Overpopulation Essays (Examples)

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Overpopulation and Its Environmental Effects
Pages: 20 Words: 5154

And what about jobs, housing, and health care for all these people?" (Global Warming Is eally Happening).
One of fundamental causes of this situation is the growth of technology. The Industrial evolution not only created new forms of labor and industry but also led to an increase in the urban population. "There is a link between technology, overpopulation and the decline in the environment leads to increases in CO2 levels follows growth in population" (the EFFECTS of GLOBAL WAMING).

The following graph outlines some that ways that increased population and consumption impacts on the environment.

Source: (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/1848/global.html)

Figure 4. The following diagram illustrates the increase in CO2 emission over time.

Source: (http://fixco1.com/bushglobalwarming.html)

It should also be emphasized that overpopulation plays a very important role in global warming. And that global warming is "not just an environmental term... But it is a catastrophic shift in the ecological balance that took the earth billions of years to…...



Blanchard K. (2006) Population growth threatens East Asian coasts. Retrieved January 3, 2008, at http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=14&click_id=143&art_id=qw1160982361722B251

De Angelis M. (1997) MODELS of POLITICAL ECONOMY. Retrieved January 3, 2008 at http://homepages.uel.ac.uk/M.DeAngelis/213ln4.htm

Ehrlich P. And Ehrlich a. The POPULATION EXPLOSION. Retrieved January 3, 2008 at  http://dieoff.org/page27.htm 


Overpopulation Philos Identity Freedom Overpopulation Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 824

Overpopulation Philos Identity Freedom
Overpopulation is a consistent and pervasive problem in the world today. There is no doubt that if one looks at the available data and even a great deal of public opinion that overpopulation may be the greatest problem for humanity and the earth to date as the expansion of the human population has become exponential and is increasing in intensity in numbers never before seen.

Since 1950, the global population has swelled almost threefold. The current population of almost seven billion is forecast to rise to more than nine billion by 2050. This is increasing demands on the finite resources of our planet, reducing our ability to bring people out of poverty and causing climate-warming increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a decline in biodiversity and conflict for resources (John, 2011, p. 18)

Yet, from a philosophical standpoint associated with identity and freedom there is no doubt that…...



Arsenault, C. (2011, October 30). Are we facing a crisis of overpopulation?. Al Jazeera (Qatar).

John, S. (2011). Overpopulation is too big a problem to ignore. Times, The (United Kingdom), 18.

Nicholas, E. (2011, May). 5 Myths about global population. Washington Post, The.

Overpopulation and Nuclear Genocide in
Pages: 2 Words: 828

The outcome of the future of Israel is important for reasons that go beyond the region's religious politics. If the world stands aside and allows the annihilation of the State of Israel, then what nation, for what reason, would be next? Right now, Iran is perfecting its capability for nuclear armament; North Korea has recently demonstrated its ability for nuclear defense, or offense. China, the nation with the fastest growing population and perhaps the fastest decreasing resources has nuclear capability; and the future of the world is precarious at best. e can hope for the best, but:

e learn from Ecclesiastes (34:1) that "Vain hopes delude the senseless, and dreams give wings to a fool's fancy." Israel's strategic future is fraught with existential risk and danger; it is essential, therefore, that friends of Israel now approach this future with utter realism and candor. A nuclear war against the Jewish State would…...

Overpopulation and Instability Drawing Connections
Pages: 13 Words: 3816

In a study of 50 failed states and political structures, the authors found that in nearly every case (47 of the 50) there was a direct link between out of control population growth and the depletion of specific resources that allow both the country's government and economy the means to create a stable society (Levin, and enelt, 1992, pp. 954). Overpopulation was but one of a set of variables that often lead to political instability.
Countries like India had to evolve economically in order to survive politically. If the population of India were to grow without sufficient educational and political structure to help guide the development of a more complex economy, the masses of unskilled workers and unemployed people would overrun the nation's political system in an effort to secure the vast amounts of capital and resources necessary to sustain the overpopulated state (Shrivastave, 1992, pp. 2035). Without a doubt,…...



Alesina, Alberto; Ozler, Sule; Roubini, Nouriel; and Swagel, Phillip. (1996) "Political Instability and Economic Growth." Journal of Economic Growth, 1: 189-211, June 1996.

Barro, Robert J. (1991) "Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 4: 114-122, May 1991.

Hartmann, Betsy. (1999). Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Control. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.

Levin, Ross and Renelt, David. (1992). "A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions." The American Economic Review, Vol 82, 4: 942-966, September 1992.

Overpopulation Overpopulation and the Food
Pages: 3 Words: 1059

If China can do it, other countries can build up their food supplies as well, but they may need help from the United States when they implement projects.
Another area of food supply that is suffering from the Earth's growth in population is fishing. Another writer notes, "Since the past several decades have seen tremendous growth in the urban populations of poor countries with traditional fish diets, along with income growth in these populations,' he says, 'it is no surprise that fish consumption has exploded'" (Tibbetts). Fish consumption is up, but the world is overfishing the oceans, and many types of fish are endangered or have disappeared entirely. Tibbetts continues, "Today, about 47% of commercial fish stocks worldwide are considered fully exploited, or fished at or near their maximum sustainable limits, according to the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2002" (Tibbetts). The United States has put fishing limits on…...



Carswell, Grace. "Farmers and Fallowing: Agricultural Change in Kigezi District, Uganda." The Geographical Journal 168.2 (2002): 130+.

Cook, Guy. Genetically Modified Language: The Discourse of Arguments for GM Crops and Food. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Gonzalez-Pelaez, Ana. Human Rights and World Trade: Hunger in International Society. London: Routledge, 2005.

Gosine, Andil. "Dying Planet, Deadly People: "Race"-Sex Anxieties and Alternative Globalizations." Social Justice 32.4 (2005): 69+.

Overpopulation Is One of the
Pages: 1 Words: 379

The worldview that supports long-term solutions to the food crisis is a sensible one because it focuses on the underlying causes rather than the symptoms. Overpopulation is at least in part due to poverty and political disenfranchisement, especially the subjugation of women worldwide. Jimeno (2005) notes that the ability of women to choose whether or not to have children may be the single most important factor in reducing population growth. Overpopulation causes more problems than just food shortages. The greater the population, the greater the consumption of resources in general will be. "Population growth creates problems beyond the impacts of excess consumption.," (Hanauer 1998). Therefore, reducing population is far more important than increasing food production.


Hanauer, M.G. (1998). Overpopulation and consumption: where we should focus. Minnesotans for Sustainability. etrieved Nov 10, 2009 from http://www.mnforsustain.org/pop_overpopulation_consumption_technology_hanauer.htm

Jimeno, J.F. (2005). Population growth drops when women are free to choose. Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism. etrieved…...



Hanauer, M.G. (1998). Overpopulation and consumption: where we should focus. Minnesotans for Sustainability. Retrieved Nov 10, 2009 from  http://www.mnforsustain.org/pop_overpopulation_consumption_technology_hanauer.htm 

Jimeno, J.F. (2005). Population growth drops when women are free to choose. Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism. Retrieved Nov 10, 2009 from  http://www.pcij.org/stories/2005/pills2.html

Philosophical Perspective of Overpopulation Philosophy - Overpopulation
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Philosophical Perspective of Overpopulation
Philosophy - Overpopulation

A Philosophical Perspective on Overpopulation

Author's collegiate affiliation, contact information, more details on collegiate affiliation, etc.

We are in a globalized world because of digital technology and especially the Internet. The markets are globalized. People travel more internationally. It is possible to communicate internationally/overseas very easily because of email, social networks like Facebook and Twitter, blogs, and video chatting features such as Skype or video chat through Google and Apple. As we are a more globalized world, we are able to be more aware of global issues, of issues that do not concern us domestically. Not only is access to resources and issue for many citizens of Earth, but also quality of resources. The world is very much aware of how many people are on our planet and that those people need things such as food, clean water, shelter, and other basic human needs/rights. Because of…...

Policy Dealing With Overpopulation and Air Pollution
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Policy Dealing With Overpopulation and Air Pollution
London has similarities to New York in that it too is an overpopulated location with a high density of air pollution -- or rather it had a high density of air pollution, until Britain implemented policies that dealt with that situation. One of the policies that Britain implemented was the Environment Act 1995, which covers England, Scotland, and Wales and requires all local authorities to review and assess air quality in their area. Under that policy, the National Air Quality Strategy for those same counties stipulates conditions for reducing levels of health-threatening pollutants. These include benzene,1,3-butadiene, carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, particles, sulphur dioxide, ground level ozone, and PAH.

Present day New York City is over populated, contributed by immigrants who search for job opportunities, tourists, and students entering prestigious schools. Cities of the United States show that from 1998 to 2000, there is a…...

Causes of Overpopulation in Developing Countries
Pages: 5 Words: 1854

Causes of overpopulation in developing countires.
Overpopulation of the human race is an important issue for many developing countries, as well as the rest of the world. While some groups will argue that there is no such thing as overpopulation as such because there is no way for humans to become so numerous that they cannot compensate with intelligence and relocation. However, most well informed individuals agree that there is in fact a problem with the growing population of the human race. There are many factors that have led to people overpopulating in developing countries and elsewhere in the world, and statistical analysis reveals the patterns of growth that created today's population situation and where population is expected to go in years to come. The overpopulation of people in all areas of the world leads to negative consequences for the environment and people; there are specific consequences for people living in…...



Barlett, A. (1998) Is there a population problem? Wild Earth (A journal for creatures who care about their habitat), 7.3. Fall. 88-90.

Hanauer, M. (1998) Overpopulation and overconsumption: where should we focus. NPG. Retrieved September 30, 2004 from   overconsume.htm.http://www.npg.org/forum_series/overpop& ;

National Geographic Society (NGS). (2001) Overpopulation. Human impact. Retrieved September 30, 2004 from http://www.nationalgeographic.com/eye/overpopulation/effect.html.

PAI. (2003) Factsheets, resources. Population Action International. Retrieved September 30, 2004 from  http://www.populationaction.org/resources/factsheets .

Pet Overpopulation
Pages: 3 Words: 968

First, adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue means that an animal that would have been euthanized has been saved from that fate. However, choosing to adopt rather than shop has additional benefits. Many, if not most, of the animals that are bred to be sold as purebreds or hybrids on the companion animal market are bred by disreputable breeders. In addition to the squalid living conditions for mothers in these puppy or kitten mills, these breeders engage in behavior that directly contribute to homelessness in pets. These practices include: dumping dogs or cats that have not been sold at shelters or on roadways, dumping animals that do not meet breed standards, and dumping female dogs who have outlived their fertility. Furthermore, the conditions under which many of these animals are bred and raised undermines the lifelong health and temperament of the animals, which can result in health…...


Works Cited

San Antonio Area Foundation. "Becoming a No-Kill Community: The Importance of Spay/Neuter." SAAFDN, 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.

Avoiding Overpopulation in the U S the United
Pages: 7 Words: 1793

Avoiding Overpopulation in the U.S.
The United States has managed to achieve a stable reproductive rate. That is, as of 1999, our fertility rate is 2.0, meaning that for each two adults we are having two children. (Carter, 1999) This has no doubt been accomplished because we have learned about how to apply population control within our families. However, it does not mean the United States will never have any problems with population growth in the future. The fertility rate doesn't take immigration into consideration or the fact that many people are living many more years than they used to. It makes sense, then, to continue to concern ourselves about population growth.

The Planned Parenthood Federation has worked for many decades to make birth control available for all who want it. Their mission statement says:

Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual... To manage his or her fertility, regardless of…...



Carter, Tom. March 22, 1999. "To Birth, or Not to Birth?" Insight on the News.

Koshar, Jeanette H. 09-01-2001. "Teen Pregnancy 2001-Still No Easy Answers." Pediatric Nursing, 27(5): 505-512,

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) "Mission Statement.  http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ 

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) "Fact Sheet: Pregnancy & Childbearing Among U.S. Teens."

Human Population World Overpopulation The
Pages: 6 Words: 2053

Omole-Ohonsi, (2007) in his study of sub-Saharan Africa confirmed these affects by suggesting that overpopulation of a locality not only damages the environment and sustainability but "feeds the cycle of poverty" (20). Thus, from non-renewable resources to social problems, the effects of overpopulation are large and far-reaching, encouraging a cycle of environmental destruction and poverty.

Ways to Achieve Sustainability

As previously mentioned, overpopulation is a difficult problem to solve because it deals directly with personal rights, beliefs, religions, and attitudes. egardless, many potential solutions have been discussed and implemented on a local level. Omole-Ohonsi (2007) suggested a government agency to enforce family planning policies, in addition to restructuring attitudes about these policies and overpopulation (22). Warner (2004), however presents the opposite side of the argument by insisting that problems occur in some state mandated family planning programs. While it is true that mandated family planning may work in certain situations, religious, ethical,…...



Khounsary, Ali. (nd). Overpopulation Reasons. Retrieved November 15, 2008, at  http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/gen99/gen99814.htm 

Negative Population Growth. (2008). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved November 15, 2008 at  http://www.npg.org/faq.html 

Omole-Ohonsi, a. (2007). Family Planning-Solution to Africa's Socioeconomic

Problems. Journal of Medicine and Rehabilitations. Maiden Edition, 20-22.

Overpopulation of Homeless Animals
Pages: 5 Words: 1373

Formal Proposal for Increased Funding for Animal Spay and Neuter ClinicsTo: The Board of Directors, Animal Welfare FoundationFrom: XX, Animal Welfare AdvocateDate: November 22, 2023Subject: Proposal for Allocating Additional Funds to Animal Spay and Neuter ClinicsIntroductionThe serious problem of animal overpopulation and homelessness is a major concern in our community. As an advocate for animal welfare and a member of the local animal rights group, I have personally witnessed and can bear testimony to the challenges faced by animal shelters and the distress of homeless animals. This proposal aims to address this issue by seeking increased funding for animal spay and neuter clinics, which is a proven method to control the animal population and reduce homelessness (Slater and Weiss).Current SituationCurrently, our community faces a growing problem of animal overpopulation, meaning there are increased numbers of homeless animals on our streets and overcrowded shelters. One problem that this causes, as Carow…...

Can We Sacrifice a Few Lives to Save Millions
Pages: 2 Words: 433

Overpopulation is one of the biggest threats to the planet and to humanity. In poor nations where food rations are sparse, too many people can cause famines. Overpopulation contributes to environmental problems, health problems, and economical problems. However, overpopulation is a difficult crisis to deal with because the right to reproduce is ingrained in the human psyche. It would be unethical to invasively force sterilization on women or men. On the other hand, it is equally unethical to give up and do nothing. The recent discovery of the five-year birth control pill solves a slew of problems. First, it provides a contraceptive that is more reliable than condoms or the standard pill, for there is no room for human error. The pill is only taken once and the woman is protected for five years. Second, it offers a non-invasive method of contraception that can squelch the population growth on the…...

Philosophy -- the Tragedy of
Pages: 5 Words: 1411

More importantly, Sen argues that the collaborative approach would be a more successful route to reducing population growth. Among the ideas mentioned by Sen would be incorporating better public education to promote genuine understanding of problems and the reasons why changing certain behavior would be appropriate. In general, Sen expresses the confidence that Hardin lacks that many people could be taught long-range morality the same way many people already learn or absorb short-range morality. In that regard, it is simply not the case that most people behave appropriately toward others only because they fear the legal consequences of doing otherwise. Sen also implies that government could still play a role in encouraging the choice to have smaller families but in positive rather than negative ways. For example, federal and state agencies could provide monetary rewards for single-child families such as in the form of subsidized education, or childcare, or college…...

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Abortion?
Words: 196

1. The moral and ethical implications of abortion
2. The impact of abortion on women's rights and autonomy
3. The role of religion in shaping public opinion on abortion
4. The effects of abortion restrictions on women's access to healthcare
5. The history of abortion laws in the United States
6. The debate over fetal personhood and when life begins
7. The psychological impact of abortion on women
8. The intersection of race, class, and access to abortion services
9. The role of healthcare providers in the abortion debate
10. The future of abortion rights in America
11. The portrayal of abortion in popular culture and media
12. The economic implications....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Animal Rights?
Words: 262

1. The ethical implications of using animals for cosmetic testing
2. The impact of factory farming on animal welfare and the environment
3. The role of animals in scientific research and the need for alternatives
4. The importance of protecting endangered species and their habitats
5. The relationship between animal abuse and human violence
6. The legal rights of animals and the need for stronger animal protection laws
7. The use of animals in entertainment and the ethics of captivity
8. The benefits of adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle for animal rights
9. The role of animal advocacy organizations in promoting animal welfare
10. The connection between animal....

why immigration should be restricted?
Words: 254

1. National Security: Restricting immigration can help prevent potential threats to national security like terrorists or criminals entering the country.

2. Economic Impact: Limiting immigration can reduce competition for jobs and resources, potentially benefitting native-born citizens by improving job opportunities and wages.

3. Overpopulation: A large influx of immigrants can strain resources like housing, schools, and healthcare, leading to overcrowding and increased demand for public services.

4. Cultural Preservation: Restricting immigration can help preserve the country's unique culture and traditions by limiting the influence of outside cultures.

5. Assimilation: Managing immigration levels allows for better integration of immigrants into society, promoting unity and social....

Is overpopulation the root cause of all environmental problems?
Words: 172

While overpopulation can certainly contribute to environmental problems such as resource depletion, habitat destruction, and pollution, it is not the sole root cause of all environmental issues. Other factors such as overconsumption, unsustainable resource extraction, and lack of regulatory measures also play a significant role in environmental degradation. Addressing environmental problems requires a multifaceted approach that considers a range of factors, not just population size.
Furthermore, focusing solely on overpopulation as the root cause of all environmental problems overlooks the complexities of the issue. It is important to recognize that different regions and countries have varying levels of environmental impact per....

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