Originality Essays (Examples)

565+ documents containing “originality”.

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Originality in riting
Some people suggest that it is impossible to come up with an original idea. In some ways, this idea may seem true. After all, art focuses on evoking human emotion, and human emotions, while tremendously varied, are limited to the scope of human experience. hile there is a wide range of human experience and human emotion, the permutations and combinations of those experiences and emotions is limited. Even non-artistic innovations are rarely entirely new innovations, but building blocks that have come from combining previously existing technologies in a new way. This makes it clear that the notion that the notion of originality is limited if one believes that, to be original, something must be completely new. Originality is not impossible. However, there is very little room for complete innovation left since ideas have been circulating for a long time. Instead, I believe that people have a wrong understanding….

originality report easy to understand? What do you think are some of your challenges when it comes to turnitin submissions?
Was the originality report easy to understand? What do you think are some of your challenges when it comes to Turnitin submissions?

I think that the originality report was fairly straightforward. It contained two basic ideas, both of which are easy to understand. The first idea is that it is hard for anyone to come up with a truly original concept. Everyone who writes or thinks is influenced by different aspects of his or her culture or by other writers. However, while this may be true, in academic writing it is extremely important to cite your sources. Academic writing is different than writing an email to a friend or even a coworker. When using a quote from someone, it is very important that the student writer note in parentheses the author,….

forcefulness, clarity, originality, line of reasoning, use of evidence, way of presenting the conclusion and persuasiveness. This inquisitive essay does not make use of any external source and the analysis is based on original thought pattern, ability to reason and the general knowledge. Towards the end, the paper also provides a good few suggestions in order to help better evaluate the argument's conclusion and to improve upon its cardinal elements that determine the effectiveness of an argument.

The aforementioned argument appears quite well reasoned. From the beginning until the end, it seems to be complete, authentic, well researched and rational. The theme of the argument addressing a debatable issue related to the corporate world is also well established. It reveals one out of many alarming aspects of organizations, organizational culture, the attitude of the employees, the changing rules and regulations, the remedial measures adopted by some companies and the resulting….

I like using the soft colors and retro colors, but so far there are big differences in the various incarnations of my work. I would like to focus on creating a singular style. There are challenges in that because my work also has a tactile component. I need to find a way to incorporate the detail of "Shorty" and "Myriad" into the three-dimensional, tactile character of the "Magic Sheep."
As Engelbreit has done, I need to establish a consistent color palette that I will use in all of my work. That is one of the elements that makes Engelbreit immediately identifiable. I very much enjoy pen and ink and need to find a way to incorporate that drawing style into tactile, three dimensional work. It is possible that I will have to forgo pen and ink altogether, although I will try to find a way to incorporate it, perhaps as….

obert Frank is now recognized as one of the most important and influential American photographers of the twentieth century, but this recognition was hardly immediate. Frank's most important work, the compilation from 1958 entitled The Americans, could not find an American publisher initially and debuted in France. Published in America a year later, it was received with hostility: a review in Popular Photography would describe the photographs as "warped" and "wart-covered," declaring them "images of hate" (Dawidoff 2015). Other negative reviews described the book as "a slashing and bitter attack on some U.S. institutions," "a degradation of a nation," and "a sad poem for sick people" (Lane 2009). The immensely negative initial reception is even stranger when Frank in 2015 can be referred to in the New York Times as "the world's pre-eminent living photographer" (Dawidoff 2015). It is worth inquiring more closely what Frank's artistic achievement was in….

Intellectual Property ightsQuestion 1Copyright is arguably all about originality, whether one looks at it from a civil law or from a common law perspective. How is that assessment to be reconciled with the fact that the word originality does not appear in the Berne Convention? Discuss.Copyright law is concerned with the protection of original works of authorship. In the United States, copyright law is enshrined in the Constitution, which gives Congress the power to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive ight to their respective Writings and Discoveries (US Constitution, 2022). Under U.S. copyright law, a work is considered original if it is the product of an individual author\\\'s independent creative effort. This requirement of originality is different from that of other countries, which generally protect any work that is not a mere copy of another work. Nonetheless,….

The yzantine artists are well-known for the icon of Symeon with the Christ Child. The icon was effectively changed by yzantine artists toward the ending of the iconoclastic controversy in the ninth century. Originally the artistic protocol for the depiction has Symeon submissively approaching Mary who is holding the Christ child in her hands however the changes in the icon are of the nature that show Symeon holding the Christ child in the beginning. The first record of Symeon holding the Christ child is stated to be in the church of the Virgin of the Source in Constantinople during the restoration conducted by Emperor asil I along with Leo and Constantine sometime after 869.
Clouds and sky views often used in yzantine art are rooted in Roman art which changed from "smooth and pliable clouds" into "flattened triangles with horizontal bottoms and scalloped tops. In this odd and stylized form….

Original Virtues Are Good

Virtues of Originality
Originality is far from overrated. Originality should be pursued in almost all endeavors and facets of life. Originality is a valuable quality because it is directly related to creation. Without originality, creation would have little meaning because it would have already been done before, and nothing new and substantial would be brought about. Originality should be pursued because it is the foundation of all things substantial in this life, particularly in regards to art, learning, and culture.

Originality is the basis of artistic expression and one of the most vital qualities that helps to determine whether or not a work of art has value. It is exceedingly easy to simply duplicate a work of art. Similarly, it is exceedingly easy to simply duplicate a style of art or to work within an established artistic genre. However, one is able to actually add to the field of art by….

speak or write, do you own the words that you have created? What about the thoughts that preceded those words?
What is originality?

In some sense, we are all 'original authors.' We compose our own ideas in our head and transmit them to the world in speech. Yet, on the other hand, it is just as easy to claim that because our words are the result of a series of subtle cultural influences, there is no 'original' thought. Even the greatest scientific innovations of earlier eras built upon the ideas of people who existed previously. Shakespeare borrowed most of his plots. The notion of someone who exists outside of culture is a fiction. Even the language we speak shapes and limits our conceptions of the world.

However, although originality may be a fiction, it is a necessary fiction. Without copyright laws, authors would have no incentive to create new ideas. The ability….

" Of these respondents, over 50% of them stated that they lack a disaster recovery plan (Anthes, 1998). However, most of the problems stem from the lack of communication at the corporate level. (Hawkins, et al., 2000).
Business Continuity Plans (BCP) and other forms of strategic planning are no longer a luxury, but a must-have factor and an important element of any organisation's risk management system. Organisations are increasingly dependent upon it systems and infrastructure and eventually subjected to many risks, so business is inherently risky. How long can your organisation afford system downtime? How long does it take to recover a disaster; and, what does it cost? These kinds of questions are the ones that have to be addressed for BCPs. Also important, however, is using strategic planning to look toward the future and determine where a business wants to be at a specific point, so that plans to work….

complexities of doing business in our virtual age, looking in particular at e-commerce but also asking how the presence of e-commerce on the market has affected traditional businesses as well. Once upon a time - that golden age - things were simple. You decided you wanted to grow up to be a bookstore owner. Or a hardware store manager. Or a florist. So you leased a store, bought some books, and lovingly hand-sold them to each customer who flocked to your door and then went home at night to count your money.
Of course, owning a bookstore or a hardware store or a flower shop was actually never that simple. But the picture now is even more complicated as virtual stores have entered the picture. Part of what makes engaging in e-commerce so difficult is that there are no paths that others have trod before one. And the costs of….

Laws of Power Win Through

This created silent enemies whose sole purpose is to make that person look like a complete and total loser. Therefore, restoring the balance that was lost and feeling better about them while you are left feeling degraded and humiliated about what happened. On the other hand, the lesson is often learned the hard way and one can see that it does not pay often times to stick out in the crowd. There are those that thrive in the monotony of it all being predictable. If one follows the leader than no harm can come to them and balance is once again restored. It never works trying to appear better than those that you seek support from, they end up feeling as if you only want their support because you in fact think in some way you are better than they are. This is a sure way to keep people….

This can be accomplished through having them send in different reviews about their experiences at the hotel. The staff will report any kind of issues and will immediately address them. Corporations are playing a role, by helping to provide the maintenance team with valuable supplies that are necessary in delivering these services. At the same time, they can address any kind of labor shortages inside the facility through the outsourcing.
Cost Accounts

To account for the different costs we will focus on strategies that can reduce the expenses of inside the hotel. This will be accomplished through engaging in various energy saving measures such as: fluorescent light bulbs. They use two thirds less energy and will last up to six to ten months longer. If these kinds of programs can be implemented, they will help to dramatically reduce the costs associated with energy. This is one of the largest expenses that….

Simpsons the Death of the

That is the viewer must be more attuned to pop culture to enjoy each episode because they're not watching the show for it's story arc or character development within each show (like in the earlier years), they're watching it to see what snarky political and social commentary the show will make or what movie the storyline of the episode will parody. This reflects a change in the media cultural milieu. We've become a society that watches former reality TV stars on new reality shows. In other words, it was once enough to comment on a bad movie or a pop-culture meme within an episode, but now animation shows must fully parody these phenomena. In a sense it's beyond post-modernism and intertextualization, it's an attempt of defining a show exclusively in terms of pop-culture.
It was Churchill who said, "Change is the price of survival." And perhaps The Simpsons needed to….

" (Polkinghorne, p. 4)
As with Lewis before him in our discussion, Polkinghorne supplies a reason for the certainty of God's presence in scientific affairs most simply because he believes there is no other more likely or rational explanation for certain accomplishments. Like Lewis, Polkinghorne simply places beyond the grasp of human capacity a certain loosely defined category of things that must inherently be accounted for by the unseen power of a higher being called God. This premise is a surprising one to extend from a discussion extolling the beauty of scientific accomplishments in that it satisfies itself on the basis of highly unempirical arguments. The central premise of Polkinghorne's text mirrors both in the blindness of its faith and the flaws in its presentation the central premise of Lewis' assertion. Namely, both proceed from the idea that because there are remarkable things for which explanations appear to be so unreachable,….

Paraphrasing: Enhancing Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism

Paraphrasing, the skillful restatement of someone else's ideas using different words while preserving the original meaning, plays a crucial role in academic writing. It helps students avoid plagiarism, deepens their comprehension of the source material, and fosters critical thinking. Here are some essay topics that explore the significance and challenges of paraphrasing:

1. The Importance of Paraphrasing: Avoiding Plagiarism and Cultivating Originality

In this essay, students can discuss the ethical and academic implications of plagiarism and how paraphrasing safeguards intellectual property. They can explore the legal consequences of plagiarism, the damage it can cause to one's reputation,....

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement for an Anxiety and Depression Research Paper

Anxiety and depression are prevalent mental health concerns affecting a significant portion of the global population. Research in this area aims to explore the complexities of these conditions, understand their underlying mechanisms, and develop effective interventions for prevention, treatment, and management. Writing a compelling thesis statement for an anxiety and depression research paper is crucial for guiding your research and setting the stage for a successful project.

 1. Choose a Focused and Manageable Topic:

- Select a specific aspect of anxiety or depression that genuinely interests you and aligns with your....

## Crafting a Debatable City Life vs. Country Life Thesis Statement

A well-crafted thesis statement is crucial for a successful debate on the topic of city life versus country life. It should clearly express your position on the issue and provide a roadmap for your argument. Here are some tips for crafting an effective thesis statement:

1. Understand the Issue: Familiarize yourself with the topic and the different perspectives surrounding it. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of both city life and country life.

2. Define Your Position: Clearly state your stance on the debate. Are you arguing in favor of city life or....

Title Generator-Aligned Essay Topics

1. The Power of Language: The Influence of Titles in Shaping Narratives

Explore the ways in which titles can predetermine the interpretation of literary works.
Analyze how titles create expectations and bias the reader's perspective.
Discuss the ethical implications of using manipulative or deceptive titles.

2. Titles as Mirrors: Reflecting the Complexity of Literary Characters

Examine how titles can reveal the inner nature and motivations of characters.
Analyze the use of irony, paradox, and symbolism in titles to create complex character portraits.
Discuss the impact of character-based titles on the reader's understanding of the narrative.

3. The Art of....

3 Pages

Art  (general)

Originality in Writing Some People Suggest That

Words: 1053
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Originality in riting Some people suggest that it is impossible to come up with an original idea. In some ways, this idea may seem true. After all, art focuses on…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Originality Report Easy to Understand What Do

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

originality report easy to understand? What do you think are some of your challenges when it comes to turnitin submissions? Was the originality report easy to understand? What do…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Forcefulness Clarity Originality Line of Reasoning Use

Words: 927
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

forcefulness, clarity, originality, line of reasoning, use of evidence, way of presenting the conclusion and persuasiveness. This inquisitive essay does not make use of any external source and…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Mary Englebreit Originality Can Lead

Words: 1565
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

I like using the soft colors and retro colors, but so far there are big differences in the various incarnations of my work. I would like to focus…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


The Originality of Robert Frank S The Americans

Words: 854
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

obert Frank is now recognized as one of the most important and influential American photographers of the twentieth century, but this recognition was hardly immediate. Frank's most important…

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6 Pages


Originality Monopoly and IP Law

Words: 1920
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Intellectual Property ightsQuestion 1Copyright is arguably all about originality, whether one looks at it from a civil law or from a common law perspective. How is that assessment to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Roles of Tradition Convention Changing

Words: 3261
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The yzantine artists are well-known for the icon of Symeon with the Christ Child. The icon was effectively changed by yzantine artists toward the ending of the iconoclastic…

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2 Pages


Original Virtues Are Good

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Virtues of Originality Originality is far from overrated. Originality should be pursued in almost all endeavors and facets of life. Originality is a valuable quality because it is directly…

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3 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Speak or Write Do You Own the

Words: 1058
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

speak or write, do you own the words that you have created? What about the thoughts that preceded those words? What is originality? In some sense, we are all 'original…

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55 Pages
Term Paper


Strategic Planning for Training Companies

Words: 16101
Length: 55 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Of these respondents, over 50% of them stated that they lack a disaster recovery plan (Anthes, 1998). However, most of the problems stem from the lack of communication…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Consumer Internet Commerce a Rhetorical Approach

Words: 4073
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

complexities of doing business in our virtual age, looking in particular at e-commerce but also asking how the presence of e-commerce on the market has affected traditional businesses…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Laws of Power Win Through

Words: 2061
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This created silent enemies whose sole purpose is to make that person look like a complete and total loser. Therefore, restoring the balance that was lost and feeling…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


Care and Maintenance of the

Words: 2091
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This can be accomplished through having them send in different reviews about their experiences at the hotel. The staff will report any kind of issues and will immediately…

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5 Pages


Simpsons the Death of the

Words: 1508
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

That is the viewer must be more attuned to pop culture to enjoy each episode because they're not watching the show for it's story arc or character development…

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8 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Lewis Christianity Lewis and Christian

Words: 2539
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

" (Polkinghorne, p. 4) As with Lewis before him in our discussion, Polkinghorne supplies a reason for the certainty of God's presence in scientific affairs most simply because he believes…

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