Nafta Essays (Examples)

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Clinton, Congress, the Constitution and NAFTA

As Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (2004) asserts, the Clinton Administration did much to expand the role of government in the lives of ordinary citizens. Woods alludes to the Clinton Administration's policies as "damaging and counterproductive expansions of government power, particularly in agricultural, housing, and environmental policy" (p. 239). Just looking in the realm of agribusiness, the expansion of government power and corporate monopoly is seen clearly in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that destabilized Mexico for the sake of corporate profits. NAFTA was adopted January 1, 1994, following a debate that did little to prevent the agreement from being signed. However, the effect of NAFTA was not what the rhetoric made it seem it would be. This paper will analyze the supporting and oppositional perspectives on the passing of NAFTA as well as the constitutional powers that came into question (and the tensions….

NAFTA Described as a 'Living

S. attributed to NAFTA. Figure 1: Rise in the Business Investment (adapted from "NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 1).
Myth #2: NAFTA has cost the U.S. jobs.

Fact: U.S. employment rose from 110.8 million people in 1993 to 137.6 million in 2007, an increase of 24%. The average unemployment rate was 5.1% in the period 1994-2007, compared to 7.1% during the period 1980-1993. ("NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 2)

Figure 2 reflects U.S. Employment Increases related in response to Myth #2.

Figure 2: U.S. Employment Relating to NAFTA (adapted from "NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 2).

Myth #3: NAFTA has hurt America's manufacturing base.

Fact: U.S. manufacturing output rose by 58% between 1993 and 2006, as compared to 42% between 1980 and 1993. Manufacturing exports in 2007 reached an all time high with a value of $982 billion. ("NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 3)

Figure 3 portrays the increases relating to the U.S. manufacturing output.

Figure 3: U.S. Manufacturing Output (adapted from….

S. poultry exports to Canada in 2003 are estimated at about $290 million, a 77-percent gain over the pre-NAFTA level." The dairy products have revealed positive trend, prior to the implementation of the Uruguay ound provisions the Canadian fluid milk sales was insignificant, "the execution of the Uruguay ound provisions one year after NAFTA saw Canada's import control regime switch from a scheme of import quotas to a trade free quota system, the switch over was responsible for the protection of the Canada's fluid milk production." The trade quotas were eliminated for fluid milk and dairy products, including yogurt, powdered whey, specialty creams, dairy spreads, ice cream and ice cream novelties, cheeses, butter and margarine. As per the quota elimination system, major provision of NAFTA, low duty rates were imposed on the imports, the imposition of the duty was "up to the limit, and to higher rates over the limit."….

" (Economic Policy Institute rief, 2001) While all U.S. states lost jobs the following specific outcomes are stated by the Economic Policy Institute:
The 1 million job opportunities lost nationwide are distributed among all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Those affected most in terms of total jobs displaced include: California (-123,995), Texas (-72,257), Michigan (-63,148), New York (-51,582), Ohio (-49,886), Illinois (-47,701), Pennsylvania (-44,173), Florida (-39,987), Indiana (-35,157), North Carolina (-34,150), and Georgia (-30,464)" (2001)" (Economic Policy Institute, 2001)

The Economic Policy Institute also states that wages and incomes in Mexico have been affected by NAFTA. The brief states that: "Official unemployment levels in Mexico are lower now than before NAFTA, but this decline in the official rate simply reflects the absence of unemployment insurance in Mexico. In fact, underemployment and work in low-pay, low-productivity jobs (e.g., unpaid work in family enterprises) actually has grown rapidly since the early 1990s.….

NAFTA vs. The EU

History and formation of the trade bloc

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a free trade agreement uniting Canada, Mexico, and the United States, was signed in January 1994 by Democratic President Bill Clinton. The intention of the agreement was to eliminate most of the tariffs on products traded between these three nations. The tariffs were phased out gradually, and the full agreement was not realized until 2008. The industries that felt the greatest impact due to NAFTA were agriculture, textiles and automobiles. "NAFTA also implemented intellectual-property protections, established dispute-resolution mechanisms, and put into place regional labor and environmental safeguards, though some critics now lobby for stronger measures on this front" (Teslik 2008).

The role that the countries involved in the trade bloc play in the global economy

The U.S., Canada, and Mexico have the number one, 9th, and 14th largest GDPs of all of the world's countries. Even….

Employers and employees therefore now have an increased opportunity to utilize their talents under NAFTA. Canada's employment rate has for example increased by 17.5% since the inception of the Trade Agreement (Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada).
As mentioned above, other important matters have also received attention under NAFTA. Environmentalism has an increasingly important part not only of sustainable economic growth, but also of politics. This serves as another unifying factor of the three countries under NAFTA. Concern for the environment then connects with a concern for the human factor in terms of working conditions. NAFTA therefore focuses on a shared concern for the interconnection between humanity and the environment within which human beings function. As such, the three member countries are involved in several parallel environmental and labor agreements. pecifically, for example, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation successfully enforces environmental laws in all three member countries. This….

NAFTA and the American Trucking Companies
The North American Free Trade Agreement is a trade agreement signed in November 1993 between the United States, Canada, and Mexico (NAFTA pp). NAFTA promoters, which include many of the world's largest corporations, promised it would create hundreds of thousands of new high-wage U.S. jobs, raise living standards, improve environmental conditions and transform Mexico into a booming new market for U.S. exports (North pp). Opponents of NAFTA believing that calling it a trade agreement is misleading and that it is actually an investment agreement with core provisions that grant foreign investors a remarkable set of new rights and privileges that promote relocation abroad of factories and jobs and the privatization and deregulation of essential services, such as water, energy and health care (North pp). One of the major contentions of NAFTA has been the effect on the trucking industry.

Under the North American Free Trade Agreement,….

NAFTA and U.S. usiness
Many analysts warn that those who were impressed by the growth of the U.S. economy and its manufacturing sector during the 1990's when both boomed even as trade deficits rose and believe that the dollar's role as anchor of the world economy will allow deficits to climb even higher should consider America's trade performance, especially with the rising import penetration rates, resulting in the decline of domestic market shares (Outside 2002).

Trade deficits are the result of living beyond national means, and Americans have of late become so ambivalent about their own high indebtedness that "it's no surprise to see ambivalence about the nation's red ink" (Outside 2002). However, market share is less controversial, for unlike borrowing heavily, which can and often does lead to economic success if the borrowed money is used wisely, losing market share has no present or potential upside (Outside 2002). "Companies losing market….

NAFTA Effects

The United States signed its first free trade agreement (FTA) with Canada in 1988, and soon began pursuing a subsequent deal with NAFTA that would replace and expand that deal. NAFTA came into force in 1994, and by 2008 all of the duties and restrictions that were included in the deal were eliminated. The agreement was intended to increase trade between the three nations, building on the successes of that initial deal with Canada. This paper will look back at the first 20 years of NAFTA and discuss the impacts of the deal on the American economy. Particular attention will be paid to the city of San Antonio, located in the south of Texas, less than 150 miles from the Mexican border. This geographic positioning gives San Antonio a competitive advantage as a hub for U.S.-Mexico trade, so it is important to examine the issue of how NAFTA has affected….

Maritime transit is generally considered the lowest cost and lowest pollutant emitting source of all available alternatives. However the sheer number of vessels in transit at any one time is still large enough to warrant concern among the environmentally conscious.
One extremely recent development offers new insight of the future of the environmental concerns associated with maritime travel. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), a UN body that regulates world shipping, will be deciding on whether or not to reduce sulfur levels in the emissions produced by ships (Pearce, 2010). Sulfur plays a very ironic role in today's stage of environmental concerns.

On one hand, it is one of the contaminants produced by sulfates contribute to global warming. One the other hand, sulfur levels actually protect the environment in a roundabout way. Sulfate particles actually hover in the atmosphere an act to provide a layer of shade to the earth's surface. Therefore,….

NAFTA Ten Years Later

Economics of NAFTA
There have been a number of changes in the global economy of the world over the past decade. It is important to examine the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and determine if it has helped and/or hindered the economies of all three countries, if it has accomplished what it was established to do, and if over the past ten years it has resulted in additional trade agreements within the Americas.


The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect July 1994. It was built on the "Canada-U.S. Free Trade Area (CUSTA), which was formed January 1, 1989. Under CUSTA most tariffs and quantity trade restrictions were to be removed within 10 years and disputes were referred to a panel of experts (" Mexico inquired about joining CUSTA after it was formed, prompting negotiations in June 1991 and the formal announcement of the NAFTA agreement on August 12,….

Statement of Issue: With President Trump upending the Trans-Pacific Partnership, what can be done to move the United States policy on trade towards an open market scenario?
Executive Summary:
The United States economy has made some positive strides with the Trump Administration. However, President Trump’s decision to upend the Trans-Pacific Partnership has caused a setback in the desire for the country to become a global trader. The drive for open markets has created a need within the United States government to adopt policy that will allow for trade to expand over to international waters, thus allowing the United States to grow in terms of becoming the main contender in the global economy.
Without the introduction of policy that can promote open trade, the United States may face increasing competition from other foreign powers like China. It is up to the United States government to choose to continue the progress towards an open market and….


alance of trade. Retrieved from Web site:

uchanan, P.J. (2005, July 27). CAFTA: Ideology vs. national interests.The American Cause. Retrieved from Web site:

uchanan, P.J. (2006, March 10). The fruits of NAFTA.WorldNetDaily. Retrieved from Web site:

uchanan. P.J. (2007, February 27). Free trade and funny math. Retrieved from Web site:

CAFTA, trade deficits and jobs. usiness Coalition for U.S.-Central America Trade. Retrieved from Web site:

Henriques, G. And Patel, R. (2004. February 13). NAFTA, corn, and Mexico's trade liberalization. The Americas Program. Retrieved from Web site:

NAFTA: A strong record of success (2006, March). Office of the United States Trade Representative. Retrieved from Web site:

NAFTA partners lead strong U.S. export growth. Retrieved from Web site:

NAFTA works brochure. International Trade Canada. Retrieved from Web site:

Peterson, C. (2005, April 12). What USDA and USTR won't tell you about NAFTA and CAFTA. House Committee on Agriculture. Retrieved from Web site:….

international community depends on a wide array of nongovernmental organizations to deliver the social and economic assistance needed to join the global economic community. Among the organizations committed to this end is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which purports to improve the trade relationships among the countries of Latin and North America. To determine the efficacy of NATFA in promoting seamless trade between the United States and Canada, this paper review the relevant literature concerning these issues to develop and informed and timely answer to the question, "If NAFTA a good deal for North America or not?" A summary of the research and salient findings concerning these issues are provided in the conclusion.
In truth, it would seem that anything that facilitated increased trade among North American countries would be advantageous. As the official Web site for NATFA points out, "For over 30 out of the 50 States,….

NAFTA to Be Impressive in

. economy, both directly and indirectly." Greater qualification on his part and more objectivity would have made for a more impressive article.
Article 2

The claim -- that Africa is really a wealthy country -- sound unbelievable. Yet, Zachary brings plenty of evidence to support his point. Like cott, Zachary's evidence includes figures and facts. Unlike cott, his argument comes across as more believable since it refrains from crusading too intensely on one side of the issue. Zachary does address the other side of the coin -- that poverty is rampant in Africa. In this way, he takes into account those who may find his argument surprising. Yet, I find his address of this to be too meager: there is only a slight paragraph towards the end that admits that Africa still struggles in certain areas. Given the extent of Africa's reputation of poverty and given the enormous history that it has….

Title: The Rise of Political Discontent and Economic Transformation: Analyzing the Emergence of New Dynamics in the 1993 Canadian Federal Election

The 1993 Canadian federal election marked a pivotal moment in Canadian political history, characterized by a significant shift in the political landscape and the emergence of new electoral dynamics. This thesis aims to explore the emergence of these dynamics, focusing on the interplay between political discontent, economic transformation, and the rise of new political parties. It will investigate how these factors contributed to the electoral outcomes and reshaped the Canadian political landscape.

1. The Rise of Political Discontent:
a) Decline of Traditional....

10 Pages
Research Paper


NAFTA Clinton Congress the Constitution and NAFTA

Words: 3184
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

NAFTA Clinton, Congress, the Constitution and NAFTA As Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (2004) asserts, the Clinton Administration did much to expand the role of government in the lives of ordinary citizens.…

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10 Pages


NAFTA Described as a 'Living

Words: 2864
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. attributed to NAFTA. Figure 1: Rise in the Business Investment (adapted from "NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 1). Myth #2: NAFTA has cost the U.S. jobs. Fact: U.S. employment rose from…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


NAFTA Is Economic and Trade

Words: 2351
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. poultry exports to Canada in 2003 are estimated at about $290 million, a 77-percent gain over the pre-NAFTA level." The dairy products have revealed positive trend, prior to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


NAFTA Global Business Strategies NAFTA

Words: 1012
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Economic Policy Institute rief, 2001) While all U.S. states lost jobs the following specific outcomes are stated by the Economic Policy Institute: The 1 million job opportunities lost nationwide…

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4 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

NAFTA vs The EU NAFTA History and

Words: 1787
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

NAFTA vs. The EU NAFTA History and formation of the trade bloc The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a free trade agreement uniting Canada, Mexico, and the United States, was signed…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


NAFTA the Concept of Unification

Words: 985
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Employers and employees therefore now have an increased opportunity to utilize their talents under NAFTA. Canada's employment rate has for example increased by 17.5% since the inception of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


NAFTA and the American Trucking Companies the

Words: 1081
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

NAFTA and the American Trucking Companies The North American Free Trade Agreement is a trade agreement signed in November 1993 between the United States, Canada, and Mexico (NAFTA pp). NAFTA…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


NAFTA and U S Business Many Analysts Warn

Words: 1187
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

NAFTA and U.S. usiness Many analysts warn that those who were impressed by the growth of the U.S. economy and its manufacturing sector during the 1990's when both boomed even…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


NAFTA Effects

Words: 3234
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

NAFTA The United States signed its first free trade agreement (FTA) with Canada in 1988, and soon began pursuing a subsequent deal with NAFTA that would replace and expand that…

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5 Pages


NAFTA -- Maritime Policy Maritime

Words: 1382
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Maritime transit is generally considered the lowest cost and lowest pollutant emitting source of all available alternatives. However the sheer number of vessels in transit at any one…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


NAFTA Ten Years Later

Words: 1871
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economics of NAFTA There have been a number of changes in the global economy of the world over the past decade. It is important to examine the North American Free…

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8 Pages

Political Science / Politics

NAFTA and the Trans Pacific Partnership

Words: 2368
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Statement of Issue: With President Trump upending the Trans-Pacific Partnership, what can be done to move the United States policy on trade towards an open market scenario? Executive Summary: The United States…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


NAFTA as U S Deficits Accelerate

Words: 1911
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ibliography alance of trade. Retrieved from Web site: uchanan, P.J. (2005, July 27). CAFTA: Ideology vs. national interests.The American Cause. Retrieved from Web site: uchanan, P.J. (2006, March 10). The…

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2 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

NAFTA and Its Original Intent

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages

international community depends on a wide array of nongovernmental organizations to deliver the social and economic assistance needed to join the global economic community. Among the organizations committed…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

NAFTA to Be Impressive in

Words: 1042
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

. economy, both directly and indirectly." Greater qualification on his part and more objectivity would have made for a more impressive article. Article 2 The claim -- that Africa is really…

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