Non Profit Organization Essays (Examples)

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Nonprofit Board Term Limits
Nonprofit Board Limits

An Analysis of the Influence of Board Term Limits on Non-Profit Organizations

There has been a significant amount of debate in the literature about what constitutes good corporate governance in regards to establishing term limits on members of the board of directors in non-profit organizations. The debate ranges from arguments that propose that any kind of term limit is unnecessary and could hinder the overall performance of the board, to some kind of term limit being a necessary requisite to proper board management. There are also arguments that rest in the middle of these two poles. For example, some charters will only allow board members to serve so many consecutive years. Thus, after taking some time off, a former board member would reset their clock and be able to return to the board after their break from this position. There are also many other variations and….

There were numerous complaints that the famous charity was nowhere to be seen on the Jersey Shore and due to "inadequate food and supply distribution" local entities such as Occupy Sandy or personal volunteerism took the place of the ed Cross (Crocker & Dickson 2012).
If the ed Cross is to sustain itself in the future, it must answer these charges. The director of Occupy Sandy, a veteran of disaster relief said: "what I observed in New Orleans after Katrina was that these large disaster-relief organizations are not structured to respond in a nimble way, to build relationships in communities" (Crocker & Dickson 2012). The ed Cross must seek to utilize the knowledge of local entities, who are often more informed and more nimble in their ability to address specific needs.

The ed Cross also requires better centralized leadership to ensure that it is meeting its goals effectively. According to the….

Non-Profit Organization
United Way Worldwide

Non-profit organizations abound everywhere in the world and some of these organizations are engaged in charity work. In most cases, non-profit organizations have specialized or dedicated functions such as engaging in the spread of a particular faith, working for the cause of animal welfare, serving to protect the rights of children or even providing assistance to the homeless. There non-profit organizations though that have several initiatives under their wings and their organizational structures effectively and efficiently manage the different thrusts thereto. One of these world-renowned organizations is the United Way Worldwide that saw humble beginnings in Denver, Colorado in the late 1800s. The organization is not only a not-for-profit entity but has become a "leadership and support organization for the network of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories (United Way 2011)." Even at present, the United Way is still growing worldwide with the….

Non-Profit Org Learning
The purpose of this executive summary is to encapsulate the points and the directions that this report, in its totality, shall take and forge. As indicated by the title of this report, this treatise will focus on learning in non-profit organizations. Indeed, having a true "learning organization" is an organizational trait that any leaders of said organization should desire to have and keep. This is true of both non-profit organizations and profit-based organizations. When speaking of the former, that group can and should include both non-governmental non-profit groups as well as public agencies and government organizations such as social work outfits, social services in general and governmental administrative tasks that are to be completed for the relevant populace. The sections that will be completed throughout this report shall include a brief introduction, a literature review that includes a summary of prior work done by the author of this….

The aility to transform an organization to the next level, through specific leadership techniques, and to have the vision to carry out the task, is called transformational leadership. Transformational leaders influence y ecoming the teacher, mentor and/or coach -- or a comination, rather than a hierarchical tyrant. Key is the empowering of others to achieve and surpass their own goals. Communication is the asis for this theoretical model -- the leader is highly visile and uses a chain of command to get results, ut is never satisfied and is constantly looking for ways in which the organization can reach eyond the current vision (Avolio, 2002). It is this constant search for efficacy, the move to "transact" the organization or specific project to a new level that keeps this theory alive -- and continual feedack and stimuli are as necessary as food and water to this leader (Karl, 1993). This type….

Non-Profit Organizations

A List of Non-Profit Organizations The non-profit organizations listed herein include: All Stars Project, Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, CapraCare, Community League of the Heights, Financial Services Volunteer Corps, International Coalition to End Torture, Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, Nourishing NYC, Peer Health Exchange, and Shark Angels. All organizations selected are located in New York City.
1. All Stars Project, Inc.
In essence, this particular non-profit organization seeks to promote human development via the utilization of artistic prowess (Non Profit List – NPL, 2019). It has its stated mission as the transformation of “the lives of youth and poor communities using the developmental power of performance, in partnership with caring adults” (All Stars, 2019). In addition to developing and promoting artistic talent, the organization also provides leadership skills to youths participating in its programs.
It is important to note that since inception, All Stars has managed to transform numerous lives through….

("Developing New Knowledge," 2010)
Does the mission statement define the nonprofit organization's geographical operating parameters (whether it will conduct business locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally)?

Yes. In this case, the mission statement will briefly discuss the focus that the organization will take around the world. Then, it talks about specific areas, where its goals are augmented for particular regional / local challenges. ("Developing New Knowledge," 2010)

Is the mission statement consistent with the nonprofit organization's actual activities?

Yes. The mission statement is consistent with the organization's activities. As the Howard Hughes Medical Institute will provide funding; for a number of projects related to: medical research and science. They will then take these objectives and implement them, to specific challenges on the local level. This is important, because it shows how the actions of this non-profit, are consistent with their mission statement. As the funding that they provide for a number of projects and….

As yet, I have found no satisfactory resource that deals with tehri questions. There are a number of sites: some cater tot ehri partiul;e religious idnoctriatnion and often condemn them fior asking their question or repson in an (it seems to me) unsatisfactory manner. Others mudsling. Consequences, again from research, appear to veer in either of two directions: some become even more extrem in tehri perspective (cionvinced that they ah ve to stifle their questions); others (unmoored from roots) often become disaffected with society.
My intention is to start a blog that features 3 or 4 facilaitors who are ex-fundamneltists from oen aprticualr relgion (e.g. Judaism). Each of tehse faciliatraros are relgious but they have a differing approach to the religon: the intentions beign to demonstrate that Judaism can contain a variety of perspectives and that Manicheanism -- the black-white thinkgin that fundamentlsit practice is not only contray to relgion….

At this point, unless there is a new grant, the project manager is not being paid to be in the Caribbean. The entire grant has been spent at this point, and the project manager is using his/her own money for the trip. There are no stipulations attached to what a person does with the salary he or she is paid -- if the grantor knows that $30,000 is for salary, then that is good enough. A grantor cannot tell somebody not to have vacations just because they work in a nonprofit organization.

Indirect rates reflect costs that are not directly related to the organization's charitable work. Fringe is an additional benefit provided, for example if the donor paid directly for the trip to the Caribbean. An in-kind contribution is a non-cash contribution. For example, if a food company donated surplus food to a homeless shelter, that would be an in-kind contribution.….

Securities egulation

The ensuring of the fact that an organization is working as per regulations and is following the code of conduct, while keeping the interest of the public first, are matters which are becoming more and more complicated with the passage of time. Therefore, it can be said with some emphasis, that today one of the most basic issues of many organizations is the issue of Transparency.

Transparency has been defined as being "characterized by visibility of accessibility of information concerning business practices." [footnoteef:1] More and more companies are now realizing that in the time and age in which we live, living with these models of ethics is compulsory, if they want to have credibility in the general public. [1: ]

In a study by Christopher Meyer and Julia Kirby, the change in the attitudes of the many corporations and sectors has been studied, and the conclusion reached….

Financial Management in Non-Profit Organizations

Financial management of not-for-profits is comparable to financial management in the commercial sector in a lot of respects; but, certain key variations shift the focus of a not-for-profit financial manager. A for-profit company focuses on prosperity and capitalizing on shareholder value. A not-for-profit organization's main goal is not to augment shareholder value; rather it is to offer some socially attractive need on a continuing basis. Budgeting and cash management are two parts of financial management that are very important exercises for not-for-profit organizations. The company must pay close attention to whether it has sufficient cash reserves to go on to providing services to its clientele. Cash flow can be tremendously challenging to forecast, because an organization relies on income from resource providers that do not anticipate receiving the service provided.

Non-profit leaders and managers have to build up at least basic skills in financial management. Expecting others….

Public or Non-Profit Organization Analyze
The purpose of this paper is to analyze structure of a public organization in respect with the open system approach. For my analysis I have chosen IREX, International Research & Exchanges Board, which is an international global that has a very long history of serving the society in providing better education and development for different people in many countries. As stated on its' official site, the mission of this non-profit organization is specializing in education, independent media, Internet development, and civil society programs1. The functions of this system include providing free training, partnerships, education, research, and grant programs for professionals in different corners of the globe to develop the capacity of individuals and institutions to contribute to their societies1. Also, the executives of the system see as its' functions providing broader access to information for public and teaching public to find appropriate information.

International Research & Exchanges….

Diversity Profile and Plan -for a public or non-Profit organization.
Description and Overview

In the current scenario, the U.S. workforce has turned out to be more diversified than any time in U.S. history. Efficiency and effectiveness today can be gauged from how employers manage and handle this diversified workforce. The current demographic shift has been caused by the growth in not only Asian but also African-American, as well as, Latino communities. Growth amongst the Caucasian White community has been comparatively slow. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that white population will decrease from 83.1% in 1980 to less than 53% in 2050 as a fraction of the whole population. Similarly, African-American will be 16%, Latino will be 23% and Asian and Pacific Islanders will turn out to be 10% by 2050 (iccucci and Pynes, 2002).

In the current scenario, the HDMP (Human esource Diversity Management Plan) is a proposal for the Albany School District….

Employees in nonprofit organization are not prepared to make financial and investing decision to prepare them for retirement. This has been observed in many NGOs especially in the life of the former employees once they reach the retirement age. During the lifetime of these individuals in the organizations, they are observed not to take the issue of investment in businesses and other forms of financially inclined ventures like the bonds market and the shares and exchange markets.
There is an evident trend of many employees of NGOs never willing to retire and stay at home since they do not have businesses to attend to. Most would rather be posted as ambassadors of various organizations, or turn to consultancy or opening and running other NGOs once they reach the retirement age.

The strategic challenge that leads to the trend of many of such employees in NGOs not being ready to make investments has….

As Lee (201) points out, nonprofits and NGOs have experienced uneven growth around the world, depending on factors like pre-existing political and economic integration with the global marketplace. Both economic and economic factors, at both the national and global levels, impact the growth and development of nonprofit organizations. Greenpeace provides a perfect example of how a nonprofit organization adapts to contextual changes, shifting their target audience, fundraising methods, and strategies based on prevailing and emerging challenges. The challenges faced by Greenpeace have included political, economic, historical/temporal, cultural, and institutional conditions. Greenpeace began in 1971, not as an environmentalist group as they are now, but as an antiwar and anti-nuclear weapons organization (Greenpeace, 2017). The organization started in Vancouver, Canada, with few cultural barriers to its initial growth. By the time Greenpeace expanded into a multinational NGO with a focus on environmental issues, awareness about the issues that Greenpeace promoted through its….

1. The impact of transformational leadership on employee motivation and job satisfaction in non-profit organizations
2. The role of transformational leadership in fostering innovation and creativity in non-profit organizations
3. The importance of emotional intelligence in transformational leadership in non-profit organizations
4. The challenges and opportunities of implementing transformational leadership in non-profit organizations
5. The effectiveness of transformational leadership in leading change and organizational development in non-profit organizations
6. The role of ethical leadership in promoting transformational leadership in non-profit organizations
7. The influence of servant leadership in enhancing the effectiveness of transformational leadership in non-profit organizations
8. The relationship between organizational culture and transformational leadership in....

1. The Role of Transformational Leadership in Fostering Organizational Innovation in Nonprofits

Explore how transformational leaders create a culture of innovation within nonprofits, fostering new ideas and approaches to address social challenges.
Examine the leadership practices that encourage risk-taking, collaboration, and adaptability.

2. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Engagement and Morale in Nonprofits

Analyze the ways in which transformational leadership inspires and motivates employees, leading to increased job satisfaction, commitment, and performance.
Discuss the strategies leaders use to empower, recognize, and support their teams.

3. Transformational Leadership and the Cultivation of Ethical Decision-Making in Nonprofits

Examine the role of transformational....

10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Nonprofit Organizations and Board Term Limit Policy

Words: 3081
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nonprofit Board Term Limits Nonprofit Board Limits An Analysis of the Influence of Board Term Limits on Non-Profit Organizations There has been a significant amount of debate in the literature about what…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Nonprofit Organizations Theory Management Policy

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

There were numerous complaints that the famous charity was nowhere to be seen on the Jersey Shore and due to "inadequate food and supply distribution" local entities such…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Non-Profit Organization United Way Worldwide Non-Profit Organizations

Words: 2188
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Non-Profit Organization United Way Worldwide Non-profit organizations abound everywhere in the world and some of these organizations are engaged in charity work. In most cases, non-profit organizations have specialized or dedicated…

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6 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Non-Profit Organizational Learning and Team Approach

Words: 1994
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Non-Profit Org Learning The purpose of this executive summary is to encapsulate the points and the directions that this report, in its totality, shall take and forge. As indicated by…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Organizational Capacity in Non-Profit Organizations

Words: 5912
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The aility to transform an organization to the next level, through specific leadership techniques, and to have the vision to carry out the task, is called transformational leadership. Transformational…

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6 Pages


Non-Profit Organizations

Words: 1659
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

A List of Non-Profit Organizations The non-profit organizations listed herein include: All Stars Project, Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, CapraCare, Community League of the Heights, Financial Services…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Nonprofit Organizations Have Emerged to

Words: 736
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

("Developing New Knowledge," 2010) Does the mission statement define the nonprofit organization's geographical operating parameters (whether it will conduct business locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally)? Yes. In this case, the…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Mythology - Religion

Non-Profit Organization That I Would

Words: 633
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

As yet, I have found no satisfactory resource that deals with tehri questions. There are a number of sites: some cater tot ehri partiul;e religious idnoctriatnion and often…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Management in Nonprofit Organization

Words: 598
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nonprofits At this point, unless there is a new grant, the project manager is not being paid to be in the Caribbean. The entire grant has been spent at this…

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45 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Business - Management

Securities Regulation of Nonprofit Organizations

Words: 12607
Length: 45 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Securities egulation SECUITIES EGULAIZATIONS IN NON-POFIT OGANIZATIONS The ensuring of the fact that an organization is working as per regulations and is following the code of conduct, while keeping the interest…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Finance Financial Management in Non-Profit Organizations Financial

Words: 4076
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Finance Financial Management in Non-Profit Organizations Financial management of not-for-profits is comparable to financial management in the commercial sector in a lot of respects; but, certain key variations shift the focus…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Public or Non-Profit Organization Analyze

Words: 2130
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Public or Non-Profit Organization Analyze The purpose of this paper is to analyze structure of a public organization in respect with the open system approach. For my analysis I have…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Diversity Profile and Plan for a Public or Nonprofit Organization

Words: 2831
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Diversity Profile and Plan -for a public or non-Profit organization. Description and Overview In the current scenario, the U.S. workforce has turned out to be more diversified than any time in…

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2 Pages


Employees in Nonprofit Organization Are Not Prepared

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Employees in nonprofit organization are not prepared to make financial and investing decision to prepare them for retirement. This has been observed in many NGOs especially in the life…

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2 Pages


How Nonprofit Organizations Respond to Change

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

As Lee (201) points out, nonprofits and NGOs have experienced uneven growth around the world, depending on factors like pre-existing political and economic integration with the global marketplace. Both…

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