Mediated Communication Essays (Examples)

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Computer Mediated Communication CMC Throughout the Years
Pages: 4 Words: 1235

Computer mediated Communication (CMC)
Throughout the years, people used different means of communication to pass information from one source to another. The type of communication involved face-to-face, writing letters then sending to people, using telegrams which was the quickest means of communication, and use of telephones, although telephones were invented some years back. Today, the world has become computerized and there are new technologies that most firms have acquired to ease communication as well as replace labor. The computer mediated communications (CMC) that emerged involved the use of e-mail, chat rooms, and Usenet groups. In summary, this paper gives a narrative regarding the issue of Computer Mediated Communication as well as, analyzing the linguistic and visual features of my topic while explaining how they affect communication.

Issue of Privacy and social networking and effect on communication

The use of modern technology has contributed to a strong impact on the lives of many people.…...



Eecke, P., & Truyens, M. (2002). Privacy and social networks. Computer law and securities.

Levy, M., & Stockwell, G. (2006). Computer-mediated communication.. options and issues in computer-assisted language learning.

Werry, C. (1996). Linguistic and interactional features of internet relay chat.. Computer-mediated communication: linguistic, social, and crosscultural perspectives; pp. 47 -- 63..

computer mediated communication CMC
Pages: 2 Words: 712

Computer-mediated communication has "revolutionized social interaction," (Georgakopoulou, 2011, p. 93). On some days, I communicate with others more with digital devices than in person, such as days I am home studying. Instead of using the phone or talking in person, I will use messenger apps or email. Social media is also an important type of computer-mediated communication. It matters because of the ways technology transforms the nature of communication. The term "mediation" refers mainly to the means by which a message is transmitted (Thurlow, Lengel & Tomic, 2004, p. 18). When we are in person or even on the phone, our brains can pick up a slew of cues, such as tone of voice, pauses in the person's speech, pace of speaking, and other forms of non-verbal communication. We detect tone and emotion in body language, eyes, and timbre of voice. These cues are all absent in computer-mediated communication, with…...

Computer-Mediated Communication Since Its Advent in the
Pages: 2 Words: 558

Computer-Mediated Communication
Since its advent in the 20th century, Internet technology has become a platform for social, political, and economic interactions and transactions. Currently, cultures and societies are exploring new ways of optimizing Internet technology, from making social interactions easier, more expansive, and more frequent to minute concerns such as transferring money from one person to another via wireless Internet technology. Indeed, from its current uses and applications to human society, computer-mediated communication has become a way of life, and is no longer a new phenomenon. In fact, apprehension about the usage of the above-mentioned applications of computer-mediated communication has disappeared as the benefits outweighed its perceived risks and challenges. Only those who absolutely have no experience with computer and Internet technologies cannot see the usefulness / benefits of computer-mediated communication.

Indeed, the thesis posited demonstrates how, over time, literature and research studies about computer-mediated communication (CMC) have been conducted to determine…...



Baumer, M. And H. Van Resburg. (2011). "Cross-cultural pragmatic failure in computer-mediated communication." Coolabah, No. 5.

Ess, C. And F. Sudweeks. (2005). "Culture and computer-mediated communication: toward new understandings." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 11, No. 1.

Romiszowski, A. And R. Mason. (2010). Computer Mediated Communication. NY: Prentice Hall.

Wrench, J. And N. Carter. (2007). "The relationship between computer-mediated communication competence, apprehension, self-efficacy, perceived confidence, and social presence." Southern Communication Journal, Vol. 72, No. 4.

Computer Mediated Communication Contrary to
Pages: 3 Words: 1037

My significant other and I met in a traditional manner, at a nightclub.
Furthermore, most of our early relationship was spent in a conventional manner; we dated and spent time with each other, using CMC, such as texts and IMs as a way of relaying information about how we would spend our face time, rather than using it as a way to replace face-time. Then, life intervened, as it so often does, and an internship opportunity across the country separated us. Both of us being relatively poor students, we are unable to fly to visit each other frequently. Furthermore, while cell phones and unlimited calling plans have made it possible for us to talk a lot of the time, we have conflicting schedules, which can make it difficult for us to arrange times for any type of lengthy conversation. However, we can spend time e-mailing each other, devoting time to…...

CMC Computer Mediated Communication Among
Pages: 2 Words: 630

Video conferencing is not only used in business situations but many prominent universities have also opted for this medium as an online learning tool to be utilized in association with other modes like online courses.

This type of CMC could require significantly a large amount of money as it involves equipping each station with the necessary computers and the peripherals that will enable an effective training session or communication between the tutor and the listeners in various parts.

The other CMC is the use of Skype. This is almost like the video conferencing but in this case the setting is much simpler than the video conferencing. All it needs is a computer with a webcam on it and a running internet. This is meant for a much smaller audience and much of a focused group located at two ends only as it is the camera on the computer that will be used…...



Brown University, (2011). Video Conferencing Services. Retrieved December 24, 2011 from 

Caitlyn Spencer, (2011). Skype in the Classroom. Retrieved December 24,

2011 from

Communication and Culture an Analysis of the
Pages: 7 Words: 2217

Communication and Culture
An Analysis of the Dangerous Effects of New Communication Technology on Society

Technology is making communication easier in today's world, but often at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to socialize in front of a computer screen. What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact for its main means of communication? This paper will analyze the effects of today's communication technology (social media, chat rooms, networking) on society and culture.

Michel Metz (1995) argues "that cultures are both possible and prevalent among communities connected only by computer as the preferred mode of communication" (p. 1). But Metz is writing perhaps too soon. The explosion of social media in the 21st century has essentially redefined the way we communicate and form relationships -- which no longer require face-to-face encounters; they can exist globally, with face-to-face simulation offered via Skype or…...


Reference List

Bugeja, M. 2005, Interpersonal Divide: the search for community in a technological

Age, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Causes of Divorce in Saudi Arabia 2009, Available from http://home- [Accessed 3 Sept 2011].

Communication Medium in the Situation
Pages: 2 Words: 541

This is the medium that would meet the needs of the training on the new products that organization wants to introduce and make the same resource person to be able to educate all the 21 branches without him being present in any of these branches.
Vide conferencing is not only use in business situations but many prominent universities have also opted for this medium as an educational tool to be utilized in association with other modes like online courses.

Since the facilitator may have information from many different sources, the first thing that he will do is to have the information collected and arranged into a simple kind of outline structure that the trainees and the employees will be able to read. After he has organized them well, he will send them via email to all the representatives of the 21 branches. This will be used as a resource material during…...



Brown University, (2011). Video Conferencing Services. Retrieved December 9, 2011 from 

The Communication Toolbox, (2008).Types of Communication Medium. Retrieved December 9,

2011 from

Communication in Educational -- Priestley's Paradox Introduction
Pages: 2 Words: 570

Introduction to Priestley's Paradox

According to Priestley's Paradox, there may be an inverse relationship between the quality of communications and the complexity and variety of modern methods of communication (Hodge 1993, 4; Eunson 2008, 17). More specifically, Priestley suggested that the richest and most effective means of communications is the process of face-to-face verbal communication between two individuals. Every additional variable, such as adding more individuals to the communications chain or introducing artificial technological mechanism necessarily reduces the quality and accuracy of the communications process. In principle, therefore, direct face-to-face communications between two people is more effective than direct, face-to-face communications among larger groups of individuals. Likewise, face-to-face communications are preferable to telephonic communications, written communications, and other forms of remote communications (Hodge 1993, 6; Eunson 2008, 18).

Applying Priestley's Paradox to the Educational Environment

Priestley's Paradox is more relevant to the contemporary educational environment than it may…...



Allen, J (Ed) 2004, Sociology of Education: Policies and Practice, 3rd ed. Thomson

Learning, Australia, Victoria

Dufficy, P 2005, Designing Learning for Diverse Classrooms. Primary English Teaching

Association, Australia

Communications -- Building Trust in
Pages: 9 Words: 2485

More specifically, because the potential for miscommunication, misunderstanding, and pejorative or other negative interpretations is so much greater in remote communications especially through email (SHM, 2010), the implications of failure to establish trust remotely are even greater. As Yoong (2009) points out, that is largely a function of the fact that genuineness in expressions of cultural awareness and sensitivity (as opposed to patronizing or otherwise insincere) expressions is absolutely crucial.
Sincerity and genuineness are much more difficult to communicate effectively in impersonal communications media (SHM, 2010; Yoong, 2009). Therefore, appropriate expressions and other manifestations of cultural awareness and sensitivity are most appropriately communicated to virtual working groups via two-way video conferencing instead of other less personal methods of communications, notwithstanding the substantive sufficiency or factual accuracy of those expressions in writing, for example (SHM, 2010;Yoong, 2009).

esearch Design

This project relies primarily on a review of secondary research in the form of…...



Douglas, C. And Zivnuska, S. "Developing trust in leaders: an antecedent of firm performance." SAM Advanced Management Journal. Society for the Advancement of Management. 2008. Retrieved December 30, 2010 from HighBeam Research:  

Integrated Corporate Communication ICC and Corporate Communication
Pages: 25 Words: 7925

Integrated Corporate Communication (ICC) and Corporate Communication (CC)
The established limitations are severely customized by globalization: the size of the company (where there is not a major link with the area of the performance, delocalization and outsourcing and being dependent on the network), design of the product and sales (where the relation with the competitors may be competitive cooperative) somewhat similar to the frequency of motor industry), competitive relations of space-time, the consumer models (which is focused with a turn down in the analogical media. The increasing significance of digital media and internet is also included. The most important of them is the advertising of television and the television itself); the importance of communication in the competitive environment, less protectionist measures of the economic systems, open spaces of competition, complex differentiation (Walther, 2007).

The incorporation of the global markets struggle to remove the inert environment and change them with the unsteady, active…...



Argenti, P. And Forman, J. (2002) The Power of Corporate Communication, New York: McGraw-Hill.

Argenti, P.A. (2009) Corporate Communication, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Argenti, P.A. (2009). Corporate communication. Singapore: McGraw-Hill

Argenti, P.A., Barnes, C.M. (2009). Digital strategies for powerful corporate communications. New York: McGraw-Hill

Ethical Communication
Pages: 6 Words: 2175

Ethical Communication
The Definition of Ethics

In practically all areas of society ethical subjects are rapidly increasing. Professionals in the health field struggle with ethical questions in relation to abortion, transplants, birth control, informed consent, life-support systems, malpractice suits, patient privacy, human genetics, and high costs of insurance, as well as care on the whole. Ethical matters in relation to nuclear power accidents, oil spills, disposal of industrial waste, defense weaponry, lead and asbestos poisoning, acid rain, as well as ecological balance challenge those in technology, science, and industry. People in the political ground deal with ethical queries in relation to unemployment, homelessness, foreign policy decisions, Social Security, welfare reform, electioneering costs, law enforcement practices, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities, racial and gender discrimination, immigration control, drugs, crime, and lobbying actions. The legal profession is blamed of unethical customs like engaging in doubtful plea-bargaining practices, motivating a harmful litigious spirit, charging excessive…...



Arnett R.C. (1992). Dialogic education: Conversation about ideas and between persons. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Berlo D.K. (1960). Dimensions for evaluating the acceptability of message sources. Public Opinion Quarterly, 33, 563-576.

Bauer R.A. (1964). The obstinate audience: The influence process from the point-of-view of social communication. American Psychologist, 19, 319-328.

Converse E.J., Campbell D.T., Miller R.D. And Stokes L. (1960). Nonreactive measures in the social sciences. (2nd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Emoticons in My E-Mail and Text Communications
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

In my e-mail and text communications with friends and family, emoticons are actually infrequent. I receive them more than I use them myself. There are a few different ways to analyze this. Emoticons are intended as the "graphical representations of facial expressions" when using technology-mediated modes of communication (Walther & D'Addario, 2001). They act, therefore, as a substitute for non-verbal communication in face-to-face speech. It has been found that emoticons are generally outweighed by the verbal component of the communication. Further research has showed that the most important communicative value of emoticons are as a means of communication not emotions, but context. Emoticons tell the message recipient how the message is to be received (Skovholt, Gronning & Kankaanranta, 2014).

I have found that the latter tends to be true. Emoticons are used by myself in outbound communications mainly in situations where there may be interpretation issues with the text. If the…...



My English Pages. (2014). What are stylistic devices? Retrieved November 18, 2014 from 

Skovholt, K., Gronning, A. & Kankaanranta, A. (2014). The communicative functions of emoticons in workplace emails. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol. 19 (4) 780-797.

Walther, J. & D'Addario, K. (2001). The impacts of emoticons on message interpretation in computer-mediated communication. Social Science Computer Review. Vol. 19 (3) 324-347.

E-Mail in Business Communication E-Mail History Relation
Pages: 15 Words: 4599

E-Mail in Business Communication
E-mail: History, elation, and Impact on effective Business Communication

Email in Business Communication

Electronic Mail

Impact of Email to Business Communication

Implications of Emails as Business Communication Tools

Email is an important form of communication in today's organization that is increasingly seeing a geographical dispersal of the workforce. To communication tool has replaced traditional business letters and memos in preference for email memos. The research carried out a review of literature on email and business communication and found the tool is used in 100% of businesses today. However, despite the wide acceptance, the tool lacks in social and visual cues which lender the messages toneless. The lack of tone and physical gestures leads to misinterpretation, ill will, disconnectedness, loss of intellectual capital and integrity for the business. The research finds that the informal history of emails, heterogeneity among users, technological limitations in social-emotions, and lack of business communication standards as the cause…...



Agnew, D.S., & Hill, K. (2009). Email etiquette recommendation for today's business student. Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications, and Conflict. Proceedings, 14(2), 1-5.

Barrett, M. & Davidson, M.J. (2006). Gender and Communication at Work. Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

David, D. & Mullen, J. (2009). Email Marketing: An Hour a Day. Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Dufrene, D.D. & Lehman, C.M. (2010). Business Communication. 16th ed., Mason, OH: South-Wester, Cengage Learning.

Ewom Communication and Brand Trust
Pages: 66 Words: 18230

The corporation or seller could benefit by developing marketing strategies prior to consumer reviews being available online.
Seller Response to Novice and Expert Consumers

efore allowing consumers to post product reviews on a corporations or sellers website, the seller should consider the size of the segments of expert consumers and novice consumers. For example, the seller may benefit from selling certain products if a significant number of expert consumers exist, especially for technology driven products. On the other hand, the seller may damage sales if the expert consumers' segment overshadows that of the novice consumers.

Unknown or Less Popular Stores Online Seller Response

Relatively unknown corporations should be overly cautious when allowing consumers to post comments on their websites. If brand marketers fail to attract enough consumers to post reviews, the corporation may damage its reputation. these corporations might consider hiring a well-known, popular third-party source to handle consumer reviews.

Seller Should Consider the…...



About the Motley Fool. 2010. Viewed 28 June 2010, .

Ajay, K & Soberman, D 2010. 'The forgotten side of marketing.' Journal of Brand Management. 17, 301 -- 314. Viewed 28 June 2010,


Baran, J, Galka, RJ & Strunk, DP 2007. Principles of customer relationship management. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.

Virtual and Face-To-Face Communication With the Advent
Pages: 2 Words: 578

Virtual and Face-to-Face Communication
With the advent of the internet and other related technologies, many organizations have embarked to the formation of virtual teams to complement the traditional face-to-face groups .these teams comprise of geographically distributed knowledge workers who collaborate on a variety of organization al work place tasks .these people are virtually interconnected through computer mediated communication systems (CMCs) which support and enhance the communication related activities of members engaged in computer supported cooperative work, facilitated by technologies characterized by time, space and level of support whereby the team members communicate synchronously or as synchronously in the same location (physical) or remotely .

Synchronous meetings are usually spontaneous in the fact that ideas are exchanged with little or no structure at all, difficult to attribute or establish the reasoning behind internet relay chat (irc) or web based "chat rooms" structured since they rely mostly on the exchange of documents among participating…...



Brent Arslaner, (2012). Virtual Meetings Will Erase face-to-face. Retrieved August 21, 2012


Kathleen A. Begley, (2004). face-to-face Communication: Making Human Connections in a Technology Driven World. Retrieved August 21, 2012 from

How do political science students at NMSCST feel about online dating?-essay conclusion
Words: 322

In conclusion, the survey and interviews revealed that political science students at NMSCST hold diverse perspectives on online dating. While some view it as a convenient and effective way to meet potential partners, others express concerns about safety, privacy, and the potential for deception. The findings suggest that students' attitudes towards online dating are influenced by a range of factors, including gender, personal experiences, and cultural norms.
It is important to note that this study has limitations. The sample size was relatively small and the data were collected from a single institution, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. Future....

What trends in literature review show how culture influences social media usage for support?
Words: 522

How Culture Affects Social Media Usage: Emotional Support (Collectivistic) vs. Informational Support (Individualistic)

Culture profoundly influences how individuals interact with the world, including their use of social media. This essay explores how cultural values shape social media usage for support, examining whether cultures prioritize emotional (collectivistic) or informational (individualistic) support.

Literature Review:

Collectivistic Cultures:
Collectivistic cultures emphasize group harmony, interdependence, and social networks. In these cultures, social media is often used as a tool for emotional support. Individuals share personal experiences, seek advice, and offer consolation to others. Studies have shown that social media platforms like Facebook and WeChat play a significant role in....

What are the key components that make up the foundation of effective English Language Learner teaching strategies in this chapter?
Words: 478

Key Components of Effective English Language Learner Teaching Strategies

1. Focus on Language Acquisition Principles

Understand the stages of language acquisition and tailor instruction to each student's developmental level.
Use comprehensible input, providing language that is accessible and meaningful to students.
Create language-rich environments through visuals, gestures, and real-life experiences.
Encourage active engagement with language through speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

2. Build Language Proficiency

Establish a solid foundation in basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
Develop vocabulary and grammar through explicit instruction and ample practice.
Encourage language use in authentic and communicative situations.
Provide differentiated instruction and support for students....

How has technology enhanced communication amidst Covid-19 challenges?
Words: 363

1. The Role of Technology in Bridging Communication Gaps During Covid-19

    Explores the significance of technology in fostering communication amidst social distancing and travel restrictions.

2. Technology as a Lifeline: Maintaining Connections in a Socially Distant World

    Examines how technology facilitated virtual gatherings, video conferencing, and online platforms for social interaction.

3. The Evolution of Effective Communication in the Face of Covid-19 Challenges

    Discusses the transformation of communication practices, highlighting the adaptability and innovation brought about by technology.

4. The Importance of Nonverbal Communication in a Virtual World

    Analyzes the challenges and strategies for conveying nonverbal cues and emotions through virtual communication channels.

5. The Ethical Implications of....

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