Movie Industry Essays (Examples)

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Movie Industry What Competitive Forces
Pages: 2 Words: 575

What is the movie houses response goal? The movies houses would like to take advantage of the fact that YouTube and other social outlets have a massive following. If the movie houses can generate enough excitement by running ads along with trailers and clips of the movies then they turn a negative into a positive. Secondly, the movie houses would like to generate additional revenues from online distribution, but so far, that has been a tough nut to crack.

What can the movie industry learn from the music industry regarding online problems? Since the movie industry is still coping with millions of illegal downloads of music, it would seem that the music industry is still learning itself. That being said, the movie industry has probably taken the only approach that it can possibly take at this juncture and learned to play along with the illegal downloads as much as possible while…...

Downloading Movies Challenges Facing the Movie Industry
Pages: 6 Words: 2050

Movie Industry in Downloading Movies

The idea of providing movies for download over the Internet would be an extremely practical acquisition. In fact, Walt Disney Corporation and Sony Pictures have entertained the idea of allowing movies to be streamed and downloaded via the Internet. oth of these companies see a potential market with PC users. (Stump) Multichannel News reports,

Currently, Hollywood has put most of its streaming efforts into movie trailers. Any major motion picture now released by Hollywood carries with it its own trailer available for streaming. Most new movies sport their own promotional Web sites that include not only trailers, but cast and crew interviews, and other behind-the-scenes footage. Interactive games and promotional sweepstakes with audio and video elements also are common, as are links to music and soundtracks related to the movies." (Stump)

Though the movie industry believes that significant profits can be made from Internet downloading the industry…...



Anderson, Diane. "Movie Sites get the Shaft." The Industry Standard. September 18, 2000.

Avery, Simon. Movie Industry Takes Active Role in Fighting Piracy. The Associated Press. 07-22-2002;c=LawArticle&cid=1024079022232&t=LawArticleTech 

Borland, John. "ISP download caps to slow swapping?." CNET News. November 26, 2002.

Movie Industry Project Proposal
Pages: 2 Words: 669

here are different types of data, including time series and cross-sectional data. ime series data consists of measurements of the same variable over time. Marketers will often use time-series data, for example if a company is new and building its brand, it can take surveys on a monthly basis for its first few years to measure how many people are aware of its brand. his would be a dependent variable, and the company's marketing efforts the independent variable. Cross-sectional data is a set of data that may be in the same time, but examines different populations. he same company, in its marketing study, might look at brand recognition to gauge the effectiveness of its marketing in different populations -- such as different age cohorts, or in different countries. his information can be useful to the marketer in studying its reach to those different populations.

A multiple regression considers the effects of…...


There are a number of different sources for this information. The project can only reasonably use films for which this information has been made public, but also can only be applied to films that have finished their theatrical run. The study will need to be cross-sectional in nature, the time period of films discussed must be similar, in order to discount the effects of inflation on the box office figures, which are reported in nominal (not real) terms. Thus, films from 2014 will be considered for this work. There were more than 30 films released in that year, so the samples will need to be chosen at random from a pool that includes all releases, both successful and unsuccessful.

A data set of thirty was gathered, using random number generation and statistics provided by an industry website, Box Office Mojo. The return at the box office is a key element of the ROI for a movie (along with foreign receipts, video sales, licensing and non-production costs). This is, however, a standard industry measure to look at the ROI specifically through the lens of production costs and domestic box office. A randomized selection of movies was used, where both sets of information was available. The results are in an Excel file in preparation for the regression analysis. Other variables that are relatively easy to acquire are the number of theaters on opening weekend and the total run in weeks. Other important variables, such as genre, or stars, are difficult to quantify, even with dummy variables and therefore will not be involved in the analysis.

It is believed that there is a relationship between the production cost and the box office, but this may be clouded by the fact that studios ensure wider releases for films they spent the most money on, so it is important to look at the width of the release as another contributing factor.

Film Industry Merchandising as a Key Revenue Source
Pages: 9 Words: 2590

Merchandising as a Key Revenue Source in the Film IndustryIntroductionThere is no doubt whatsoever that the film industry has become more competitive over the last few decades. To continue being relevant in this increasingly competitive field, there is need for studios as well as filmmakers to consider new revenue sources. One such revenue source happens to be film merchandising. One example of a film that deployed merchandising as an additional revenue source is Batman (1989). It would be prudent to note, from the onset, that very few film researchers and authors have explored the potential of this particular revenue stream. Whereas there are some who are convinced that films could make more money by embracing merchandising, there are others who discount the relevance of this approach on multiple fronts, i.e. in as far as the generation of additional revenue is concerned. Indeed, some argue that the same could break a…...

Film Industry and Movies
Pages: 2 Words: 795

Ilbo, Hankook, "Illegal Distribution of Movies Bleeding the Film Industry,"
Korea imes, 7 December. 1999 uesday, Pg. 1. LexisNexis. Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. 20 Apr. 2017.

According to government agencies of the film industry, illegal downloading of movies online has expanded recently. Ilbo states that when movies come out online a few weeks after the movie has come out in theaters affects the film industry financially. hese damages are not just to the film production company but also to the director and actors, because when the industry as a whole makes less money so do the people who earn their livelihoods from producing films. It is a serious issue for the film industry now to be able to provide people with a superior movie theater experience in order that they are willing to purchase a ticket instead of illegally downloading to watch at home.

Espejo, Roman, "Copyright Infringement," Book, 2009. 21.…...


The Film Industry, edited by Roman Espejo, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 20 Apr. 2017. <>

One of the main factors causing a movie piracy is that college and university students, who were once up to forty-four percent of annual income for the film industry, are stealing movies for free. This piracy results in $6.1 billion in losses for the film industry. The author puts forth the argument that while the film industry wants consumers to know how wonderful films are, the reality is that if students stopped downloading there is no guarantee that they would be interested in certain movies -- they might be willing to watch them, but they are not willing to pay for them. Further, studios are often limited in their ability to market films.

That said, the author argues that piracy is the main obstacle for developing the film industry today. Downloading movies illegally also exposes uses to viruses, because there are few anti-virus controls associated with file sharing. As long as students are sharing files, they are not capable of avoiding viruses. It is for the benefit of both the film industry and students to eliminate file sharing.

Movies and Methods Volume I
Pages: 6 Words: 2080

Not only does Nichols provide a good context for the many paradoxes that can confront film studies with his insightful and thoughtful introduction, but he also shows how sharing approaches and methods can help to stimulate a lot of the best writing regarding film. In addition he shows many of the common problems that are seen and deals with the contradictions that appear. Like the first volume of the anthology, this second volume also provides smaller introductions so that each essay and piece of information can be more easily understood. It also allows a reader to peruse the book and find the pertinent piece of information that he or she needs at that point in time, which can be very valuable, especially for a novice to the film industry trying to find information quickly. Having the smaller introductions before each piece also help to showcase each item within the context…...



Nichols, Bill (1976) Movies and Methods: Vol. I. University of California Press.

Nichols, Bill (1985) Movies and Methods: Vol. II. University of California Press.

Film Leverage
Pages: 6 Words: 2153

Film Awards
The film industry produces experience goods for consumer enjoyment and consumption, and substantively relies on consumer differentiation for the economic success of movies. Moviegoers appear to differentiate films primarily on the basis of genre, starring actors, exposure to promotion, recommendations from other moviegoers and film critics, and -- for the dedicated film buffs and connoisseurs -- directors, cinematographers, and even screenwriters associated with the film production (Albert 1998, De Vany 2004, Eliashberg and Shugan 1997, Hand 2002, Krider and Weinberg 1998, Nelson et al. 2001, avid 1999, Smith and Smith 1986, Wallace, Steigermann and Holbrook 1993). Access to information about films is related to the resources and networks that moviegoers enjoy, and on the attention that films garner, as expressed by the media and through social networks. Information about films is accessed by moviegoers from many sources: 1) The genre of the film; 2) the rating of the film…...



Albert, S 1998 "Movie stars and the distribution of financially successful fitness in the motion picture industry." Journal of Cultural Economics, 22(4), 249-270.

Chang, B-H and Ki, E-J 2005, Devising a practical model for predicting theatrical movie success: Focusing on experience good property. Journal of Media Economics, 18(4), 247-260.

Chen, Andrew. "Forecasting Gross Revenues at the Movie Box Office" Department of Economics, University of Washington June 2002. 20 July 2006 

Decanay, JC, King-Calvo, MT, Santos, AA 2010, Information cascades as social learning: The case of box-office ticket sales in the Philippines. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2010 p.334-344.

Film Frozen River Courtney Hunt's
Pages: 6 Words: 1866

The relationship between the two women is strengthened as the film advances and as they discover that they have more things in common than they initially thought. The two criminal-oriented individuals find that they have serious issues with their families and that something urgently needs to be done for them to solve their problems. The bond they form is best observed to the end of the motion picture, when Ray has second thoughts about leaving Lila and instead presents herself to the authorities, willing to be penalized for her actions. In spite of the fact that some viewers might consider the film's ending to be dull in comparison to the dramatic outcome they expected, the final is actually satisfying, as Ray's punishment is somewhat equivalent to the illegalities that she committed.
The frozen river can be taken for granted, with all the risks involved in crossing it, and it can…...



1. Dir. Hunt, Courtney. Frozen River. Sony Pictures Classics, 2008.

Film History
Pages: 18 Words: 8657

movie industry in America has been controlled by some of the monolithic companies which not only provided a place for making the movies, but also made the movies themselves and then distributed it throughout the entire country. These are movie companies and their entire image revolved around the number of participants of their films. People who wanted to see the movies being made had to go to the studios in order to see them. They made movies in a profitable manner for the sake of the studios, but placed the entire industry under their control and dominated over it. The discussion here is about some of those famous studios inclusive of that of names like Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Culver, RKO, Paramount Studios, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Studios, Universal Studios, Raleigh Studio, Hollywood Center Studio, Sunset Gower Studio, Ren-Mar Studios, Charlie Chaplin Studios and now, Manhattan Beach…...


"What better way to annoy the Hollywood liberals than to remind them every single day that

George W. Bush is STILL the President?" Retrieved from Accessed 15 September, 2005

"What's interesting about the business is that it's no longer the movie business" Retrieved from   Accessed 14 September, 2005 

Movies Rear Window Stewart v
Pages: 6 Words: 2011

Even if it successfully brings back to life a story forgotten by the public and distinguishes itself from today's typical films, Disturbia is no match for Rear indow.
It is not certain if Disturbia is homage or a remake to Rear indow, since the two movies are not exactly the same, but they are not very different either. hile some might consider Disturbia to be a rip-off to Rear indow (ilonsky 66), it is not the case here, since copying an idea as long as one does not copy its expression is not illegal. The reaction of the masses to Disturbia regarding the plagiarism involved in it is most probably owed to the film's success, since it is very probable for this condition to have been inexistent if the film were to make little to no money.

Caruso was right in bringing back the story present in Rear indow, considering that…...


Works cited:

1. Fawell, John Hitchcock's Rear Window: The Well-Made Film (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2001).

2. Verevis, Constantine Film Remakes (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006).

3. Wilonsky, Robert "Peeping Bomb," The Village Voice 11 Apr. 2007: 66.

4. Disturbia. Dir D.J. Caruso. With Shia Leboeuf and David Morse. DreamWorks, 2007.

Movie Called Holy Motors
Pages: 2 Words: 641

Holy Motors Movie Analysis
Holy Motors: An Analysis

Director Leos Carax has done it again. He has shocked the film industry with an abstract film focusing on the damaging power of our obsession with gazing into another's life. Voyeurism is a destructive force in the 2012 film Holy Motors, one which destroys the life of Oscar, the never-ending actor.

This intense French film was a major shocker in 2012. It is a very unique story told with incredible cinematic genius. Oscar, an actor, constantly drives around to different appointments, where he plays a number of odd roles. Sometimes he plays his roles in front o a large audience, while at other times they seem to be in front of only a few individuals or even no one at all. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to his roles, as he is random characters without much explanation of what is really going…...

Film and Media in the Digital Age
Pages: 1 Words: 300

digital age include worlds that are highly imaginative (eg. Harry Potter films). Films are sometimes conceived in a literary form and then turned into a script and a film. Films since the 1920s and into the 21st century have used physical models and stage properties of some kind (eg. Metropolis, Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Harry Potter). In the digital age, visual effects are created by composite images and ongoing production techniques, practices and narratives. Discuss.
What this question primarily conveys is the feasibility associated with the growing trend of using digital techniques in filmmaking. The importance of digitalization, computer generated imagery and visual effects, has grown tremendously and that can be proven with the help of various relevant examples. In the essay, the technological value added by digitalization along with the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization have been discussed. Finally the future of digital filmmaking…...

Film Witness The Right to
Pages: 3 Words: 1111

Even though they seem small, they are also ethical problems, and must be included in the definition when someone asks 'what is ethics' or 'is that ethical'? This is the issue that is being faced with the Amish community and the film Witness, because there is more than one actual issue at work there. This involves a whole community, some of whom may feel very differently about their Hollywood portrayal than others.
A lot of the issue with communities like the Amish and whether they are treated fairly or exploited is situations like this has to do with duty ethics, which was introduced like Immanuel Kant. Duty ethics deals with having the ability and understanding to do what is correct regardless of the consequences (Yirmiyahu, 1998). In other words, one needs to do one's duty regardless of what the other issues surrounding one may be. This is often difficult to…...



Brink, David O. (1999). "Aristotle, Kant, and the stoics: Rethinking happiness and duty." The Philosophical Review.

Yirmiyahu, Yovel. (1998). "Kant's practical reason as will: interest, recognition, judgment, and choice." The Review of Metaphysics.

Film Directors Everywhere Have a
Pages: 5 Words: 1543

An American Alex would be against classical music, with anarchists normally being associated with hard rock music. Moreover, he would find it perfectly normal to use drugs instead of drinking milk in a club that has dummies for tables. The reason for which a Hollywood producer would not have his psychotic character drinking milk is that he or she would unquestionably find such a scene to be sick, and, thus, not to be presented to a general public.

Most American movies presenting young people fighting for anarchy want to teach a lesson. They want people to understand that society is good and that it is not worth fighting it, since you only harm yourself in the process. In contrast, Kubrick shows that the system is bad and obsessed with maintaining control over people. After Alex is freed from prison, he can no longer be free, as his mind continues to be…...


Works cited:

1. A Clockwork Orange. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. Warner Bros, 1972.

Film History
Pages: 3 Words: 967

exception, most of Director Frank Capra's greatest movies take place during the depression, 1929-1941, or shortly after. His films are unique in that they are some of the first to display a faith in American opportunity and values in the context of institutional reform. Author Annalle ewitz aptly articulates Capra's contribution to films with the following quote:
The kind of 'socially conscious' movie we associate with Frank Capra's name does not tend to get made in or outside Hollywood at this point in history. Movies that critics and audiences of the 1990s dub 'socially conscious' do not offer portraits of American communities in the process of coming together; more often than not, American communities in contemporary popular movies are falling apart or are bound together by morally repugnant ideals and practices."

This discussion explores five Capra files in chronological order, IT HAPPEED OE IGHT (1934), MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOW (1936),…...


Newitz, Annalee, "It's Fun...But It Takes Courage: Remembering Frank Capra's America," Bad Subjects, Issue #11, January/February 1994, p. 13.

Ray Carney, American Vision: The Films of Frank Capra (Hanover, N.H. University Press of New England, 1996), 88 pp. 12-500.

Frank Capra, accessed at   On November 23, 2002. .

Can I get some essay titles for my advertising homework with some examples?
Words: 369

Advertising is such an interesting topic.  It can be overt, such as in television commercials, print ads, or ads in social media.  It can also be more subtle, such as product placement.  Advertising can seem relatively straightforward, or it can involve complex psychological manipulations.  Advertising is a billion-dollar business, because ads can help generate billions in revenue for their companies.  There are so many different things that you can investigate for a paper on advertising, from the use of celebrity endorsements to fear based advertising.  In fact, much modern entertainment is actually....

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