan title, as the people he intended to elevate reject his reclassification of them as people of God. He would likely stress that the full intent of the terminology is to….

Ghandi and Nehru
Both Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru were instrumental founding fathers of the modern India, an India independent from colonial powers and poised to become the world's largest democratic power. The two leaders worked together and it was a blend of their personal philosophies that became the underpinning of the independence movement in India. Nehru became India's first Prime Minister in August of 1947, immediately after independence. Therefore, Nehru bore a heavy political burden of showing Indian citizens, and indeed the whole world, that India was indeed capable of self-rule.

Gandhi and Nehru shared much in common in terms of their visions of India's future and the methods by which to achieve independence. Both men objected to colonial rule and were reviled by the British people in power. The British incarcerated Jawaharlal Nehru, and Gandhi engaged in self-imposed asceticism as a means to raise awareness for the cause. Although Nehru….

Gandhi also possessed this leadership skill. People listened to Gandhi even when they were not in agreement with what he was trying to convey.
Law of respect-Gandhi respected others even when they did not respect him. In return, people respected Gandhi, even many of the people responsible for his many persecutions came to respect him.

Law of Navigation- Gandhi had an ability to organize people and delegate responsibilities and he had a vision for future and the manner in which government should behave towards people.

Law of process. This law asserts that leadership is learned over a period of time. Gandhi certainly developed and attempted to perfect his leadership style over a period of many years. The years spent in South Africa were crucial as tit pertains to his development as a leader.

Law of trust- an effective leader must have the trust of followers. Those who followed Gandhi and his teachings trusted….

.. becomes unjust" (Lincoln 158). Here, King is referring to the Civil Rights movement and its non-violent protest which in the minds of the lawmakers disrupted and desegregated society by allowing blacks to interrelate with the Southern majority who keenly believed in the separation of the races. In addition, King brings his argument against unjust laws full circle by declaring "One who breaks an unjust law must do it openly, lovingly... And with a willingness to accept the penalty" (Lincoln 159), meaning that a "lawbreaker" must have the right state of mind when disobeying an unjust law and must firmly believe that he/she is doing the proper thing for the good of all. Thus, King's application of civil disobedience was a necessary thing for his people, for without it they might have never gained the freedoms that they possess today.
In conclusion, it is clear that civil disobedience as applied by….

Gandhi's Philosophies
Mahatma Gandhi is still one of the most influential spiritual and political leaders ever to have made his presence known to the world. Through his fight for independence using non-violent resistance, Gandhi spread the word of gaining independence without loosing one's dignity or pride in the midst of a bloody struggle. His principles were based of the piousness of spirituality, and therefore aim to help guide individuals to truth and independence without damaging their self-respect or morality.

Gandhi's principles were incredibly spiritual, and were often intertwined with one another. Take for example the relationship between satyagraha and swaraj for Gandhi. These are essentially two very different principles for Gandhi, yet they are closely intertwined. Gandhi stated that "Satyagraha literally means insistence on truth" (Gandhi 81). It is the search for truth and the effort to live one's live within respect for absolute truth. Yet, many times, this path can be….

If the person reacts with hatred or anger, he gets no immediate relief and instead develops a negative attitude and feeling, which will lead to his own downfall. The generation of hatred and hateful thoughts produces undesirable forms of existence in future lives and also creates a distorted image of the person who harbors that hatred. Others can sense it and even experience steam of hostility coming out of him. Even animals can feel it and avoid that person. Hatred also takes over the best part of the brain, which judges right from wrong and evaluates long-term consequences against short-term ones. No one and nothing can protect a person from anger or hatred. Education, the law, weapons or money cannot protect him from it and its consequences. Only tolerance and patience can. Gandhi was well aware of the disadvantages of feeling hatred for his tormentors that was why he….

This indicates that society is not safe as the result of the death penalty, so long as life in prison is a real and fully-enforced option for prisoners who commit terrible crimes.
There is also the very real issue of innocent people who are murdered by the state. Of course, some proponents of capital punishment argue that from a utilitarian point-of-view, more guilty people are executed than innocent people. But an equally rational utilitarian point-of-view is that when it is discovered that the state has killed an innocent person, respect for the state and the judicial process as a whole is damaged. When no one respects the judicial process, crime is likely to increase. Further damage to the social perception of the justice system is incurred by the fact that more non-whites are executed than whites, which suggests that racial biases on the part of juries and lack of access….

He encouraged self-sufficiency and education, and started the homespun wool movement. He even showed foresight in foreign policy: When Hitler started World War II, Gandhi actually halted the Indian freedom movement, and asked the Indians to support the British rather than take advantage of their weakness. His theory - correct - was that Hitler was a much more evil foe. The British could be dealt with later.
I'd want to eat with Gandhi so I could learn from where he derived his passion, his non-violent bent, his perseverance and his love for India. I'd also want to learn where he learned his magnanimity: He was eventually assassinated by his own people because he gave too much away to Pakistan, India's sworn enemy, because he believed that both countries were brothers.

We all have a lot to learn from Gandhi.

Take Martin Luther King, Jr., for instance, who based his entire movement on….

Vinoba Vhabe
Vinoba Bhave

Throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi gave emphasis to the notion that his twin principles of truth and nonviolence must be put in practice in every aspect of life as they have the strength to solve a number of human problems. His teachings were being practiced by his faithful disciples after achieving the political independence. The most prominent person in this regard is the leader and the spiritual heir of Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave (Bary, Hay, Weiler & Yarrow, 1958).

Vinoba Bhave is, thus, one of those great devout reformers of modern India whose selfless services have inspired the hearts of innumerable countrymen. At a very early age, Vinoba was determined to undertake a lifetime celibacy & selfless service to the needy. He was in search of a life in which he could synthesize both spirituality and practicality. When he discovered Gandhi, both of them worked for the regeneration and self-sufficiency….

It was also discovered that the Moderates did not have sufficient representation in Congress. The Moderates were aware of Tilak's loyalty to the Congress but did not appreciate it. They even thoroughly resisted his entry and that of his friends to it. Tilak then cooperated with Annie esant in forming two home rule leagues, one in Maharashtra and the other in Madras. Their Lucknow Congress in 1916 healed the division. oth sides wanted to restore the old and honorable conditions. After agreeing on some membership conditions, the Moderates accepted the extremists. The Lucknow Congress honored and recognized Tilak as a the sole political hero of the time. The Moderates could have offered Tilak the presidency of the Congress but Tilak was known to have a pledge of self-denial. He withdrew his name from the 1907 Nagpur Congress and suggested that it be replaced by the name of Lala Laipat….

Warms the Heart More Than

This special treat was their way of expressing how important my visits were to them. We then discussed current events, reminisced about their lives during the Korean War, and talked about their children and grandchildren. For that summer, I became their personal bridge to the mainland. Even more important, they no longer felt ostracized. At the same time, the experience changed my life even more than theirs. I found that my volunteer efforts could further the change I want to see in the world -- an end to discrimination and injustice. [making other people's lives better in some way]
Because of my experience on Sorok Island, I now regularly visit residents at a Los Angeles nursing home. Many of these men and women have the same need as [names]. They want to talk with someone, because their children are too busy to visit or they are alone. These people also….

It is also more likely to create a constructive rather than a destructive outcome, it is a process of conflict resolution that may aim to arrive at the truth of a given situation rather than simple victory for one side and it is the only technique of struggle that is consistent with the teachings of the major religions (eber and Burrowes, n.d.).
Nonviolent action is a method by which people who reject passivity and submission, and who see struggle as necessary, can have their conflict without violence. Nonviolent acts are not seen as an attempt to steer clear of or ignore conflict. They are one reaction to the problem of how to act effectively in politics, particularly how to wield powers effectively. It consists of acts of protest and persuasion, noncooperation and nonviolent intervention designed to undermine the sources of power of the opponent in order to bring about change….

Gandhi is one of the most fascinating people in all of recent history.  An advocate of passive resistance, he not only helped free India from British oppression, but also inspired the 1960s Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr.  Gandhi’s work is so well-known that his name has become synonymous with both peace and leadership.  However, his personal life was marred by some controversies, suggesting that even great men can have terrible flaws.  We cannot possibly tell you all about Gandhi in a few paragraphs; his life and his life’s work....

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X: Differing Approaches to Civil Rights

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two of the most prominent and influential figures in the American civil rights movement. While they both shared the goal of achieving equality for African Americans in the United States, they had significantly different approaches to how that goal should be achieved.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Nonviolent Resistance

King was a proponent of nonviolent resistance, which he believed was the most effective way to bring about social change. He was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, who had used nonviolence to achieve....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Mahatma Gandhi Qualities I Admire the UN

Words: 1540
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mahatma Gandhi Qualities I admire the UN has even set and international peace day to celebrate him. Some of the qualities admire in this great man includes his great belief in…

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3 Pages
Book Review

Drama - World

Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Gandhi as

Words: 986
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

Gandhi accounted the fear of losing a comfortable life not equal to the goal of universal freedom. In a world where "working-class" politicians get $400 haircuts, where "people's"…

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3 Pages

Drama - World

Mahatma Gandhi

Words: 1325
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader who dreamt of making India an independent state, which would be free from the British rule. From 1917 to 1947, Mahatma Gandhi has…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Untouchability Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Was

Words: 1601
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In fact it is argued by many who fall into this caste category and their external proponents that attaching a word to the caste that implies that they…

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3 Pages

History - Asian

Ghandi and Nehru Both Mahatma Gandhi and

Words: 967
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ghandi and Nehru Both Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru were instrumental founding fathers of the modern India, an India independent from colonial powers and poised to become the world's largest…

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7 Pages

History - Asian

Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Was One

Words: 2159
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Gandhi also possessed this leadership skill. People listened to Gandhi even when they were not in agreement with what he was trying to convey. Law of respect-Gandhi respected others…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Civil Disobedience Mahatmas Gandhi &

Words: 1678
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

.. becomes unjust" (Lincoln 158). Here, King is referring to the Civil Rights movement and its non-violent protest which in the minds of the lawmakers disrupted and desegregated society…

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2 Pages

History - Asian

Gandhi's Philosophies Mahatma Gandhi Is Still One

Words: 602
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gandhi's Philosophies Mahatma Gandhi is still one of the most influential spiritual and political leaders ever to have made his presence known to the world. Through his fight for independence…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Was Mohandas

Words: 2754
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If the person reacts with hatred or anger, he gets no immediate relief and instead develops a negative attitude and feeling, which will lead to his own downfall.…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

Non-Violent Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi

Words: 1173
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

This indicates that society is not safe as the result of the death penalty, so long as life in prison is a real and fully-enforced option for prisoners…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Dinner With Mahatma Gandhi if

Words: 379
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He encouraged self-sufficiency and education, and started the homespun wool movement. He even showed foresight in foreign policy: When Hitler started World War II, Gandhi actually halted the…

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16 Pages

History - Asian

Influence of No Child Left Behind on Black Male Graduate Rate

Words: 4430
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Thesis

Vinoba Vhabe Vinoba Bhave Throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi gave emphasis to the notion that his twin principles of truth and nonviolence must be put in practice in every aspect of…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Indian History the Indian National

Words: 3378
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It was also discovered that the Moderates did not have sufficient representation in Congress. The Moderates were aware of Tilak's loyalty to the Congress but did not appreciate…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Warms the Heart More Than

Words: 536
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

This special treat was their way of expressing how important my visits were to them. We then discussed current events, reminisced about their lives during the Korean War,…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

English Literature Martin Luther King

Words: 1686
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is also more likely to create a constructive rather than a destructive outcome, it is a process of conflict resolution that may aim to arrive at the…

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