Oprah Winfrey Essays (Examples)

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Oprah Winfrey
In a business world characterized by perpetual competition, business rivalry and other challenges, Oprah Winfrey has managed to build a business empire with various interests in the entertainment industry. In the process she has also managed to amass a sizable fortune. Though Oprah's success as an entrepreneur is hardly unique given the number of entrepreneurs who have over time scaled corporate heights, she continues to be seen as one of the most talked about business leader based on not only her actions but also her philosophy and success as an entrepreneur in the entertainment industry.

Oprah's Primary Businesses

Born in 1954 in a Mississippi town, Oprah Winfrey's story is a typical from rags-to-riches story. Surviving various odds, Oprah started off her well documented career in the broadcasting field. By then, she was only 17 years old. However, by the time she was hitting 19, Oprah already had a role in WTFV-TV….

However, her father had instilled the importance of a formal education in her. As such, she enrolled at Tennessee State University. There, she majored in Speech Communications and Performing Arts ("Oprah Winfrey," 2003). It would be this formal and informal educational background that would serve as a platform for her wondrous life achievements.

Oprah Winfrey's Life Works:

Oprah Winfrey's life has been full of purpose since her late teens. Moving from radio host, to news anchor, to talk show host and movie actress, Winfrey has earned a dedicated nationwide fan base. However, her achievements only start with her many entertainment accolades.

Oprah has been involved in a variety of philanthropic activities. One such endeavor is Oprah's Angel Network. This organization sponsors charitable initiatives worldwide ("Winfrey, Oprah," 2004). Oprah's Angel Network has not only distributed millions of dollars, but has also inspired others to get involved. Whether they're funding rural development in areas like….

Oprah Winfrey Is One of

The research found that Oprah's Angel Network began as an effort to help a few people a little more than ten years ago. Over time the network has evolved into something much greater and thousands of people have been assisted as a result of the philanthropic endeavors of the organization. The research also found that Oprah has been instrumental in supporting the endeavors of other charitable organizations including those that assist people with HIV / AIDS. Over the years Oprah infrey has provided an example of what people can o when they formulate good ideas and work together to bring these ideas to fruition. Hopefully Oprah and her philanthropic endeavors will continue to endure in the years to come.
orks Cited

"About Us." Oprah's Angel Network. 14 May 2009.


Harpo Productions Inc. (2006). Oprah and Bono Paints the Town 'Red." The Oprah

infrey Show October 13, 2006. Livingston, NJ: Burrelle's Information Services,

LLC (ritten….

Oprah Winfrey's Shortcomings as a Leader
As a person in a leadership role, Oprah Winfrey has been criticized in the media for advocating bad science (Jenny McCarthy's anti-vax crusade), pseudoscience (The Secret), materialism (the car give-away), and Dr. Phil. While her show is followed by millions of adoring fans, some critics question whether Oprah is well-suited for the role she inhabits. From philanthropic activities (such as the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa) to her book club choices, almost every decision she makes is open for scrutiny. This paper will examine Oprah's activities, and explain how Oprah's shortcomings have given her a limited ability to be a good leader.

Oprah's most vocal (though not necessarily heard) critic may be a man named Gerard Jones, the award-winning author of the cautionary tale Ginny Good. After being rejected by virtually every publishing house in America -- not to mention kept off….

As an adult

Oprah Winfrey has been commonly known amongst the masses as one of the most confident and influential woman in the United States of America. She came to prominence through her hosting roles in television shows, and watching her shows became a common routine for the domestic women in the country. Through her television show, Oprah famously brought those matters into the limelight that had hindered normal living for many women across the nation. Her brutal approach of hosting shows about sensitive topics became a common theme for her shows. Through these, Oprah aimed to help the people of America to come to terms to their problems and helped them achieve solve their own problems by providing effective solutions. Although the issues she based her shows on were very unorthodox for a family show, the American people loved the way Oprah presented her shows. These issues were so sensitive….

Therefore, if we accept this view, the Oprah Winfrey Show has become a cultural phenomenon that assimilates and incorporates other areas of culture and society, such as the new age movement, and creates a focal point in the talk show for the expression for many issues and views.

This has both positive and negative aspects. It can be seen to reveal and make public many of the underlying issues and problems in society. On the other hand, as will be discussed discuses in relation to crime, it can change attitudes and perceptions that may not, in the view of certain analysts, be entirely beneficial.

Oprah and Crime

Some critics have ambivalent views about the influence that Oprah's show has had on crime. While she of course condemns all crime on her show, her ethos of care and compassion has many criminologists worried. This is because there are those who believe that America has….

Leadership of Oprah Winfrey
When most people think of Oprah Winfrey, they will often associate her with the long running self named talk show (i.e. Oprah). However, throughout the course of her life she has endured various challenges that shaped her outlook. These experiences helped her to become a role model for everyone to follow. To fully understand the way Oprah exhibits these attributes requires focusing on what makes her a great leader and the accomplishments which enabled her to become successful. Together, these elements will illustrate how she was able to transform her life. (Garson, 2011) (Brown, 2005)

What makes her a great leader?

The most important factors that make Oprah Winfrey a great leader are her ability to inspire and motivate those around her. This is occurring based upon the way she supports those who are less fortunate and does more to make the world a better place. These beliefs enabled….

speech analysis of Oprah Winfrey and ill Gates' speeches delivered to the Harvard 2013 class uses the block arrangement template. The analysis first of all focuses on Oprah Winfrey Speech enumerating main ideas spelt out in the speech and the relevant supporting arguments. It finally focuses on main points elicited in ill Gates speech and the supporting arguments.
Oprah Winfrey's "Was that okay?"

Troubles never last

Oprah avers that by the time she received a phone call from President Faust, she had problems with her Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) and was embarrassed that OWN was falling. She wondered what she could say to successful Harvard students at time she considered herself a failure. She was stuck in a hole. She used the Harvard opportunity to turn things around. It served as a motivation to her. In fact, Prof. Nagy pronouncement to her to walk decisively strengthened her resolve to succeed.

Telling a story


Businessmen and the Entrepreneurship of Oprah Winfrey
In today's business environment, working for oneself is often a much more lucrative and successful choice than resigning to work for someone else. As more and more companies see lay offs in these hard times of recession, the thought of self-ownership and entrepreneurship is becoming an ideal dream for many. This makes it crucial to understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how prominent examples like Shai Agassi and Donald Trump can be a pathway to emulating their great success. Overall, it is a business woman who best embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship; Oprah Winfrey is the epitome of a modern day entrepreneur who has taken every obstacle and turned it into a very lucrative advantage and by branding herself, she has gained enormously, both monetarily and through the love and devotion of her millions of fans around the world.

The first….

The host is particularly sensitive to issues related to class, and urged her guests and audience members to think hard about the way social class impacts opportunity. On the other hand, many audience members nodded in sympathy at the genuine desire to bear a child. Motherhood does, in fact, link women together regardless of their social backgrounds. As most of Winfrey's audience members are female, few were not unaffected by the topic. The audience members selected to participate in the question-and-answer sessions asked a range of questions related to their personal experiences with trying to have children. "Wombs for Rent" called into question the notion that motherhood is a right -- or even a duty.
Winfrey rarely gets religious. However, the Oprah Winfrey Show can be undeniably New Age. The word "spiritual" is tossed around a lot. Recent episodes have been relatively mundane, though. For instance, an episode on interior….

Oprah: A Profile of an Entertainment Empress
Oprah Winfrey rose from obscure origins in the Southern United States to become one of the most iconic and influential women in the world. Her journey was one that brought her in connection with dynasties like the Kennedys and it was one which attracted interest from journalists of all walks of life. She capitalized on her image and her talent to become a media maven and today her name is as much a brand as Pampers or Coca-Cola. How did she do it? Kitty Kelly has written that she did it in much the same way that all powerful people do it as they go on to become titans, moguls, global czars of industry: she was both admired by fans (Jones, 2011) and feared by those in her employ (Kelly, 2011).

Kitty Kelly's unauthorized biography of Oprah reveals the real woman behind the iconic image….

D. Levine also said that he had neve met a child without stengths, but that he had met many childen whose paents o teaches eithe did not ecognize thei stengths, o who did not conside them to be stengths, but instead, weaknesses. The job of paents and educatos, D. Levine futhe suggested, is to help childen develop thei individual leaning stengths, in ways that suit them pesonally. D. Levine said: "Success is like a vitamin. If you don't get enough of it gowing up, you'll suffe a vey sevee deficiency that could have long-tem impacts in you life."

D. Levine also noted that the idea of "well-oundedness" is oveemphasized in education. Most adults ae not by natue "well-ounded," that is, equally good at eveything, whethe it is eading, math, spots, music, science, o othe aeas. Theefoe we should not place this atificial expectation on childen. Emphasizing "well-oundedness" at the expense of….

Oprah Case
In one of her television shows, Oprah Winfrey decided to give away Pontiac G6 Sedans to her audience. From an accounting perspective, its important to determine whether the value of these cars was taxable. Following a comprehensive analysis of taxable and nontaxable income, the cars awarded to the TV audience should have been included in their gross income and subject to federal taxation. According to federal taxation prizes and awards in the form of goods and services must be included in an individual’s income at their fair market value (Bureau of Internal Revenue, 2009). Federal taxation laws stipulate that if an individual wins a prize in a television program, radio quiz program, lucky number drawing, beauty contest or any other event, he/she must incorporate it in his/her income. Based on these taxation regulations, the TV audience should have included the Pontiac G6 Sedans in their gross income and subjected….

Women in Media A Barbara

Soon thereafter, she started working with CNN channel in handling their Washington bureau. For the forthcoming seven years, Couric was engaged with CNN bureaus across the nation as a producer and also as an on-air reporter. She returned to Washington in 1987 taking up job as a reporter at an NBC affiliate station. She rose from her ranks to hold the number two position as a reporter at the Pentagon for the Washington bureau of the NBC news. ("Katie Couric Biography," n. d.)
For the next three years she was in charge of covering the U.S. invasion of the Panama as also Persian Gulf War in her Pentagon position as also as a new post at the NBC's morning newspaper, Today. In the early part of 1991, she discharged her role as a co-anchor of Today. Her immense popularity with the viewers was because of her pleasant and charming demeanor….

It was followed by more record-breaking flights. Her story, on the other hand, was cut short with her 1937 flight which ended in her mysterious disappearance (Amelia Earhart Website n.d.).
Earhart's story indeed reflects that a lot of women during this period of American history were engaged in activities that were first labeled as masculine in nature. Earhart's achievement reflected the sense of equality between men and women that have long been fought for by women of the earlier period of history.

Towards more active political participation

We have seen how particular socio-historical features of the 19th century -- these being the strengthening of women's educational facilities as well as the job opportunities that went with the industrial changes of this period, gave way to women's demand for equal participation in the political sphere.

During the early 20th century, women were influential in welfare advocacy, particularly in the formulation and popularization of the….

I. Introduction
A. Attention grabber
B. Brief background about effective leadership
C. Thesis statement: Effective leadership plays a crucial role in achieving organizational goals and inspiring individuals to reach their full potential.

II. Definition and characteristics of effective leadership
A. Definition of effective leadership
B. Key characteristics of effective leaders
1. Clear vision and goal-setting
2. Strong communication skills
3. Ability to inspire and motivate others
4. Decision-making skills
5. Adaptability and flexibility

III. Importance of effective leadership in an organization
A. Cite examples of successful companies with effective leadership
B. Effect on team performance and productivity
C. Improved employee morale and....

Influence of Celebrities on Political Opinions and Issues
Celebrities, with their vast public platforms, wield significant influence in shaping political opinions and driving social change. They leverage their visibility, credibility, and emotional appeal to engage with audiences on a personal level.
1. Raising Awareness and Engagement:
Celebrities raise awareness about important issues by speaking out, participating in protests, and endorsing causes. They use social media, interviews, and public appearances to educate and motivate their followers. For example, during the Black Lives Matter movement, celebrities like Beyoncé and Lebron James amplified the voices of victims, raised funds, and called for systemic change.
2. Shaping Narratives....

5 Pages


Oprah Winfrey in a Business World Characterized

Words: 1620
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Oprah Winfrey In a business world characterized by perpetual competition, business rivalry and other challenges, Oprah Winfrey has managed to build a business empire with various interests in the entertainment…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Oprah Winfrey American Television Personality

Words: 703
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, her father had instilled the importance of a formal education in her. As such, she enrolled at Tennessee State University. There, she majored in Speech Communications and Performing…

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6 Pages


Oprah Winfrey Is One of

Words: 1704
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

The research found that Oprah's Angel Network began as an effort to help a few people a little more than ten years ago. Over time the network has…

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4 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Oprah Winfrey's Shortcomings as a Leader as

Words: 1276
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Oprah Winfrey's Shortcomings as a Leader As a person in a leadership role, Oprah Winfrey has been criticized in the media for advocating bad science (Jenny McCarthy's anti-vax crusade), pseudoscience…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Oprah as an Adult Oprah Winfrey Has

Words: 2212
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Oprah As an adult Oprah Winfrey has been commonly known amongst the masses as one of the most confident and influential woman in the United States of America. She came to…

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9 Pages


Oprah Winfrey Show Oprah Winfrey

Words: 2919
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

376) Therefore, if we accept this view, the Oprah Winfrey Show has become a cultural phenomenon that assimilates and incorporates other areas of culture and society, such as the new…

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2 Pages

Black Studies

Leadership of Oprah Winfrey When Most People

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership of Oprah Winfrey When most people think of Oprah Winfrey, they will often associate her with the long running self named talk show (i.e. Oprah). However, throughout the course…

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2 Pages

Black Studies

Speech Analysis of Oprah Winfrey and Bill

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

speech analysis of Oprah Winfrey and ill Gates' speeches delivered to the Harvard 2013 class uses the block arrangement template. The analysis first of all focuses on Oprah…

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3 Pages

Urban Studies

Businessmen and the Entrepreneurship of Oprah Winfrey

Words: 1043
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Businessmen and the Entrepreneurship of Oprah Winfrey In today's business environment, working for oneself is often a much more lucrative and successful choice than resigning to work for someone…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Oprah With Show Topics Related

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The host is particularly sensitive to issues related to class, and urged her guests and audience members to think hard about the way social class impacts opportunity. On…

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3 Pages


How Oprah Became Queen of Entertainment

Words: 1055
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Oprah: A Profile of an Entertainment Empress Oprah Winfrey rose from obscure origins in the Southern United States to become one of the most iconic and influential women in the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Mel Levine on Oprah Reflections

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

D. Levine also said that he had neve met a child without stengths, but that he had met many childen whose paents o teaches eithe did not ecognize thei…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Accounting / Finance

Issues Relating to Taxation

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Oprah Case In one of her television shows, Oprah Winfrey decided to give away Pontiac G6 Sedans to her audience. From an accounting perspective, its important to determine whether the…

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10 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Women in Media A Barbara

Words: 3223
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

Soon thereafter, she started working with CNN channel in handling their Washington bureau. For the forthcoming seven years, Couric was engaged with CNN bureaus across the nation as…

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10 Pages

Sports - Women

Progression of Women Throughout Time

Words: 3206
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

It was followed by more record-breaking flights. Her story, on the other hand, was cut short with her 1937 flight which ended in her mysterious disappearance (Amelia Earhart…

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