Nursing Shortage Essays Examples

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Nursing Shortages and High Nurse Turnover Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1248

Nursing shortages and high nurse turnover are very common issues faced in the health care industry. This instability of workforce in the health care industry in many countries is raising questions about performance of the nurses and quality of the patient care.
Gray & Phillips (1996) pointed out that nursing turnover has a negative impact on the organization's ability to meet the needs of the patients and provide them quality care. Tai et al., (1998) also considered nursing shortage and turn over as an important factor responsible for the poor performance of the health care centers. This is due to the reason that the high turnover affects the morale and productivity of the nurses who are left behind to take care of the patients while the health care unit hires the new staff members (Sofer, 1995; Cavanagh and Coffin, 1992; Shields and Ward, 2001)

Aiken et al., (2001) pointed out that the…...



Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Sloane, D.M., Sochalski, J.A., Busse, R., Clarke, H., Giovannetti, P.,

Hunt, J., Rafferty, A.M and Shamian, J., 2001. Nurses' reports on hospital care in five countries. Health Affairs 20 (3), 43 -- 53.

Cavanagh, S.J and Coffin, D.A., 1992. Staff turnover among hospital nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 17 (11), 1369 -- 1376.

Gray, A.M. And Phillips, V.L. (1996). Labor turnover in the British National Health Service: a local labor market analysis. Health Policy 36 (3), 273 -- 289.

Nursing Shortage This Work in
Pages: 7 Words: 2268

1%." (AACN, 2008)
VII. Negative Affects of Nursing Shortage on Patient Care

Study findings indicate that a connection exists between adequate nursing staffing and patient care and specifically state in the findings of the latest studies published in the journals of Health Services Research (August 2008) and the Journal of Nursing Administration (May 2008) are findings that confirm previous study findings linking education level and patient outcomes. This indicates that "…efforts to address the nursing shortage must focus on preparing more baccalaureate-prepared nurses in order to ensure access to high quality, safe patient care." Additionally reported in March 2007 in a report of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in what was a meta-analysis is that the shortage of registered nurses "…in combination with an increased workload, poses a potential threat to the quality of care. Increases in registered nurse staffing was associated with reductions in hospital-related mortality and failure to…...



Addressing the Nursing Shortage (2009) Kaiser Family Foundation. Online available at: 

Buerhaus, Peter et al. (2008) the Future of the Nursing Workforce in the United States: Data, Trends and Implications. Online available at: 

Buerhaus, Peter, et al. (2008) Finding Solutions to the Healthcare Staffing Shortage. Council on Physician and Nurse Supply. Online available at: 

Nursing Shortage (2008) American College of Association of Nursing. 29 Sept 2008.

Nursing Shortage the Objective of This Work
Pages: 2 Words: 874

Nursing Shortage
The objective of this work is to research the current nursing shortage and identify two articles published in nursing journals related to the nursing shortage. One of the article should discuss approaches to resolving the shortage and the other should discuss a perspective on the recruitment and impact of foreign nurses. The implications of the information gained in this brief study of the two articles introduced at the beginning of this work in writing is quite simply that foreign nurses who are professional, ethical, and educated and trained and who as a result are deemed to be competent will serve excellent in the U.S. healthcare field and fill a much needed role in what is a partial solution to the nursing shortage. The nursing shortage must be addressed through discovering how healthcare employers can provide an environment that is conducive job satisfaction among employees. Job satisfaction is key in…...



Potera, C. (2008) The Nursing Shortage. American Journal of Nursing. Vol. 109, Issue 1. Jan. Retrieved from: 

Are Immigrant Nurses a Threat to the U.S. Nurse? (207) Journal of Nursing. American Society of Registered Nurses. Retrieved from

Nursing Shortage Background and Current Reality the
Pages: 8 Words: 2621

Nursing Shortage
Background and Current eality

The shortage of nursing staff in the workforce has become a global crisis. Numerous research articles and even books have been written on the subject from all around the world, all giving causal factors and possible solutions. As far back as 2002, "90 nurses' organizations, representing 69 countries and every geographic region of the world, reported shortages in their countries" (Clark & Clark, 2003). Moreover, the United States is drawing many immigrant nurses into the profession as a result of higher pay, further depleting the numbers in other countries such as "Oceania, Africa, Central America (including the Caribbean), and in central and eastern Europe" (Clark & Clark, 2003).

Although there have been nursing shortages reported off and on for the past 60 years (Spetz, 2005), the labor force has been able to gradually "correct itself" over time; however, in this case the shortage is already several years…...



Cangelosi, P., & Whitt, K. (2005). Accelerated Nursing Programs: What Do We Know? Nursing Education Perspectives, 113+.

Clark, P., & Clark, D. (2003). Challenges Facing Nurses' Associations and Unions: a Global Perspective. International Labour Review, 142 (1), 29+.

Hathorn, D., & al, e. (2009). The Lived Experience of Nurses Working with Student Nurses in the Clinical Environment. The Qualitative Report, 14 (2), 227+.

Heller, B., & Nichols, M. (2001). Workforce Development in Nursing: Priming the Pipeline. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 70+.

Nursing Shortage An Economic Overview
Pages: 3 Words: 989

Institutions may have to devote more resources to improving the workplace for nurses, and make cutbacks in other areas, so patient care is not compromised.
Addressing the nursing deficit from the perspective of nursing schools, rather than simply offering more money to nursing has been one strategy deployed by the state of Florida. For example, nursing colleges and universities in Florida have worked to form strategic partnerships with private insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. This company donated $600,000 to both the University of North Florida and the University of Florida for nursing education, a sum that was matched by the State of Florida by $420,000 at each school. This illustrates yet another fundamental principle of economics, that of principle seven, that government can sometimes improve market outcomes through intervention (Mankiw, 2004). By infusing more financial capital into nursing education, more nurses can be served by…...


Works Cited

Mankiw, N.G. (2004). Principles of economics (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Thomson South-Western.

Rosseter, Robert. (2008). Nursing Shortage. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Retrieved 18 Oct 2008 at 

Nursing shortage

Nursing Online the Nursing Shortage
Pages: 4 Words: 1808

(2007)103.6; 18-23

Michigan Center for Nursing.

Survey of Nursing Education Programs: 2005-2006 School Year. 24, July 2007.

Mancuso-Murphy, Josephine.Distance Education in Nursing: An Integrated eview of Online Nursing Students' Experiences with Technology-Delivered Instruction

Journal of Nursing Education. (2007) 46.6); 252-261

Northwest Michigan College. 8/15/06. Online Nursing Frequently Asked Questions.

24, July 2007.

Segal-Isaacson, Adam Ezra. Distance learning: Technology puts continuing education within reach..

Nursing. (2002) 32.1 14-17

Washington State Department of Health. Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission

Nursing Programs Annual eport Summary. 2004-2005 Academic Year. 24, July 2007



American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). March 2007. Fact Sheet. Nursing shortage. 24, July 2007. 

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). January 2000. Distance Learning is Changing and Challenging Nursing Education. 24 July, 2007. 

Bird, Linda.

Nontraditional Approach to Educating Tomorrow's Workforce

Nursing Shortage the Foundation of Health Care
Pages: 11 Words: 2907

Nursing Shortage
The foundation of health care system is comprised of the different medical and health-care professions, each considered of playing important and significant role in maintaining satisfactory health care service to people. To be able to maintain an excellent health care service, the system must meet and satisfy the law of supply and demand in our health care professionals -- one aspect in which the nursing area has been experiencing a shortage in supply for some years now.

Nurses are important components of health care service. Without them and the roles they perform, the task of providing care to people's health will be incomplete. Aside from doctors, nurses are among the key characters in health institutions. However, as much as how vital doctors and patients consider the nurses' roles, interest on entering in this type of profession seems to decrease. This is perhaps due to the shifting interest of students on…...



Domrose, C. (2002). A Guiding Hand.

Retrieved Jan 23, 2003, from

Web site:

Gamero, T. (2002). Marsha Hunt Jackson, on Solving the Nursing Shortage.

Nursing Shortage Nursing Faculty Shortage
Pages: 5 Words: 1410

Alternatively, it may lead them to focusing on their economic stability first then to sharing their expertise and skills later when they are more financially secured.
However, this leads to another of Linda Allen's cited reasons, which are the increased age of the current Faculty, their inevitable lessened period of service and their retirement in numbers.

Allen explained that the "average age of a Faculty is at 51.5" and Yordy provided that the "average age of their retirement is at 62.5." If that is so, this means that a faculty may have about ten years of service ahead of him. This may be good but if they will retire at the same period because they are at the same age group, a sudden decline in Nurse Faculties will result.

This may leave the nursing practice out of nurse experts and in great need of competent and qualified teachers who will train the…...



Los Angeles Almanac. Retrieved June 6, 2009. Website: 

Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved June 13, 2009. Website: .

Nursing Shortage How Can the Facility Recruit
Pages: 2 Words: 492

Nursing Shortage
How can the facility recruit and retain sufficient nursing staff?

Nursing shortage is a global trend (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012)

Ageing patient population

Long hours and stress mean high turnover

How the nursing shortage effects the facility

Not enough nurses per shift to cover patient needs

Nurses showing signs of physical stress (American Nursing Association, 2012a)

Nurses showing signs of emotional stress (American Nursing Association, 2012a)

atient care is delayed, jeopardizes patient safety

High turnover rates (Raphael, 2011)

Lack of experienced staff, everyone is new

More medical and drug errors (American Nursing Association, 2012a)

Lack of experienced staff compromises patient health (Aiken, 2008)

Facility cannot grow without enough nurses to handle increased patient load

Greater number of patients means potential for increased business

Opens up opportunities in other local facilities to take away business from the facility

III. otential solutions to the problem of how to attract and retain sufficient nursing staff to be able to provide better quality patient care

A. Increase…...


Pequet, J. (2010). New Study State Highlights Solutions to Nursing Shortage. The Hill. 28 June

2010. Retrieved from 

Raphael, T. (2011). Nurse Turnover in Hospitals. 8 June 2011. Retrieved from

Nursing Shortage New Nurses Nursing
Pages: 3 Words: 1333

The new nurse should not be left to muddle through alone.
Benner's work (cited in Messmer, Jones & Taylor, 2004) showed that nurses become more proficient and develop better cognitive skills and judgment when they are exposed to competent and proficient preceptors. A preceptorship program in which the new nurse is paired with an experienced professional nurse for a time could greatly ease the transition. The preceptor helps the new nurse to fit into the new role of professional and smoothes the way for a novice with minimal skills to grow to a level of competency. Preceptors who are educated in learning styles, communication, and conflict management make preceptor programs more effective (Block, Claffey, Korow, & McCaffrey, 2005).

Moreover, the new nurse needs a mentor for guidance in making career decisions, understanding the nursing profession, the hospital organization, and the politics (Butler & Hardin-Pierce, 2005; and Jannetti, 2003). A mentor gives…...



AACN web site. (American Association of College of Nursing). Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet: .

Agrantiflax, a. (2001). NSNA offers tips for guiding and keeping new nurses. The American Nurse, March/April, 4-5.

Block, L.M., Claffey, C., Korow, M.K. And McCaffrey, R. (2005). The value of mentorship within nursing organizations. Nursing Forum, Oct. 40 (4), 134.

Boswell, S., Lowry, L.W. And Wilhoit, K. (2004). New nurses' perceptions of nursing practice and quality patient care. Journal of Nursing Care Quarterly, 19 (1), 76-81.

Nursing Shortage and Patient Outcome
Pages: 7 Words: 2186

Nursing Shortage: Its Effect on Patient Outcome
In today's environment of rising costs in the health care industry, one of the first casualties in many hospitals is the level of RN staffing. In fact, across the country, hospital RNs are increasingly forced to work in an atmosphere in which they are understaffed, overworked, and charged with responsibilities wholly unrelated to direct patient care. This is a phenomenon illustrated in alarming detail in the article "Identifying Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcome Relationships: A Guide for Change in Care Delivery," published in the July-August, 2003 issue of Nursing Economics, in which a solid connection between inadequate RN staffing and negative patient outcomes is presented.

Most RN's are acutely aware of the negative repercussions they experience personally as a result of understaffing -- particularly in acute health care units. Most also realize that this understaffing is the result of the popular administrative notion that the…...



Potter, Patricia. Barr, Norma. McSweeney, Maryellen. Sledge, Jennifer. (2003). "Identifying Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcome Relationships: A Guide for Change in Care Delivery." Nursing Economics. Vol. 21, No. 4. July/August.

Sasichay-Akkadachanunt, Thitinut. Scalzi, Cynthia, Jawad, Abbas. (2003). "The Relationship Between Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes." JONA. Vol. 33, No. 9. September/October.

Nursing Shortage Effect on Industry
Pages: 4 Words: 1126

Nursing leadership is a much debated and much talked about subject when it comes to the broader paradigm of nursing and its practice. When speaking about nursing leadership, the author has been asked to focus on a specific subtopic of nursing such as nursing shortages, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios and unit closures. The author of this report shall focus on nursing shortages. The author, per the assignment, will compare and contrast how the author would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach the selected issue. The assertions made in response to the question will be supported by rationale using theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader vs. manager describing in the reading. There will be an identification of the approach that best fits the author's personal and professional philosophy and explain why it is best suited to the author's personal leadership style. While the impending nursing shortage is…...



Bortoluzzi, G., Caporale, L., & Palese, A. (2014). Does participative leadership reduce the onset of mobbing risk among nurse working teams?. Journal Of Nursing

Management, 22(5), 643-652. doi:10.1111/jonm.12042

Byrne, D.M., & Martin, B.N. (2014). A solution to the shortage of nursing faculty:

awareness and understanding of the leadership style of the nursing department head. Nurse Educator, 39(3), 107-112. doi:10.1097/NNE.

Nursing Shortage Is a Problem in Many
Pages: 8 Words: 2668

Nursing shortage is a problem in many countries. It is often difficult to get trained nurses. While nurses are an integral part of the health care system, a shortage of trained nurses leaves an impact on the health care system.
Due to the shortage of nurses there is often a heavy workload on the serving nurses.

One of the major concerns about the shortage of nurses and the consequent workload on serving nurses is that effect on the safety of patients. Overworked nurses or nurses who have to attend more patients within a limited period of time, they are not able to give the adequate importance to each patient as is warranted for proper nursing care. Hence the safety of patients is affected.

The job satisfaction of the nurses are affected which leads to high turnover and creates further nursing shortage. This also leads to deteriorating morale and lack of motivation which reduces…...


References,. (2015). American Association of Colleges of Nursing | Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce. Retrieved 23 July 2015, from 

American Nurse Today,. (2010). Nursing's role in healthcare reform - American Nurse Today. Retrieved 23 July 2015, from,. (2015). Biography | Congressman Diane Black. Retrieved 23 July 2015, from

Blegen, M., Goode, C., Park, S., Vaughn, T., & Spetz, J. (2013). Baccalaureate Education in Nursing and Patient Outcomes. JONA: The Journal Of Nursing Administration, 43(2), 89-94. doi:10.1097/nna.0b013e31827f2028

Nursing Shortage
Pages: 2 Words: 643

proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% in the next five years would be a great way to increase the pool of qualified nurses. Although there are many nurses that have received their baccalaureate, many have not. This rings true especially in other countries. Nurses are often the first line of treatment for a patient. They must have the mental capabilities to prescribe and treat patients. Now that doctors have an increasing number of patients, they need assistance in prescribing and patient monitoring. This is a where a nurse comes in. If they cannot handle their job duties because of lack of training or lack of schooling, then that presents a dilemma. I personally want to earn my baccalaureate before I attempt nursing as this gives me a leg up on any competition and provides me with more qualifications.
A doctorate is the same thing. This means that…...



1. Nazarko L. Careers & Jobs In Nursing. London: Kogan Page; 2004.

2. Satterly F. Where Have All The Nurses Gone?. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books; 2004.

Nursing Shortage the Issues and Challenges Orbiting
Pages: 5 Words: 1589

Nursing Shortage
The issues and challenges orbiting around the world of professional healthcare are no secret; one of the major obstacles that have received a great deal of media attention in recent years has been the nursing shortage. The shortage persists in North America and has even been found to be affecting Europe. Much literature has been written about this subject and a range of theories exist regarding the reasons why this shortage is so pervasive. Many of the theories relate to the difficulties connected to being a nurse: it's well-known that nursing is a truly demanding job and one which can lead to burn-out, two trends which have given the profession an unappealing reputation to many. While efforts are being made in hospital units all over the country, nurse managers and hospital leaders are still working with limited resources on this issue, however, progress is slowly being made, as…...



Buchan, J., & Aiken, L. (2008). Solving nursing shortages: a common priority. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(24), 3262 -- 3268.

Hall, L.M., Angus, J., & Peter, E. (2004). Media portrayal of nurses. Journal of Nursing

Scholarship, 35(3), 211 -- 216.

Keenan, P. (2003). The nursing workforce shortage: Causes, consequences, proposed solutions. The Commonwealth Fund, 1-5.

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Nursing?
Words: 223

1. The impact of technology on the nursing profession
2. The role of emotional intelligence in nursing practice
3. The importance of evidence-based practice in nursing
4. The ethical dilemmas faced by nurses in healthcare settings
5. The challenges of caring for elderly patients in nursing homes
6. The role of cultural competency in providing nursing care
7. The impact of nursing shortages on patient care
8. The importance of effective communication in nursing practice
9. The role of nursing leadership in improving patient outcomes
10. The benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare settings.
11. The role of nursing education in shaping the future of....

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