Osha Essays (Examples)

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OSHA VPP Star Program This Instruction Defines
Pages: 5 Words: 1371

OSHA VPP Star Program
This instruction defines and applies a revised OSHA Strategic Partnership Program for Worker Safety and Health (OSPP) and defines Agency measures for executing this type of program. Also, this strategy will be used to benefit the company. This directive explains and utilizes a revised OSHA Strategic Partnership Program for Worker Safety and Health (OSPP) with the company and sets forth events to instrument this program. This strategy will talk about the things that the company will need in order to be prepared for the inspection and to be able to pass the evaluation process to become a part of the OSHA Strategic Partnerships (OSPs).


Why we need the Program?

esources needed from Executive Management



Prepare ecords

First Aid


OSHA VPP Star Program

Why we need the Program?

Our company here in Orlando, FL recognize that workers and employers that are in the federal and private agencies who have executed effective health…...



Alliance, U. (2014, November 27). Essential Skills for the Human Resource Manager. Retrieved from http://essentialsofbusiness.ufexec.ufl.edu/resources/human-resources/essential-skills-for-the-human-resource-manager/#.VHevbcmwSEI

Labaton, S. (2013, November). OSHA Leaves Worker Safety in Hands of Industry. Retrieved from New York Times:  http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/25/washington/25osha.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 

Occupational Safety & Health Administration. (2014, November 26). Retrieved from  https://www.osha.gov/dcsp/vpp/index.html 

Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Home . (2014, November 23). Retrieved from Wyoming Department of Workforce Services: http://wyomingworkforce.org/employers-and-businesses/osha/Pages/default.aspx

OSHA Standards the History of
Pages: 4 Words: 1281

Once the amendment procedure has been implemented, the standard is published. At this stage legal challenges can again be mounted which can further delay the enactment of the proposed standard.
As evidenced by the explanation of the process that OSHA must use in order to place a standard in place it is easy to understand the problem that OSHA has in affecting any expedient change in the workplace. The extended nature of this process has made it difficult for OSHA to react to problems and confusions relative to the enforcement of its rules and standards. If they were forced to start over every time an ambiguity or contradiction appeared, the safety enforcement process would come to a standstill. To avoid this occurring, the agency has developed an informal opinion letter process wherein the agency provides guidance to employers as to how best to comply with a particular standard. This often…...



Gerber, B. (2000). Regulatory Policymaking in the American States: A Review of Theories and Evidence. Policital Research Quarterly, 849-886.

Institute of Medicine. (2001). Musculoskeletal Disorders and the Workplace: Low Back and Upper Extremities. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Title 29, Chapter 15 (1970).

OSHA standards

OSHA Stands for the Occupational
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Worker right-to-know laws protect workers by legally obliging employers to divulge information about workplace hazards. Hazard communication standards require employers to "comprehensively" teach employees about hazardous materials in the workplace via such methods as "container labeling and other forms of warning, material safety data sheets and employee training," ("Hazard Communication").

Workers' Compensation is, like OSHA, covered by the United States Department of Labor. However, the Department of Labor's Office of Worker's Compensation Programs (OWCP) only offers workers compensation to certain industries including federal employees but also energy employees, longshore and harbor workers, and coal miners. All workers' compensation claims not covered by the Department of Labor must be filed with the individual state's Department of Labor. Workers' compensation generally offers remuneration or job security in the case of workplace-related injury or illness.

OSHA also promotes safety via built-in incentives for employees. Incentives help companies minimize costs while creating a safer workplace environment.…...



"EHSO Summary of OSHA Regulations." Retrieved April 28, 2009 from  http://www.ehso.com/oshaoverview.php#who 

"Hazard Communication." (nd). OSHA Regulations. Retrieved April 28, 2009 from  http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document-p_table=standards&p_id=10099 

OSHA (2007). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved April 28, 2009 from  http://www.osha.gov/as/opa/osha-faq.html 

"OSHA Coverage of State and Local Government Workers" (nd). Retrieved April 28, 2009 from  http://www.osha.gov/dcsp/osp/public_sector.html

OSHA Complainant vs E C Concrete Inc Case
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

Complainant vs. E.C. Concrete Inc.

Case Facts

ECC is a commercial constructions contractor within the Florida region. The company has been conducting business in the Florida regions since 1992. The company employs a small group of approximately 40 employees. Its primary competitive advantage is its expertise within the multi-story commercial concrete work. ECC is the only company in the northeast Florida region that provides concrete work on multi-story buildings.

On January 15, 2012 ECC was hired to expand the Omni Amelia Island Plantation esort within Fernandina Beach, Florida. The primary role of ECC was to provide concrete forming, pumping, placing, and finishing of 5 buildings. The project was scheduled to be take a year to complete, and in February 2013, work was concluded.

Prior to completion, an incident involving ECC staff occurred on August 1, 2012. According to records, an ECC staff member, with the assistance of a crane, placed approximately 12; 17-foot long…...



1) Feldman, Justin (November 2011), "OSHA Inaction," Public Citizen

OSHA According to the General Guidelines Regarding
Pages: 2 Words: 630

According to the General Guidelines regarding Employee Heath and Safety, every employer "shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees." (OSHA, 2005) In this particular case the employer General Dynamics did technically follow these guidelines as set forth by OSHA, even though the ultimate result was harmful to the employee's state of health. The employer in question did follow all of the legal specifics regarding the use of the toxic solvent, in terms of ventilating the tanks and only using skilled vs. unskilled personnel to enact the cleanup. The legal guidelines regarding cleaning the area and using Trinchloro were within OSHA standards. True, in its gaseous state, the solvent may cause serious illness or death. But the manner in which the tank repairmen…...


Work Cited

Bonney, Doug. (2005) "Employer Domination of Labor Organizations." Free Labor Website. Retrieved 16 Feb 2005 at www.kclabor.org/empdomlaborg.htm

"General Guidelines." (2005) OSHA Website. Retrieved 16 Feb 2005 at   p_id=3359http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document-p_table=OSHACT& ;

OSHA High Priority Standards Ventilation
Pages: 2 Words: 579

The hand-held grinders used in finishing could lead to massive injuries.
Four Written Programs

90.95: Occupational noise exposure. The written program outlining the guidelines to be posted and distributed is necessary to apprise the employees not only of the laws and regulations, but also of the potential risks to their hearing.

90.04: Oxygen. The written program for oxygen use, such as the oxy-acetylene torch, requires proper placarding and operating instructions be posted in the vicinity of operation to minimize the risk of accidents.

90.27: Mechanical power presses. The label that must be affixed to each press regarding current certification and pertinent safety record information and operation, as well as records of certification and safety issues, will help to maintain a safe working environment and track record for the presses.

90.45: Specifications for accident prevention signs and tags. The appropriate markings for various safety hazards and accompanying signage in convenient locations making these signs clear…...


1910.217: Mechanical power presses. Regular training of press operators not only ensures safety for both the operator and other nearby workers, but also ensures efficient operation.

1910.252: Welding. The training of several different positions, including welders and fire watchers, allows for the safest possible use of welding equipment in the manufacturing process.

1910.134: Respiratory protection. proper training in the necessary precaution (ventilation, equipment, and general usage) of volatile chemicals and other respiratory hazards will protect employee health from exposure to solvents, etc.)

OSHA and on the Waterfront Signed Into
Pages: 3 Words: 943

OSHA and on the Waterfront
Signed into law on December 29th, 1970 by President ichard M. Nixon, the Occupational Safety and Health Act recognized the government's role in protecting the American worker from hazards and threats in the workplace. Throughout most of the industrial age, the safety of the worker has been of little concern to those who own and operate businesses. And while the concerns for the safety were forced upon the owners of businesses, mostly through the pressure of unions, the government spent little effort disrupting the profits of business by inserting itself into the issue. That was until the late 1960's when American society became much more aware of the rights of various groups, including workers, and demanded that the safety of the worker be considered as a major concern.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a federal agency assigned to…...



"At A Glance: OSHA" OSHA Homepage. Web. 30 Sept. 2011.


"Employment Law Guide - Occupational Safety and Health." The U.S. Department of Labor Home Page. Web. 30 Sept. 2011.


OSHA the Occupational Health and
Pages: 5 Words: 1578

The research established that OSHA plays an important role in ensuring that people remain safe in the workplace. The organization is responsible for conducted inspections and responding to complaints. The research indicates that although OSHA is instrumental to ensuring the safety of American workers, the organization has experienced some scrutiny associated with the manner in which it is managed. The research found that OSHA is often riddled with problems associated with other government agencies including a slow bureaucratic process. However OSHA is attempting to become more educational and communicative as it pertains to how it associates with employers. However, it can be concluded that OSHA is necessary and needed to guarantee that businesses and organizations comply with the health and safety standards that keep employees and customers safe.

Gaudio Beth (2005) OSHA Inspection... Can it Happen to You? NFIB Legal Foundation. etrieved July 26 from; http://www.nfib.com/object/IO_19802.html

Kim, D. (2008). Political Control…...



Gaudio Beth (2005) OSHA Inspection... Can it Happen to You? NFIB Legal Foundation. Retrieved July 26 from;  http://www.nfib.com/object/IO_19802.html 

Kim, D. (2008). Political Control and Bureaucratic Autonomy Revisited: A Multi-Institutional Analysis of OSHA Enforcement. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18(1), 33+.

Macleod, D. (2000)the Way Out of theOSHA Ergonomics Debacle. Retrieved July 26 from;  http://www.danmacleod.com/Articles/OSHA_Debacle.htm 

Nash, J.L. (2003, December). The Top 10 Ways to Get into Trouble with OSHA: What Are the Most Common, and the Most Effective, Ways for a Company to Have Big Problems with OSHA? We Asked More Than a Dozen Experts, and Found a Surprising Consensus. Occupational Hazards, 65, 27+.

OSHA Standards for Industrial Hazards Prevention and Control
Pages: 4 Words: 1161

OSHA Safety Standards

Priority Applicable Standards

These are (OSHA, 2015):

Eye and Face Protection 1910.133 -- the employer is obliged to provide employees with suitable protection for eyes and faces when they expose themselves to certain hazards. These include flying particles, melted metals, liquid chemicals, acids and other acidic liquids, chemical gases or fumes, and possible damaging light radiation. Detachable side protectors shall be provided to protect them from hazards from flying objects. Those wearing prescription lenses shall also incorporate the lens prescription in its design. Filter lenses shall also be provided to protect from possible injuries from light radiation

Head Protection 1910.135 -- employees working in areas exposed to head injuries shall be provided with protective helmets. These helmets shall reduce the impact of the electrical shock hazard when they get close to electrical conductors. These head protective coverings shall be designed according to consensus standards of the American…...



OSHA (2015). Safety hazards associated with oil and gas extraction activities.

Oil and Gas Extraction: United States Department of Labor. Retrieved on January

26, 2015 from https://www.osha.go/SLtC/oilgaswelldrilling/safetyhazards.html

OSHA Programs Alliance Program Though
Pages: 2 Words: 481

These sites typically do not start out with such low rates. Reductions in injuries and illnesses begin when the site commits to the VPP approach to safety and health management and the challenging VPP application process." (Department of Labor1, 1)
This denotes that the impact of this program on safety has been an overall improvement of worker conditions in contexts qualifying for the protection in question. This also spares OSHA resources by reducing the necessity for regularly scheduled inspection visits.

Challenge Program:

Subordinate to the Voluntary Protection Program but called into action in 2006, the Challenge Program was created to provide critical support and resources to those businesses taking the initiative to improve safety and health standards. According to the Department of Labor, the major contribution of the Challenge Program to general worker health and safety is its proliferation of innovative electronic tools for monitoring safety compliance.

The Department of Labor describes a…...


Works Cited:

United States Department of Labor. (2012). OSHA's Cooperative Programs. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

United States Department of Labor1. (2013). Voluntary Protection Program. OSHA.gov.

OSHA Regulations in the Aircraft
Pages: 6 Words: 2670

It is the common opinion that as of date the FAA does not protect the flight attendants. Ten percent of the employees out of thirty one thousand flight attendees still report injuries. (Wood, 2000)
There are no requirements for personnel even to record or report injuries in the program of OSHA. This is not implemented by the Federal Aviation egulations. OSHA is ignored by most entities while most industries adopted the OSHA. It is to be noted that "the FAA's safety and health qualifications are pretty slim. That's not what FAA regulators do. Their interest in safety tends to be limited to the safety of the airplane" (Wood, 2000) the FAA does not want to implement the OSHA guidelines based on the argument that it is difficult to bifurcate authority and implement something on a service that extends beyond the United States. The FAA however claims that it is reviewing…...



Committee on Air Quality in Passenger Cabins of Commercial Aircraft, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Research Council (2002) "The Airliner Cabin Environment and the Health of Passengers and Crew" the National Academies Press.

N.A. (2000, Dec) "FAA / OSHA Aviation Safety and Health Team: First Report" Retrieved 8 February, 2008 at http://www2.faa.gov/safety/programs_initiatives/health/ashp/media/faa-osha-report.pdf

Nagda, Niren Laxmichand. (2000) "Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner Cabins" ASTM


OSHA Violence in the Workplace
Pages: 2 Words: 648

experienced workplace violence?
When I was very young and working at my first place of employment, someone who was drunk and disorderly had to be removed by the police. Fortunately, the police were able to come quickly given that I was not well-briefed on how to deal with such incidents at the time. Since then, I have not encountered any extreme workplace violence other than the occasional resistance of a child during treatment.

Based on the OSHA fact sheet what are some of the risk factors for becoming a victim of workplace violence?

While all workers can experience violence in the workplace, there are indicators that nurses and healthcare workers in general may be especially vulnerable. According to OSHA, workers who handle money; deliver passengers or goods or services; work alone or with few people around; work late or during the very early morning (typical nursing shifts); in high-crime areas or other…...



Workplace violence. (2002). OSHA Fact Sheet.

Retrieved from:


OSHA Fire Fighter Regulations
Pages: 8 Words: 2556

employed by firefighters. Over the course of this report, there will be a definition of what the "two in, two out" procedure is, why it is important and so forth. Further, there will be a summary of interviews with at least two different firefighters of sufficient rank and experience that are thus qualified to speak to whether there is compliance with the "two in, two out" rule within their departments. Beyond that, the author of this report will offer a personal perspective about the practice within fire departments as well as exterior sources that review and analyze the topic as well. While many rules and procedures may seem pointless and silly to some, anything that pertains to safety in a hazardous job should not be taken lightly and the "two in, two out" procedure is certainly emblematic of this fact.
Two In, Two Out Defined

As explained by the Utah Valley…...



Fire Engineering. (2015). Time to clarify "TWO IN/TWO OUT." Fireengineering.com. Retrieved 21 July 2015, from  http://www.fireengineering.com/articles/print/volume-163/issue-4/departments/letters-to_the_editor/time-to-clarify-two-in-two-out.html 

OSHA. (2015). 03/12/1999 - Complying with the "two-in, two-out" policy for interior structural firefighting.. Osha.gov. Retrieved 21 July 2015, from https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document-p_table=INTERPRETATIONS&p_id=22711

UVU. (2015). United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Fire Fighters' Two-in/Two-out Regulation. Utah Valley University. Retrieved 21 July 2015, from https://www.uvu.edu/ufra/docs/2in2out.pdf

OSHA Guidelines for Woodworkers
Pages: 3 Words: 822

Personal Protective Equipment for a Woodworking Shop
A modern woodworking shop is replete with a wide range of hazards that must be taken into account in their design and operation, including the need for appropriate personal protective equipment for individual employees (Tizard, 2009). Using Subpart I, Appendix B of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Personal Protective Equipment Standard as a guide, this paper provides an assessment of a woodworking shop to determine what hazards are present that necessitate the use of personal protective equipment. Based on this assessment, appropriate personal protective equipment are identified and recommended for use by affected employees. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings concerning workplace hazard assessments are presented in the conclusion.

Workplace Assessment. Although every woodworking shop is unique in some fashion, it is possible to conduct a hazard assessment that can identify potential hazards that are specific to the workplace environment,…...



Occupational and community noise. (2001, July). Journal of Environmental Health, 64(1), 48.

OSHA woodworking. (2014). Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved from  https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/woodproducts/tech_woodworking.html .

Personal protective equipment standards. (2014). Grainger. Retrieved from http://www.


Political Science OSHA the Occupational Safety and
Pages: 12 Words: 3755

Political Science

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct) of 1970 was passed by Congress in order to make sure that every working person in the country had safe and healthful working circumstances and to preserve human resources. Under the OSHAct, OSHA was put into place within the Department of Labor and was sanctioned to control health and safety conditions for all employers with very few exceptions. OSHA was created in order to:

persuade employers and workers to decrease workplace dangers and to put into practice new or advance existing safety and health principles make available research in occupational safety and health and build up innovative ways of dealing with occupational safety and health problems set up separate but dependent tasks and rights for employers and workers for the attainment of better safety and health circumstances uphold a reporting and recordkeeping system to watch job-related injuries and illnesses found training programs to…...



Coniglio, J. (2010). OSHA Inspections: What to Do When OSHA Calls. Professional Safety,

55(12), 39-41.

Connolly, W.B. & Crowell, D.R. (2005). A practical guide to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Issue 22. New York: ALM Properties.

Mendeloff, J., & Gray, W.B. (2005). Inside the Black Box: How do OSHA Inspections Lead to Reductions in Workplace Injuries?. Law & Policy, 27(2), 219-237.

Can you help me with a fire prevention management project report?
Words: 381

Fire prevention management refers to a field with an incredibly broad scope.  It encompasses any behaviors aimed at helping reduce or prevent the risk of fire.  It can apply to commercial, residential, industrial, and even natural settings.  In addition to looking at fire safety technology, it also looks at human factors that can contribute to the risk of fire. Developing a good fire prevention management plan involves looking at your physical setting, the natural factors, and the human factors that can impact the risk of fire safety and dictate what types of interventions would....

Can you provide a concise outline of Mao Zedong\'s rise to power and his impact on China?
Words: 399

I. Introduction
A. Background information on Mao Zedong
B. Thesis statement: Mao Zedong was a prominent Chinese political leader who played a significant role in shaping China's history.

II. Early Life and Rise to Power
A. Birth and upbringing in Shaoshan, Hunan province
B. Involvement in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
C. Participation in the Long March and establishment of Red Army

III. Mao's Leadership Style and Ideology
A. Introduction of Maoist ideology and Marxism-Leninism
B. Implementation of land reforms and collectivization
C. The Great Leap Forward and its impact on the Chinese economy

IV. Cultural Revolution
A. Launch of the Cultural Revolution

What are the common barriers to OSH implementation in SMEs according to literature?
Words: 577

Common Barriers to OSH Implementation in SMEs According to Literature
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face unique challenges in implementing occupational safety and health (OSH) measures due to various barriers. According to extensive literature, the most prevalent obstacles include:
1. Resource Constraints:
SMEs typically have limited resources, including funding, personnel, and time. This can make it difficult to invest in OSH equipment, training, and compliance with regulations. [1]
2. Lack of Awareness and Knowledge:
Many SME owners and employees lack adequate knowledge about OSH best practices and legal requirements. This can lead to complacency and resistance to implementing safety measures. [2]
3. Competing Priorities:
In the....

How do Western brand popularity impact local businesses in terms of competition and growth?
Words: 557

Impact of Western Brand Popularity on Local Businesses
The proliferation of Western brands in local markets has significant implications for local businesses, affecting both their competitive landscape and growth potential. Here's a detailed analysis of the impact in terms of competition and growth:
Increased Market Share: Western brands often enter local markets with established brand recognition, marketing prowess, and financial resources. This allows them to capture a significant market share, diverting consumers away from local businesses.
Lower Entry Barriers: The presence of Western brands lowers entry barriers for other foreign companies, creating a more competitive environment for local businesses.
Eroded Margins:....

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