Medical Essays (Examples)

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Medical Care Influenced by Civil War and Crimean Italian Unification Wars that Immediately Preceded the U.S. Civil War
The objective of this study is to examine how medical care influenced the Civil War and Crimean Italian Unification Wars that Immediately Preceded the U.S. Civil War. The work of Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Pearce (2002) reports that the Napoleonic wars at the start of the19th century "introduced some important developments in the military medicine. Most significant was the work of the military surgeon Dominique Jean Larrey, who with courage, skill and determination, evolved a system to immediate treatment in the field." (Pearce, 2002, p.89)

Reports on Medicine During the Crimean War

Pearce states that Larrey wrote in his 'Memories de Dhirurgie Militaire et Campagnes as follows:

"…at Aboukir there were 1900 wounded, and many amputations were performed in the field of battle amid a shower of bullets." (2002, p.88)

Pearce reports that Larrey "instituted early evacuation….

Medical billing and coding can be described as the process of presenting and following up on claims to health insurance companies for the purpose of obtaining payment for services provided by the healthcare provider. egardless of whether an insurance company is government-owned or privately owned company, the process for medical billing and coding is similar for many companies. For an individual to become a specialist in medical billing and coding, he/she is usually encouraged to become certified through taking an exam. While such individuals are not compelled by the law to do so, certification schools have been established as avenues for theoretical foundation for students entering this field.
What is Medical Billing and Coding?

Generally, the medical billing and coding process is an interaction between the insurance company that caters for the health expenses and the health care provider. Medical coding involves the allocation of either a numeric or alphanumeric code to….

Medical Office Management Software
Throughout the process of comparing medical office management software that serves medical professionals by streamlining the administrative, billing, transaction and service management processes of their businesses, the key features and core functions of physician vs. acute care hospitals were analyzed. The results of the analysis are provided in this report. Dominating both are rapid advances in support for tablet PCs, smartphones and all other forms of mobility devices, as these devise are showing significant potential to increase the accuracy and time savings of complex tasks in each type of business (Bellini, Bruno, Cenni,, 2012).

Analysis of Medical Office Management Software

There are significant differences in how software companies design applications for physicians' practices vs. those used in acute care hospitals. The most significant differences exist in the core functional areas of the applications, in addition to the specific workflows supported across multi-departmental workflows. Medical office management software used….

Medical Specialist eferral Process
The world is infested with numerous diseases that are caused due to several factors revolving around the change in the quality of lifestyle of humans. This change has led to people often visiting their doctors for recovering and restoring their healthy state of body and mind. In this regard, referral process plays a pivotal role, as it helps the doctors to keep a check and balance of the dietary and health patterns of individuals. This ensures that the patient receives correct and appropriate measures that keep them fit.

If the condition of the patient is such that it cannot be treated by the primary health care provider, then the patient is referred to a specialist that is proficient in treating that particular disease or illness. Therefore, the medical specialist referral process is usually based on a four-step course: common process, referral process, potential safety hazards and better protocol.


Medical Errors

Medical Errors:
Faulty Health Care System

[N a m e]

Medical or health professionals are considered to be the most respected and most valued persons. These professionals are source of hope for people suffering from different diseases. This puts additional responsibility on the doctors and health professionals and they are required to be more careful and cautious while performing their operations and duties.

Despite of all special care and caution on part of the health professionals, there are increasing number of medical errors. Medical errors are defined as the mistakes or faults done by the health or medical professionals resulting in harmful and dangerous implications for the patients. These include errors in the process of diagnosis known as diagnostic errors, mistakes in the management of drugs and prescribing medicines known as medication errors, faults or mistakes in the while performing procedures of the surgery, while using any other therapy, while using any equipment, and….

Medical Abandonment
In general, the meaning of the term abandonment means the forsaking of one's duty. Thus when a practitioner client relation gets established there is a 'duty of care' which includes the protection of the client, maintain records of the clients, and to always provide the client with due care with maximum application of the physicians skills. If one or all these have been breached, there is deficiency of service. However if the relationship is broken because of non-functioning from the part of the physician then there is abandonment. (Davis, 2008)

Medical abandonment is a concept that is broadly covered under the malpractice laws. Medical malpractice is found to have been taken cognizance of in the British and American laws for a century now. The Second World War and aftermath saw the expansions of the concept and the possibility of physician liability. It also was broadened by the reinterpretation off the….

Medical Management of Adolescent Athletic Knee Fractures
is a 13-year-old middle school student who was admitted to Antelope Valley hospital complaining of severe pain in the right knee while playing football in his Physical Education class at school. As the patient turned to run for a pass, he twisted his right knee and fell to the ground. C.W. reports that he immediately felt a snapping and popping sensation at his right knee and experienced severe pain. The patient's knee began to swell and deform following his fall, and he was unable to bear weight. The coach for the Physical Education class called 911, and C.W. was transported by ambulance to Antelope Valley Hospital. X-rays taken in the Emergency oom revealed that the patient had sustained a right proximal tibia fracture. A basic metabolic panel, blood cell profile, PTIN, and PTT were all completed on the patient. C.W.'s labs were all normal,….

If a person is incapacitated, the family should be allowed to make whatever decision they feel will cause the least harm. All such decisions should be underlined with full consultation with legal and medical professionals.
I believe the best solution is therefore to firstly adhere to the four principles mentioned above. These principles should be underlined by legislation, and include ethically challenging issues such as euthanasia. To prevent indiscretionary approaches to the issue, professionals, family members, and friends of the persons involved should be included in the decision making process. I believe this will curb the problem of practices such as unconsented assisted suicide because one doctor feels that it is the best solution.


BBC News. 'Legalise euthanasia' says expert. 8 June 2006.

Boseley, arah. Call for No-Consent Euthanasia. The Guardian, 8 June 2006.,1792711,00.html

Le Baron, Garn Jr. The Ethics of Euthanasia. 1993-2008.

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Legalizing Euthanasia: Medical….

Thus, confirming my original hypothesis that life is nothing but pain and suffering. And now, I suffer even more. So, thanks a lot. He walks away down the hall.
Woman Doctor: (Left standing in the hall looking perplexed and scratching her head. Shrugs and says sarcastically.) Who knows? Just another typical day at this hospital! (Shakes head, rolls eyes, yet smiles as she walks away in the opposite direction.)

Image Citations

Slide 1

Untitled image of two doctors conversing]. Retrieved 20 May, 2010, from:

Slide 2

Mimi, Homelessness and Ralph McTell British Music article]. 2010. Retrieved 20 May, 2010, from:

Slide 3

Healthline Networks, Inc. (Image creator). (1995). Retrieved June 1, 2010, from:

Slide 4

Marquette Electronics (Image creator). (1996). Retrieved June 1, 2010, from:

Yanowitz, Frank, G. (Image creator). (1997). Retrieved June 1, 2010, from:

Slide 5

Farlex, Inc. (Image creator). (2010). Retrieved June 1, 2010, from:

Slide 6

Glauberman, a. (Photographer). Retrieved June 1, 2010, from:….

Medical Ethics
Ethics Interview

Medical Ethics Interview

Healthcare providers include nurses, doctors, social workers and a number of other professions that seem to exist on the periphery of the helping field. One of those on the outside, that many do not consider when looking at the healthcare profession, are professional counselors. Since the term "counselor" has been diluted by everyone from friends to lawyers, it is unclear what one is talking about when employing such a generic term for an occupation, but professional counselors are vital members of the healthcare field. These individuals work in hospitals, nonprofits and private offices, working with couples, individuals and groups.

Among the many different specialties extant within the professional counselor fold is that of mental health counselor. Since the population of individuals who have a diagnosed mental illness has risen in recent years, the need for mental health counselors has risen with them. Alongside other healthcare professionals, counselors….

Medical Uses

Medical Uses of Electromagnetic Radiation
Electromagnetic radiation or EM radiation is "combination of oscillating electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other, moving through space as a wave, effectively transporting energy and momentum" (Electromagnetic pp).

EM radiation is quantized as particles called photons, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation is electrodynamics, a sub-field of electromagnetism (Electromagnetic pp). Generally, EM radiation is classified by wavelength into electrical energy, radio, microwave, infrared, the visible region, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays (Electromagnetic pp).

Radiology is the branch of medicine that specializes in the use of X-rays, gamma rays, radioactive isotopes, and other forms of radiation used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease (Radiology pp). X-ray machines and fluoroscopes are an essential tool in diagnosing bone fractures, tumors, and other abnormalities of the internal organs (Radiology pp). The computerized axial tomography, or CAT, scan uses computer technology to focus X-rays on precise sections of the body,….

It is feared that religious differences in decisions regarding when to withhold treatment are being ignored by the courts.
The social and legal issues are highlighted in cases that involve pre-term infants. In the elderly, the cultural consensus is that these persons have lived their life and are close to death anyway. However, in the case of a pre-term infant, the issue is raised of what measures should be taken to preserve life, particular when there is a lack of resources (Seri and Evans 2008). In the case of premature infants, significant cases exist to aid in the establishment of criteria to predict survival rates. If the survival probability is too low, resources are typically saved for those infants that have a greater chance for survival. For instance, it is the general rule that babies under 23-week and that weigh less than 500 grams are unlikely to survive. However, babies….

Medical Care

Medical Care
Perhaps the single biggest blessing that any individual can thank his or her stars for is a sense of physiological and psychological well being that allows for the optimal utilization of one's lifetime. In the same vein, all humankind can perhaps also thank and bless the significant advances made by the medical sciences, which has resulted in the ability to cure many an illness and overall increase the average life span of humanity. Indeed, modern day humanity has only to look at its own history to truly understand the import of medical knowledge and aid. And it is precisely for this reason that it becomes hard to comprehend the fact that there still exists many lacunae in health care that is tantamount to the worst kind of social injustice. Take for instance, the shocking statistic that more deaths can be attributed to medical errors than car accidents or victims….

The fourth step is to make a decision based on this best information available and the chosen technique.
The capital budgeting process is fairly straightforward in its structure, but making the determinations is potentially very difficult. There is often significant consideration of what constitutes an incremental cash flow, for example, and the firm must approach this issue with caution. Another tricky part of the process is determining an approach discount rate. The firm must consider its risk, market risk, the risk-free rate and the project's risk. Determining a cost of capital for privately-held firm often means finding a similar publicly-held firm in order to determine what the equity cost of capital might be. The cost of debt is easier to determine -- the bank can tell the firm that.

6. Project risk is incorporated into capital budgeting analysis in the discount rate. The discount rate reflects the rate of return that….

The reason why, is due to the fact that you are addressing the needs of different demographics of the population. At the same time, you have numerous options in working with patients and a procedure for helping to collect all outstanding balances. (Lohr, 2010)
When you put these different elements together, they are showing how this strategy can be utilized to reduce the underlying costs and increase profitability. This is accomplished by: outsourcing those procedures that decrease productivity and costs (billing / collections). While, being able to offer patients flexible payment plans and certain times where they can receive discounted services. Once this occurs, it means that costs will remain under control and the profit margins of the clinic will increase. This is because of the flexibility that this policy is providing. As it is allowing health care professionals' to adapt to the underlying challenges facing many private practices. (Lohr,….

PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

3 Pages


Medical Care Influenced by Civil War and

Words: 965
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Medical Care Influenced by Civil War and Crimean Italian Unification Wars that Immediately Preceded the U.S. Civil War The objective of this study is to examine how medical care influenced…

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3 Pages


Medical Billing and Coding Can Be Described

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Medical billing and coding can be described as the process of presenting and following up on claims to health insurance companies for the purpose of obtaining payment for services…

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3 Pages


Medical Office Management Software Throughout the Process

Words: 773
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Medical Office Management Software Throughout the process of comparing medical office management software that serves medical professionals by streamlining the administrative, billing, transaction and service management processes of their businesses,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Medical Specialist Referral Process

Words: 2005
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Medical Specialist eferral Process The world is infested with numerous diseases that are caused due to several factors revolving around the change in the quality of lifestyle of humans. This…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Medical Errors

Words: 1851
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Medical Errors: Faulty Health Care System [N a m e] Medical or health professionals are considered to be the most respected and most valued persons. These professionals are source of hope for…

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5 Pages

Health - Nursing

Medical Abandonment in General the Meaning of

Words: 1590
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Medical Abandonment In general, the meaning of the term abandonment means the forsaking of one's duty. Thus when a practitioner client relation gets established there is a 'duty of care'…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Medical Management of Adolescent Athletic Knee Fractures

Words: 2151
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Medical Management of Adolescent Athletic Knee Fractures is a 13-year-old middle school student who was admitted to Antelope Valley hospital complaining of severe pain in the right knee while playing…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Death and Dying  (general)

Medical Ethics Euthanasia Is Probably

Words: 1727
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If a person is incapacitated, the family should be allowed to make whatever decision they feel will cause the least harm. All such decisions should be underlined with…

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5 Pages


Medical Terminology Just Another Typical

Words: 1877
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Thus, confirming my original hypothesis that life is nothing but pain and suffering. And now, I suffer even more. So, thanks a lot. He walks away down the…

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5 Pages


Medical Ethics Interview Medical Ethics Interview Healthcare

Words: 1637
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Medical Ethics Ethics Interview Medical Ethics Interview Healthcare providers include nurses, doctors, social workers and a number of other professions that seem to exist on the periphery of the helping field. One…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Medical Uses

Words: 479
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Medical Uses of Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic radiation or EM radiation is "combination of oscillating electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other, moving through space as a wave, effectively transporting…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Medical Futility and the Vulnerables

Words: 2449
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It is feared that religious differences in decisions regarding when to withhold treatment are being ignored by the courts. The social and legal issues are highlighted in cases that…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Medical Care

Words: 2444
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Medical Care Perhaps the single biggest blessing that any individual can thank his or her stars for is a sense of physiological and psychological well being that allows for the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Medical Associates the Discounted Cash

Words: 736
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The fourth step is to make a decision based on this best information available and the chosen technique. The capital budgeting process is fairly straightforward in its structure, but…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Medical Office Financial Policy Over

Words: 1802
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The reason why, is due to the fact that you are addressing the needs of different demographics of the population. At the same time, you have numerous options…

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