North American Essays (Examples)

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North American Place Names North
Pages: 2 Words: 615

The city of St. John in the province of New Brunswick, Canada, was named after St. John the Baptist, given that it was first sighted by French cartographer Samuel de Champlain on Saint John the Baptist's Day in 1604 . This territory is believed to have originally been inhabited by Passamaquoddy First Nations people (insor 1884, 107).

The city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, means holy faith in Spanish. The settlement was one of the first Spanish provinces in North America, later coming to be disputed between some of the most influential colonial powers on the continent and by the Native Americans themselves.

French Canadians were among the first to colonize the present day state of Missouri. The state got its name from the tribe that originally lived between its borders.

One of the most recognized French-speaking provinces in North America is Quebec. Its name comes from the Algonquin First Nations vocabulary, with…...


Works cited:

Axtell, James Natives and Newcomers: The Cultural Origins of North America[book online] (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001, accessed 11 Febuary 2011)

Bowman, Bill. "First Christian settlement in North America?." Retrieved February 11, 2011, from the Compass Website: 

Harbold, Laura "Discovering St. Augustine: America's Oldest European City,"Humanities, November-December 2005

Kan, Sergei a. And Turner Strong, Pauline New Perspectives on Native North America: Cultures, Histories, and Representations [book online] (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2006, accessed 11 Febuary 2011)

North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA Was
Pages: 2 Words: 789

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was a trade agreement reached between the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1994 to create a large free trading area between these countries. The main aim was to increase their competitiveness in the global market, reduce the cost of doing business by eliminating the trade barriers, increase the investments and provide a safer market for the goods and services produced in the region. The Chiapas revolt and the assassination of a presidential candidate was a blow to the regional trade agreement, the Chiapas of Mexico feared NAFTA would threaten their low technology agricultural economy by importing cheap grains from the U.S. And Canada. The subsequent result to the Mexican economy was failure to put a fixed exchange rate between the peso and the dollar at three pesos per dollar which could have saved the currency from devaluation during the crisis (Direct Selling Education…...



Direct Selling Education Foundation, (1998). The North American Free Trade Agreement. Retrieved May 8, 2012 from 

Jeffrey A. Frankel, (2003). Experience of and Lessons From Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging Economies. Retrieved May 8, 2012 from 

M. Angeles Villarreal, (2010). NAFTA and the Mexican Economy. Retrieved May 8, 2012

North American Free Trade Agreement
Pages: 18 Words: 4937

North American Free Trade Agreement is one of the most important and influential international relationship formed between the U.S., Canada and Mexico, creating the largest free trade region in the world. The following pages analyze NAFTA's influence on member countries while focusing on the trade relationship between the U.S. And Mexico. The most important facts about U.S. -- Mexico trade are presented, with details on the imports, exports, and trade balance situation. In addition to this, the paper identifies and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of this free trade agreement, revealing how benefits for one country can become negative effects for another. This refers to effects on national economy, companies, and individuals in these countries.


NAFTA Historical Background

NAFTA esults

U.S. -- Mexico Trade elationships

U.S. Exports to Mexico

U.S. Imports from Mexico

U.S. -- Mexico Trade Balance


Investments between the U.S. And Mexico


8. NAFTA Advantages


9. NAFTA Disadvantages


eference list


The evolution of modern society has determined countries to…...


Reference list:

1. Free Trade Agreements (2014). International Trade Administration. Retrieved April 26, 2014 from .

2. NAFTA Overview (2014). International Trade Administration. Retrieved April 28, 2014 from

North American Natives Mythology
Pages: 12 Words: 3488

Native Mythology to North America
The Native American Mythologies are myths of lessons that every man can apply in his daily life. Many have misconceptions that Native American mythologies are just stories that are capable of entertaining the listeners. Once a person heard of a Native American myth, he can conclude that they are not just simply stories. Instead, they are able to serve us guidance and inspiration, brought by old cultures and traditions, which present teachings and lessons applicable to the diverse situations we encounter in life.

Native American Mythology depicts legends and mysteries in the history of the past. Usually, they are used as references pertaining to the correct practice of values in life. Since the history of mythology, the subject of life mysteries is prevalent in Native American mythologies. Myths present circumstances in life that may occur every now and then in the daily challenges we face -…...



Bancroft-Hunt, Norman. North American Indians. London: Quintet

Publishing Limited, 1992.

Champagne, Duane. Native American: Portrait of the Peoples. Visible Ink

Press, 1994.

North American on Public Policy Towards Volatile Movements
Pages: 11 Words: 4067

Spain's Missionary Efforts In North American
On Public Policy towards Volatile Movements

Spain's missionary efforts in North American

Spanish missions were something that was planned Spain. All of this took place during the 15th centuries and the 17th centuries in Mexico and also other portions of what today you call United States of America. It is clear that the Spanish missionaries plans for North America. However the foundation a Christian Spanish missionaries went hand in hand with the settling efforts of powers such as the country of Spain. For this nation the colonial takeover was founded on the net need to grow European Commerce and the duty to Fred the Christian faith. According to Adrian van Os, Catholicism is the principal heritage of Spain in America. Even today, this influence remain strong in North America. ecause of the Spanish missionaries influence it created an overriding culture unity which exceeds the national anthem medical…...



Bay, I.A. (2008). Towards a new interpretation of the colonial regime in sonora, 1681-1821. Journal of the Southwest, 50(4), 377-413.

Bolton, H.E. (2012). The Colonization of North America, 1492-1783. New York: Nabu Press.

Burkholder, M.A. (2006). Choice, persuasion, and coercion: Social control on spain's north american frontiers. Choice, 43(7), 1287-1288.

Elliott, J.H. (2006). Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America, 1492-1830. New Haven: Yale University Press.

England's North American Colonies and the Development of the Atlantic World
Pages: 6 Words: 1916

England's North American Colonies And The Development Of The Atlantic World
Besides the achievements and the colonial rule of the armed forces in the transformation of North Atlantic world, the effects of war cannot be underestimated. The end of the 18th Century saw the Atlantic world benefit both in economic and social terms is ways that paved way for permanent settlement. In the 17th Century, the Atlantic world was still reserved for raw materials and hemmed environments that exclusively generated benefits for the economic development of European nations. As of 18th Century, the Atlantic world had developed into a complex society of consumers and gained an entrepreneurial outlook. They became active participants in the Transocean economic trade, which had been opposed by the indigenous people. In a lifetime space, the North American world had transformed into an eminent area of the Western Hemisphere. This development was manifested in the form of…...



Bailyn, B. (2005). Atlantic History: Concept and Contours. Boston: Harvard University Press,

pp 59-140

Berlin, I. (1980). Time, Space, and the Evolution of Afro-American Society on British Mainland

North America. The American Historical Review, Vol. 85, No. 1 pp. 44-78

Physiographical and Cultural Factors That Resulted in the North American Manufacturing Belt Continental Core
Pages: 2 Words: 616

The site of the North American Manufacturing Belt (hereafter, the "rustbelt,") is a geographical area that is generally bordered by the area south of the Great Lakes and north of the Ohio River; and usually east of the Mississippi River and west of the Atlantic Seaboard. The rustbelt includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, southern New York, and New Jersey. The Ohio River provides interior navigation to the Mississippi River, and through the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. The northern boundary is the Great Lakes, which provide navigation (through the Eerie Canal) to the Atlantic Ocean. Both the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes allow for the importation and transportation of industrial raw materials such as iron ore; and both waterways allow for the shipping and export of finished industrial products such as steel. The Ohio River Valley is in the North American Central Lowlands,…...

Joe Salatino President Great North Americancase Study
Pages: 5 Words: 1718

Joe Salatino, President Great North Americancase Study
Joe Salatino, President Great Northern American Case Study

Joe Salatino, President Great Northern American

Joe Salatino, President Great Northern American Case Study

Joe salatino's business has been around for many years and his ability to positively motivate his employees is what has contributed to the success of his business. His business has expanded immensely and increased its customer base growing to become the leading supplier of office stationery and equipment to small and medium sized businesses in the country. The growth of his business has seen Joe start supplying computer parts and supplies to large company and obtain lucrative tenders to supply stationery to a number of multi- million dollar companies in the nation. His success has been attributed to the manner in which he has handled his employees as well as the techniques he uses to continuously motivate them and maintain employee loyalty over the years…...



Leavitt, C.C. (2011). A Comparative Analysis of Three Unique Theories of Organizational

Learning. Journal of psychology. 12(2), 24- 60

Sigette, T. (2009). Active-Passive-Intuitive Learning Theory: A Unified Theory of Learning and Development. Journal of Psychology development. 20(7), 80-100

Yang, B., Kim, Y., & McFarland, R.G. (2011). Individual Differences and Sales Performance: A

American Studies Environment and Native
Pages: 3 Words: 870

With the advent of Colombo on the American soil, things began to change as Philip J. Deloria asserts in her book Playing Indian (1999): "[T]he self-defining pairing of American truth with American freedom rests on the ability to wield power against Indians... while simultaneously drawing power from them." This is also the basic idea of Shari M. Huhndorf's Going Native: Indians in the American Cultural Imagination. "As white Americans became disenchanted with how American society was developing, they began to reference Indian people and culture as an answer to such problems of a modernizing America as capitalistic greed; alienating, sedentary life-style of the office worker; imperialistic aggressiveness; and racial and gender challenges to white male hegemony" (Barak, 2005).
The Indians progress was challenged by the so-called American School of ethnology. Therein Christianity became a tool in the American colonial project. The development of an ideology based in religion was made…...

American Revolution Slavery in the United Stated
Pages: 3 Words: 1499

American Revolution
Slavery in the United Stated lasted as an endorsed organization until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865. In 1619 twenty Africans were brought by a Dutch soldier and sold to the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia as indentured servants.

This would be the first of many visits up and down the American eastern seaboard. At this time, most slaves were being purchased by white men, though some Native Americans and free blacks were also detained. Slavery was spread to the areas where there was a high-quality soil for large plantations of important crops, such as cotton, sugar, coffee and most prominently tobacco. Even though the endorsed practice of enslaving blacks occurred in all of the original thirteen colonies, more than half of all African-Americans lived in Virginia and Maryland. The three highest-ranking North American zones of importation throughout most of the eighteenth century…...

American National Character History
Pages: 10 Words: 3902

American National Character (history)
The Ongoing Search for an "American National Character"

This assignment asks the following pertinent and challenging questions: Is it possible to find trends amongst so much diversity? What characteristics are distinctly American, regardless of class, race, and background? What is problematic about making these generalizations and inheriting the culture? What have we inherited exactly? What problems arise with our ideals - and are we being honest with ourselves? Discuss individualism and the "American Dream." Are these goals realized and are they realistic? This paper seeks solid answers to these often elusive questions.

The search for a national character should be never-ending, and the pivotal part of the search that should be enlightening and enriching for the seeker of that knowledge may just be the inspiration from the books and authors springing into the seeker's mind along the way to discovery.

Who is presently engaged in a search for the national…...



Bellah, Robert. Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life.

New York: Harper & Row, 1985.

Cochran, Thomas Childs. Challenges to American Values: Society, Business, and Religion. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books, 1973.

North America How Did Human
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Europe was defined by the secure governance of nation-states while North America was dominated by loose tribal organizations.
The relatively dispersed nature of the Americas, as opposed to Catholic-controlled Europe, also made the native tribes more vulnerable to impingement from outside, as they could not easily unite against an attack. They also lacked the large numbers for complex military organizations and the resources to create technologically-advanced forms of military warfare. However, one uniting aspect to the native tribes was the respect they had for the land. The Europeans met people who viewed the land a different and more reverent attitude than themselves, not because the tribes were primitive, but because the Indians' land was so tight-fisted in yielding its bounty. The land could not be easily dominated by the cultivation of man, as it was, relatively speaking in Europe. Even native agricultural societies could not trust the land, thus they…...

North America Assessing the Drivers
Pages: 5 Words: 1504

Political/cultural climate

The prosperity of the North American continent arguably depended in large part on the Protestant work ethic found in both the United States and Canada. In general, too, both nations are 'free trade' nations, although there have been some missteps that had a dampening effect. The raising of tariffs in the U.S. In the 1920s and 1930s constitutes one such misstep. Some contend that doing so caused, or at last aggravated, the Great Depression. In turn, coping with the Depression prevented North America's early intervention in Germany, and so was indirectly responsible for World War II (Lind 1994, p. 16+). Those same analysts see a willingness to "police the world and promote global free trade" as essential to the economy of North America, which is, when all the opinions are laid to rest, founded on global trading of its still-abundant natural resources and endowments.


Durning, a.T. (1996, November/December). The six…...



Durning, a.T. (1996, November/December). The six floods. World Watch, 9, 28+. Retrieved June 9, 2005, from Questia database, .

Lind, M. (1994, Fall). The Op-Ed history of America. The National Interest, 16+. Retrieved June 9, 2005, from Questia database,

American Terrorism for Many People
Pages: 50 Words: 14357

The USA Patriot Act: This was a law that was passed after September 11th. It is giving the police and intelligence officials the power to go after terrorists organizations easier. As it lifted various Constitutional protections when investigating these offenses.

Counter Terrorism: These are the activities that: federal, state and local officials are taking to prevent future terrorist attacks.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): These are weapons designed to inflict large amounts of casualties. These include: chemical, radiological, biological and nuclear.

These different terms are important, because they will help to avoid confusion and will focus the reader on understanding the overall scope of the problem.

Limitations of the Study

The limitations of the study are that the information we are presenting, could be pointing out a number of different problems. Yet, beneath the surface they are failing to identify possible changes that could have already been implemented by federal officials. Meaning, that they may…...



39% Say Government. (2011). Rasmussen Reports. Retrieved from: 

Al Shabaab American Recruits. (2010). ADL. Retrieved from: 

Comparative Analysis. (2011). Business Dictionary. Retrieved from: 

Jose Padilla. (2009). New York Times. Retrieved from:

American National Character
Pages: 10 Words: 3200

American National Character
America can almost be thought of as a massive experiment in culture. Here we have a nation inhabited almost entirely by immigrants; all with different languages, customs, beliefs, and appearances who are forced to somehow reach a common understanding and identity. Through the over two hundred years of American history many differences have threatened to unravel our diverse nation, but still, many commonalities have ultimately held it together. Amidst such a range of economic, political, and racial mixtures it is a daunting task to identify what characteristics are uniquely American.

Yet, what can be considered "American" can also be traced to the roots of the nation. The place now called the United States was founded by puritan settlers who valued the notion of all men's equality in the eyes of God. Accordingly, the authors of the U.S. Constitution included equality under the law as one of its most…...



Bellah, Robert N., et al., eds. Habits of the Heart. Los Angeles, California: University of California, 1985.

Cochran, Thomas C. The Puerto Rican Businessman: A Study in Cultural Change. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania, 1959.

Hacker, Andrew. The End of the American Era. New York, New York: Atheneum, 1968.

Klausner, Samuel Z. "A Professor's-Eye View of the Egyptian Academy." The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 57, No. 4 (Jul.-Aug., 1986): 345-369.

Could you support me in crafting a thesis about the 1993 canadian election about emergence?
Words: 509

Title: The Rise of Political Discontent and Economic Transformation: Analyzing the Emergence of New Dynamics in the 1993 Canadian Federal Election

The 1993 Canadian federal election marked a pivotal moment in Canadian political history, characterized by a significant shift in the political landscape and the emergence of new electoral dynamics. This thesis aims to explore the emergence of these dynamics, focusing on the interplay between political discontent, economic transformation, and the rise of new political parties. It will investigate how these factors contributed to the electoral outcomes and reshaped the Canadian political landscape.

1. The Rise of Political Discontent:
a) Decline of Traditional....

What role will Mexico\'s economy play in shaping global markets in the future?
Words: 411

Mexico's Economic Role in Shaping Global Markets
Mexico's economy is poised to play a significant role in shaping global markets in the coming years due to its strategic geographical location, growing consumer base, and competitive labor costs.
1. Gateway to North America
Mexico's proximity to the United States and Canada grants it a unique advantage as a gateway to the North American market. With the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Mexico has become an integral part of the North American supply chain, attracting businesses seeking to establish regional hubs and facilitate trade.
2. Large and Growing Consumer Base
Mexico boasts a large and....

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