National Park Essays (Examples)

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National Park

National Park
Dry Tortuga National Park

Granted that Key est, Florida may be the southernmost indicate in the mainland United States, the story of America's rich customary legacy develops past the zero mile marker of U.S.-1. Found practically 70 miles off Nexus est is a group of seven coral reef islands that pilgrim Ponce de Leon came across in 1513. Upon seeing the bounteous people of ocean turtles, he named the islands Las Tortugas (The Turtles), but when pioneers and vendors studied that the islands hurt for new guzzling water; they soon updated the name to Dry Tortugas (Macpherson, pp. 34-45).

In spite of their name, the group of islands at Dry Tortugas National Park -- which incorporates Enclosure, Loggerhead, Shrubbery, Extended, East, Healing facility, and Center Keys -- is the post of occasions that have played a foremost part in American customary and oceanic history.

Describe At Least Two Key Geological Phenomenon

Accompanying Ponce….

Specific legislation on rights of way would have to be enacted separately in order to apply to any of the other parks (for instance, the 1915 act creating ocky Mountain National Park contained rights of way). (Winks 1997)

Under the Act of 1970 act, Congress proceeded to create new National ecreation Areas, including "urban parks." The act clearly strengthened the Park Service to protect park units in all ways by Congressional mandate. The Park Service was given the ability to exercise the broad powers it already possessed and would acquire in the future.

The act also changed the definition of the Park System to include "any area of land and water now or hereafter administered by the Secretary of the Interior through the National Park Service for park, monument, historic, parkway, recreational, or other purposes." Even though this provision was directly given for national seashores, national lakeshores, and wild and scenic….

National Park Service: Safety at Yellowstone National Park
The National Park Service (NPS) is assigned the responsibility of managing national parks, historical property, national monuments and such other conservancies by the U.S. federal government. Its primary duties include protection of the park and its visitors, maintenance, recreation and marketing of the country's beautiful natural resources. However, national park rangers and other employees often have to deal with various obstacles in their quest for smooth interactions between citizens and nature. This text presents various challenges faced by Yellowstone National Park. It is based on an inspiring story of anger Anny Pidgin, who was passionate about national parks from a young age and explains various experiences by visitors at the park.

The main communication challenge facing the NPS with respect to visitors of Yellowstone National Park

The main communication challenge faced by the NPS is how to express the importance of all rules, regulations, notices,….

This is particularly pertinent for campers as campers will have a lot of trash and
there are specified places to throw it away. Great care should be taken to
properly dispose of garbage.
Camping brings about another area of concerns as it is imposing on
nature, but if a camper respects nature, then he or she will leave little
effect on Yosemite. Campers should camp in designated areas, should not
kill wildlife for camp fire wood, should not harm animals, should not feed
animals, and should throw away trash. Most importantly, when starting camp
fires, careful attention must be made that the fire is completely
extinguished. If a fire is not put out properly one spark can start a big
fire and thus cause great natural damage ruining much of Yosemite. Many
fires of this kind would surely be a detriment to the natural resources of
Yosemite for future generations.
It is up to the general tourist to protect Yosemite National Park for

Florida Everglades
Everglades National Park

Life Forms Found in the Area


Greenhouse frog

Cuban treefrog

Squirrel treefrog

Two-toed amphiuma

Peninsula newt

ading Birds



Least Bittern

Roseate Spoonbill

Glossy Ibis


hite-tailed deer


Florida panther

River otter


Striped skunk


American alligator

American crocodile




Biological interrelationships among life forms in the area


Species depend on one another for food, etc.

Human intrusions threatening the area



Introduced Species

Protections that exist to safeguard and preserve the area


B. Acceler8



hat individuals can do to help protect the Everglades

A. Visit the Everglades

B. Learn ways to conserve the environment

C. Volunteer your time (if local)

D. Adopt a restoration project

E. Get involved in related elections

The Everglades National Park

The Everglades National Park is a large area of subtropical wetlands that comprises a large portion of southern Florida. Comprised of a variety of different habitats and ecosystems, many different plant and animal species found in the Everglades are considered exotic or endangered. The various habitats and ecosystems within the Everglades are interconnected, many species depending on the existence of others for survival.….

Helens was for viewing the crater and the experience of the volcano instead of mountain climbing per se and even more of a draw that personal testing or challenge. (Ewert, 1990; paraphrased)
Upon completion of group meetings the 300 individuals were randomly selected from a registration list for the period beginning in may and ending in august 1987, totaling 1000 individuals. Each of the 300 chosen in this random selection process were mailed a questionnaire containing 16 items.



The study was conducted through use of a multimethod methodology which rewer and Hunter (1989) advocated and a study that was both quantitative and qualitative in nature. The questionnaire was the quantitative section of the study and upon finalization and distribution and then following group focus meetings qualitative sessions were conducted for the purpose of refining the instrument's wording and to inform the researcher of the "issues and concerns of climbers." (Ewert,….

1988 Fire at Yellow Stone National Park. This paper discuses the events that took place during the 1988 Fire at Yellowstone National Park that took out 1.2 million acres.
1988 Fire at Yellow Stone National Park

Fires are dangerous and deadly but just how far they can go that can be seen with the example of the 1988 fire at the Yellow Stone National Park. Yellowstone National Park is located in the states of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming is the first and oldest national park in the world. It covers 8,983.210 km2 (2,219,790.71 acres) mostly in the northwest corner of Wyoming. Yellowstone is home of the brown bear (sometimes called "grizzly bears") and wolf, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk. It is the core of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, one of the largest intact Temperate Zone ecosystems remaining on the planet. The park was named for the yellow rocks seen….

financial structure of the National Park Service (NPS). It reviews their operations, discussing how they generate revenue and manage their financing. The paper also reviews their financial performance along with their organizational structure.
The NPS had its beginning when Congress set aside the watershed of the Yellowstone River "for the benefit and enjoyment of the people" with the Yellowstone National Park Act of 1872. The actual system of national parks administered under a federal bureau began with the creation of the NPS on August 25, 1916 when President oodrow ilson signed the Organic Act. Established under the U.S. Department of the Interior, the NPS was responsible for protecting the 40 national parks and monuments then in existence (Smith, 2011).

There was no single agency providing unified management of the varied federal parklands until an Executive Order in 1933 transferred 63 national monuments and military sites from the Forest Service and ar….

Overnight Trip from San Jose Community College to Yosemite National Park
A visit to Yosemite National Park has much to offer first-time visitors, as well as returning visitors who have already experienced the abundant natural resources, including spectacular waterfalls, scenic valleys, flower-filled meadows, ancient giant sequoia trees, an enormous 1,200-square mile wilderness area and a great deal more (Yosemite National Park 2). This paper provides a review of online resources to describe a possible round-trip mode of transportation from San Jose Community College (SJCC) to Yosemite National Park, where the visitors will stay, what they will do during their trip and what they can reasonably expect to learn from the experience.

Mode of Transportation

Local charter buses are available from San Jose Charters, Inc. For overnight trips to Yosemite National Park (About Us 2). The bus will pick up travelers at a designation location near SJCC and based on a 25-person manifest,….

Marie's adult son was murdered in a tragic accident in a foreign country while he was on vacation. The deceased allegedly consumed fruit from a poisonous tree. His mother, Marie, wants the remains to be brought back to the U.S. as well as samples of the fruit in order for an autopsy and tests to be conducted to identify the actual cause of the death. After completion of the tests and autopsy, Marie wants her son's remains to be cremated at a local funeral home. She also wants her son's prized possession, a laptop computer, to be cremated and everything placed in two titanium boxes her son created since he was a metallurgical engineer. Marie wants to mail one of these containers to a relative living near her son's favorite destination for trout fishing at a national park. She wants the relative to break the seal and disperse part….

Yasuni National Park

Yasuni National Park: Cultural Aspects that May Impact Biodiversity and Sustainability The biodiversity record of Yasuni National Park is amazing – with the park being “the most biologically diverse hotspot in the Western Hemisphere” (Andrianos, Sneep, and Kerber, 2014, p. 32). It is important to note that in addition to having a healthy vertebrae assembly, Yasuni National Park also covers a relatively huge wilderness area and is home to a wide range of species (Andrianos, Sneep, and Kerber, 2014, p. 32). In addition to the Waorani communities, who have largely been seen as having been the ancestral guardians of Yasuni National Park, other indigenous groups who continue to live within the Yasuni National Park territory (in voluntary isolation) include the Taromenanes and the Tagaeris (Waller, 2016). The relationship of these indigenous populations with the environment has historically been harmonious. All along, they have mostly made use of natural resources for their….

The final step in decrease law enforcement budgets was the cut of 20% federal prison system. As of right now, prisons take up millions of dollars to house drug offenders and other non-violent criminals. These funds are needed elsewhere, and so they must be taken from keeping up the building and regulation of so many unnecessary prisons in the United States.
In terms of protecting consumers much needed to be done. To ensure consumers protection on investments, deposit insurance increased by 10%. This will allow people to renew faith in the banking system in they have more insurance on their deposits. Additionally, I cut 20% of tax cuts for the richest 1% of tax payers, 10% for the second two richest. Hold even for the third, and an increase of 10% for the bottom tax payers. Furthermore, I cut 20% of untaxed foreign profits and 10% of tax benefits for….

After instituting a controlled burn, forest managers can determine what areas are ripe for vegetation and which are not. Because this article contains one of the many effects of burning, its inclusion in the cannon of literature is important.
Houston, Douglas B. (1971). Ecosystems of National Parks. Science. 127 (3984), 648-

Though Douglas B. Houston's article is older than some, its topic is one that does not necessarily require a modern time stamp. Additionally, this article that discusses national park maintenance was written before the great fire in Yellowstone National Park. For those writing about controlled burning, this gives a unique example of the opinions of maintenance and the ecosystem before the fire, which allows the researcher to make comparisons between the pre and post-fire opinion. Other relevant information in the article is a detailed discussion of the parks' ecosystems, and a conclusion that the destructive activities of humans are especially….

Yosemite National Forest
Yosemite History

In East Central California, Yosemite National Park spans the eastern portions of Tuolumne, Mariposa, and Madera County. Approximately 3.7 million tourists have come to love and visit the park on an annual basis, spending time on a seven square mile sector of the 760,000 acre park. Yosemite is known for the enormous rocks dating as far back as ten million years in age, with one particular known site: The half dome, where hikers may climb the treacherous rock (Yosemite National Park, 2011). With such a large amount of tourists, the park calls for a well developed management team.

Yosemite Tourism and Ownership Establishment

Yosemite was officially discovered in 1855 by James Mason Hutchings, Thomas Ayers, and other tourists to the area. The two were among the first to create publicity for the area, making artwork and articles about the wildlife and experiences, and sending them to the more established….

Central Park (New York) and Mohawk Park (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
Municipal parks have a long history, and the importance of these invaluable green and open spaces to the people who live around them cannot be overstated. Perhaps the best-known pubic park in the United States is New York City's Central Park that provides the city's citizenry with an enormous green space in the middle of a concrete jungle. Although lesser known, Tulsa, Oklahoma's Mohawk Park is the third-largest municipal park in the country and provides a wide range of resources for the citizens of Tulsa and its surrounding communities. This paper provides a review of the relevant literature to identify the designs of these two municipal parks and their use of space for their patrons. A summary of the research and important findings concerning New York's Central Park and Tulsa's Mohawk Park are presented in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

New York's Central….

Title: Reasons Why the US is the Best Country in the World

The United States of America is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential countries globally. As an epitome of democracy, economic strength, innovation, and cultural diversity, several reasons make the US the best country in the world today.

1. Political Stability:
The US boasts a stable political system that upholds the principles of democracy and individual liberties. Its robust system of checks and balances ensures accountability and prevents the concentration of power, making it an attractive destination for both citizens and immigrants.

2. Economic Powerhouse:
The United States possesses the....

I. Introduction
A. Brazil's captivating allure as a travel destination
B. A melting pot of diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history
C. Thesis statement: Unveiling the captivating elements that make Brazil a must-visit bucket list item

II. Natural Wonders and Diverse Landscapes
A. Amazon Rainforest: The largest rainforest in the world, teeming with biodiversity and home to indigenous cultures
1. Explore the intricate ecosystem and witness the mesmerizing wildlife
2. Embark on a riverboat journey through the labyrinthine waterways
B. Iguazu Falls: A breathtaking natural spectacle, straddling the border between Brazil and Argentina
1. Marvel at the thunderous cascades and rainbows that adorn the falls
2. Wander through the....

Deforestation: Impacts, Causes, and Sustainable Solutions

Deforestation, the clearing of forests for other uses, is a global issue with far-reaching environmental, social, and economic consequences. Crafting an essay on this topic requires a comprehensive understanding of the causes, impacts, and potential solutions. This guide provides a roadmap to develop thoughtful and engaging essay topics that explore the multifaceted dimensions of deforestation.

Impacts of Deforestation

1. Climate Change: Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Deforestation disrupts this process, releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere and contributing to climate change.
2. Biodiversity Loss: Forests are home to a vast array of....

Allowing Domestic Tourism: A Path to Economic Empowerment and Cultural Enrichment

Domestic tourism, the travel of individuals within their own country for leisure or business purposes, holds immense significance. Permitting domestic tourism offers a multitude of benefits, ranging from economic growth to cultural exchange and preservation. Here are compelling reasons why domestic tourism should be allowed:

Economic Stimulus:

Domestic tourism serves as a potent catalyst for economic development. When individuals travel within their country, they spend money on various services and products, such as transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, entertainment, and souvenirs. This spending generates revenue for local businesses, creates employment opportunities, and....

2 Pages

American History

National Park

Words: 775
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

National Park Dry Tortuga National Park Granted that Key est, Florida may be the southernmost indicate in the mainland United States, the story of America's rich customary legacy develops past the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

National Park Service Since 1916

Words: 3426
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Specific legislation on rights of way would have to be enacted separately in order to apply to any of the other parks (for instance, the 1915 act creating…

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3 Pages
GCSE Coursework


Safety at Yellowstone National Park The U S National Park Service

Words: 1283
Length: 3 Pages
Type: GCSE Coursework

National Park Service: Safety at Yellowstone National Park The National Park Service (NPS) is assigned the responsibility of managing national parks, historical property, national monuments and such other conservancies by…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Yosemite Sustainability Yosemite National Park

Words: 722
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is particularly pertinent for campers as campers will have a lot of trash and there are specified places to throw it away. Great care should be taken to properly dispose…

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6 Pages


Florida Everglades National Park Life Forms Found

Words: 1618
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Florida Everglades Everglades National Park Life Forms Found in the Area Amphibians Greenhouse frog Cuban treefrog Squirrel treefrog Two-toed amphiuma Peninsula newt ading Birds Heron Egret Least Bittern Roseate Spoonbill Glossy Ibis Mammals hite-tailed deer Pig Florida panther River otter Bobcat Striped skunk Reptiles American alligator American crocodile Caiman Snakes Iguanas Biological interrelationships among life forms in…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Yellowstone National Park Fire Issues

Words: 1412
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Helens was for viewing the crater and the experience of the volcano instead of mountain climbing per se and even more of a draw that personal testing or…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


1988 Fire at Yellowstone National Park

Words: 2109
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

1988 Fire at Yellow Stone National Park. This paper discuses the events that took place during the 1988 Fire at Yellowstone National Park that took out 1.2 million…

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5 Pages


Financial Structure of the National Park Service

Words: 1288
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

financial structure of the National Park Service (NPS). It reviews their operations, discussing how they generate revenue and manage their financing. The paper also reviews their financial performance…

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2 Pages


Planning a Trip to Yosemite National Park

Words: 457
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Overnight Trip from San Jose Community College to Yosemite National Park A visit to Yosemite National Park has much to offer first-time visitors, as well as returning visitors who…

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2 Pages

Law  (general)

National Park and Transportation

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Marie's adult son was murdered in a tragic accident in a foreign country while he was on vacation. The deceased allegedly consumed fruit from a poisonous tree. His…

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1 Pages


Yasuni National Park

Words: 445
Length: 1 Pages

Yasuni National Park: Cultural Aspects that May Impact Biodiversity and Sustainability The biodiversity record of Yasuni National Park is amazing – with the park being “the most biologically diverse hotspot…

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5 Pages


National Budget Stimulation the Debate

Words: 1618
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The final step in decrease law enforcement budgets was the cut of 20% federal prison system. As of right now, prisons take up millions of dollars to house…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Controlled Burning in Yellowstone National

Words: 1104
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

After instituting a controlled burn, forest managers can determine what areas are ripe for vegetation and which are not. Because this article contains one of the many effects…

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6 Pages


Yosemite National Forest Yosemite History in East

Words: 1596
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Yosemite National Forest Yosemite History In East Central California, Yosemite National Park spans the eastern portions of Tuolumne, Mariposa, and Madera County. Approximately 3.7 million tourists have come to love and…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


Central Park New York and Mohawk Park

Words: 1282
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Central Park (New York) and Mohawk Park (Tulsa, Oklahoma) Municipal parks have a long history, and the importance of these invaluable green and open spaces to the people who…

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