Multivariate Analysis Essays (Examples)

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multivariate analysis is appropriate for a quantitative study. Conclude your posting by describing your personal interests in one of the multivariate statistical tests and its potential usefulness to you in future research.
The question of whether to use a multivariate vs. univariate or bivariate statistical tests is rather straightforward. Multivariate statistics provide analyses in cases where there are more than one independent variable and/or more than one dependent variable (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2012). Univariate analyses are statistical tests that involve one variable, whereas bivariate tests/statistics involve two variables such as a Pearson correlation coefficient (Runyon, Coleman, & Pittenger, 2000). It is certainly possible to do many different univariate or even bivariate analyses in the place of a multivariate one; however, the researcher loses statistical power, increases the probability of a TType I error, and is unable to determine all of the relationships in the data that can be analyzed with….

Demographic characteristics may be used to generate this profile. esults generated may show that after cluster analysis, respondents who belong to the upper middle to upper class socio-economic group are identified as having a high degree of health consciousness, while respondents aged between 25 and 25 are the ones who most rely on self-medication. Multidimensional scaling, meanwhile, will be useful in this example by mapping out these attitudes towards health, giving the researcher and user of research an idea about the spread of these attitudes in a multidimensional space, as well as determine the dimensions generated and in which dimensions attitudes are located or positioned. Again, as with cluster analysis, MDS can make use of the demographic characteristics to map against the attitude statements/characteristics (interesting analyses would be characteristics vs. geographic location, educational attainment, age group membership, among others).
Software programs like the SPSS and SAS have expanded its range….

ICU Delirium
Clinical Question

The PICOT question that will be evaluated in this study is, "Does the use of a validated delirium assessment instrument (intervention) improve delirium detection (outcome) among adults in the ICU (population) as compared multicomponent interventions (comparison) within a 6-month period (timeline)?"

Intervention to be Implemented

The intervention that will be implemented in this study is Confusion Assessment Method, which is a validated delirium screening instrument. The intervention will be utilized to examine how it improves the detection of ICU delirium among adults in intensive care units as compared to multicomponent interventions.

Outcomes to be Analyzed

The outcomes that will be analyzed during this study is whether a validated delirium screening instrument enhances the detection of this condition among adults in intensive care units as compared to other methods. As previously indicated, the validated delirium screening instrument that will be implemented is Confusion Assessment Method while the other methods will be multicomponent interventions.


Hoteling T^2 Control Charts
Multivariable statistics is an aspect of statistics that involves analysis of more than one variables. In other words, the multivariable analysis is concerned with the statistical analysis of more than one variables how they are related to one another. Some problems involve using the multivariable data using multiple regression or linear regression, and one of the aspects of the multivariable analysis is an area that involves analysis of quality control using the linear regression. Contrary to the univariable analysis that uses two variables, the multivariable analysis uses two or more independent variables or dependent variables. The concept independent variables are the variables manipulated by the researcher to carry out the analysis. With this control, the researcher will be able to correlate the dependent and independent variables. However, the manufacturing companies are increasingly using the multivariable statistics to enhance product quality. In the contemporary manufacturing environment, increasing number….

Multivariate Techniques
There is a number of mathematical and statistical tools that businesses use to survive and thrive in their respective markets. Some of the math involved is quite simple and basic. Examples of such basic operations would include percentages, standard deviations and so forth. However, there are some fields and realms where much more intricate mathematics are involved and statistics would be a common example of such a complex method. This brief report shall specifically cover the use of multivariate statistics. Three of the more common manifestations of multivariate statistics are factor analysis, cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. While making things overly complex from a numbers standpoint is usually not wise, there are situations where more robust and complex analysis is necessary or advantageous.

Compare & Contrast

The first multivariate method that shall be discussed is factor analysis. Factor analysis is a technique that is used to reduce a large number of….

This measure is -3.34% for FY 2009, compared to 10.66% in FY 2008 and 3.75% in FY 2007. a quick ratio or liquid ratio measures the ability of a company to use its near cash or quick assets to immediately extinguish or retire its current liabilities. The higher the quick ratio, the better the position of the company. Sony's quick ratio has fallen to 0.14 in FY 2009 down from 0.24 in FY 2008 and 0.19 in FY 2007. a high debt/equity ratio generally means that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt. This is important to examine because it can result in volatile earnings as a result of the additional interest expense. Sony's debt/equity ratio has increased to 3.05 in FY 2009 versus 2.62 in FY 2008 and 2.47 in FY 2007. Growth as measured by sales is horrible for Sony in FY 2009….

Wilde, M. et al. (2015). Self-management intervention for long-Term indwelling urinary catheter users. Nursing Research, 64(1): 24-34.
The method employed in this quantitative study is the random clinical trial and the research tradition was congruent with the methods used to collect and analyze the data: the researchers collected data during face-to-face home interviews and follow-up phone interviews with more than 200 participants involved over a 12-month period; and analysis was generated using generalized estimating equations. Thus the sample size was consistent with a standard quantitative study and the duration was of sufficient length to monitor changes/developments alongside a control group. There was no evidence of reflexivity, as the self-management approach to catheter use eliminated problems.

The sample was adequately described: the participants were adult long-term urinary catheter users split between the trial group testing the effectiveness of the self-management treatment and the control group receiving normal treatment. Thus triangulation was achieved in….

Data Analysis and Nurses

Sundborg et al. (2012) conducted a quantitative study, which examined the preparedness of nurses to provide care for women who are exposed to intimate partner violence (p.1). The study was carried out on the premise that intimate partner violence (IPV) has significant effect on women's health. Therefore, nurses need adequate preparations to identify such victims and provide suitable interventions. While the study provides significant insights relating to nurses' preparedness in handling such patients, there are some drawbacks associated with it as demonstrated in this critique.
The sample for this study was randomly selected from the 174 primary health care centers that employ approximately 1,200 active nurses in Stockholm County (Sundborg et al., 2012, p.3). Since the sample was selected randomly, a probability sampling method was utilized by the researchers. Every individual in the sampling population had equal chance of being included in the study. The results from this sampling method were….

health care centers (PHCC) in Stockholm County, 40 of them were randomly selected using an old-fashioned, non-probability method of basically drawing names from a hat. The author notes, "every PHCC was given a unique number that was written on a paper card and placed in a pot. For transparency, two colleagues independently drew 20 paper cards each, a total of 40." Of these 40, one declined to participate. Therefore, 39 PHCCs were selected, and one nurse from each PHCC served as contact person. The sample size is adequate and actually fairly large for the study. Although unconventional, bias was not introduced by using this method of sample selection, and the sample can be considered representative of the population given the randomness of the PHCC selection procedure. Eligibility criteria are also clearly identified, as the contact person nurse needed to comply with the study design, namely to distribute anonymous questionnaires….

Rapp Adam Trainor Kevin J

2.1Critique of the research

The work of app et al. (2009 is rooted on a theoretical background and conceptual framework of resource-based view of technological adoption for the sake of gaining a competitive advantage. The theory of CM technology is also part and parcel of this work. The theoretical model is indicated below;

The hypothesized model

I believe the hypothesized model is appropriate in proving the hypothesis.

The major hypotheses are;

H1: CM technology capability positively affects customer-linking capability

H2: Customer orientation positively affects customer-linking capability

This is because they are the ones that capture the spirit and aim of our study;: Examining the complementary role of customer orientation and CM technology.

2.2. Internal validity

This work has a good internal validity. This is because of the various statistical tests of validity that were carried out and gave appositive answer. The tests included Cronbach's Alpha, Average Variance Extracted and Composite eliability tests.

2.3. Sample and population

The data was collected from….

City of Alexandria -- Time Series Data
Tufte (2001) and other ambassadors of the visual display of data have shown us how easily it is to understand complex data when it is graphically represented in ways that our minds are designed to understand. Tufte argues that "experience with the analysis of data…is essential for achieving precision and grace in the presence of statistics, .but even textbook of graphical design are silent about how to think about numbers" (Tufte, 2001, p. 104). Tufke remarks, that "Illustrators too often see their work as an exclusively artistic enterprise -- the words "creative," "concept," and "style" combine regularly in all possible permutations -- a Big Think jargon for the small task of constructing a time-series a few data points long" (Tufte, 2001, p. 204). Visual display of data has other uses than simply an elegant way to view, appreciate, and analyze data. The process of….

Job Attitudes

Meta-Analysis Stages and Practices
(based on Figure 1, p. 307, Kirca & Yaprak, 2010)

The Causal Relation Between Job Attitudes and Performance:

A Meta-Analysis of Panel Studies

How Important Are Job Attitudes? Meta-Analytic Comparisons Of Integrative Behavioral Outcomes And Time Sequences

Formulate problem

Identify and read relevant theoretical and empirical articles

studies were utilized.

Contextual performance and focal performance were the two main factors on which the studies were based

Identify important, common variables, study, and measurement characteristics to assess

The two variables being studied were job attitudes and job performance

Job attitudes were linked to different factors that came under the category of contextual and focal performance

Identify contradictory findings

Decide on meta-analysis objectives

To fill the gap between the relationship of these two factors.

To fill the gap between the relationships of these two factors.

Develop preliminary theoretical framework

Job attitudes were defined as a person's affective and cognitive evaluation of their job.

Meta-analytic correlation matrix was used

2. Collect Data

Conduct key-word database searches

Search terms used….

The rating scale is 1 to 7 with 1 representing "I don't like this at all" and 7 "I like this a lot." Each candy bar's average rating across judges is used as a point in a scatterplot with nine points. The scatterplot looks like the constellation Orion. It also looks like a pattern described by two dimensions, sweet and salty. The stress statistic for two dimensions has an acceptable value, but not as good as when a third dimension is added. The third dimension appears to one of texture: creamy vs. crunchy.
As Borgatti (1997) observed, there are two things to look for in interpreting an MDS map: clusters and dimensions. An inspection of the clusters of points reveals that highest average rating seems distant from the other eight and falls in the region describable as somewhat sweet, not very salty, and partly crunchy (Snickers). The lowest rating, which….

This could indicate that the latter two countries seek to join the EU in hopes of more prosperous futures.
e) State of education in the country

From the standpoint of education, this is best ranked in Belgium, with a score of 8.8 on a scale from 1 to ten, and it is closely followed by France, with a score of 8.5, on the same scale. The Germans ranked their educational system with an 8, and the Dutch ranked their educational system with a 7. Turkey reveals a similar perception of its educational system as the Dutch, but the Croatians and the Turks have less positive perceptions over their educational systems.

From this standpoint then, it could be argued that all three non-EU member states would benefit from the accession to the EU as this would serve as grounds for improvement of their educational sectors.

f) State of health services in the country

From the….

Managerial Assessments of the Applications of egression

The commentary of the article begins with the subject of the research in the article: Organizational Politics within Academic Departments. This subject is valid of research as it is a factor of which many students are unaware, yet are apart of and by which they are affected. Uninformed views or stereotypes of academia may not include the order of politics evident among faculty and staff within each department, yet they exist. Therefore the first piece of criticism is to validate the subject matter of the study. Furthermore, the authors argue for the importance of their study as there is little research in the area, for reasons that some of which are obvious and self evident.

The specific behavioral focus for the article is conflict. The authors wish to understand the nature of conflict within organizations and the impact conflict has upon perceptions. There are nine….

2 Pages

Education - Mathematics

Multivariate Analysis Is Appropriate for a Quantitative

Words: 579
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

multivariate analysis is appropriate for a quantitative study. Conclude your posting by describing your personal interests in one of the multivariate statistical tests and its potential usefulness to…

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8 Pages


Statistics-Multivariate Analysis Research Data Collected

Words: 2185
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Demographic characteristics may be used to generate this profile. esults generated may show that after cluster analysis, respondents who belong to the upper middle to upper class socio-economic…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Multivariate Analysis and Interventions

Words: 543
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ICU Delirium Clinical Question The PICOT question that will be evaluated in this study is, "Does the use of a validated delirium assessment instrument (intervention) improve delirium detection (outcome) among adults…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Quality Control and Analysis

Words: 1772
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hoteling T^2 Control Charts Multivariable statistics is an aspect of statistics that involves analysis of more than one variables. In other words, the multivariable analysis is concerned with the statistical…

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4 Pages


Multivariate Statistics Compare and contrast

Words: 1438
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Multivariate Techniques There is a number of mathematical and statistical tools that businesses use to survive and thrive in their respective markets. Some of the math involved is quite simple…

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3 Pages


Sony Ratios and Analysis of

Words: 799
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This measure is -3.34% for FY 2009, compared to 10.66% in FY 2008 and 3.75% in FY 2007. a quick ratio or liquid ratio measures the ability of…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Nursing and Catheter Usage an Analysis

Words: 557
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Wilde, M. et al. (2015). Self-management intervention for long-Term indwelling urinary catheter users. Nursing Research, 64(1): 24-34. The method employed in this quantitative study is the random clinical trial and…

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3 Pages


Data Analysis and Nurses

Words: 889
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Sundborg et al. (2012) conducted a quantitative study, which examined the preparedness of nurses to provide care for women who are exposed to intimate partner violence (p.1). The study…

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3 Pages


Statistical Analysis and Nurse

Words: 899
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

health care centers (PHCC) in Stockholm County, 40 of them were randomly selected using an old-fashioned, non-probability method of basically drawing names from a hat. The author notes,…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Rapp Adam Trainor Kevin J

Words: 825
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

2.1Critique of the research The work of app et al. (2009 is rooted on a theoretical background and conceptual framework of resource-based view of technological adoption for the sake of…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Urban Studies

City of Alexandria -- Time Series Data

Words: 1819
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

City of Alexandria -- Time Series Data Tufte (2001) and other ambassadors of the visual display of data have shown us how easily it is to understand complex data when…

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4 Pages


Job Attitudes

Words: 1222
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Meta-Analysis Stages and Practices (based on Figure 1, p. 307, Kirca & Yaprak, 2010) The Causal Relation Between Job Attitudes and Performance: A Meta-Analysis of Panel Studies How Important Are Job Attitudes?…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Multidimensional Scaling Mds The Next

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The rating scale is 1 to 7 with 1 representing "I don't like this at all" and 7 "I like this a lot." Each candy bar's average rating…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Economics Finance and Management in

Words: 3112
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This could indicate that the latter two countries seek to join the EU in hopes of more prosperous futures. e) State of education in the country From the standpoint of…

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3 Pages


Managerial Assessments of the Applications of Regression

Words: 834
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Managerial Assessments of the Applications of egression Management The commentary of the article begins with the subject of the research in the article: Organizational Politics within Academic Departments. This subject is…

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