Online Advertising Essays (Examples)

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Social Media and Modern AdvertisingQ1. Limited BudgetI think so-called good old-fashioned advertising is indeed a thing of the past. First, the online marketplace is far more crowded than it was previously, not only with offered goods and services but also with messages about various products. To get seen and heard requires more than a catchy jingle or slogan. It requires building a relationship with consumers. A good example of this are companies which have engaged consumers over Twitter, creating edgy and snarky voices for respected brands like Wendys and MoonPie.But even a marketer with a limited budget can thrive in the online marketplace of ideas by forging a respected brand image and cultivating influencers on Instagram and TikTok to create buzz about the product. In fact, many of these seemingly more organic forms of marketing generate greater trust in the much-coveted younger consumer demographic, because they do not seem like….

Impulse buying on the web for services as well as products should also not be discounted! The web will allow customers to reach the salon 24/7 and to see what products we offer, and what must-have colors, styles, and treatments will be offered in the future.
At present, the salon already advertises on other websites and emails coupons and special offers to customers. An effective website will enable the salon to reach out to new consumers if it has a striking virtual design, and makes use of critical search terms to generate new 'hits.' While generating the initial plan for the site, I intend to conduct practical market research by talking to current salon customers to see what they would like on such a site and how it could enhance their salon experience. Then, after establishing our current market segment demographic, and perhaps finding a new market segment 'target,' the….

Commercial #1
1. Provide a brief name/title for the commercial.
Heart-healthy Cheerios advertisement
2. Provide the hyperlink to the commercial.
3. Briefly describe the positioning statement.
Cheerios are loved by all families
4. Identify the target market.
The advertisement depicts an interracial couple (which made it controversial when it was first released) but the text of the advertisement simply emphasizes that Cheerios are heart-healthy in a “cute” way.
5. How does the advertising design and message strategy appeal to the target market?
The advertisement subtly communicates that Cheerios are suitable for families of all kinds, while also emphasizing its healthy yet kid-friendly appeal.
6. The commercial’s design applies to which step in the hierarchy of effects model? Briefly explain.
The commercial does not take a “hard selling” approach and appeals to the “liking” stage of the hierarchy of effects model, in other words it focuses on communicating warm feelings about the product.
Commercial #2
1. Provide a brief name/title for the commercial.
Budweiser Puppy….

They worked with the FTC to define the following four Fair Information Practices, rules designed to prevent companies from abusing the information they receive through online profiling (Computer law tip of the week, 2000):
Rule 1 (Notice): A company must notify customers that it uses online profiling to track their online habits. If it collects personally identifiable information about customers, such as their names, addresses or telephone numbers, the company's website must clearly and unambiguously notify them of this fact before the company collects this information.

Rule 2 (Choice): Depending on the type of information a company collects, there must be opt-in and opt-out options. Opt-in, or obtaining the customer's permission, is required to link personally identifiable information that a company has about a customer such as name, address or telephone number with data acquired about Web surfing habits. Opt-out means that the customers have to be given the chance to….

Many people who choose to eat at upscale restaurants consider themselves gourmets who enjoy showing off their knowledge of fine food by ordering dishes using correct French pronunciation or by knowing the difference between flambe and flame-broiled. To have the meal pre-ordered takes away the excitement of interacting with fellow foodies or people who enjoy such dining experiences. In addition, no online reservation service can routinely offer diners with table selection or other fastidious details that a live hostess or waiter can.
However, this service could appeal to event planners and people who are responsible for organizing and arranging meals for large amounts of people. By allowing people to order online, conference and other large event planners may be able to provide more flexibility in the menu offerings and hasten the ordering process by having drink, appetizer, entree and dessert choices in hand instead of having to collect even pre-ordered….

(Snyder & Deono quoted in Kjeldal 2003, Introduction section, ¶ 6).
The results from the study Kjeldal (2003) conducted with 70 participants in two stages suggest that the word association responses high self-monitors (HSMs) produce reflect selective activation of a personally meaningful, experiential, system. The responses low self-monitors (LSMs) produce, on the other hand, indicate an intellective factual system.

2. Decision Making Process Theories

Dr. onnie Halpern-Felsher (2009), an Associate Professor at theUniversity of California, San Francisco, identifies a number decision-making criteria in her report, "Adolescent decision making: an overview." According to Halpern-Felsher, determinations of definitions for a competent decision, the process of how the decision was made, differ dramatically. The actual behavior or outcome, albeit, does not determine competent decision making, however, during the normative model of decision-making process, one does consider the consequences to not choosing a particular behavior or a specific event.

Normative models of decision making, commonly utilized in….

Advertising Market

Companies use advertising plans to build awareness about their product. Company uses different plans to promote their sales. It uses trade show plan to demonstrate what they are selling, sales promotion plan for incremental sales, public relations plan for free ads, internet plan for instant distribution of product specifications and information, customer service plan to repeat sales, research plan to monitor activities regarding the products and customer satisfaction and last but not least marketing plan which helps to identify when to market, how to market and who are the target audience for the product (Luther, 2011).
Marketing plan must cover the below 12 areas to form an effective marketing plan to increase sales (Wong, 2010).

Marketing plan must have the executive summary

Introduction about the marketing plan and the product

Analysis of the market situation for the product.

Analysis of the target customers

Analysis of the competition for the product

Analysis of the financial requirement of plan


Online Video Programing

Online Video Business Model and its Impact on Communications
What is Online Video?

Online video is more commonly referred to as "streaming video" which is "video that plays over the Internet without downloading to the end user's computer. hink television and radio for your computer. Streaming is different from downloading in that playback starts immediately with just a mouse click for the viewer, and the large file is not saved to the viewer's computer. his provides a high level of security for original content.

Another description of streaming videos is as follows:

Streaming" videos are digitally encoded video files that are delivered via the Internet, to be opened and viewed on an end user's computer screen. With one mouse click, a screen appears, and a (often large) video file opens, which the user can watch via a software program, such as Real Player or Media Player, available for free via the Internet. When….


Black, G.S. (2005). Is eBay for everyone? An assessment of consumer demographics. SAM

Advanced Management Journal, 70(1), 50-51. Accessed from at http://


Calvert, S.L. (2008). Children as consumers: Advertising and marketing. The Future of Children, 18(1), 205-206. Accessed from at / read/5027351357?title=Children%20as%20Consumers%3a%20Advertising%20and%20


Hagel, J. & Armstrong, a.G. (1999). Expanding markets through virtual communities. The McKinsey Quarterly, 1, 140-141. Accessed from at / read/5000569332?title=Net%20Gain%3a%20Expanding%20Markets%20through%20Vir


Parrish, D.A. (1999, August). Technology for business: Set up shop on the Web. Black

Enterprise, 29(1), 36-37. Accessed from at / read/5001354938?title=Technology%20for%20Business%3a%20Set%20Up%20Shop%2

0 on%20the%20Web.

Top 10 tips. (2009). [Online]. Available:

Advertising has a significant role in this age of consumerism. Effective advertisement is crucial for the success of the business in this increasingly competitive world. We are witnessing a new genre in advertising and advertisements have evolved from being simple explanation of products to detailed graphical representations that depict all the fine and varied features of the products in a visually appealing manner. Today we are looking at advertisement as an art in itself, which reveals the hidden details of the products in an attractive manner that catches the attention of the consumer. Advancements in Computer graphics technology has taken advertising to a new heights with three-dimensional projection of products. Let us analyze how companies use graphics in advertisement as an important marketing strategy.
Graphics in Explanation of product features

As we know the purpose of advertising is to increase the awareness of the products among the consumers and to achieve a….

Another advantage of online marketing is that smaller merchants have a platform from which to sell their goods via online affiliate relationships. In terms of human contact, the only missing element is physically seeing and shaking hands with merchants and customers. This element however does not necessarily constitute a better or even more personal relationship.
The reason for this is that the online environment often inspires a more open relationships in terms of mutual appreciation between customer and merchant. The physical barrier that might intimidate a customer to not express his or appreciation for good service is removed by the online paradigm. Indeed, e-mail is often quicker, simpler, and often cheaper than a physical trip or phone call to a shop. In many cases, therefore, I would say that personal relationships flourish to an even greater extent when cultivated online than in reality..

Theatrical claims and manifestations do well when selling a manufactured good or service, as long as they continue to credible (Lights, Camera, Action: Creating Effective TV Commercials, n.d.).
The main idea of both of these advertising mediums is to grab the attention of prospective consumers and create a connection between the customer and the product that is being sold. Radio spots are generally short and do not allow for a lot of time to get the message across. TV spots on the other hand are usually a little longer in nature. TV has one advantage over Radio in that it can use images to try and help make the connection and help consumers to remember the product. Radio on the other hand has to rely solely on words and thus must make them very memorable.

Both of these are a bit different from internet advertising in the fact that there is….

The new campaign for Old Spice Swagger portrays rich, successful, attractive males vis-a-vis an old, uglier, less confident version of themselves. The message is simple: without the product, you are that weak, less confident man. The website for Men's Health magazine is less subtle - all the ads feature well-muscled men. Even in products unrelated to physical appearance we see the same paradigm. Budweiser's ad "Lager Lessons" plays exploits a number of male insecurities, from the perceived fear of commitment to the fact that all of the men are attractive. The message that the advertising industry sends men is clear - you are not good enough and our product will fix that. There is no discernible difference between these messages and the ones that are sent to women by the advertising industry.
orks Cited

McLead, Eric Tyrone. (2003). Selling Out: Consumer Culture and Commodification of the Male Body. Post Road Nov.….

Advertising Agency
Government's ole in Advertising egulation

History of attitudes towards advertising

Changing attitudes

Government's authority

Taste and decency

The advertising is a major contributor and visual segment of the complete marketing strategy of a business. It is also noted as one of the image carrier for an organization. The businesses seek support of advertising agenciesdealing in print and electronic media to establish an advertising campaign along with the design of such activities to further their marketing objectives (Shimp, 2013). There are various environmental factors as well as regulations that should be followed by the advertising agencies. The governments also take part in evaluation of the content printed in advertisements. The role of government in regulating the advertising material and assessment of the content is discussed below. It is required that the governments lower their involvement in such activities and empower the self-regulation of advertisement content through agencies, associations. And above all the target audience.

History of….

Advertising bCreative is an online creative boutique that offers manufacturers and advertisers original designs and concepts, which can be licensed onto virtually any type of consumer product, merchandise or promotional medium (bCreative, Inc.). Since bCreative's concepts and designs are used to appeal to the consumer of the products and services of various manufacturers and advertisers, it can be said that the focus of the company's work is the end consumer. Indeed, this is evident by the fact that the firm's top selling licensed concepts and designs have been used in stationery products such as posters, calendars, and greeting cards; apparel items that include T-shirts and caps; gift products such as mugs, books, and puzzles; and novelty items ranging from key rings to magnets and bumper stickers.
The scope and size of BCreative's business is potentially huge for several reasons. One, the firm has chosen to specialize in the creation of concepts….

1. The Impact of Online Therapy Site Advertising on Mental Health Treatment

2. Marketing Strategies for Online Therapy Sites: Reaching a Wider Audience

3. Ethical Considerations in Advertising Online Therapy Services

4. The Role of Social Media in Promoting Online Therapy Sites

5. Effective Advertising Techniques for Online Therapy Platforms

6. Analyzing the Success of Online Therapy Site Ad Campaigns

7. The Rise of Telehealth: Advertising Trends in Online Therapy

8. Targeting Specific Demographics: Advertising Online Therapy Services to Different Audiences

9. Branding and Reputation Management for Online Therapy Sites

10. Comparing Traditional Marketing Approaches with Online Advertising for Therapy Platforms
11. Navigating the Digital Landscape: Advertising Strategies for Online....

5 Pages


Online Advertising and Internet Marketing

Words: 1350
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Media and Modern AdvertisingQ1. Limited BudgetI think so-called good old-fashioned advertising is indeed a thing of the past. First, the online marketplace is far more crowded than it…

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1 Pages
Capstone Project

Education - Computers

Ebusiness Ecommerce and Online Advertising

Words: 444
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Impulse buying on the web for services as well as products should also not be discounted! The web will allow customers to reach the salon 24/7 and to…

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2 Pages


Online Advertising YouTube Commercials

Words: 420
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Commercial #1 1. Provide a brief name/title for the commercial. Heart-healthy Cheerios advertisement 2. Provide the hyperlink to the commercial. 3. Briefly describe the positioning statement. Cheerios are loved by all families 4. Identify the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Online Profiling the Extensive Collection

Words: 2797
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They worked with the FTC to define the following four Fair Information Practices, rules designed to prevent companies from abusing the information they receive through online profiling (Computer…

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8 Pages
Application Essay


Online Table Reservation and Menu-Order

Words: 2427
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Many people who choose to eat at upscale restaurants consider themselves gourmets who enjoy showing off their knowledge of fine food by ordering dishes using correct French pronunciation…

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22 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

Advertising and Word of Mouth

Words: 9576
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(Snyder & Deono quoted in Kjeldal 2003, Introduction section, ¶ 6). The results from the study Kjeldal (2003) conducted with 70 participants in two stages suggest that the word…

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8 Pages
Marketing Plan

Business - Advertising

Advertising Market

Words: 2083
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Companies use advertising plans to build awareness about their product. Company uses different plans to promote their sales. It uses trade show plan to demonstrate what they are selling,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Online Video Programing

Words: 2197
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Online Video Business Model and its Impact on Communications What is Online Video? Online video is more commonly referred to as "streaming video" which is "video that plays over the…

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5 Pages


Online Marketing There Is a

Words: 1716
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

eferences Black, G.S. (2005). Is eBay for everyone? An assessment of consumer demographics. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 70(1), 50-51. Accessed from at http:// Assessment%20of%20Consumer%20Demographics. Calvert, S.L. (2008). Children as consumers: Advertising and…

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3 Pages

Business - Advertising

Advertising Has a Significant Role in This

Words: 776
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Advertising has a significant role in this age of consumerism. Effective advertisement is crucial for the success of the business in this increasingly competitive world. We are witnessing a…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Online Marketing Large Amount Has

Words: 314
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another advantage of online marketing is that smaller merchants have a platform from which to sell their goods via online affiliate relationships. In terms of human contact, the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Advertising Radio Television and Online

Words: 740
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Theatrical claims and manifestations do well when selling a manufactured good or service, as long as they continue to credible (Lights, Camera, Action: Creating Effective TV Commercials, n.d.). The…

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1 Pages

Business - Advertising

Advertising Mcleod Explains How the

Words: 415
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The new campaign for Old Spice Swagger portrays rich, successful, attractive males vis-a-vis an old, uglier, less confident version of themselves. The message is simple: without the product,…

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9 Pages

Business - Advertising

Advertising Agency Government's Role in Advertising Regulation

Words: 2487
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Advertising Agency Government's ole in Advertising egulation History of attitudes towards advertising Changing attitudes Government's authority Taste and decency The advertising is a major contributor and visual segment of the complete marketing strategy of a…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Advertising Bcreative Is an Online Creative Boutique

Words: 632
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Advertising bCreative is an online creative boutique that offers manufacturers and advertisers original designs and concepts, which can be licensed onto virtually any type of consumer product, merchandise or…

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