Muscle Essays (Examples)

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Muscle Car Culture Outline Car
Pages: 5 Words: 2167

" (Walker, 1999) the gas crisis caused that particular market sector to almost completely vanish, and the need for increased efficiency shifted power in the automotive industry away from designers and into the hands of engineers. Detroit tried one last time to introduce small cars to the American public, but this attempt was far less successful than all others before it. GM created the Chevrolet Vega, and Ford had the Pinto. oth cars were available with many accessories and trim options, but both suffered from severe design mistakes. "These cars were poorly made, did not perform well, and were the most dangerous automobiles on the road since Chevrolet introduced its Corvair ten years before." (Gartman, 1994) the failure of the Vega and Pinto secured the upcoming dominance of imports in the small car sector. Detroit's dominance ended, and so did the era of the muscle car.

The enforcement of government emissions…...



1. Anselmi, Angelo T., Henry Robert Flood, Jr., and Strother Macminn. Automobile and Culture. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers. New York, 1984.

2. Gartman, David. Auto Opium - a Social History of American Automobile Design. Routledge. London, 1994.

3. Holls, Dave and Michael Lamm. A Century of Automotive Style. Lamm-Monada Publishing Co. Inc. Stockton, CA 1996.

4. Wernick, Andrew. "Vehicles of Myth: The Shifting Image of the Modern Car." In Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon (ed.) St. Martins Press. Boston, 1994.

Muscle Grow Case Qs the Commerce Clause
Pages: 2 Words: 556

Muscle Grow Case Qs
The commerce clause grants the federal government the right to regulate interstate commerce, which the online sale and interstate shipment of Muscle Grow by Texas-Based Health Corp. definitely constitutes (U.S. ConstitutionArticle 1, Sec. 8, Clause 3). A determination of whether or not this constitutes commerce is not really at issue as it quite clearly is concerned with the sale and transport of goods across state lines, however the Commerce Clause only grants the federal government (specifically, Congress) the authority to regulate this commerce, and does not specifically allow the actions taken in this case -- that is, action taken by the President to directly regulate the commerce of one particular firm through a selective application of executive power rather than established law.


According to United States Code Title 50, Chapter 34, there is no clear restriction on the ability of the President to declare a national state of…...

Muscle Fatigue the Cause Behind
Pages: 4 Words: 964

Preventing this 'snowball effect' of fatigued muscle, leading to leakage of calcium, leading to a weaker muscle that must work harder, leading to increased fatigue, would mean an increased life expectancy for these patients.

From an economic standpoint, the resultant increased life expectancy of a treatment derived from this study, would likely result in an increased cost to society.

Direct items, such as increased payments in Social Security benefits, will place an economic strain on society. Other economic costs will be increased healthcare for these patients, as they survive longer. However, for younger patients, this will allow them to be economically more productive within society.

Lastly, from a medical standpoint the implications are significant. This new research sheds light on an issue that has intrigued scientists and medical professionals. The molecular cause for muscle fatigue is now pinpointed. This not only has implications for cardiac medical professionals, but all medical professionals who deal…...



Kolata, G. (12 Feb 2008). Finding may solve riddle of fatigue in muscles. New York Times. Retrieved March 28, 2008, from Academic OneFile database.

Finding May Solve Riddle of Muscle Fatigue

Muscle Fatigue - Annotated Bibliography
Pages: 2 Words: 563

Bellinger, a.M., Mongillo, M., & Marks, a.R. (2008). Stressed out: the skeletal muscle

Ryanodine receptor as a target of stress. Journal of Clinical Investigations. 118(2):

In this report prior the researchers addressed overall present understanding of muscle fatigue. For decades, the mechanisms underlying muscle fatigue and weakness were the emphasis of numerous studies. The dominant theory was that lactic acidosis caused muscle fatigue. However, dysregulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release has been associated with impaired muscle function induced by a variety of stressors, from dystrophy to heart failure to muscle fatigue. Here, the authors addressed the topic of the altered regulation of SR Ca2+ release during chronic stress and focused on the role the release channel known as the type 1 ryanodine receptor plays.

olata, G. (2008, February 12.). Finds may solve riddle of muscle fatigue in muscles.

New York Times. Research. Retrieved February 23, 2008 at

Based on their studies of muscle…...


Kolata, G. (2008, February 12.). Finds may solve riddle of muscle fatigue in muscles.

New York Times. Research. Retrieved February 23, 2008 at 

Based on their studies of muscle fatigue, investigators under the lead of Andrew Marks of Columbia University developed a drug called rycals, because it attaches to the ryanodine receptor/calcium release channel in heart muscle cells. The investigators tested rycals in mice and found that they could prevent heart failure and arrhythmias. Columbia hopes to start testing one of the drugs for safety in patients for congestive heart failure in the spring. Marks, recognizing that the same mechanism might apply to skeletal as well as heart muscle, gave the drugs to the exhausted mice and they could run 10 to 20% longer.

Endurance Training on Muscle Fat
Pages: 8 Words: 2728

In a comparative study, Klein and colleagues (1994) studied the overall fat metabolism ratios for endurance-trained and untrained men during low-intensity exercise routines. They sample a total of 10 men, 5 who were endurance-trained athletes and 5 who were untrained. They started off by calculating and analyzing the overall lipid activities and muscle activities while all 10 subjects were resting before the exercise routines began. They also calculated the free fatty acid (FFA) and glycerol rate of appearance (a) ratios. The calculated the lipid activities using indirect calorimetry as a determinant and the FFA and glycerol levels through the combination of glycerol (2H5) and palpitate (1-13C) one after another (Klein et al., 1994).

The results showed that the lipolytic reaction after 4 hours of high-intensity training routines showed no significant variations in the overall FFA and glycerol levels between the endurance-trained subjects (increase in a minimum of 1.02/kg to 3.76/kg and…...



Bailey, S.J., Wilkerson, D.P., DiMenna, F.J. And Jones, a.M. (2009). Influence of repeated sprint training on pulmonary O2 uptake and muscle deoxygenation kinetics in humans. School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom.

Hannukainen, J., Nuutila, P., Ronald, B., Kaprio, J., Kujala, U.M., Janatuinen, T., Heinonen, O.J., Kapanen, J., Viljanen, T., Haaparanta, M., Ronnemaa, T., Parkkola, R., Knuuti, J. And Kalliokoski, K.K. (2007). Increased physical activity decreases hepatic free fatty acid uptake: a study in human monozygotic twins. The Physiological Society.

Hochli D, Schneiter T, Ferretti G, Howald H, Classen H, Moia C, Atchou G, Belleri M, Veicsteinas a, Hoppeler H (1995) Loss of oxidative capacity after an extreme endurance run: The Paris-Dakar Foot-race. International Journal of Sports Medicine 16:343-6.

Jones, a.M., Wilkerson, D.P., Berger, N.J. And Fulford, J. (2007). Influence of endurance training on muscle [PCr] kinetics during high-intensity exercise. School of Sport and Health Sciences, St. Luke's Campus, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Skeletal Muscle Tissue Review the
Pages: 3 Words: 856

2. A functional syncytium a single, enormous muscle cell.

3. The fascia adherens component.

4. The aorta has a tunica media dominated by elastic tissue. The elasticity conferred by elastin allows these elastic arteries to smooth out the sharp changes in blood pressure resulting from the pumping heart.

5. An artery would have a larger lumen than its corresponding vein. With such relatively thin walls, veins tend to appear flattened or collapsed in contrast to arteries, which tend to appear more round.

6. The tunica media and tunica adventitia would not be presents in a capillary for the reason that

Respiratory Tissue Review

1. Respiratory Epithelium contains serous and mucous glands, these reflect the functions of the nasal mucosa, to warm and humidify the incoming air.

2. Gas exchange occur in bronchi since it occurs in the capillaries which are found in the alveoli sacs

3. The primary functional unit of the lung is the acinus which includes…...

Most Important Muscle
Pages: 2 Words: 499

Skeletal Muscle
Academic Institution

The most important skeletal muscle in the human body is the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the large dome shaped muscle that functions as the main muscle involved in respiration (Drake, Vogl, & Mitchell, 2009; Moore, 2014). Of course the reason that this muscle is the most important skeletal muscle is that it is involved in breathing and without oxygen the organism would perish in only a few moments. Thus, before any other muscle or organ can perform for any length of time they need to receive oxygen.

The lungs are surrounded by the rib cage with the diaphragm forming the floor of the thoracic cavity. The entire diaphragm separates the chest cavity (thoracic cavity) from the abdominal cavity. There are openings in the diaphragm that allow the descending aorta, inferior vena cava, the esophagus, and the phrenic and vagus nerves to pass between the thoracic cavity and the…...



Drake, R., Vogl, A.W., & Mitchell, A.W. (2009). Gray's anatomy for students. Philadelphia:

Elsevier Health Sciences.

Moore, K. (2014). Clinically oriented anatomy (7 ed.). Baltimore: Walters Kluwer.


Bones and Muscles
Pages: 2 Words: 663

Forensic Anatomy
As part of starting a class in forensic anatomy, the instructor has provided two sets of bones of human adults with an assignment of determining which sets of bones is a male and which is a female. This task will require the use of different characteristics to distinguish between the two sets of bones since males' and females' bones develop at different rates. While every human being is born with some cartilage in his/her bones, the development of the bones occurs different between males and females. The adage that girls mature faster than boys is not only true in emotional development but also evident in the development of bones. Generally, distinguishing between males' and females' bones requires identification of clues or characteristics in the bones themselves.

One of the characteristics to use in determining which sets of bones is male and which is female in this assignment is to look…...



Baird, M.F., Graham, S.M., Baker, J.S. & Bickerstaff, G.F. (2012). Creatine-Kinase- and Exercise-Related Muscle Damage Implications for Muscle Performance and Recovery. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Retrieved from 

Main, C. (n.d.). The Difference Between Male and Female Skeletons. Retrieved November 16,

2014, from

Hip Muscle Strength & Knee Valgus During
Pages: 5 Words: 2064

elationship between Hip Muscle Strength & Knee Valgus in a Single Leg Squat

In the research paper entitled, "Physical Therapy Alters ecruitment of the Vasti in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome," author Cowan et al. Of the Centre for Sports Medicine esearch and Education at the University of Melbourne outlined a study of the effects of physical therapy on patients suffering from Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), manifesting as pain in the knee valgus. More specifically, the purpose of the study was to "investigate the effect of physical therapy treatment on the timing of electromyography (EMG) activity of the vasti" in patients with PFPS, with a particular focus on the influence of increased motor control [COWAN et al. 2002].

PFPS is a condition defined by pain in the anterior or retropatellar regions of the knee; this pain is often made worse by repetitive exercises…...



Cowan, S.M., Bennell, K.L., Crossley, K.M., Hodges, P.W., McConnell, J. (2002). Physical Therapy Alters Recruitment of the Vasti in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 1879-1885.

Hollman, J.H., Ginos, B.E., Kozuchowski, J., Vaughn, A.S., Krause, D.A., Youdas, J.W. (2009). Relationships between Knee Valgus, Hip-Muscle Strength, and Hip-Muscle Recruitment during a Single-Limb Step-Down. J Sport Rehabilitation, 18 (1), 104-117.

Mascal, C.L., Landel, R., Powers, C. (2003). Management of Patellofemoral Pain Targeting Hip, Pelvis, and Trunck Muscle Function: 2 Case Reports. J Orthop Sports Physical Therapy, 33, 647-660.

Powers, C.M., Ward, S.R., Fredericson, M., Gullet, M., Shellock, F.G. (2003). Patellar Kinematics during Weight-Bearing and Non-Weight-Bearing Movements in Persons with Patellar Subluxation. J Orthop Sports Physical Therapy, 33, 303-326.

Symptomatic Correlation Between Muscle Dysmorphia
Pages: 14 Words: 4254

2.2 Personality Disorders

On the other hand, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are among the many personality disorders that are affecting many people today. A personality disorder is inflexible, maladaptive patterns of thoughts; emotions, behavior, and interpersonal functioning that are stable over time and across situations, and deviate from the expectations of the individual's culture. Men's anxiety in body dysmorphia has really been a matter that could be classified as one of these (American Psychiatric Association, 2007).

2.2.1 Categories of Personality Disorders

They are grouped into three different clusters.

i. Cluster A: The odd and eccentric includes the Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal Personality Disorders. The men in this category will in most cases appear eccentric or odd.

ii. Cluster B: The dramatic, emotional, or erratic cluster includes the Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. The men in this group apparently are emotional, dramatic or even erratic…...



Abramowitz, J.S., (2006): The psychological treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Can J. Psychiatry 2006; 51: 407 -- 416. Retrieved 13 April 2010 from

American Psychiatric Association: Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Am J. Psychiatry 2007; 166(Suppl): 1 -- 96. Retrieved 13 April 2010 from 

Barlow, DH, & Durand, V.M., (2006). Essentials of Abnormal Psychology. California: Thomson Wadsworth,

Brown, L. & Esther R., (1989) (eds). Overcoming Fear of Fat Harrington Park Press,

Home-Based Nurse-Coached Inspiratory Muscle Training Intervention in
Pages: 10 Words: 3606

Home-based Nurse-Coached Inspiratory Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure
In order to devise an optimal experimental study, the primary information required and used by the researcher in this study is identification of the specific research issue to be addressed. From this foundation, the best design for this study can be determined. The specific research issue in this study is key to the relevance and importance of any data observations. A well-designed research study has a clear-cut experimental purpose, including identification of three key components: the studied parameter(s) -here heart failure; the population/group of patients to be studied; and the precise outcomes to be analyzed. Generally speaking, the research objectives for clinical experimentation can be viewed as addressing two different categories:

Treatment efficacy

To study treatment efficacy for this study the experimental protocol evaluates both cost-effectiveness and benefit/harm (clinical effectiveness).

Event frequency

To study event frequency for this study the experimental protocol evaluates how risk…...



Chapter 13: Quasi-experiment, true experiments and evaluation. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from

Dantzker, M.L., & Hunter, R.D. (2012). Research methods for criminology and criminal justice. Sudbury, Mass: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Remenyi, D., Academic Conferences International., & European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. (2002). Past proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Reading, England: Academic Conferences International. (Jul 13, 2009). Random Sampling. Retrieved Nov 14, 2014 from

Pages: 2 Words: 870

1. Explain the basic process of movement for the musculoskeletal system. When a football is kicked using the right foot, the psoas major, abdominals, and erector spinae stabilize the player’s trunk. The psoas, sartorius (oblique muscle situated at the inner thigh and linked to sitting cross-legged), iliacus, rectus femoris, and adductor group control bending or flexion of the right hip. The gluteus – the human body’s largest muscle – guides the left hip’s extension. The strong quadriceps is responsible for extension of the right and left knees, whereas the plantarflexors are responsible for right ankle flexing. The biceps brachii, pectoralis major and anterior deltoid move the football player’s left shoulder towards the body’s midline. Follow-through involves rotation and extension of the player’s right hip by the hamstrings, piriformis and gluteus, whilst the right knee is flexed by the hamstring group (Dale).
Sense organs in the muscles, joints, and tendons inform the CNS…...



Dale, P. (n.d.). The Muscles & Body Parts Needed to Kick a Football. Retrieved from Live Strong:

De Proft E., Clarys J., Bollens E., Cabri J., Dufour W. (1988) Muscle activity in the soccer kick. In: Science and Football. Eds: Reilly T., Lees A., Davids K., Murphy, W.J., editors. London: E & FN Spon; 434-440

DFCP. (2012). How Does Your Nervous System Work? Retrieved from Dotto Family Chiropractic PLLC:

Dorge H., Bull-Andersen T., Sorensen H., Simonsen E., Aagaard H., Dyhre Poulsen P., Klausen K. (1999) EMG activity of the iliopsoas muscle and leg kinetics during the soccer place kick. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 9, 155-200

Kellis, E., & Katis, A. (2007). Biomechanical Characteristics and Determinants of Instep Soccer Kick. J Sports Sci Med., 154–165.

Parrish, R. (2017). How Do Your Muscular & Skeletal Systems Help You Kick a Soccer Ball? Retrieved from Live Strong:

Sorensen H., Zacho M., Simonsen E., Dyhre-Poulsen P., Klausen K. (1996) Dynamics of the martial arts high front kick. Journal of Sports Sciences 14, 483-495

Benefits of Lifting Weights for Women between the Ages of 25-40
Pages: 6 Words: 1869

Executive Summary This white paper introduces the idea of lifting weights by discussing how it can improve health and who the role models are for women today. It discusses prior research on women’s health, then describes new findings from recent research that shows the benefits of lifting weights for women. It shows the benefits as relating to improved mood, increased confidence, and improved physical and mental health.
The keys to having a healthy life are nutrition and exercise. A good diet such as the world-renowned Mediterranean Diet and sufficient levels of physical activity throughout the day can improve one’s health and outlook (Guntzviller, King, Jensen & Davis, 2017). This paper will focus on the exercise part of that equation and discuss the benefits that lifting weights can have for a select population—specifically for women who are between the ages of 25 and 40.
In the past, lifting weights has been seen as an…...

Bones & Muscles Deltoid Muscles
Pages: 1 Words: 317

Each muscle of the body has a specific function and purpose, it is important to be able to know what muscle one is working on, the ability of that specific muscle, as well as the limitations of that specific muscle. Understanding how parts of the body (specifically bones) and how they relate to muscles allow personal trainers the ability to hone in on particular muscle groups and aid clients in obtaining the optimum results quickly and efficiently. Learning the names of bones and their muscles counterparts allows the personal trainer the ability to explain what muscle groups that the client is working on, what results they can expect, as well as limitations in that specific muscle region.
ID Bones...

Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Pages: 2 Words: 504

Muscles Involved in the Backhand Action of the Tennis Shot
The Muscles That Initiate and Assist in Backhand Motion

The motion that is most important in the backhand motion is the grip. A proper grip is vital in any movement when playing tennis. For the grip, the index knuckle of the dominant hand is placed on the top bevel. These muscles are smaller muscles and include;

Abductor Pollicis brevis

Flexor Pollicis brevis

Abductor digiti minimi brevis

Flexor digiti minimi brevis

Opponens pollicis

Opponens digiti minimi.

The backhand grip enables one to develop firmness that allow maximum power and spin enabling the player to get maximum utilization of the backhand. In addition, the backhand grip reciprocates well the stroke and allows a good leverage in the stroke to handle the ball from different angles. The Eastern and modified Eastern backhand grip are used when the player intends to return a hard spin and is an easier grip for most players.


Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing using hip hop dancing as a hobby?
Words: 808

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of hip hop dancing as a popular hobby
B. Thesis statement: Hip hop dancing can be a rewarding hobby for individuals of all ages and skill levels.

II. Benefits of Hip Hop Dancing as a Hobby
A. Physical benefits
1. Improved cardiovascular health
2. Increased flexibility and strength
B. Mental benefits
1. Stress relief
2. Boosted self-confidence
C. Social benefits
1. Opportunity to connect with others who share a passion for dancing
2. Increased sense of community and belonging

III. Getting Started with Hip Hop Dancing
A. Finding a local dance studio or class
B. Utilizing online tutorials....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing using hip hop dancing as a hobby?
Words: 434

I. Introduction
- Begin with a captivating hook that grabs the reader's attention and introduces the topic of hip hop dancing as a hobby.
- Provide a brief background on the history and significance of hip hop dancing, emphasizing its origins in urban communities and its evolution into a global art form.
- State the thesis statement, which should clearly convey the main argument or purpose of the essay, such as "Hip hop dancing offers numerous physical, mental, and social benefits, making it an exceptional hobby to pursue."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Physical Benefits
- Discuss the cardiovascular benefits of hip....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Cases against high school sports?
Words: 430

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic, anecdote, or provocative statement that captures the attention of the reader.
Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument that will be supported in the essay: "High school sports are detrimental to students' overall well-being and should be eliminated."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Physical Impact

Discuss the physical risks associated with high school sports, such as concussions, joint injuries, and muscle strains.
Provide evidence from medical studies or research articles to support the claims.
Explain how these injuries can have long-term consequences, such as chronic pain, disability, or even death.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Academic....

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