Organic Food Essays (Examples)

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217+). It is not only the consumer, then, who might be affected by cost; producers also might be reluctant to grown or process organic foods unless they believed that consumers would continue to be willing to pay the price of the organic foods. Their study focuses "on the benefits associated with segregation and labelling strategies that are commonly gauged by the size of premiums consumers are willing to pay for non-biotech foods" (Moon and Balasubramanian, 2003, p. 217+).
The results Moon and Balasubramanian got from their study seemed to prove that the demand for non-biotech foods (if not 'health foods' or 'organic foods' per se) would "arise from the following: "risk perceptions about adverse health effects, environmental concerns, moral and ethical considerations, and negative perceptions about the growing role of multinational corporations in farming" (2003, p. 217+).

That did not mean all British consumers would automatically be willing to pay a….

Organic Foods and Science

Organic Foods
The idea behind organic food is a good one, in that it implies there is food that is free from pesticides and other chemicals that would be found on more "standard" food. Going organic can also imply the way a type of food was raised, and how it was cared for during the process. People who buy organic produce want items that are free of residue, and people who buy organic meats and poultry want animals that were raised in a particular way based on what they were fed, how they were caged, and how they were killed in order to be consumed. Despite the growing interest in organic food, however, there are concerns that the people who raise them are not really providing anything different from more standard fare, and that the public is just being charged extra based on the idea of what they are allegedly receiving.….

and, for what it is worth, there are no studies that conclusively prove thus far that eating organic leads to better human health, and even if there may be some anecdotal evidence that eating organic makes people 'feel better,' such organic consumer's better health is likely rooted in their greater education about the environment, affluence, access to better quality of food, and overall wealth, a kind of correlation but not causation of two possibly unrelated factors.
The fact that organic is not synonymous with health is further underlined by the dizzying amount of products bearing the term organic. As a cursory glance at the supermarket will yield evidence that the term 'organic' is no longer limited to produce. There are organic cereals, Pop Tarts, cookies, and potato chips. These products are manufactured from substances that meet the government's standards for what is organic, presumably because they are made from grains….

Organic Food
Today's world is becoming increasingly more complex and fast-paced, which has caused many people to adopt a catch-as-catch-can attitude towards their food. We have become accustomed to receiving things instantly, hence the popularity of fast food restaurants, and we have also become accustomed to receiving larger portions of food. Food today is more processed, refined, pre-packaged, and instantly available than it ever has been at any time in our history to date.

However, such convenience and processing comes with a price. Fast foods, prepackaged foods, and other "convenience" foods are loaded with fat and sodium, not to mention all the chemicals, preservatives, and additives they contain. One source (McGraw, p.133) estimates that eating out at fast food restaurants five times a week compared to having a healthy meal prepared at home adds an additional 280 calories a week and 14,560 calories a year to a person's diet. This translates….

Organic Food and Food

Organic Food Purchases by German and Italian Consumers
The organic food market in Europe is increasing, over the last decade growth in demand has increased in double digits, rising to €26.2 billion in 2014 (IFOAM, 2015). This growth is expected to continue, with consumers appearing to association many positive character tics and benefits. In research undertaken by MINTEL it was found that organic food was perceived as healthier and safer; 46% of Germans and 50% of French consumers surveyed by the organisation stated they believed it was safer that non organic food due to the absence of pesticides (MINTEL, 2015).

The trend towards organic food which is often sold at a premium price, may be argued as interesting, as it has been occurring at a time of economic hardship, when discount supermarkets have been thriving (Puelles, Diaz-Bustamante, & Carcelen, 2016). This pattern indicates that those buying organic food may perceive its….

Organic Food Motivation esearch
The fiscal crisis of 2009 did not dissuade people from digging a little deeper into their noticeably thinner wallets to pay a lot more for food that they can trust. Sales of organic food rose by 5% during the global financial crisis, sustaining the trend from 2000 through 2008 when organic food sales rose 15%. The purpose of this study was to determine the primary motivational factors for purchasing organic food by those shoppers who regularly buy organic food for their own consumption. The participants in this study shopped regularly for organic foods and despite the steeper prices, considered organic food to be a good value. The subjects were primarily attracted to organic foods because they perceived it to be better for them, but many study participants also expressed environmental concerns. Subjects in this study were relatively young, with a median age of approximately 30 years, and….

The current food distribution system exists for economic reasons, not of pure malice. The current food distribution system "…does involve transportation costs, but it also puts food production where it is cheapest," in the most fertile areas of the country and away from urban centers. (Cowen). Putting them near areas where people actually live would not only be an inefficient, sub-optimal use of that land but would also reduce the amount of land available for housing. Under Pollan's system, urban areas in regions with relatively limited amounts of arable land will have a scarcity of affordable food.

The use of fossil-fuels is what allows the world to sustain a population nearing 7 billion people. Norman orlaug, founder of the green revolution, "…estimates that the amount of nitrogen available naturally would only support a worldwide population of 4 billion souls or so." (Hurst) Thus, about 40% of the world's current population would….

Local vs Organic Food

Introduction When it comes to the great debate over whether it is healthier to eat local foods or organic foods, there are arguments to be found on both sides. But at the end of the day, one has to decide what one is really seeking to achieve by choosing one side over the other. Organic foods are typically labeled or certified organic, meaning they are non-GMO and thus are naturally grown. Local foods are typically fresher and seasonal, meaning they are going to have a more authentic and more robust quality and character to them (though there is no guarantee they are raised or grown non-GMO). Nonetheless, consuming local foods comes with the added benefit of supporting local farmers and the local economy. Plus, with local foods, one is more likely to be able to know for sure that one is getting quality foods from quality farmers whom one can inspect….

Tesco is the leading grocer in the UK, with a 28.15 share, putting it ahead of ASDA (16.6%), Sainsbury's (16.1%) and Morrison's (10.8%) (Statista, 2015). The company sells a wide variety of goods, including non-grocery items, and it does so with stores in a wide variety of formats. The competitive environment is intense, with low-cost providers aggressively targeting market leaders like Tesco in a bid to gain market share from cost-conscious consumers (Yeomans & Armstrong, 2015). Tesco's strategy, as the market leader, is to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. As part of this strategy, the company has a number of different initiatives, including a range of own branded-goods. These include Finest, Organic and Healthy Living. Organic is tied into the drive to appeal to customers who are less price-sensitive, as purchasers of organic products have demonstrated a willingness to pay a premium for a specific attribute, in….

Organic Food and Food

Purchase of Organic Food in Germany and Italy
Descriptive Statistics

Answering the esearch

Understanding the Term Organic

The Impact of Understanding on Purchase Decisions

Education and the Purchase Decision

Education and Attitudes

Culture and the Purchase of Organic Food

Culture and the Attitude to Organic Food


The research was conducted with a sample of 50 respondents; 20 in Germany and 30 in Italy. Only questionnaires which were fully completed included in the findings analysis. All respondents were either solely or jointly responsible for the purchase of groceries was in their household. This binding section starts with a presentation of the descriptive statistics for the samples in both countries, before moving on to an examination of the various questions which guided the research, and a testing of the hypotheses assessing the impact of education on attitudes towards organic food and intention to purchase, and cultural differences between those residing in Germany and Italy

Descriptive Statistics

The research is made up of….

Intrapreneurial Opportunity Within 3 Squares Restaurant Identification of the Opportunity

Squares Restaurant has identified various opportunities it intends to pursue. The most interesting opportunity is the company's strong interest in things like organic eating, healthy diets, and the ability to combat food deserts. The area in which the establishment is located lacks quality food options. Therefore, the company has an opportunity to market healthy, organic food options that can improve the quality of lives. As the baby boomers enter the seniors' age and as the society develops a strong interest in the quality of life, the company can approach this opportunity from various angles to succeed and differentiate from other eateries.
An Assessment of the Opportunity

Today, organic food is one of the growing trends. The consumer demand for organic food has been on the rise in the last five years, which means 3 Squares Restaurant may reap, from such a business; the management….

And in response to big power lobbying, Senate and House Republicans on the Agriculture appropriations inserted a provision in 2005 into the department's budget, which would allow the use of certain artificial ingredients in organic foods. Many players in the organic industry today also argue that they are willing to use some synthetics in producing organic food. Joseph Mendelson and other advocates of strict organic standards argue that these provisions will open a "Pandora's box," allowing big organic food producers to lobby for further loosening of the USDA standards (arner).
The downsides of big food producers going organic is well-illustrated by the experience of hole Foods Market. It grew out of a small vegetarian store opened by Mackay and his girlfriend in 1978 in a garage in Austin, Texas. In 1992, the company went nationwide, opening stores in several cities. Now, the company owns more than two hundred stores across….

From an environmental perspective this work demonstrates the fact that the growth of this movement has been reinvigorated as a result of the fact that many have come to understand how dangerous many of the chemicals used in commercial agriculture are to the earth and the body. "The last few years have seen the issues of BSE, genetically modified foods, hormone disruption and antibiotic resistance come to the fore and there is a greater recognition that what we eat is vitally important to our health." She notes that many of the pesticides and herbicides we have used in the past have been a destructive force and are no longer even considered safe, but were deemed so prior to the modern research that has more scientifically established their unwanted and pollutant effects on both the body and earth.
Organic Food Benefits. Nutiva. Organic Food Association. 2003.

This informative article demonstrates a….

The ambition is to promote organic chocolate and its implied benefits outside of historically niche markets.
One year marketing objectives include a penetration of U.S. sales markets, where it is predicted that by 2011, the organic chocolate market will have experienced a 71% increase in sales over five years. It is the ambition of Everday to have accounted for every 20th bar of chocolate bought in the United States by that juncture. This would make for a market share of 5% by 2011, which would in all likelihood make Everyday the biggest organic player in the candy bar market.

orks Cited:

Knudson, .A. (2007) The organic food market. Online at

Organic Nature News (ONN). (2009). Organic Chocolate. Online at

Organic Trade Association (OTA). (2009). hy Choose Organic Chocolate? The O'Mama Report. Online at

Data Analysis

1. The taster determined 11 of the 14 samples correctly. Three samples were incorrectly identified. Thus, the taster received a statistical score of 88%.

2. The results failed to support the null hypothesis. There was obviously a difference between the organic and conventional food items.

3. This output indicates that while there is a difference, the margin of 10% is too small.

4. The test indicated that for greater than 50% of the time the taster was able to identify the differences between organic and conventional foods.

5. For the next test, I would most likely use one fruit and run multiple tests with a single piece tasted each time.

Works Cited

Fullion, Laurence & Arzai, Stacey (2002), Does organic food taste better? A claim substantiation approach. Nutrition & Food Science, 32(4): 153-157.

Padel, Susanne & Foster, Carolyn (2005), Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food.….

I. Introduction
A. Attention grabber or hook
B. Background information on the importance of food
C. Thesis statement: The essay will explore the significance of food in our lives and its impact on our physical and mental well-being.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Nutritional Value
A. Explanation of essential nutrients found in food (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals)
B. Discussion on the importance of balanced diet and portion control
C. Benefits of consuming nutrient-rich foods for overall health and disease prevention

III. Body Paragraph 2: Cultural Significance
A. Exploration of how food plays a role in different cultures and traditions

Immediate Actions to Combat Global Warming in Daily Life
The urgency of addressing global warming demands immediate action from all sectors, including individuals. While transitioning to a low-carbon society requires systemic changes, personal choices and daily habits can significantly contribute to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Here's a comprehensive guide to practical steps individuals can take to make an immediate impact on combating global warming:
1. Adopt Sustainable Transportation:
Walk, cycle, or use public transport for short trips.
If driving is necessary, carpool or consider electric or hybrid vehicles.
Optimize fuel efficiency by maintaining proper tire pressure and practicing smooth driving.
2. Reduce Energy....

Conclusion In conclusion, we have explored the detrimental effects of high blood pressure, alcohol use, and tobacco use on our health. It is evident that our own actions play a significant role in determining our overall well-being. While physicians can offer guidance and support, ultimately it is up to us to make positive choices for our health. By taking responsibility for our own well-being, we can prevent diseases and improve our quality of life. Remember, your health is in your hands. Make the choice to prioritize it, because after all, we all want to stay alive. Thank you. Moving forward, it is....

10 Pages
Term Paper


Organic Food British Consumer Attitudes Organic

Words: 3305
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

217+). It is not only the consumer, then, who might be affected by cost; producers also might be reluctant to grown or process organic foods unless they believed…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Organic Foods and Science

Words: 2029
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Organic Foods The idea behind organic food is a good one, in that it implies there is food that is free from pesticides and other chemicals that would be found…

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3 Pages


Organic Food Is Better Food

Words: 1191
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

and, for what it is worth, there are no studies that conclusively prove thus far that eating organic leads to better human health, and even if there may…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Organic Food and the Benefits of Choosing Organic

Words: 1661
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Organic Food Today's world is becoming increasingly more complex and fast-paced, which has caused many people to adopt a catch-as-catch-can attitude towards their food. We have become accustomed to…

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6 Pages
Multiple Chapters

Business - Marketing

Organic Food and Food

Words: 2059
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

Organic Food Purchases by German and Italian Consumers The organic food market in Europe is increasing, over the last decade growth in demand has increased in double digits, rising…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


What Are the Motivational Factors for People to Purchase Organic Food

Words: 2580
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Organic Food Motivation esearch The fiscal crisis of 2009 did not dissuade people from digging a little deeper into their noticeably thinner wallets to pay a lot more for food…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Ethics and Morality Organic Food

Words: 1147
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The current food distribution system exists for economic reasons, not of pure malice. The current food distribution system "…does involve transportation costs, but it also puts food production where…

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6 Pages


Local vs Organic Food

Words: 1873
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction When it comes to the great debate over whether it is healthier to eat local foods or organic foods, there are arguments to be found on both sides. But…

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11 Pages

Urban Studies

Marketing Organic Foods at Tesco

Words: 3680
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Tesco is the leading grocer in the UK, with a 28.15 share, putting it ahead of ASDA (16.6%), Sainsbury's (16.1%) and Morrison's (10.8%) (Statista, 2015). The company sells a…

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13 Pages
Multiple Chapters

Business Management

Organic Food and Food

Words: 3804
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

Purchase of Organic Food in Germany and Italy Descriptive Statistics Answering the esearch Understanding the Term Organic The Impact of Understanding on Purchase Decisions Education and the Purchase Decision Education and Attitudes Culture and the…

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4 Pages


Feasibility of Investing in Organic Foods Menu

Words: 1261
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Intrapreneurial Opportunity Within 3 Squares Restaurant Identification of the Opportunity Squares Restaurant has identified various opportunities it intends to pursue. The most interesting opportunity is the company's strong interest in things…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Organic vs Grocery Stores Organic

Words: 2224
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

And in response to big power lobbying, Senate and House Republicans on the Agriculture appropriations inserted a provision in 2005 into the department's budget, which would allow the…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Organic vs Non-Organic Organic vs

Words: 1062
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

From an environmental perspective this work demonstrates the fact that the growth of this movement has been reinvigorated as a result of the fact that many have come…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Organic Chcoloate Everyday Organic Chocolate

Words: 385
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The ambition is to promote organic chocolate and its implied benefits outside of historically niche markets. One year marketing objectives include a penetration of U.S. sales markets, where it…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Organic Fruit Taste Test Comparative

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Data Analysis 1. The taster determined 11 of the 14 samples correctly. Three samples were incorrectly identified. Thus, the taster received a statistical score of 88%. 2. The results failed to…

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