Memory Test Essays (Examples)

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0-14 you may want to consider getting a professional evaluation" (Mohs, n.d.).

In regards to this memory test the first two questions in which you were given three words and then a name and address to remember, the concept of encoding was being used. In order to retrieve these pieces of information from my memory, I first had to encode them. Once they were encoded they were stored first in my sensory memory, and then in my short-term memory. Since things are usually only stored in ones short-term memory for up to 20 to 30 seconds and it took me longer than that to get to the question on the test that asked me to recall these, they obviously passed into my long-term memory as well.

etrieving these pieces of information was rather easy since it had not been very long since I had first been exposed to them. There were other….

More generalized assessments include the Wechsler Memory Scale, created by the founder of the IQ test of that name, which offers a generalized assessment of different memory types (sensory, short, and long-term) and is most appropriate for adults.
In general, two basic types of neuropsychological memory tests exist. "In almost all objective tests, quantitative results are compared with some normative standard, including data from groups of non-brain injured persons and groups of persons with various kinds of brain injury. If the norms are based on age and educational achievement, valid comparison can be made between an individual's performance and that of persons in known diagnostic categories as well as persons who do not have a diagnosis of brain injury. Qualitative assessment of neuropsychological tests provides a look at the processes an individual may use in producing the quantitative scores. Analysis of the pattern of performance among a large number of….

267266 correct context of schema, 2.016461 correct no context of schema, 2.12909 correct context to List . And 2.353001 correct no context.
Free recall refers to remembering unrelated items in any order immediately following presentation. Delayed recall occurs between hearing the words and writing them down. Recognition is the identification of items previously learned. Primacy effect occurs after the enhanced recall of items presented at the beginning of the list, while the recency effect is greater for those at the end of the list. On the other hand, the serial position is highest at 90% for the first word recalled and lowest for the 6th, 9th and 10th words recalled. Symbols are viewed along with cues and altered by schema-activating labels.

Findings of the experiment showed that the majority of the subjects tested had correct call of the words list, correct delayed recall, correct recognition, correct recall of the scheme with context,….

The total study sample consisted of 89 Black and 83 hite adults with a mean age of 76.52 years. All had previously scored in the Mini-Mental State Examination scores in a non-impaired range. But although in hites, the current study determined, the memory self-efficacy scores of the entire sample were also low (M = 31.95 +/- 18.20), African-Americans scored even lower on perceived memory self-efficacy and memory performance. Memory self-efficacy predicted memory performance in the hite group (r [83] =. 41; p < or =. 05). hile the correlation for the Black group between perceived and actual memory performance was statistically not significant (r [89] =. 16), when the entire sample was combined for the regression analyses, the relation was significant (r [173] =. 30; p < or =. 05). hile age and education were also factors in memory retention, self-efficacy was well accounted for 13% of the variance. Low….

Not all forms of contextual memory enhancement operate in the same fashion. A literature review by Smith & Vela (2001) found "that environmental context-dependent memory effects are less likely to occur under conditions in which the immediate environment is likely to be suppressed… Likewise, memories of experiences may vary in how much they are affected by environmental surroundings, both when events are originally experienced and when events are remembered" (Smith & Vela, p. 203). When researchers gave high priority to enhancing the effects of the test environment, subject's memories were more likely to be altered.

The stakes in understanding context-dependent memory are high: learning environments may enhance memory in school or inhibit memory, and can be redesigned to improve student's education. Context may also affect recall of eyewitnesses in a trial. egarding the later, studies have suggested that learning under highly emotional condition is not conductive to recall. "Experienced skydivers learned….

Memory and Forgetting: A Comprehensive Analysis
Memory loss is a huge problem in an aging population.

No substantive cure for memory loss.

Forgetfulness does not always accompany aging.

Different types of memory loss:





The memory impairment that comes with aging may be due to confusion as well as memory loss.

Memory loss and forgetfulness may be preventable.

There are a number of different approaches to reducing forgetfulness

Background music



Daily behavioral changes

The goal of the paper began as a meta-analysis of efforts aimed to reduce forgetfulness

Too many promising approaches to aiding memory impairment to engage in a traditional meta-analysis

Look at the theoretical overlap of different known approaches that may enhance or impair memory

F. Not engaging in a meta-analysis of a single therapy because single therapies do not have therapeutic efficacy.

G. Examine the hypothetical overlap between various treatment modalities

II. Literature eview

A. Three types of memory as defined by Cowan, 2008.

1. Long-term memory

2. Short-term memory

3. Working memory

B. epetition

1. Does repetition move….

A psychologist named Ulric Nessier believes that flashbulb memories are formed because they represent an intersection of historical and personal trajectories, and this makes them events that people want to retell and rehearse again and again. t is through these rehearsals and retellings that inaccuracies manage to creep in, and as they are reinforced through repeated retellings they become just as much a part of the memories as the actual events. That is, retelling the flashbulb memory to others is the same as rehearsing the memory, or reliving it to a certain degree, and when there are inaccurate elements in this reliving they eventually become as firmly entrenched in the memory of the true-life event as the factual memories. This explains why so many people remember seeing both planes hit on 9/11 when this was actually impossible.
ntelligence Test

For this assignment, completed the test found at, after searching….

Memory Is One of the

The other group of participants was asked to identify the same words with missing letters, but without having first been primed by viewing the list of words spelled out completely. Each individual's response time in recognizing the incomplete words was then measured, to develop a comparison of response time between the primed and unprimed groups. Both groups of participants in the study were given the same incomplete words to identify, and efforts were taken to ensure that all other aspects of the experiment were kept uniform between the two groups, to ensure that unpredicted and uncontrolled variables would not have an unforeseen effect on the results of the study. In this way, any difference in the response times of the two groups of participants could be relied upon to reflect only the differences created by the priming.
The hypothesis of this experiment is that response times in the recognition of….

Though Kellogg developed a study with significant findings, working memory can effect more than just sentence generation. Because "heavy loads" on working memory do affect sentence generation, it is reasonable to assume that they might also affect simple mathematical processes. Do "heavy loads" placed on working memory affect just sentence generation or writing skills, or do they also affect left-brained skills like simple math calculation? Because of the effect on right-brained skills, the assumed hypothesis for this experiment is that if college students are given a "heavy load" on working memory, they will take longer to complete simple math skills. In fact, one would hypothesize that the "heavy load" on a working memory would impact mathematical skills even more than sentence generation skills because the subjects are being asked to remember a large number and then work with numbers. For this experiment, data using both a "heavy load" consisting….

For instance, you may have a memory of a taking a test in your ninth grade English class and answering that Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Your memory of the test and the class is an episodic memory, while your memory of the fact that Shakespeare wrote Hamlet is a semantic memory.
Episodic and Semantic memory have other features that make them important to the study of long-term memory. Episodic memories are more prone to being forgotten because one looses one's sense of recollection over time, while semantic memories resist this. Additionally, some argue that semantic and episodic memories come from very different types of memory processes, while others suggest they are quite similar. Thus, understanding the difference between episodic and semantic memory and their implications is quite important to the study of long-term memory.


obinson-iegler, G. And obinson-ielgler, B. (2008). Cognitive Psychology: Apllying

the Science of the Mind. Second Edition. New….

He stated that people are simply good at a variety of skills, although some individuals may have higher levels of specialized intelligences more in the spheres than others. ("Charles Spearman," Major Theories of Intelligence, 2004) in other words, a gifted musician can also be a gifted poet, but these are still different intelligences -- Spearman, in contrast, would suggest the two are interrelated.
Spearman also came up with another term known as the "s" factor. This he said was the factor devoted to "specific skills and information" needed to perform intellectual tasks. Thus, even Spearman allowed that there were multiple factors that went into an individuals' success in life and on intelligence tests. But he felt that overall scores on IQ tests, however specific were highly saturated with "g" an intelligence that pervades all tasks. Thus, the most important information to have about a person's intellectual ability is an estimate….

He hypothesized that certain parts within the brain could map with certain areas of cognitive functioning, such as social, cognitive, or creative functions. To prove this, Gardner cites cases of brain damage that leads to the loss of some, but not all, cognitive functions. On this basis, one could also say that pearman's test findings, while all located in the brain, relate to different parts of the brain and nervous system rather than a single location, as originally assumed.
Comparisons between the two models include the fact that both theorists believe that intelligence relates to more than one human function. pearman for example used a variety of different tasks to test intelligence, as does the IQ test he uses to base his assumptions on. Gardner agrees with pearman on the fact that intelligence does indeed relate to different tasks, but simply adds more to the already existing ones in order….

Memories of John F. Kennedy
The Kennedy's

When I got up that day, the most important thing in the world was the test scores we were going to receive. By the end of the day they seemed irrelevant, and in fact I didn't even open my envelope for another four days, even though they would help determine my future."

It was the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. My aunt was in the auditorium with all the other seniors, with the envelope containing her state test scores for college placement in her hand. This test covered everything taught in high school whether one had taken it or not. Then Principal stopped everything to tell them about Kennedy. My aunt really doesn't remember the rest of the day very well; like many students she just aimlessly wandered the halls -- at a time when you had to have a pass to step outside the….

Memory is an important construct of human brain which performs a significant role in each and every activity of life. It is interesting to mention that brain is also a muscle and its energy can be increased by using it. There are many tactics found in literature and everyday practises to sharpen memory skills. However, the most effective technique is to play games which appear interesting to the players and involve memory cells as well. Before planning any exercise to sharpen memory, it is helpful to understand the basic memory process and the types of memory.

This report is about types of memory and their use in the daily life of a human being. The types of memory are elaborated using the example of a game. It is commonly said that memory becomes weak when it is frequently switched from one task to another. In other words, multitasking reduces memory performance.….

When you clicked to move on it then asked you to fill in the boxes with as many words as you could remember, spelled correctly. You then had to pick your age group, your gender and what country you were from. Upon hitting the check my memory button it told you how you compared with similar people to you who also took this test (How good is your memory- Memory Test, n.d.).
Of the twelve words I could recall 7 of them. The explanation of the test results explained that on average our short-term memory can hold an average of 7 chunks of information (names, numbers, etc.) + or - 2. So if someone scores between 5 and 9 of the words on the list, their short-term memory is working at an average capacity (How good is your memory- Memory Test, n.d.).

The more that one repeats something the more likely….

3 Pages


Psychology Memory Testing Encoding Is

Words: 1004
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

0-14 you may want to consider getting a professional evaluation" (Mohs, n.d.). In regards to this memory test the first two questions in which you were given three words and…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Memory Models and Assessment the

Words: 851
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

More generalized assessments include the Wechsler Memory Scale, created by the founder of the IQ test of that name, which offers a generalized assessment of different memory types…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Memory Previous Studies Suggested That

Words: 1562
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

267266 correct context of schema, 2.016461 correct no context of schema, 2.12909 correct context to List . And 2.353001 correct no context. Free recall refers to remembering unrelated items in…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Memory Mcdougall Graham J 2004

Words: 449
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The total study sample consisted of 89 Black and 83 hite adults with a mean age of 76.52 years. All had previously scored in the Mini-Mental State Examination scores…

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2 Pages
Literature Review


Memory While We Often Speak

Words: 842
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Not all forms of contextual memory enhancement operate in the same fashion. A literature review by Smith & Vela (2001) found "that environmental context-dependent memory effects are less likely…

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100 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Death and Dying  (general)

Comprehensive Analysis of Memory and Forgetting

Words: 27179
Length: 100 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Memory and Forgetting: A Comprehensive Analysis Memory loss is a huge problem in an aging population. No substantive cure for memory loss. Forgetfulness does not always accompany aging. Different types of memory loss: Forgetfulness Dementia Alzheimer's Confusion The…

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3 Pages


Memory Intelligence My First Memory the

Words: 992
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

A psychologist named Ulric Nessier believes that flashbulb memories are formed because they represent an intersection of historical and personal trajectories, and this makes them events that people…

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6 Pages


Memory Is One of the

Words: 1769
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

The other group of participants was asked to identify the same words with missing letters, but without having first been primed by viewing the list of words spelled…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Memory Ronald T Kellogg's Working

Words: 1248
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Though Kellogg developed a study with significant findings, working memory can effect more than just sentence generation. Because "heavy loads" on working memory do affect sentence generation, it…

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1 Pages


Memory Semantic and Episodic Memory

Words: 332
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

For instance, you may have a memory of a taking a test in your ninth grade English class and answering that Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Your memory of the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Memory Comparison and Contrast Spearman

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He stated that people are simply good at a variety of skills, although some individuals may have higher levels of specialized intelligences more in the spheres than others.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Memory Thinking and Intelligence the

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He hypothesized that certain parts within the brain could map with certain areas of cognitive functioning, such as social, cognitive, or creative functions. To prove this, Gardner cites…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Memories of John F Kennedy the Kennedy's

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Memories of John F. Kennedy The Kennedy's When I got up that day, the most important thing in the world was the test scores we were going to receive. By the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Learning Memory Is an Important Construct of

Words: 1176
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Learning Memory is an important construct of human brain which performs a significant role in each and every activity of life. It is interesting to mention that brain is also…

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4 Pages


Psychology Memory Process There Are

Words: 1346
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

When you clicked to move on it then asked you to fill in the boxes with as many words as you could remember, spelled correctly. You then had…

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