Microsoft Word Essays (Examples)

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Although Microsoft Word is not a high-end desktop publishing tool commonly used for marketing collateral and more professional looking corporate documents, it does have some advanced formatting options found in these types of software packages. One example is the Column feature. The Column feature establishes the number of columns of text in a document and allows text to automatically flow from one column to the next. To implement Columns, a user simply selects Columns from the Format option in the Microsoft Word menu. Column Presets are available for the user to quickly select the number of columns and their placement and width. The user selects the desired Column Present by simply clicking on it. Alternatively, the user can manually set the number and columns by selecting options under the Column Presets. The user increases the number of columns by clicking on the up arrow or decreases the number of columns….

The second training session is a little more advanced, targeting people that can already create a Power Point presentation. The main goal of the training is to help people design more attractive documents, that can catch the eye and the mind. The first section details general information about the animation schemes and their power to give consistency to the presentation. The basic effects are presented: transition, entrance, emphasis & dimming and exit. Further along, as the trainee gets familiar with animations, the training session presents the methods used to apply or to remove schemes and effects to or off the slides (either all or to some of them). The last section is the most interesting one because it focuses on custom animations, giving the trainee the freedom to use his imagination when designing presentations. Firstly the animation effects are presented and the ways to add, change and remove them are….

processing with the software program Microsoft ord 2000 for granted now a days. But no matter how good someone thinks they are with ord 2000 there are always new tricks or skills to learn. Most people have no idea how much ord 2000 actually does. The majority of users take for granted that spell check occurs automatically when we spell 'wrng' instead of 'wrong.' But this is just one feature -- there are many more. This report focuses on five new things that I have learned about Microsoft ord 2000 that I think are fresh insights into just how good Bill Gates' team has done.
Microsoft has made some serious changes in ord 2000. Because so many people use Microsoft ord 2000 the product has literally changed the way the world does word processing. Both the Internet and the business world have become very dependent on the entire Microsoft Office….

Anyone using Microsoft Word can determine the Flesch-Kincaid readability score for their own work by doing little more than running spell-check from the top navigation bar on their computer screen. It is conceivable that the ubiquitous presence of such an easily used readability scale could have an effect similar to that of spell-check and hand-held calculators. Those who use spell-check often lament the fact that they lazily allow the 'machine' to spell for them and have forgotten some of the words they once knew. Likewise, those who have come to depend on calculators often lament the fact that they can no longer do the simple arithmetic functions in their heads. If use of the Flesch-Kincaid program in Microsoft becomes equally ubiquitous, will people forget how to write anything except the simplest sentences? Worse still, will they be unable to express the complex thoughts that are represented by low readability scores?


2000 Features
Word 2000 has a lot of features that can be useful when writing a research paper. Generally, Word 2000 can do almost all things you would need to produce a well-formatted and properly-styled document. Following are some of the basics but important features one might need when writing a document.

Spelling and Grammar Checking

Word 2000 can provide you with an ongoing spelling checking (Johnson, 2001). While working on your document, Word 2000 can automatically check your spellings and make the necessary corrections on minor errors. For instance, Word 2000 can automatically correct typographical error of words such as " the" into "the." Also, when Word 2000 cannot recognize a possibly misspelled word, it places a red wavy line under it to indicate that the word might be mispelled.

Word 2000 also provides grammar checking. However, unlike spelling checking, it does not automatically correct possible grammar errors. It only places a….

icrosoft Office is the most popular comprehensive bundle of productivity applications in the world. It contains word publishing, spreadsheet, presentation, e-mail, and database software and is most often used with the icrosoft Windows operating system. It can also be used with the Apple acintosh. The icrosoft Office suite enjoys almost universal worldwide familiarity. The most recent version of S Office is Office XP, which is designed specifically to be compatible with the Windows XP environment.
Functionally, Sun StarOffice is very similar to icrosoft Office. The chief difference is that it is written using open source code and may be altered by programmers to match their specifications. It is the most popular system for Linux and Unix-based computers and utilizes an XTL-based interface. It is considered an 'alternative' to the Windows system because it is popular with developers, who often criticize icrosoft for the fact that the source code is unavailable and….

What I liked best about this site is the use of humorous Cliprt and the many variations in wildlife themes for both wallpapers and icons.
Cliprt Of all the sites I visited after the Google search, this appeared to be one of the better sites as it provides free clipart without asking for loyalties, and also provides an on-screen editor to re-work the clipart images. In addition, there are entirely different styles of clip art not seen on the other sites. Finally, this site did have pop-up ads that my browser's ad blocker did not catch, but they were minimal compared to the many other sites I visited to complete this assignment. lso on this site there were wildlife pictures in multiple categories, some humorous, some realistic, which made for an abundance of art for a newsletter..

Microsoft holds a competitive advantage in the computer software industry with both its innovative and functional products. For the past decade Microsoft and its office suite products have held a substantial 94% market share. In addition to being the most prevalent software product offering in the market, more than 500 million individuals worldwide use the product (1). In an effort to maintain this market share, Microsoft continually and consistently upgrades its product offerings to meet growing consumer demand. Most notably, this has come in the form of Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Linux. With these new iterations come very distinct similarities and differences between the individual products.
To begin, the most obvious difference between this operating software is the user interface. With user interface enhancements Microsoft XP intends to streamline the consumer experience. This has been accomplished primarily through the use of shortcut keys within all three iterations. With the enhancement….

This was specifically done to allow for greater data and information usability across all applications, a feature than had only been partially supported in the varying application versions in the past (Boeri, 2007). Microsoft apparently put a massive amount of effort into improving Excel, and the 2007 edition reflects much greater flexibility in graphing, table alignment, formatting and calculation options (Adams, 2006). There are also fewer constraints in Excel 2007 for completing tables and greater focus on graphical ease of use (Zarowin, 2008). Microsoft has also struggled to keep pace with the level of innovation that the Internet has brought to personal productivity applications. In the design of Outlook 2007 the integration of better scheduling and SS feeds has been accomplished (Dyszel, 2007).
Despite all of these advantages, the design of Microsoft Office 2007 is so in-depth in terms of functionality and navigational cues to users it can easily overwhelm….

Microsoft Visio to Create an Organizational Chart
Defined Purpose and Audience

This project is a fundamental guide for using Microsoft Visio to create an organizational chart. It is designed for first-time users and people who have limited time, as it focuses most often commonly used features. This guide shows the users how to use Microsoft Visio without relying on technical jargon, by providing simple explanations and lists of numbered steps that tell the user which keys to press and which options to select.

elated Publications

Many related publications can be accessed to learn more about creating an organizational chart using Visio. These include:

Microsoft's official page for their Visio software.

Visimation, a company that helps other companies use Visio."'s consumer review of Visio 2000.

2000's consumer review of Visio 2000 Enterprise Edition."'s consumer review of Visio 2000 Technical Edition.

Visio 2000: The Official Guide

Microsoft Visio Version 2002 Inside Out Designated Desktop Publishing….

Microsoft's strategies relating to leadership. First, an overview of the company will be provided, followed by a discussion of the company's leadership strategies. These strategies will be assessed as to their effectiveness, and compared to leading theories of effective management.
An Overview of Microsoft

Today, Microsoft is one of the world's largest businesses, and the world's largest and most influential software company (Wired News). The company's products have an extensive impact on both the personal and business world, and are seen in almost every office in North America.

Financially, Microsoft is a giant. Its founder, Bill Gates, was the richest man in the world in 2003, with a staggering estimated personal wealth of $40.7 billion dollars. He has been rated the richest man in the world for seven of the past eight years, and was ranked number two in 1997 (Wikipedia).

Microsoft's product range is varied, but focuses almost exclusively on computer software.….

4. Measurements made to determine when the problem is solved

To identify whether the human resource problem is solved within the company, the managers could request several studies. These studies could refer to the employee fluctuation adherent to the months since the ESPP was made available. Once the fluctuation ratio would be identified, it would be compared to the fluctuation ratio adherent to the same period of the previous year. The HR department would calculate a variation interval in which the fluctuation would be considered normal and then compare the current employee statistics with the previous ones and draw the conclusions.

Another method Microsoft could use to identify the results of the implemented solution would be to engage in conversations with the employees or send out questionnaires for them to fill in and then analyze the responses given. They could ask the workers if they purchased shares and if they did, in….

Microsoft NASDAQ Msft Is a

Further diversification is also recommended. Given the pace of change in the industry, the reliance on PC operating platforms and office software packages must be reduced. The risk of an entirely new technological paradigm emerging is high, so Microsoft must therefore diversify its revenue streams in order to defend against this threat. Overall, Microsoft's strategic thrust is strong and its operating results fantastic. The company must guard against major non-strategic threats such as technological change or acute damage from financial scandal. If Microsoft deals with these two issues effectively, the will remain in good position to continue to build their revenues in the coming years.
orks Cited

Financial and operating unit information from Reuters. Retrieved December 8, 2008 at

No author. (2004) Microsoft Corporation. Funding Universe Retrieved December 8, 2008 at

Microsoft 2008 Annual Report. (2008). Microsoft. Retrieved December 8, 2008 at

No author. (2006). Microsoft's Multiple Challenges: Is Its Size….

Microsoft Website: Products Department
The key processes and systems involved in the Products page of the Microsoft website include project assessment, design, manufacturing, distribution to retailers, online retail sales (on a limited basis), and multiple systems including the basic power hierarchy of the company, the information sharing systems between departments to allow for in-tandem development, and customer service systems that allow for input in the product development cycle.

Though there is already a great deal of saturation in the market for many of Microsoft's products, the breadth of the company's product offerings and emerging markets still offer significant growth potentials. Competition is high In some sectors, but Microsoft has strong market dominance in the realm of other products and its sheer size makes it highly competitive in all industries.


Supply chain issues for the product development and delivery department at Microsoft are quite extensive and complex, with materials and labor sourcing/manufacturing centers spread….

Microsoft in India and China
Microsoft: Strategy in India and China

Microsoft's Strategy in China

Although the Chinese Trademark Law is now largely in conformity with the TRIPs Agreement, the benefits of protection may not be realized for some time. At ground level there is a general culture of acceptance of counterfeit goods, partly because it makes previously unobtainable foreign goods affordable and partly because there is a lack of interest in enforcing IP rights that are largely owned by foreign companies. In this environment, counterfeiting will always seem attractive as it allows those involved to access an already existing market with low entry costs. In the meantime, however, foreign entities could take an active role in furthering the protection of their rights.

Licensing of IP rights to Chinese nationals and establishing joint ventures would be advantageous. The foreign party would have the benefit of local assistance in navigating legal red tape, and the….

Title: The Evolution of Thesis Outlines in the Digital Age: Implications for Academic Writing

In the realm of academic discourse, the thesis outline serves as an indispensable scaffolding, guiding writers through the labyrinthine process of research and argumentation. However, the advent of the digital age has ushered in a paradigm shift in the way outlines are conceived, constructed, and utilized. This essay will delve into the transformative effects of technology on thesis outlines, examining how the digital landscape has reshaped their significance and utility in contemporary academic writing.

Body Paragraph 1: The Rise of Digital Outlining Tools
The digital revolution has introduced an....

1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft Word Track Changes Is

Words: 441
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although Microsoft Word is not a high-end desktop publishing tool commonly used for marketing collateral and more professional looking corporate documents, it does have some advanced formatting options found…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft Word Entitled Prepare for

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The second training session is a little more advanced, targeting people that can already create a Power Point presentation. The main goal of the training is to help people…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Processing With the Software Program Microsoft Word

Words: 1266
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

processing with the software program Microsoft ord 2000 for granted now a days. But no matter how good someone thinks they are with ord 2000 there are always…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Readability Anyone Using Microsoft Word Can Determine

Words: 2320
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Readability Anyone using Microsoft Word can determine the Flesch-Kincaid readability score for their own work by doing little more than running spell-check from the top navigation bar on their computer…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Microsoft Word 2000 Features

Words: 482
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

2000 Features Word 2000 has a lot of features that can be useful when writing a research paper. Generally, Word 2000 can do almost all things you would need…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft Office Is the Most Popular Comprehensive

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

icrosoft Office is the most popular comprehensive bundle of productivity applications in the world. It contains word publishing, spreadsheet, presentation, e-mail, and database software and is most often used…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft The Clipart Directory Finding

Words: 311
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

What I liked best about this site is the use of humorous Cliprt and the many variations in wildlife themes for both wallpapers and icons. Cliprt Of all the…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Microsoft Holds a Competitive Advantage in the

Words: 715
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Microsoft holds a competitive advantage in the computer software industry with both its innovative and functional products. For the past decade Microsoft and its office suite products have held…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Microsoft Office Has in the

Words: 956
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This was specifically done to allow for greater data and information usability across all applications, a feature than had only been partially supported in the varying application versions…

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14 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft Visio to Create an Organizational Chart

Words: 3895
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Microsoft Visio to Create an Organizational Chart Defined Purpose and Audience This project is a fundamental guide for using Microsoft Visio to create an organizational chart. It is designed for…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft's Strategies Relating to Leadership First an

Words: 1638
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Microsoft's strategies relating to leadership. First, an overview of the company will be provided, followed by a discussion of the company's leadership strategies. These strategies will be assessed…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Microsoft's Problem With Human Resources

Words: 2625
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

4. Measurements made to determine when the problem is solved To identify whether the human resource problem is solved within the company, the managers could request several studies. These studies…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Microsoft NASDAQ Msft Is a

Words: 1744
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Further diversification is also recommended. Given the pace of change in the industry, the reliance on PC operating platforms and office software packages must be reduced. The risk…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Microsoft Website Products Department the Key Processes

Words: 414
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Microsoft Website: Products Department The key processes and systems involved in the Products page of the Microsoft website include project assessment, design, manufacturing, distribution to retailers, online retail sales (on…

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11 Pages

Economics - Economists

Microsoft in India and China Microsoft Strategy

Words: 3139
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Microsoft in India and China Microsoft: Strategy in India and China Microsoft's Strategy in China Although the Chinese Trademark Law is now largely in conformity with the TRIPs Agreement, the benefits of…

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