Ncaa Essays (Examples)

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NCAA Regulations NCAA Rulings and
Pages: 20 Words: 6280

Despite the mixed feelings of many on the issue, however, it seems as though Jeremy loom had his rights restricted very strongly by the NCAA, since there was no correlation between the football that he was playing at the University of Colorado and the skiing-related endorsements that he was receiving payment for. loom may have given up these rights when he enrolled in the University, but it is suspected that he was not aware that these rights were going to leave him. He is not seen as a troublemaker that was simply trying to cause problems for the University, but as an honest and polite young man that wanted to play football and ski.

It just so happens that he got paid for endorsements for one of these things, and was on a college team for the other. It makes sense that college football players could not also play on professional…...



Christianson, Erik. (2004). NCAA statement regarding Jeremy Bloom reinstatement decision. NCAA News Release. Retrieved 14 November 2004. /releases/miscellaneous/2004/2004081701ms.htm.

Educating Jeremy: Jeremy Bloom tells his side of a losing battle to regain his eligibility with the NCAA, which has decided to make him a one-sport star." (2004). The Sporting News.

Congressional Testimony. (2004). Due process and the NCAA: Mr. Jeremy Bloom.

King, Kelley. (2002). "Taking Off: Jeremy Bloom, a promising wide receiver at Colorado, stepped back from football for a run at his first love, mogul skiing." Sports Illustrated.

NCAA as Myles the Issues Confronting Me
Pages: 2 Words: 605

As Myles, the issues confronting me in regards to accepting an offer from a Big East or ACC school virtually all pertain to my future, which is stratified into both short-term and long-term goals. The objectives are of course to embark on a professional sports career in which I am able to provide for my family and my progeny -- which is the long-term goal. The short-term goal is to figure out the best way of doing so, which can either involve basketball or baseball, college or getting drafted by a professional team. Since sports is the path I have elected to provide for my family, there are issues of injury and fame to consider. Ideally, the objective is to refrain from sustaining injuries and to involve myself in a program that will gain as much attention as possible to so that I can most effectively market my talents. Finally…...

NCAA Liability for Head Trauma
Pages: 5 Words: 1577

Onyshko v. NCAA
Case briefing:

Onyshko v. NCAA pending in the United States District Court for the estern District of Pennsylvania.

Recently, the heightened publicity in regards to the dangers of college sports, specifically football, has raised the question of the degree to which colleges and the NCAA have a responsibility both to warn and protect players on teams from participating institutions. The case of Onyshko v. NCAA currently pending in the courts concerns such allegations. It is the contention of the plaintiff that the NCAA was negligent in both its duty to protect him as a student athlete regarding the risks of traumatic brain injury (TBI), dementia, and other complications associated with repeated head trauma in football and also that the NCAA did not do due diligence in informing coaches how to mitigate the risk of blows to the head and creating rules which decreased the likelihood that athletes like himself…...


Works Cited

Defendant NCAA's objections. Onyshko v. NCAA. In the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania Print.

Eddy, C. Onyshko v. NCAA. In the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Report and recommendation. Print.

Onyshko v. NCAA. In the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania


NCAA Division I College Male
Pages: 11 Words: 2999

" (Weatherby & Edmonds, nd) Weatherby & Edmonds (nd) One argument consistently made by individuals that are against paying student-athletes is that the student-athlete receives a free education so in effect they are receiving something for their services. ut examining graduation rats of some universities does not support this statement at all. The following is a list with an accompanying chart showing the graduation rates from several universities across the United States basketball teams.
School asketball Percentage Graduated

Stanford University 100%

UCLA 36%

University of South California 36%

University of Oregon 33%

Washington State University 33%

Arizona State University 33%

Oregon State University 23%

University of Washington 22%

University of Arizona 15%

University of California-erkley 15% (Weatherby & Edmonds, nd)

Graduation Rates among asketball Athlete Students

Chapter 4: Measuring Results - 4%

Weatherby & Edmonds (nd)

Source: Weatherby & Edmonds (nd)

The rates for athlete-students football players graduation rates do not look much better as the following list and accompanying chart will illustrate.

School Football Percentage Graduated




Cody, Jason (1997) Getting Paid To Play - Cyburr Online Available at  http://Burr.Kent.Edu/Archives/1997/Fall/Ncaa.html 

Recent Developments Payment For College Football Players In Nebraska (2002) Online available at http://Www.Law.Harvard.Edu/Students/Orgs/Jol/Vol41_1/Skidmore.Php

Lopiano, Donna (2004)Football Doesn't Need Title IX Protection Wed" Online available at; Http://Www.Womensportsfoundation.Org/Cgi-Bin/Iowa/Issues/Rights/Article.Html?Record=131

Pay To Play: Should College Athletes Be Paid? (2005) The Journal Of The Business Law Society Online Available at   Make_Se.htmlhttp://Iblsjournal.Typepad.Com/Illinois_Business_Law_Soc/2005/03/Does_It_ 

Substance Abuse Patterns of NCAA
Pages: 3 Words: 911

The subjects of the study are students, but there was no attempt to randomize the sampling. Instead, the authors chose the schools and the athletic programs within the schools. The students self-selected for participation, which also may have affected the participation rates. Because the schools and athletic programs were involved, the subjects may have been wary of the promise of confidentiality, causing the results to have some bias. Singer, von Thurn and Miller (1995) note that when the data is sensitive, confidentiality assurances can improve the quality of responses. However, the confidentiality promise needs to come from the researcher in order to be completely trustworthy. Thus, the methodology introduced some bias into the study with the design of its confidentiality mechanism, and the researchers introduced bias when they failed to randomize school and program selection.
The independent variable is the prevalence of drug usage. The dependent variables were the NCAA…...


Works Cited:

Green, G., Uryasz, F., Petr, T. & Bray, C. (2001). NCAA study of substance use and abuse habits of college student athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. Vol. 11 (2001) 51-56.

Hart, C. (1999). Doing a literature review: Releasing the social science research imagination. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Singer, E., von Thurn, D. & Miller, E. (1995). Confidentiality assurances and response a quantitative review of the experimental literature. Public Opinion Quarterly. Vol. 59 (1) 66-77.

NCAA villanova powerhouse basketball team
Pages: 2 Words: 640

Since the 1920s, Villanova has been a top contender in the NCAA, rival of other Philadelphia area schools. Yet it was not until 2016 that Villanova really made history. Kris Jenkins’s historic clock-beater shot made this Final Four appearance the most memorable in all of Villanova’s history.
Villanova has in many ways always been a threat, whether as a thorn in the side of top seeds or as a top seed itself. The Wildcats have a lot of superlatives their competitors lack, such as remaining undefeated in non-conference play in 2018, and have been performing remarkably well over the last several seasons. For example, Villanova’s team has defeated more number one seeds than most other teams in the NCAA, and are in the top ten of all NCAA tournament wins overall. The Wildcats seem unstoppable now.

The 2016 victory parade was an emotional occasion, signifying the culmination of hard work and grit…...

Boost for Women's Athletics but
Pages: 10 Words: 3098

Secondly, the report alluded to by CSC asserts that in "gender symmetric" sports there are "far more scholarships available for women (32,656) than for men (20,206)." The third bullet point in the CSC press release points out that men's volleyball is the "by far the most difficult" scholarship at the Division I level; there are reportedly 489 high school athletes for every full ride NCAA scholarship.

The "underlying" data that CSC used to put together their press release comes from two NCAA reports: "1981-82-2006-07 NCAA Sports Sponsorship and Participation Rate Report" and "2006-07 NCAA Division I Manual." Also factored into the report is data from the national Federation of State High School Associations. And so what is the College Sports Council calling on the federal government -- and the Department of Education (DOE) -- to do? The press release says that "women are accorded far more opportunities to compete and ear…...


Works Cited

American Association of University Women. "Report Card on Gender Equity." Retrieved

June 28, 2009, from   (2004). .

Brake, Deborah. "Revisiting Title IX's Feminist Legacy: Moving Beyond the Three-

Part Test." Journal of Gender, Social Policy & The Law, 12(3), 453-473. (2004).

Child Abuse and Mass Media
Pages: 4 Words: 1350

As some journalists have brought up, this scandal is evocative of the scandal with the Catholic Church and demonstrates how a marked upheaval in the way universities and institutions are conducted (Hamilton, 2012).
The media, while impartial, can often be a moral compass for the rest of the world. Few people can forget the horrors of the reactions of Penn State's college students when the scandal just broke, upon the firing of Joe Paterno: the media captured how the students rioted the streets, acting out, even turning over a news van. The rest of the world watched in revulsion: these college students, by sympathizing with Paterno, someone who had essentially protected and sheltered a pedophile, these young college students were sympathizing with Sandusky, the pedophile in question. "It's difficult to look at the images of the Penn State University students performing pep rally chants and turning over a media van…...



Engel, J. (2012, July 16). Penn State should get death penalty. Retrieved from 

Hamilton, M. (May, 27 2012). Penn State and Catholic Church Child Sex-Abuse Trials Divide Penn. Public. Retrieved from 

Kane, C. (July, 23 2012). Penn State penalties: $60 million fine, 4-year bowl ban. Retrieved from   -- 20120724,0,6965116.story 

Muskal, M. (2012, June 22). Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 child sexual abuse charges. Retrieved from LA Times: Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 child sexual abuse charges

Supplements for Athletes Ripped Fuel &Copy Is
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Supplements for Athletes
ipped Fuel © is a weight loss supplement used widely by individuals who are trying to improve their physical and athletic performance (Brown). These capsules are utilized as a method of rapidly burning fat, while quickly gaining muscle; they are popular among athletes because of this. The supplements work in a way that allows the burning of fat -- which is the most difficult part of body shaping -- to occur in a rapid fashion. Desired results are achieved in a limited amount of time, therefore adding to the appeal of this supplement to young athletes who are just beginning their journey through sports and are essentially attempting to make themselves stand out from the hundreds of other athletes. However, the components of these supplements have been of great concern due to their potential undesired effects (Brown). Despite the glorious results that the particular coach at hand has…...



Brown, E. (2011). What do ripped fuel capsules do? LIVESTRONG. Retrieved 22 April 2013 from   ipped-fuel-capsules-do/ 

OneResult. (2012). NCAA Legal and Illegal Supplements. ONERESULT: Look Like an Athlete. Retrieved 22 April 2013 from   -legal-and-illegal-supplements 

Unionizing College Football
Pages: 2 Words: 664

There are a few different benefits that college players might receive from joining the union. The first is that they would see increased bargaining power with the universities. This means that they might have improved access to the revenue that is generated by college football -- with bargaining power they can use that revenue as leverage for better wages. At present, these football players really do not have any meaningful bargaining power. The second benefit that they players might well receive is worker protections. The key shift in this ruling is not the ability to organize but the recognition that the players are employees. As an organized union, these football players will have the ability to influence their conditions of employment, in particular with respect to safety. Football is a dangerous game, and joining a union might give the players better ability to bargain their working conditions to improve safety,…...

Troubled by a Large Number
Pages: 2 Words: 793

This is because; there are consortiums of regulations that provide no clear policy. The Colorado Court of Appeals sided with the NCAA. They felt that these rules were within the scope of their authority of controlling the actions of athletes and the college sports. These facts can be used to demonstrate that the policy of coaches breaching their contracts is in compliance with legal guidelines and case precedent. ("Bloom v. National Collegiate Athletic Association")
The biggest challenge against this policy is Law v. NCAA. Under this ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals found that any kind of attempts to restrict a coach's salary is considered to be in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. At the same time, they found that the rule is discriminating against coaches by limiting their salaries and the numbers that can serve on a team. This is supposed to maintain the competitive balance inside the…...


Works Cited

"Bloom v. National Collegiate Athletic Association." Find Law, 2012. Web. 8 May 2012

"Kiffin to Coach USC." ESPN, 2010. Web. 8 May 2012

"Title IX Cases." Find Law, 2012. Web. 8 May 2012

Poputto, Josephine. "The NCAA Rules Adoption."Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law. 12.22 (2010): 266 -- 234. Print.

Legal Implications of Steroid Use
Pages: 5 Words: 1711

, 2003, p. 3).

The research showed that the use of various performance-enhancing substances is not new, but the controversies associated with the use of anabolic steroids, particularly by young athletes, has assumed increasing importance in recent years. More and more studies have shown that the use of these substances typically begins during the formative adolescent years, a practice that can have lifelong consequences in terms of physical problems and growth constraints. Moreover, there are profound moral and legal issues involved in the use of such performance enhancers, and while many observers might question that legality of such testing programs at the high school and collegiate level, the high incidence of use in recent years clearly indicates that more needs to be at all levels to help prevent young athletes from beginning to use these substances, and to help those who have already started to stop.


Allison, P.C., Diacin, M.J., & Parks,…...



Allison, P.C., Diacin, M.J., & Parks, J.B. (2003). Voices of male athletes on drug use, drug testing and the existing order in intercollegiate athletics. Journal of Sport Behavior, 26(1), 1.

Hill v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, 865 P. 2d 633 (1994).

NCAA. (1998, November). NCAA drug-testing protocol, 1998-99. Overland Park, KS, in Allison, Diacin, & Parks, 2003, p. 3.

Pedersen, W., & Wichstrom, L. (2001). Use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in adolescence: Winning, looking good or being bad? Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62(1), 5.

Sports and Betting
Pages: 6 Words: 2592

sports betting. Discussed are the problems with the betting, players getting gifts from betting agents, and effect of sports betting on the economy. Seven sources are used.
Sports and Betting

More Americans play more sports than in any other country in the world. Moreover, we watch more sports than anyone else on earth. Football and figure skating, two sports that could not be more different have drawn the biggest TV audiences in history. Sports bind us together as Americans. It has the ability more than just about anything else to tear down the barriers of race, class, gender, politics and geography (McDonald 1998). Sports is part of our national culture. It's part of our national conversation. A waitress at the local cafe talks Friday-night football with the cop and the banker. A Democratic gardener, trimming the greens at the country club, discusses golf swings or last week's tournament with a Republican…...

Rules & Regs Of College
Pages: 1 Words: 388

In the past, the NCAA believes the fouled team could gain an advantage by selecting its best shooter from the roster. Now it appears that it's okay, though, for the opposing coach to select the worst shooter.
oth men's and women's committees are placing a more significant emphasis on sportsmanship. A growing number of taunting incidents, along with throwing elbows under the basket, and the charging and blocking incidents are being looked at for further action. Officials have been notified that they should put an emphasis on controlling those situations.

(Associated Press)


Halpin, T. "NCAA Men's and Women's asketball Rules Committees Announce Rules Changes Including a Focus on Sportsmanship." 6 May 2009. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). 15 September 2009 .

Smith, M. "A New asketball Rule for 2009-2010: What was the NCAA thinking?" 9 June 2009. leacher Report. 15 September 2009 ....



Halpin, T. "NCAA Men's and Women's Basketball Rules Committees Announce Rules Changes Including a Focus on Sportsmanship." 6 May 2009. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). 15 September 2009 .

Smith, M. "A New Basketball Rule for 2009-2010: What was the NCAA thinking?" 9 June 2009. Bleacher Report. 15 September 2009 .

Fundamentals of Social Sciences
Pages: 15 Words: 5347

Safety Decisions in High School Football
This paper focuses on one aspect of high school football safety. The study explores the issue of higher levels of injury being associated with a particular brand or brands of football helmets worn by high school athletes who play football, and the institutional decisions and actions that follow disclosure of such information. A recent study by Virginia Tech rated helmets worn by professional football players -- helmets worn by high school students have not yet been rated by the university. The study compared helmets manufactured by three companies. High ratings were given to the iddell Speed, the iddell evolution, the iddell evolution IA, the Schutt Ion 4D, the Schutt DNA, and the Xenith X1. Medium ratings were given to the Schutt Air XP and Schutt Air Advantage. Players were warned by Virginia Tech not to wear the iddell VS4 and the Adams A2000. No correlation…...



Di Scala, C., S. Scavo Gallagher, and S.E. Schneps. (1997). Causes and outcomes of pediatric injuries occurring at school, Journal of School Health, 67, 384-9.

FACTS About Certified Athletic Trainers and The National Athletic Trainers' Association Retrieved 

International Federation of Sports Medicine, Excessive physical training in children and adolescents, (1991). Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 1, 262-4.

Gerberich, Susan Goodwin, et al., (1983). Concussion incidences and severity in secondary school varsity football players, American Journal of Public Health, 73, 1370-5.

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Basketball?
Words: 226

1. The Evolution of Basketball: From its Inception to Modern Day
2. The Impact of Basketball on Society and Culture
3. The Psychology of Winning: How Mentality Plays a Role in Basketball
4. The Role of Coaching in Developing Successful Basketball Teams
5. Gender Equality in Basketball: Breaking Down Barriers for Female Players
6. The Economics of Basketball: How the NBA has Become a Billion Dollar Industry
7. The Globalization of Basketball: How the Sport has Transcended Borders
8. The Influence of Basketball on Youth Development and Education
9. The Science Behind Basketball: How Technology is Changing the Game
10. The Politics of Basketball: How Social Issues are Addressed....

What impact does paying college athletes have on the integrity of college sports?
Words: 196

College athletes should be compensated for their time and efforts in playing sports as they bring in significant revenue for their universities, face physical and mental demands that can impact their academic performance, and miss out on potential job opportunities due to the rigorous schedules of their sports programs. Their talents and hard work generate millions of dollars for the NCAA and universities through ticket sales, merchandise, and TV deals. However, the current system prohibits them from profiting off their own name, image, and likeness, which raises questions about fairness and exploitation. Paying college athletes could help to address this imbalance....

What impact does paying college athletes have on the integrity of college sports?
Words: 641

The Impact of Paying College Athletes on the Integrity of College Sports
The issue of whether or not college athletes should be paid has been a contentious topic for decades. Proponents argue that athletes deserve compensation for their labor and sacrifice, while opponents maintain that paying athletes would erode the purity of college sports and compromise its educational mission. This essay will examine the potential impact of paying college athletes on the integrity of college sports, considering both arguments and offering a balanced perspective.
Erosion of Amateurism
One of the primary concerns regarding paying college athletes is the potential erosion of amateurism. The....

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