Microsoft Office Is The Most Popular Comprehensive Term Paper

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Microsoft Office is the most popular comprehensive bundle of productivity applications in the world. It contains word publishing, spreadsheet, presentation, e-mail, and database software and is most often used with the Microsoft Windows operating system. It can also be used with the Apple Macintosh. The Microsoft Office suite enjoys almost universal worldwide familiarity. The most recent version of MS Office is Office XP, which is designed specifically to be compatible with the Windows XP environment. Functionally, Sun StarOffice is very similar to Microsoft Office. The chief difference is that it is written using open source code and may be altered by programmers to match their specifications. It is the most popular system for Linux and Unix-based computers and utilizes an XTML-based interface. It is considered an 'alternative' to the Windows system because it is popular with developers, who often criticize Microsoft for the fact that the source code is unavailable and the product may not be reverse...


Whereas only Microsoft employees work with Microsoft products, Sun Star is organic and dozens of free upgrades become available as more software engineers tinker with the source code.
Microsoft Word is considered the standard text editor. Other text editors, such as the one that is bundled with the Windows package, lack essential functions such as a spell checker and the ability to easily add graphics, graphs, tables and html-compatible functionality. One of MS Word's key features is that it allows the user to customize the toolbar. MS Word can utilize some of the functions of the other Office suite products and reference the files directly. The key difference between MS Word and the word processor that is available with StarOffice is that StarOffice edits documents using an xml format, making these documents readable by most Internet browsers as xml is an Internet format. StarOffice Writer can also convert files to PDF format…

Sources Used in Documents:

Microsoft Powerpoint allows the user to design presentations that use graphics and visual effects. It is often used in with data that has been created in Excel. Microsoft Access is a database project that allows the user to enter and manage data and sort according to fields. Its chief limitation is that it is meant for one user to operate at a time. StarOffice Impress has essentially similar features, but uses the Macromedia Flash format to present its documents. Sun Microsystems pioneered Java Internet application technology and most computers have the capability of reading flash documents.

Datasheet: StarOffice 7 Data Sheet.

Microsoft Office XP: Office Home.

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"Microsoft Office Is The Most Popular Comprehensive" (2003, September 28) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Microsoft Office Is The Most Popular Comprehensive" 28 September 2003. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Microsoft Office Is The Most Popular Comprehensive", 28 September 2003, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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