Monster Essays (Examples)

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Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown presents a more modern landscape with women being in charge of their own lives and being less vulnerable to being exploited by men. Pepa, the film's protagonist, expresses her lack of interest with what happens around her and is solely concerned about telling Ivan, her boyfriend, that she is pregnant. The woman enters a state of despair as she discovers that Ivan left her and comes to go through a chain of unordinary events that contribute to damaging her mental state.

Considering her age and the fact that she is not married with Ivan, it is obvious that she is a modern woman who had paid more interest in her career than in starting a family. Everything around Pepa is practically extreme, starting from her friend Candela and until the Mambo-loving taxi driver that she constantly comes across during her trips around town.….

monsters in Beowulf represent the abstract idea of evil, while Beowulf himself symbolizes good. In his quest, Beowulf faces three monsters: Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the fire dragon. Each of these monsters represents darkness, or an evil that exists in the absence of morality and society. Beowulf defeats each of these monsters in turn. The defeat of Grendel even suggests that the defeat of evil is not necessarily dependent upon the intervention of God, as Beowulf himself asserts.
Similar to Shakespeare's understanding of jealousy as a green-eyed monster, each of the monsters in Beowulf represent emotions and abstract ideas. Beowulf himself is a symbol of all of the values of the civilization that produced the poem. He is the epic hero who represents the values of heroism, courage, and strength. Beowulf is a symbol of good pitted against the forces of evil.

The three monsters that Beowulf faces symbolically represent the…. has been adjudged the best job site in recent years and has been a favorite among the job seekers due its vast stock of job listing from across every possible industry. Its search facility combs through its huge database of jobs and returns the most relevant job for the visitors to the site with the minimum search keywords. Help page:

On clicking the link 'Site map' and navigating down to the bottom of the page one can find the 'Help'. On clicking 'Help' the page opens with a welcome message announcing the leadership position that the site enjoys among the job sites and career seekers. The Help Page is nicely divided into two sections for two categories i.e. Job seekers and Employers. The navigation from the main page to the help page is easy and fast also. Help topics:

Under the Job seekers section there are links for those who….

Stephen Crane's Monster

On June 2nd, 1892 a black man was murdered in the New York town of Port Jervis. He was lynched, or hanged, by a mob of people who accused him of assaulting a local girl. Four days later, on June 6th, there was a "Coroners investigation into the death of Robert Lewis by lynching" (New York Times) which implicated several townsfolk, who quickly left the area. This incident is regularly thought of as the basis for Stephen Crane's novella The Monster. He based his fictional town of hilomville, NY on the real town of Port Jervis, where he had lived as a boy. hile taking place almost five years prior to the publication of The Monster, the lynching of Robert Lewis was not the only source of inspiration for Crane. The Supreme Court of the United States, in 1896, ruled in the Plessy v. Ferguson case that state laws requiring….

Monsters exist everywhere. The exit in fiction and the real world. Their acts may spark a myth or are myths and tall tales. hether they are used for entertainment or to show history in its darkest moments, people have used monsters since the dawn of modern human. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen writer of "Monster Culture (Seven Theses)" and "The Uncanny" by Sigmund Freud will provide a lens for analysis of some of the most well-known monsters in popular culture and a true life monster of history. These monsters are Dracula, Godzilla, Frankenstein, and Adolf Hitler.
Freud has a way to show transformation through word usage. He illustrates in his work, "The Uncanny," the term "heimlich." "hat interests us most in this long extract is to find that among its different shades of meaning the word Heimlich exhibits one which is identical with its opposite, unheimlich. hat is heimlich thus comes to be….

Marketing Activities of Monster Energy
Market Activities of Monster Energy

Monster Energy is an energy drink produced and launched in 2002 by the Monster Beverage Company through an affiliation of another company the Sacks and Schlosberg (Gitman & McDaniel 2007). The beverage was produced after the demand increment of the drink to the customers. Its most target consumers are the university students, truckers and much of the sport fanatics. The company works under a slogan "Unleashing the beast" that has attracted the much clientele; enhancing the brand's successful marketing. It has enabled its marketing operations through micro and macro environment as depicted in the research below.

esearch Analysis

As the company's marketing consultant, I have conducted a quasi-analysis through secondary data collection methodologies. A number of resources have been used alongside the brand's website to get proper and appealing qualitative and qualitative leads on Monster's Energy marketing activities. The main objective of the analysis….

Although I have experienced discrimination as a female, I have also not had my self-esteem battered by racism like Steve, nor have I been traumatized in an environment like the prison where Steve finds himself in the novel.
How is the title of Monster misleading?

The prosecutor calls Steve a 'monster,' implying that Steve is without pity, remorse, or understanding. However, because the reader sees the events of the book transpire through Steve's consciousness, the reader understands that Steve is an intelligent, morally complex individual. The reader is left with a sense that, had Steve been born into different circumstances, he would never have stood accused of murder -- if only Steve was poor, black, and living in a racist society, this quiet young man who loves film would have been able to show his true gifts to the world. It is the environment where Steven finds himself that is monstrous,….

One can see similarities between monsters decline into homicidal tendencies and other homicidal persons. Homicide and suicide are often closely linked. Those that have suicidal thoughts are often prone to homicidal thoughts as well. In the case of the monster, he desperately wants to end his own life, and also, to seek revenge against the one who brought him this misery. Homicides followed by suicides are seen mainly in the type of relationship that exists in families and other close partnerships (Liem, Postulart, & Nieuwbeerta, p. 99). Once the person has committed murder, they know that inevitable dire consequences are likely to follow. Rather than face these consequences, they will often commit suicide. The hopelessness that led to the homicide becomes even more hopeless once the act is committed.

The positive correlation between homicide and suicide is a well-documented phenomenon (Bills & Li, p. 837). Major depression is present in a….

Marketing Plan for Monster based on the 4Ps
Marketing Plan for

Monster's business model and go-to-market strategies are continually striving to create disruptive innovation by redefining the economics of online recruitment and career advice. Of the many factors behind the sites' success, the orchestration of the four Ps of marketing including product (or in the case of Monster, a service), pricing, promotion and distribution or place have continually been fine-tuned to increase the advertising value of the site while ensuring employers find valuable candidates.

Evaluating Monster's Product and Services Strategy

Monster was the first recruitment website to provide a depth and breadth of personalization and customization that rivals Amazon in sophistication and ease of use (Burnsed, 2010). Like Amazon, Monster realized early in their history as a company that the continual development and launch of innovative services for both advertisers and job seekers would ensure continually increasing traffic rates to the site over….

How does Little Monsters propose to make money for its investors? Do you feel this is a strong offer and a reasonable strategy? Explain your position.

The Little Monsters business plan proposes to make money for its investors by deriving a profit from sales of their cutting-edge trans-dermal supplementary nutritional patch. The group suggests that their product will ride on the coattails of other popular vitamin and mineral supplements for children. Their marketing plan indicates that they are confident that widespread adoption of the new product will take place over a period of about nine months, with sales exceeding expenses by the end of the third quarter of fiscal year 2012. The group looks for image and character licensing to boost sales once agreements have been realized with celebrities or media and design studios.

The Little Monsters vitamin and mineral transdermal patch uses new technology that principally sells on the basis….

Discuss the information presented in this article in the context of Dr. Julnes' Knowledge Utilization Framework
Performance measurement utilization within an organization encompasses two particular stages. Taking this model into account, data is not significantly utilized. The first stage takes into account the initial adoption of performance measurement and the second encompasses implementation where information was actually utilized or employed. With respect to performance measurement as knowledge utilization, external political pressure, internal political pressure and organizational culture play a role. The information presented by Spath (2007) in the article can be conveyed in the context of Dr. Julnes' Knowledge Utilization Framework as follows:

In this case, formal requirements encompass the requirements set by healthcare executives with respect to the performance measurement. These requirements have an influence on the technical capability that can be undertaken internally within the organization. Secondly, organizational culture determines the alignment of the goals and objectives of the entity.….

At first the child is presented with a mental image of an ordinary site, such as a person wondering why people are looking at them. But then, with a line such as "I just wink my middle eye," the reader is suddenly forced to alter their normal mental image. The result is the sudden creation of an absurdly funny image that, instead of being scary or grotesque, is humorous, funny and, most importantly, enjoyable.
This anthology accomplishes its goal of entertaining children because it takes a popular subject that children are enthralled with, even if timidly, and turns it upside down. Instead of seeing monsters as scary nightmares, the reader sees monsters through a new perspective, as fumbling, klutzy and funny characters. This is similar to the approach to this same subject taken by the popular animated film, Monsters, Inc.. Like the poems in this anthology, the monsters in Monsters,….

Edward Hyde as the 'Metaphorical Monster': Dual Personas and the 'Repressed Self' of Henry Jekyll in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Nineteenth century Western society marked the emergence and developed of psychological studies and analyses of human beings, especially those that focus on introspection and the 'untapped' consciousness of individuals (more often associated with psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud). It is then not surprising that literature, as reflection of the lives and experiences of human society, reflected this prevalent trend in Western society. One of the most popular works of literature that emerged from this genre is The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

More than a mystery and horror novel, The Strange Case is also a study of human psychology, where Stevenson explores how human beings will possibly react and behave when they are able to….

Yet, we also see that he still does not understand the true origin of the beast -- the human within. The fact that he dies before he is successful, yet the monster obviously goes off to end his own fate, indicates that the evil both originated, and eventually died with him -- the true source from which it sprang.
Victor Hugo's Hunchback: An Illustrative Device

In Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame, there exists a strikingly similar theme -- if different in form. Although it is definitely true that Hugo's famous Quasimodo is a bit more innocuous than the Frankenstein monster, he nonetheless evokes a certain horror if only in appearance. Yet, much like in Shelley's work, Hugo brings out the monster that is human nature within the other character's interactions, motivations, and actions in the story.

There is little question that Hugo fully intended Quasimodo to evoke horror in his readers.….

Paradise Lost and Monster

Creation ithout Love: The Problem of Frankenstein
In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein assumes the role of God by attempting to create new life. He is not, however, prepared for the consequences, and the outward hideousness of his creation compels him to reject the monster. Inwardly, Frankenstein's monster possesses a soul and longs for love and learning. The fact that he must seek both surreptitiously (and is yet still rejected) compels him to lash out -- both at society and at his creator. Along the way, the monster identifies with Milton's Satan -- another creature who lashed out at his creator after feeling spurned. This paper will show how Frankenstein's monster feels rejected by "god" (both the actual God of creation and also Frankenstein in the role of creator-god for the Creature) and how this leads to tragic consequences -- namely, both Frankenstein's and the monster's eventual isolation and death in….

Captivating Titles for a Global John Wayne Gacy Exposé

Chilling Explorations

Behind the Mask of a Clown: The Horrific Crimes of John Wayne Gacy
Unveiling the Dark Depths: John Wayne Gacy's Sinister Legacy
The Gacy Tapes: A Spine-Tingling Descent into Evil
Into the Abyss: The Twisted World of John Wayne Gacy
Playground of Horror: Exposing the True Nature of John Wayne Gacy

Intriguing Inquiries

The Gacy Enigma: Unraveling the Mind of a Serial Killer
Gacy's Victims: A Lost Tapestry of Lives
The Gacy Investigation: A Quest for Justice Amidst Tragedy
The Gacy Effect: How One Man Cast a Shadow Over Society

I. Introduction
A. Overview of the novel Frankenstein
B. Explanation of the nature vs. nurture debate
C. Thesis statement: The monster in Frankenstein is influenced by a combination of both nature and nurture factors

II. Nature's influence on the monster
A. Creation of the monster by Victor Frankenstein
1. Genetic makeup and physical appearance
2. Inherent qualities and instincts
B. Lack of societal influence and guidance
1. Isolation and abandonment
2. Limited exposure to human interaction

III. Nurture's influence on the monster
A. Relationship with the De Lacey family
1. Learning language and communication skills
2. Developing emotions and empathy

Outline: The Influences of Nature vs. Nurture on the Monster in Frankenstein

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a captivating statement about the monster in Frankenstein and its enigmatic nature.
Thesis statement: State the argument that both nature (genetics, biology) and nurture (environment, experiences) play significant roles in shaping the monster's character and behavior.

II. The Role of Nature

Genetic Influence:
Discuss the monster's unique physical and intellectual abilities as a product of his artificial creation.
Consider the potential role of Victor Frankenstein's own genetic characteristics.
Biological Drives:
Analyze the monster's basic instincts, such as his need for companionship, food, and shelter.

1. The Twisted Mind of Ted Bundy: A Psychological Analysis

2. Ted Bundy: America's Notorious Serial Killer

3. The Legacy of Ted Bundy: A Study in Evil

4. Ted Bundy: A Man of Charming Deception

5. The Crimes of Ted Bundy: A Case Study in Deviant Behavior

6. Inside the Mind of Ted Bundy: A Look into the Psychopath's World

7. Ted Bundy: The Monster Next Door

8. The Infamous Legacy of Ted Bundy: Serial Killer Extraordinaire

9. Ted Bundy: The Mysterious Case of America's Most Wanted

10. Ted Bundy: The Chilling True Story of a Serial Killer's Reign of Terror
11. Unmasking Ted Bundy: The Truth Behind the Charismatic....

6 Pages


Monsters and Violence and Gender

Words: 1529
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown presents a more modern landscape with women being in charge of their own lives and being less vulnerable to being exploited…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Monsters in Beowulf Represent the Abstract Idea

Words: 940
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

monsters in Beowulf represent the abstract idea of evil, while Beowulf himself symbolizes good. In his quest, Beowulf faces three monsters: Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the fire dragon.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Monster com Has Been Adjudged the Best Job

Words: 1261
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper has been adjudged the best job site in recent years and has been a favorite among the job seekers due its vast stock of job listing from…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Stephen Crane's Monster

Words: 1998
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Monster On June 2nd, 1892 a black man was murdered in the New York town of Port Jervis. He was lynched, or hanged, by a mob of people who accused…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

Cultural Perspective of a Monster

Words: 1605
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Monsters exist everywhere. The exit in fiction and the real world. Their acts may spark a myth or are myths and tall tales. hether they are used for entertainment…

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8 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Activities of Monster Energy

Words: 2423
Length: 8 Pages
Type: SWOT

Marketing Activities of Monster Energy Market Activities of Monster Energy Monster Energy is an energy drink produced and launched in 2002 by the Monster Beverage Company through an affiliation of another…

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1 Pages


Character in Monster Steve Different

Words: 325
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Although I have experienced discrimination as a female, I have also not had my self-esteem battered by racism like Steve, nor have I been traumatized in an environment…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Frankenstein Understanding the Frankenstein Monster

Words: 3059
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One can see similarities between monsters decline into homicidal tendencies and other homicidal persons. Homicide and suicide are often closely linked. Those that have suicidal thoughts are often prone…

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3 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Plan for Monster Based on the

Words: 1294
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Plan for Monster based on the 4Ps Marketing Plan for Monster's business model and go-to-market strategies are continually striving to create disruptive innovation by redefining the economics of online…

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2 Pages
Business Plan

Business - Advertising

Financials How Does Little Monsters Propose to

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Financials How does Little Monsters propose to make money for its investors? Do you feel this is a strong offer and a reasonable strategy? Explain your position. The Little Monsters…

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3 Pages


Taming the Measurement Monster

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Discuss the information presented in this article in the context of Dr. Julnes' Knowledge Utilization Framework Performance measurement utilization within an organization encompasses two particular stages. Taking this model into…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Children's Anthology Entitled Monster Poems

Words: 534
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

At first the child is presented with a mental image of an ordinary site, such as a person wondering why people are looking at them. But then, with…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Edward Hyde as the 'Metaphorical Monster' Dual

Words: 1503
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Edward Hyde as the 'Metaphorical Monster': Dual Personas and the 'Repressed Self' of Henry Jekyll in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson Nineteenth…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Romantic Monster The Human Within

Words: 4437
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Yet, we also see that he still does not understand the true origin of the beast -- the human within. The fact that he dies before he is…

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4 Pages


Paradise Lost and Monster

Words: 1374
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Creation ithout Love: The Problem of Frankenstein In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein assumes the role of God by attempting to create new life. He is not, however, prepared for…

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