Neuman Model Essays (Examples)

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Neuman Model
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Betty Neuman Model of Nursing treats the client as an open system which is constantly reacting to the stressors in the environment along the lines of specific variables such as the physiological psychological, sociocultural, developmental and spiritual (Gonzalo, 2011). In this case, Stephanie's literature review on the study conducted by Siegel and colleagues to examine the impact on a low-carb diet on obese children really did not connect strongly to the Neuman model. This study just looked at diet as a single aspect of health and how this connected to weight and cholesterol levels. This is a flimsy connection to Neuman's model, as the Neuman model treats the body as a far more complex system, impacted by a range of factors.
Likewise, the Lowry literature review only examined how two more factors (diet and exercise) impacted the BMI of adolescents. This study was slightly more comprehensive and thus had a slightly…...



Gonzalo, A. (2011). The Neuman Systems Model. Retrieved from

Universal Middle-Range Nursing Theory The Neuman Model Theory
Pages: 6 Words: 1799

Internet Plan for Healthcare Facilities
A suitable IT plan for an electronic inventory control and communication for the 10 healthcare facilities in Gainesville, Florida will have voice or data communication between and among the Corporation, the master practice and the individual practices (China Mobile, 2011). It can provide or extend telehealth or eHealth devices through the network. It can also use mobile phones and similar devices for local health operations, which utilize the main network (China Mobile).

These top-of -- the line applications or devices are fast enabling healthcare operations in both the economically advanced and the developing countries (China Mobile, 2011). Through their skillful use, they can reach un-served and under-served populations, raise the level of efficiency of these operations, and cut down on costs of healthcare delivery, as a consequence. As consequences, they contribute to the effectiveness of public health programs and research, help prevent and treat disease of both…...



Benson, C (2015). Security planning. Microsoft Solutions Framework: MSDN. Retrieved on June 28, 2015 from 

China Mobile (2011). Mobile communication for medical care. Technology Business:

University Cambridge. Retrieved on June 27, 2015 from 

FCC (2015). Emergency planning: health sector. Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau:

Neuman Health Care Systems Model Preventative Care
Pages: 4 Words: 1131

Neuman Health Care Systems Model:
Preventative Care for Mr. H

The Neuman Health Care Systems Model was created by Betty M. Neuman in an effort to help nursing students focus on wellness for the client system (McHolm & Geib, 1998). In order to create wellness for a client system, the nursing students use an Assessment and Analysis Tool, which will help in identifying Mr. H's problems (McHolm & Geib, 1998).

First, a nurse must find out Mr. H's profile and define his stressors. This must be done by the nurse and by the concerns expressed by the client (, 2011). It is clear that stressors in this 72-year-old widower's life are affecting his overall health. ecent changes in his life, such as the loss of his wife of 45 years, are a factor in his health changes. It is good that Mr. H is still trying to maintain his normal activity before…...



A.D.A.M. (2011). Hypotension. Retrieved January 21, 2011 from .

McHolm, F.A. & Geib, K.M. (1998, January-March). Nursing diagnosis: Application of the Neuman systems model of teaching health assessment and nursing process. Retrieved January 21, 2011 from;col1 

NCBI. (2010, July 1). Pubmed health - Atorvastatin. Retrieved January 20, 2010 from 

NCBI. (2008, September 1). Pubmed health -- Furosemide. Retrieved January 20, 2010 from

Pre-K Program Evaluation Using Logic Model
Pages: 7 Words: 1788

Public Program Quality Evaluation
Overview of the Program and the Program ationale

In 2011, approximately 23% of all children in the United States were children of immigrants. Many of these children have come from countries where the educational systems have not prepared them with competitive skills that will support a good standard of living. Various policies to address this issue have been proposed. Of the feasible options, the policy most likely to achieve popular approval is the provision of preschool education to all low-immigrant children. In part, the basis for this support is the historical national approval of programs such as Head Start. ecently, the nation has seen an upswing in state-funded pre-K programs that focus on preparing low-income 4-year-old children for kindergarten and elementary school. Head Start programs continue in a parallel manner, and necessarily so, as only a handful of states offer pubic school-based pre-K programs to all students in…...



Haskins, R. & Tienda, M. (2011). The future of immigrant children. The Future of Children. Princeton University and the Brookings Institution.

Lawrence L. Martin, L.L. & Kettner, P.M. (1996). Measuring the performance of human service programs. Sage Publications.

Neuman, W.L. (2012). Basics of social research: qualitative and quantitative approaches (3rd ed.).

Puma, M. Bell, S., Cook, R., & Heid, C. (2010, January). Head Start Impact Study Final Report, Executive Summary. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Washington, DC.

Using Roy S And Neuman S Theories in Nursing
Pages: 2 Words: 560

In critically ill adults (p), how does the daily use of chlorohexidine (I) compared to sterile water reduce VAP (ventilator-associated pneumonia) (O) during hospitalized stay (T)?

oy's Adaptation Model (AM) states that the "nursing process is a problem solving approach for gathering data, identifying the capacities and needs of the human adaptive system, selecting and implementing approaches for nursing care, and evaluation the outcome of care provided" ("Application of oy's Adaptation Model," 2012). This approach seems uniquely well-suited to the question of how to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia, a common complaint of patients during hospital stays. AM focuses on objective analysis of the problem and attempting to provide solutions which address human needs through a scientific approach to care. The first step of the nursing process is gathering data, in this case determining why pneumonia is so common amongst patients. Next identifying "internal and external stimuli" that give rise to the…...



Application of Roy's Adaptation Model. (2012). Current Nursing. Retrieved from:'s_adaptation_model.html

Gonzalo, A. (2011). Betty Neuman: The Neuman Systems Model. Theoretical Foundations of Nursing. Retrieved from:

How Nursing Theories Guide Real World Nursing Practice
Pages: 6 Words: 1735

Theorist Critique: Betty Neuman Nursing Theory1. Discussion on Betty Neuman nursing theoryAs the research that follows shows, Betty Neuman believed the nursing process should address the whole person and all facets impacting health. In sum, Neumans theory promotes patient-centered care, looking beyond singular issues to identify potential underlying causes that adversely affect wellbeing across the interconnected aspects of life. The Neuman Systems Model developed by this theorist continues to guide nursing practice and research globally by offering an expansive perspective for assessment, intervention planning, implementation, and evaluation, an outcome that directly relates to the purpose and importance of nursing theories in general as discussed further below.2. Explore the purpose and importance of nursing theory, to discuss a nursing theory of their choice, and to discuss the application of the theory to practice.Generally speaking, nursing theory provides an essential framework to guide nursing practice, education, and research. The primary purpose of…...


ReferencesIduye, S. (2022, December). Application of Fawcett’s Criteria in Theory Evaluation. Nursing Science Quarterly, 36(1), 58-63.Keles, M. N., & Ero?lu, K. (2024). The use of theory or model in studies on postpartum care: A narrative review. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 35(1), 21–31.Kongsuwan, W. (2020, July 13). Development of the Emergent Theory of Aesthetic Nursing Practice (AesNURP). Health, 12(7), 37-41.Montano, A.-R. (2021). Neuman Systems Model with Nurse-Led Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(1), 45–53.Ortiz, M. R. (2021). Best Practices in Patient-Centered Care: Nursing Theory Reflections. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(3), 322–327.Reed, P. G. (2022). Midrange Theory Evaluation to Advance Nursing Knowledge. Nursing Science Quarterly, 35(3), 315–320.Smith M. C., Parker M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practices (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis.Verberk, F., & Fawcett, J. (2017). Thoughts About Created Environment: A Neuman Systems Model Concept. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(2), 179–181.

Client Stressors Case Study Stressors Intra According
Pages: 2 Words: 739

Client Stressors Case Study


According to the Betty Neuman model, intrapersonal stressors are "internal environmental interaction forces occurring within the boundary of the client, between client sub-systems," (12). This commonly includes physical, psychological and emotional issues that become stressors for each particular case. The clear intra-factors in this case are the presence of a kidney infection, acute lower abdominal pain, the fact that she is not taking any medications. She has been staying hydrated, a previous back muscle injury in the past. The patient has been having heavier menstrual cycles with worse cramping, no breast tenderness, did not pass clogs, she believes she is getting close to experience menopause, no prior abnormal paps or STDs, normal mammogram and pap last year, did have surgery for PPTL in 1977 after her third child was born, does not douche, previous hospitalization for back pain 5 years ago, recently went to the E for…...



Reed, Karen S. (1993). Betty Neuman: The Neuman System's Model. Sage.

Nursing Is a Rewarding but
Pages: 6 Words: 2016

he Neuman Model is appropriate for senior care.

Studies necessary with other models.

Penrod,; Reframing Person Centered Care for Persons with Dementia

Research and heory for Nursing Practice


Lit. Review, discussion

Lit. Review

Research shows individual personhood approach has positive effects on care.

Biomedical and psychological models must be merged for persons with dementia.

Integration models

Further study using different integration modeling.

Rajapaksa and Rothstein; Factors hat Influence the Decisions of Men and Women Nurses to Leave Nursing.

Nursing Forum


Case Study

Qualitative, some quantitative analysis

For men, compensation largest barrier to remaining in nursing; for women dissatisfaction with career goals

Barriers to entry in profession for men and still social stigma

It is possible for hospitals and care centers to develop program to retain more nurses

Needs more demographic and psychographic variation.

Gillespie and Peterson; Helping Novice Nurses Make Effective Clinical Decisions

Nursing Education


Case study and qualitative research

Situated Clinical Decision Making Framework

More robust clinical practice necessary for beginning nurses

Comfort with fast-paced clinical decisions necessary in modern nursing



Their Experiences With a Refugee Population." Journal of Nursing Education.


Watson, J. (2008). "Social Justice and Human Caring." Creative Nursing. 14 (2): 54+.

LR Explor The Nurse Leader Role
Pages: 30 Words: 8934

(Feldman & Geenbeg, 2005, p. 67) Staffing coodinatos, often nuse leades must seek to give pioity to educational needs as a eason fo adjusting and/o making schedules fo staff, including offeing incentives to staff not cuently seeking educational goals fo assisting in this pioity egadless of the implementation of a tuition eimbusement pogam. (Feldman & Geenbeg, 2005, p. 233)
Nuse Leades as Academic Theoists

The fact that many nuse leades seve as the fundamental souces fo new and emeging nusing paadigms and theoies cannot be ignoed in this eview. The theoies associated with nusing ae as divese as nuses themselves and seve seveal puposes. With egad to nuse ecuitment and the ole that nusing theoy and paadigm plays in it, nuse leades seve to espouse theoy though mentoship and taining that helps individuals see thei futue intinsic ole in nusing. To explain this ole a bief discussion of nusing theoy will…...


references and Affirmative Action in Making Admissions Decisions at a Predominantly White University. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 31(4), 269.

Burgener, S.C., & Moore S.J. (May-June, 2002) The role of advanced practice nurses in community settings. Nursing Economics 20 (3) 102-108.

Cimini, M.H., & Muhl, C.J. (1995). Twin Cities Nurses Reach Accord. Monthly Labor Review, 118(8), 74.

Cleary, B. & Rice, R. (Eds.). (2005). Nursing Workforce Development: Strategic State Initiatives. New York: Springer.

Daly, J., Speedy, S., Jackson, D., Lambert., V.A., & Lambert, C.E. (Eds.). (2005). Professional Nursing: Concepts, Issues, and Challenges. New York: Springer.

Recurrence of Cancer Psychosocial Impact
Pages: 4 Words: 1578

(2009, March). omen's Health Law eekly, 34. Retrieved March 1, 2009 from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1651848781).
CNSs need skills in mental health. (2009). Cancer Nursing Practice, 8(1), 6. Retrieved March 1, 2009, from ProQuest Health and Medical Complete database. (Document ID: 1651343051).

Lance Armstrong Foundation. (2009). Official ebsite.

Retrieved March 1, 2009.

Heyman, Patrick & Sandra olfe. (2001). Neuman's System's Model. University of Florida.

Retrieved March 1, 2009, at

Okamura, Masako Shigeto Yamawaki, Tatsuo Akechi, Koji Taniguchi, & Yosuke

Uchitomi. (2005). Psychiatric disorders following first breast cancer recurrence:

Prevalence, associated factors and relationship to quality of life. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(6), 302-9. Retrieved March 1, 2009, from ProQuest

Medical Library database. (Document ID: 876421851).

Quinlin, Patrick. (2001). Beating cancer with nutrition. Nutrition Times Press.

Pengelly, Michele & Diana Purnell. (2009). An audit of levels of psychological support referrals for cancer patients. Cancer Nursing Practice, 8(1), 34-38. Retrieved March 1, 2009 from ProQuest Health and…...


Works Cited

Agnew, Thelma. (2009). Acting with confidence. Cancer Nursing Practice, 8(1), 18-20.

Retrieved March 1, 2009, from ProQuest Health and Medical Complete database. (Document ID: 1651343111).

Baker, Maggie Koerth-Baker. (2008). The power of positive thinking: Truth or myth?

Special to LiveScience. Retrieved March 1, 2009.

Nursing Theory in Nursing Decision-Making
Pages: 2 Words: 826

A nurse must weigh these variables, physical, mental, and spiritual, when advising a course of treatment and deciding how to approach a patient or patient's family. An adolescent who is an injured athlete envisioning a lucrative college scholarship might demand and be able to physically and mentally withstand a more aggressive form of treatment, due to psychological and developmental and goal-related visions (spiritual) factors than might a less motivated elderly patient.

A nurse who is training other nurses can instill consideration for all such variables in her various trainees -- and encourage nurses to engage in self-care as well as patient care on spiritual, preventative physical health care, and mental levels. Additionally, in a work environment with many diverse cultures, remind other nurses that Neuman's model has also been modified slightly to take into consideration culture as well as mind, body, and spirit -- although culture and spiritual values are difficult…...


Works Cited

Neuman, B.M. (1990). The Neuman systems model: A theory for practice. In M.E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories in practice (pp. 241-261). New York: National League for Nursing.

Neuman, B.M. (Ed.). (1995). The Neuman systems model (3rd ed.). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.

Pierce, J.D., & Hutton, E. (1992). Applying the new concepts of the Neuman systems model. Nursing Forum, 27(1), 15-18.

Psychiatric Nursing
Pages: 7 Words: 1865

medical professionals, nurses as a group come closest to te ideal of treating te wole patient, addressing pysical, emotional, psycological and even social concerns. Tis is especially true of psyciatric nurses wo work to elp patients address bot te pysical and cognitive symptoms of teir conditions as well as to come to terms wit te stigma attaced to aving a mental illness - a stigma tat often is applied as muc by te patients to temselves as by oters.
Tis paper examines te paradigm of psyciatric nursing troug te lens of Betty Neuman's Systems Model. Neuman believes tat te demands and opportunities of nursing as unique because te nurse is te only medical professional wo truly does care for te wole person, elping to alleviate all of te stresses tat affect eac individual. Because nurses see teir patients as "wole" people, by extension Neuman sees te profession of nursing as…...


Leon, 2002, interview.

Selleck, 2002, interview.

Overarching Goal of This Study
Pages: 75 Words: 18833

Good researchers tend to pull methods out of a tool kit as they are needed" (2006, p. 54). Notwithstanding these criticisms and constraints, though, most social researchers seem to agree that classification by some type of research paradigm is a useful approach based on the need to determine which approach is best suited for a given research enterprise. In this regard, Corby concludes that, "The contested nature of research makes it impossible and unhelpful to ignore the different aims and purposes of various research projects and the methods and approaches being used to carry them out" (2006, p. 54). Therefore, the different aims and purposes of the positivist research paradigm, the constructivist research paradigm and the pragmatic research paradigm are discussed further below.
Positivist Research Paradigm

The positivist research paradigm is a quantitative-based approach that generally seeks to identify trends and patterns that can be used to formulate predictions concerning how…...



Ames, S.L., Gallaher, P.E., Sun, P. & Pearce, S. (2005). A Web-based program for coding open-ended response protocols. Behavior Research Methods, 37(3), 470-471.

Authors provide a description of a Web-based application that provides researchers with the ability to analyze participant-generated and open-ended data. Authors note that the application was developed in order to take advantage of online surveying based on its ease of use and flexibility. Authors note that this application may be of particular value to researchers who are employing large sample sizes that are frequently needed for projects in which frequency analyses are required. The application uses a grid-based set of criteria to establish codes for participant-generated and open-ended data collected from online surveys and can be applied for scoring results from stem completion,-word or picture associations, and comparable purposes in which such participant-generated responses require categorization and coding. Authors advise that they use this application for their professional online surveying purpose in experimental psychology to examine substance abuse patterns derived from participant-generated responses to various verbal and nonverbal associative memory problems, but that the application is also appropriate for other research areas as well. Authors also note that the application helps improve survey reliability by providing a systematic approach to coding participant-generated responses as well as evaluating the quality of coding and interjudge reliability by researchers with little or no specific training for the purposes. Authors conclude that the coding application is helpful for survey research that uses open-ended responses in virtually any research area of interest.

Austin, T.M., Richter, R.R. & Reinking, M.F. (2008). A primer on Web surveys. Journal of Allied Health, 37(3), 180-181.

Authors report that survey research has become a widely accepted research methodology that has been facilitated through the introduction of computer-based and online survey methods. Authors also emphasize that although electronic survey methods are useful in a wide range of settings for a variety of purposes, they are not appropriate in every situation. Online surveys involve various technologies that have not been available (or required) for paper-and-pencil surveys and require special considerations involving their design, pilot testing, and response rates. Authors present the results of their empirical observations and professional experience in using Web-based surveys to illustrate some of the advantages and disadvantages of the approach, including security and confidentiality issues (they make the point that electronic surveys are particularly vulnerable to compromise and that survey data must be protected as the research progresses) as well as the special considerations that must be taken into account as they apply to this surveying approach. Authors also discuss issues such as sampling error, a "how-to" guide to writing survey questions for online media, and how to order questions to ensure that respondents answer accurately and faithfully. All in all, this was a very timely guide for researchers for identifying when Web-based surveys are most appropriate and what factors should be taken into account in the design, posting and analysis of online surveys.

Nueman Logical Theory Assessment Phase
Pages: 2 Words: 580

This is a situation where the environment is "all the internal and external factors that surround and influence" the environment system of each patient (316). As such, the factors that are important in the Nueman model may seem abstract, which goes against the general rule of simplicity
n regards of not only how easily the theory is understood, but also how it can be redone in actual practice. Really, Nueman's theory emphasizes the importance of focusing on the stressors and then tailoring a care strategy based in what the individual can actually perform in his or her own unique community environment.

B. Planning Phase

Using the knowledge presented by Chinn & Kramer and Alligood and Tomey (2010) as a way to evaluate Nueman's theory, the major concepts can be identified in the underlying assumptions. Essentially, these sources provide tests for how clear is the thesis in contemporary nursing theories. One of the…...


In regards of not only how easily the theory is understood, but also how it can be redone in actual practice. Really, Nueman's theory emphasizes the importance of focusing on the stressors and then tailoring a care strategy based in what the individual can actually perform in his or her own unique community environment.

B. Planning Phase

Using the knowledge presented by Chinn & Kramer and Alligood and Tomey (2010) as a way to evaluate Nueman's theory, the major concepts can be identified in the underlying assumptions. Essentially, these sources provide tests for how clear is the thesis in contemporary nursing theories. One of the major elements is semantic clarity which essentially verifies the semantic meaning of underlying theoretical assumptions. Very direct language, that avoids passive voice and excessive verbiage which may complicate how the findings are expressed to the audience. This brings it out of the level of abstraction and into a more scientifically condensed perception of the model. This also includes an overall consistency in the semantic structure that allows for appropriate practical application of the theory in real practice. The implementation of Nueman nursing process really depends on the individual and the environment which is present in their recovery. Planning can be hard based on its abstract nature. But there are still hypothetical goals, interventions present. Essentially, the methodology wants the individual

Jewish Home Lifecare Mission &
Pages: 4 Words: 1163

Towards of the goal of fulfilling the mission to "help those we care for to experience the best life possible," nursing services provided at the Sarah Neuman Center include:
Twenty-four nursing in a secure residential setting.

Twenty-four medical coverage supported by onsite and on-call physicians.

Onsite medical specialist consulting services.

Individualized therapy sessions, to include speech therapy, physical therapy, art and music therapy.

Nutritional services supported by staff dietitians.

Onsite pharmaceutical and laboratory services. (Sarah Neuman, para. 9)

Patients that require long-term residential care are often transferred to the Bronx nursing home which provides all of the above services, in addition to highly individualized care services and therapies for "more complex clinical needs" (Bronx, para. 4). These needs include-but are not limited to-progressive Alzheimer's, severe vision impairment, severe speech and swallowing impairments, and chronic kidney disease requiring hemodialysis.

Structural Support of Mission

That each facility essentially provides the same services in various degrees helps to support the mission…...


Works Cited

"Bronx." Jewish Home Lifecare, 2010. Web. 01 January, 2011.

"Manhattan." Jewish Home Lifecare, 2010. Web. 01 January, 2011.

"Sarah Neuman." Jewish Home Lifecare, 2010. Web. 01 January, 2011.

"Research Institute on Aging." Jewish Home Lifecare, 2010. Web. 01 January,

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