Natural Resource Essays (Examples)

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This is dangerous as if the resource is not worth, or if it is not managed well, the economy will collapse. Moreover, these other industries are equally beneficial for growth of the nation hence a country that concentrates its factors of production on the natural resource suffers the curse. Moreover, the natural resources that are discovered can be depleted. Therefore, a country or an economy dependent on the resource and the resource become depleted suffers a lot. The country collapses immediately, hence the resource curse.
The most significant and prevalent reason why the country with plenty of natural resource will not prosper is conflicts. Conflicts among the ethnic groups, religious divisions, and the government and rebel groups are mostly driven and funded by the natural resource (Vatansever 21). Issues of corruption, weak institutions and power hunger crop from the desire to control the natural resource. This is the reason why….

Natural esource & Energy
Natural esource Energy

Economics is how to earn money and how to consume it. Adam Smith is known as the father of economics who proposed the basic and the most authentic definition of the term 'Economics'. Economics is known as a king subject which is used in almost every field.

The main perspective of this study is to jot down about an ecosystem of Big Bear Lake. Apart from its description, we also have to identify the risks and benefits associated with the renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Before come over the main topic straightaway, it's necessary to define the ecosystem first.

Basically, an Ecosystem is a biological environment consisting of the entire living organism in the particular area. Apart from the living things, there are non-livings; tangible components also found in an Ecosystem belong to the environment like air, soil, sunlight and water. In typical Ecosystem, plants and other….

Canada, too, is filled with much natural resources, which prove vulnerable to modern urbanization and the increasing demand for water. One thing that Canada does have as an advantage over Australia, is a larger source of replenish able water supply which comes annually with the melting of the winter snows in the great mountain ranges of the region. Therefore, Canada does have some sense of security that nature will help in terms of a conservation strategy. However, the nation does also want to ensure greater protection of its natural resources, which depend highly on water, especially in an age where the cities are growing across the region. In order to protect these valuable natural resources, Canada too, relies heavily on groundwater for its water allocation. According to research, around 30% of Canadians get their drinking water from groundwater resources, instead of surface water resources that endanger the natural environment of….

Natural Resources in US History
The study explores how the US has used the historical wealth of its natural resources to offer the country a strong and sustained economy for many decades.

The USA is one of the greatest countries in the world, not just because of its superpower in terms of policing the entire globe, but also being with an extensive source and use of the natural resources. The country has been rich in natural resources since the early 1800s. ith the use of these natural resources, the country has been able to feed its population, with the population being one of the greatest, and continually growing even with an annual admission of over 700,000 people from other countries. ith the use of the resources, the country developed a strong capacity before the world wars to feed its people, power its machines, and establish oil and coal, which are the….

Land Management
Forest Land Management

One of the most precious resources that the United States possesses are the national and state forests which dot the landscape. Federally protected forests can be a great asset to government if they are properly controlled, and there has been some concern shown by the present administration regarding this issue. The Bureau of Land Management has just issued new directives about "which parts of the forest can safely be opened to logging, mining and recreation, and which parts must be set aside to protect wildlife and the health of the forest" (NY Times). This paper discusses what investments are worthwhile for foresters.

The main issue for the loggers and other who would use the federal lands is whether the projects they wish to undertake are a good investment for them. Of course, the federal government is much more concerned with management practices that benefit both the forest and….

Does Natural esources Exploitation and Government Instability Impact Economic Development in the Democratic epublic of the Congo?AbstractThis paper aims to examine the relationship between natural resources exploitation and government instability on economic development in the Democratic epublic of Congo (DC). The study uses a qualitative-quantitative approach, analyzing different eras of Congo\\\'s history to identify trends in economic development in relation to resources exploitation and government instability. It found that natural resources exploitation and government instability does impact economic development in the Democratic epublic of Congo.I. IntroductionThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between natural resources exploitation and government instability on economic development in the Democratic epublic of Congo (DC). The DC is a country rich in natural resources, yet has experienced a long history of government instability and economic underdevelopment. This study aims to understand the impact of these two factors on economic development in the country….

Does Natural Resources Exploitation and Government Instability Impact Economic Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?AbstractThis paper aims to examine the relationship between natural resources exploitation and government instability on economic development in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The study uses a qualitative-quantitative approach, analyzing different eras of Congo's history to identify trends in economic development in relation to resources exploitation and government instability. It found that natural resources exploitation and government instability does impact economic development in the Democratic Republic of Congo.I. IntroductionThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between natural resources exploitation and government instability on economic development in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The DRC is a country rich in natural resources, yet has experienced a long history of government instability and economic underdevelopment. This study aims to understand the impact of these two factors on economic development in the country….

Natural Resources and nergy: Florida verglades
ffects of Agriculture

The verglades' freshwater ecosystem supplies vital services to the local population, such as the maintenance of South Florida's agriculture and drinking water (National Wildlife Preservation, 2012). However, these services are rarely accounted for in decision making in regards to land use and planning. As a result of the natural services being taken for granted, Agricultural scientists agree that modern agriculture faces an environmental calamity. Specifically, " the very nature of the agricultural structure and prevailing policies have led to this environmental crisis by favoring large farm size, specialized production, crop monocultures and mechanization" (Altieri, 2001).

The absence of diversifications and rotations of crops, necessary for the self-regulating process, induces the agroecosystems to rely on vast amounts of chemicals, such as fertilizer nutrients. Moreover, crops ineffectively absorb the chemical fertilizers, thus contaminating the surface and ground water. According to Altieri (2001), "In the U.S. It….

Natural esourcs
War is one of the primordial human traditions. Man has always been enthusiastic about fighting, murdering and stealing from others. However, it doesn't derive us to the conclusion that interpersonal associations are dependent on war as a requisite or obligatory institution (Mises 10+).

Many believe that war is a natural necessity and man can only attain full human importance if he behaves aggressively and antagonistically (Mead 415). If the militarist theory is taken into consideration for the sake of argument, it can be accepted that man is gifted with an intrinsic natural feeling to struggle, battle and to cause destruction and damage. Nevertheless, man cannot be characterized with these instincts and primal inclinations to harm and destroy. Man is distinguished from other mortals on the basis of his intellect, rationales and imagination. It is the 'reason' and 'logic' that teaches and guides man to the right path. The 'power' of….

Fate of the Earth
Unfortunately, even if someone could wave a magic wand that causes all of the nuclear weapons on earth to disappear, many believe that due to the depletion of natural resources, the earth would still be in danger of catastrophe, and humankind in danger of extinction.

Jonathan Schell's book "Fate of the Earth" is an alarming portrait of the nuclear power in the world. Since the end of orld ar II, nuclear arms have kept the world's population in a state of constant concern that "something" could happen, whether by design or accident. As tensions continue to build throughout the Middle East, particularly between India and Pakistan, and more recently the nuclear potential of North Korea and China, the nuclear arms race may have subsided between the United States and Russia however, it is still alive and thriving around the globe. As Schell writes, "These bombs were built as….

Future of Renewable Energies
hile the reliance of the United States on natural resources and fossil fuels must give way to renewable and sustainable resources at some point, the ability to change to new technologies is not yet here and further efforts are needed to make the United States both energy-independent and free of fossil fuels.

The USA is one of the greatest countries in the world. This is not just because of its superpower in terms of policing the entire globe, but also being with an extensive source and use of the natural resources. ith the use of these natural resources, the country has been able to feed its population. This population is one of the greatest and is continually growing even with an annual admission of over 700,000 people from other countries. ith the use of the resources, the country developed a strong capacity before the world wars to feed….

ising From the Plains
John Mcphee, a writer of creative nonfiction books, started writing about the earth in 1985. He described the structure and movement of the earth's crust and mantle based on geology. He focused on the theory called plate tectonics which describes the earth's crust as several plates that bump with each other while gliding over the mantle. That theory was accepted only in the latter part of 1960's (decades after this idea was put forward for consideration), based upon geologic beliefs (Quammen, 1998). ising from the Plains is a good book in itself but can be seen as a sequel to his two earlier books namely In Suspect Terrainand Basin and ange. The book revolves around the ocky Mountains' geology and an adjacent terrain in Wyoming, both of which are near Interstate 80. The life story of David Love, a ocky Mountain geologist, and his household was beautifully….

8 billion, and primary metal manufactures, $1.4 billion (Exports pp). Together, these five manufactured product categories accounted for 61% of the state's total exports of goods in for that year (Exports pp).
In dollar terms, the leading manufactured export growth category is transportation equipment, rising $294 million between 1999 to 2003, while others included miscellaneous manufactures, up $248 million, processed foods, up $192 million, and primary metal manufactures, up $171 million (Exports pp). In percentage terms, the fastest growing manufactured export category is fabric mill products, which grew 70%, from $99 million in 1999 to $169 million in 2003, while others included processed foods, up 52%, miscellaneous manufactures, up 48%, and beverages and tobacco products, up 48% (Exports pp).

The Port of Pittsburgh is the largest inland river port in the United States and the 11th largest port of any kind (Water pp). The Port Commission is the central point for information….

In the GEOMA methodology, carbon dioxide displaces methane within the water lattice which reforms into a more stable state than was present with the methane. While this new technology is still in development, it is very promising (Traufetter, 2007). ecent advances by researchers from Japan, China, India, Canada, Australia, and the United States could result in commercial exploitation of Methane gas within the decade.
Natural gas recovery techniques have come a long way since that first primitive well in Fredonia. Now, a complex and sophisticated process brings natural gas from the field to your home. Exploration for new sources of natural gas has become a highly evolved science. Geologists study the physical structure of a potential site. The scientists can use seismology and magnetometers to develop three dimensional models of the earth using computer programs designed for that purpose. These models allow the geologists to narrow down specific areas that….

There is also concern that the Obama administration will introduce more environmental legislation (Ibid). The coal market is becoming more challenging. The rapid increase is crude oil prices in the first half of 2008 had sparked a boom in coal as a substitute product. However, with the speculative bubble in crude prices coming to an end, coal prices too have fallen, between 37-72% depending on location (Commodity Online, 2009). The strongest demand for coal is seen in China and India and although there has been an increase in seaborne coal trade (Reuters, 2009), this does not strongly affect the U.S. market. The increasing sophistication of the coal market, and the demand internationally, has lead to a need for ever-larger coal companies. Analysts have long predicted another round of consolidation in response to these environmental changes (Huber, 2009).
The deal is viewed as strong strategically by analysts. The combined entity will….

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

Community development refers to a process of building stronger communities through a variety of different approaches.  It is specifically tailored to different areas, because community needs are not universal.  Community development is sometimes referred to as a journey rather than a destination because of the fact that it is never really complete.  As communities grow and change, so do their development needs. In addition, other factors can impact community development as well, such as available natural resources and the surrounding geography.

We are not sure what you mean by the conclusion of community development and its....

- The role of social media in shaping public perception of the Russia/Ukraine war
- The impact of the media's portrayal of the conflict on international relations
- The significance of the historical and cultural ties between Russia and Ukraine in the conflict
- The role of propaganda in influencing the attitudes and beliefs of the people in Russia and Ukraine
- The economic consequences of the war on both Russia and Ukraine
- The humanitarian crisis resulting from the conflict and the international response
- The implications of the war on global security and stability
- The potential for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and....

7 Pages
Research Paper


Natural Resource Curse Several Observations

Words: 2297
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is dangerous as if the resource is not worth, or if it is not managed well, the economy will collapse. Moreover, these other industries are equally beneficial…

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2 Pages


Natural Resource & Energy Natural Resource Energy

Words: 583
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Natural esource & Energy Natural esource Energy Economics is how to earn money and how to consume it. Adam Smith is known as the father of economics who proposed the basic…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Natural Resource Management the Management

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Canada, too, is filled with much natural resources, which prove vulnerable to modern urbanization and the increasing demand for water. One thing that Canada does have as an advantage…

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2 Pages

American History

Natural Resources and Economy

Words: 823
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Natural Resources in US History The study explores how the US has used the historical wealth of its natural resources to offer the country a strong and sustained economy…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Natural Resource Economics and Management

Words: 570
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Land Management Forest Land Management One of the most precious resources that the United States possesses are the national and state forests which dot the landscape. Federally protected forests can be…

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16 Pages
Capstone Project

Africa / African Studies

Relationship between Natural Resources and Politics

Words: 4876
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Does Natural esources Exploitation and Government Instability Impact Economic Development in the Democratic epublic of the Congo?AbstractThis paper aims to examine the relationship between natural resources exploitation and government…

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16 Pages
Capstone Project

Africa / African Studies

Relationship between Natural Resources and Politics

Words: 4876
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Does Natural Resources Exploitation and Government Instability Impact Economic Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?AbstractThis paper aims to examine the relationship between natural resources exploitation and government…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Natural Resources and Energy

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Natural Resources and nergy: Florida verglades ffects of Agriculture The verglades' freshwater ecosystem supplies vital services to the local population, such as the maintenance of South Florida's agriculture and drinking water…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

Natural Resources as a Cause of War

Words: 1660
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Natural esourcs War is one of the primordial human traditions. Man has always been enthusiastic about fighting, murdering and stealing from others. However, it doesn't derive us to the conclusion…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Natural Resources and the Future

Words: 1414
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fate of the Earth Unfortunately, even if someone could wave a magic wand that causes all of the nuclear weapons on earth to disappear, many believe that due to the…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Environmental Science

Natural Resources and Energy

Words: 1400
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Future of Renewable Energies hile the reliance of the United States on natural resources and fossil fuels must give way to renewable and sustainable resources at some point, the ability…

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6 Pages
Book Review


Natural Resources and Earth

Words: 1815
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Review

ising From the Plains John Mcphee, a writer of creative nonfiction books, started writing about the earth in 1985. He described the structure and movement of the earth's crust and…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Pennsylvania's Natural Resources the State

Words: 2464
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

8 billion, and primary metal manufactures, $1.4 billion (Exports pp). Together, these five manufactured product categories accounted for 61% of the state's total exports of goods in for that…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Managing Natural Resources - Natural

Words: 4609
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the GEOMA methodology, carbon dioxide displaces methane within the water lattice which reforms into a more stable state than was present with the methane. While this new…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Alpha Natural Resources Announced Earlier

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There is also concern that the Obama administration will introduce more environmental legislation (Ibid). The coal market is becoming more challenging. The rapid increase is crude oil prices…

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