Passion Essays (Examples)

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In Elisabeth Bergmann's case it is just the opposite: she saw her passion for dancing as the opportunity to get to know new worlds, to teach others how to express themselves through dance and how to know others through their dance and finally, she went at bringing diverse worlds together by using a common language that does not need translation: the dance.
Bergmann took her passion for dance, mixed with her love of teaching and traveling and gave the world the opportunity to see and feel differently. he population of rinidad and obago was just happening to help her in her undertaking to see the world through its diversity.

Bergmann counts herself among those fortunate ones that benefited form having a dance teacher that not only convinced her of his own genuine passion for dance, but also encouraged her to put all her energy into a passion for this kind of….

Both emotions and gods must be respected, according to Racine's overall dramatic conception. Neither reason nor passion is 'bad' merely an excess or an imbalance of one at the expense of the other. Similarly, Swift's dry, droll tone suggests his love of reason, wit, and his arch view of social niceties and conventions for which people have a great deal of emotional affection. But Swift is not advocating a triumph of reason over emotion or emotion over reason because he is satirizing people who do not take a compassionate view of the starving Irish. Rather, Swift suggests that it is equally irrational to cling to reason, and say it is economically rational to ignore people in need. The 'rational' extension of this logic would be to view human beings as nothing but animals, to be eaten as food. Despite living in vastly different time periods and deploying entirely different….

The character Ahab's pursuit for Moby Dick is similar to society's pursuit for Hester's as a symbol of their passion for (and against) sinfulness. For Ahab, Moby Dick is a desire that has turned into a passion because its elusiveness; his not being able to capture the great whale became a source of frustration from him. Passion eventually develops as a result, where Ahab does not care anymore whether he lives or not, just as long as he lives long enough to capture Moby Dick. As Ahab tells Starbuck, his pursuit for Moby Dick is guided by his own passion, claiming that he is "Fates' lieutenant."
Poe in the Imp of the Perverse is perhaps the perfect example of Hawthorne's and Melville's interpretation of the "great blackness" embedded within works of literature. In Imp, the narrator talks about his passion for secrecy, death, and insanity, forbidden concepts and behavior that….

Passion v Reasoning

Passion and Reasoning
Reason is defined as the (human) capacity for logical, rational or analytic thought, inference of discrimination. It makes the information available in the intellect for the will to act on. The use of reason in forming conclusions, inferences or judgments, which are used in thinking, is called reasoning. And passion is a strong, powerful emotion, or a state of mind, which is powerfully influenced by something external. Passion is also described as a state of uncontrollable excitement, or extreme and inordinate desire. ut passion is not opposed to reason, as many believe. Rather, passion results from the absence of reason that ought to direct it.

oth Tartuffe by Jean aptiste Moliere and Phaedra by Jean Racine are plays about passion and the momentary defeat of reason.

Tartuffe is as much a tale of hypocrisy as of passion and a suspension of reason. Orgon is so taken by the avowals of….

Passion for the Planet

Passion for the Planet
1, What role, if any, does McGregor's Theory Y play at Patagonia? Explain.

McGregor's Theory Y plays a critically important role in the formation and continual strengthening of the Patagonia culture. It underscores a belief, in fact a core attribute of the company culture, that autonomy, mastery and purpose are critically important for employees to take ownership and thrive in their jobs (Camps, odriguez, 2011). Theory Y also brings a very high level of participative management into any culture. In the case of Patagonia, the focus on how to create more trust so collaborative workflows are created and maintained is achieved through participative management (Kim, 2002).

How does Patagonia build human and social capital?

Patagonia takes the mindset that creating a more open, collaborative culture will over time lead to greater levels of human and social capital being generated, accumulated and available for initiatives and strategies to be completed. The….

Passion/Personal Experience
As a daughter to two traditional Chinese parents, I have consistently struggled with maintaining my individual identity while respecting my heritage. Part of this struggle is evident in my pursuit of a higher education. Since I have been exposed to the Western educational system, I have endeavored to attain mastery of the language as well as of the foundation of knowledge available. Because I worked hard, I was able to maintain a high grade point average and prove my abilities. However, this was all accomplished with significant personal conflict. Because my parents feel that women should be primarily caregivers, mothers and housewives, my education carries a low priority to my family. They feel that I should focus more on traditional female roles, whereas I realize that education is important regardless of one's station in life. Although life is a struggle, I continue to chase my dreams and hope that….

I am a better believer, Christian, and individual because of these experiences.
I have the enthusiasm, drive, passion, and motivation to, one day, become a nurse. I know that in order to get there, I will need to acquire the appropriate skills in an appropriate environment. I chose Chamberlain because its nursing school is rated as being one of the best in the world, and more specifically, because it bears some semblance to an actual hospital setting. I also admire the convenient design of its courses, the small class size, and the intimate professional relationships between lecturers and students. My best friend undertook her nursing course at Chamberlain, and judging from the content of her speech on graduating from the institution, professional work ethic, and knowledge base, I am confident that Chamberlain is the place for people like me who have the vision and determination to succeed in the nursing….

H. crushes the bug which was crawling on the door of the wardrobe. However, the cockroach doesn't die immediately, and continues to crawl despite its injuries. The impression produced by this image of the wounded cockroach that tries to crawl despite the pain and despite its ugliness is what actually brings about her revelation G.H. feels that she must overcome her disgust and make a gesture of supreme communion: kiss the leper: "I am going to overcome my disgust, and I am going to go as far as the gesture of supreme communion. I am going to kiss the leper."(Lispector, 31) the Christian symbolism here is obvious: self-revelation can only be achieved, paradoxically, through self-effacement in front of the Other. The Christian communion requires the deliberate humiliation and annihilation of the self, so as to attain a heightened understanding of the self.
Immediately after this revelatory encounter, G.H. feels that she….

My horizons significantly expanded while on this job and with the aid of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry experience, my areas of research and development base work increased exponentially. Finally, the jobs took me to the Northrop Grumman, where I came to perform next generation testing and method development. Given the continuous opportunities to learn more and with the current access to vast instrumentation, ranging from vapor delivery systems to DART-MS, I became further intrigued by the benefits of research. Consequently, I reached the conclusion that I am in the best position in my life to start the courses of a PhD program.
The PhD program would allow me to dedicate more time and intense efforts to researching and even trying to find solution to the security issues facing our nation. To better explain, the terrorist attacks of September 11, combined with a multifaceted array of international issues, such as….

Passions in Life Are My

My success in those challenging courses also contributed to my growing sense of confidence in my academic abilities to pursue this highly-competitive area of study in the future.
As an Asian-American, I am most interested in liver research projects such as those of Dr. Tong and Dr. Corey, because so many Asian-Americans are afflicted with hepatic problems, including some of my very close family members. Likewise, I am interested in molecular pathology research, such as that of Dr. Imam, in relation to the identification and accurate diagnosis of cancer and other diseases through molecular markers. These areas are especially meaningful to me because of the experiences of some of my close friends and family members who have been diagnosed with various forms of cancer.

More particularly, I hope to explore and eventually contribute to areas such as Hepatitis B treatment algorithms (including screening for viral mutants), the epidemiology of Hepatitis ailments….

Passion of the Christ

Mel Gibson's 2004 film The Passion of the Christ contains universal and timeless motifs, symbols, and themes. Among the themes that most viewers will easily relate to are the love between mother and child, the nature of human suffering, and the nature of devotion. However, one of the most poignant topics addressed in the film that also pertains to the modern era deals with the nature of government, the ways politicians function in their public and private lives, and the interface between religion and politics.
In the film's depicted time period as well as in the modern era, politics cannot be separated from many business or judicial decisions. Jesus of Nazareth was deemed to be a threat to the existing state and religious hierarchies. His teachings undermined the authority of the Jewish priests, who were in informal collusion with the Roman government. Although no exact parallel can be drawn between….

I am most passionate about people. I enjoy helping people, and see this as my life's work. I am an empathetic person who feels strongly about the value of support for others. I have seen first hand the value of helping and being helped. People in their time of need rely on others to help them, not just with physical issues but with the emotional side of things as well.

I can pursue helping people each and every day. In the present, it is important that I always take the time to listen and to be available for people. By practicing caring every day, I can also be better for the future. I see nursing as being a combination of having empathy, of caring and of being competent. Thus, for the future I can incorporate my passion for caring for others.

This means building my career in nursing. I feel strongly about….

```html The concept of passion in an individual's life cannot be overstated, as it serves as a driving force that motivates and gives meaning to daily activities. While passion is often associated with the arts and romantic endeavors, it is equally applicable to any pursuit, be it scientific discovery or entrepreneurial ventures. It is the intense, enthusiastic emotion that propels people towards their goals, influencing decisions and shaping destinies. Vallerand et al. (2003) define passion as a strong inclination toward an activity that people like, that they find important, and in which they invest significant amounts of time and energy.

Passion can greatly affect an individual's psychological well-being. According to the Dualistic Model of Passion (DMP), proposed by Vallerand (2008), there are two types of passion: harmonious and obsessive. Harmonious passion is associated with balanced integration into one's identity and authentic engagement with activities, which leads to positive emotional experiences and psychological….

Passion for more knowledge and personal growth has created the strong and determined person that I am today. I am determined to make a positive impact in my life and the lives of others. I am also determined to learn as much as I possibly can, never forgetting that the learning process is one that will continue until I cease to exists on this earth. Recognizing that true passion in any aspect of ones life builds strength and determination that is indestructible. I have never taken no for an answer and will not start that process today. I create my destiny and the future is limitless, for only I can place limits on my abilities through self-doubt and negativity. With faith in my abilities and in me, all things….

Art History Passion

Passion: overwhelming erotic love. Passion: zeal, intense interest in a thought, ideal, belief, person, or activity. Passion: anger, rage, fury. Passion: suffering. Perhaps most commonly used in reference to romantic, erotic love in modern culture, the word passion actually evokes any strong, overpowering emotion. Mel Gibson's recent film The Passion of the Christ reminds viewers that in Christian thought, passion refers explicitly to Jesus's suffering. Christian passion is frequently depicted in the visual arts, but so too is the passion of romantic love, the inexplicable force drawing one person to another. Often mythological figures are employed to convey the archetype of passion; mythic figures suggest that passion is immutable, universal, and timeless. That which the gods can feel is by definition divine in nature. Titian's "Venus and Adonis" especially exemplifies a painter's rendering of archetypal passion onto the canvas. A Renaissance-era artist, Titian uses imagery from classical mythology to invoke….

One of the interests that I have is in helping victims of childhood sexual abuse.  I became interested in this area by accident.  As a middle-school child, I had a friend express suicidal ideations to me and relayed them to my parent.  The friend’s parents got them into a treatment program, but also removed them from our school.  Feeling as if I had betrayed their confidence, the friend ended communication with me.  It was years later, in an unrelated way, that I learned that there were several warning signs of childhood sexual abuse in their home.  When....

Stress in sport can refer to two distinct things.  It can refer to physical stress and is compared to recovery periods or it can refer to the emotional stressors experienced by athletes in various sports.  Because you referred to the sources of stress experienced by those involved in sport, we are proceeding under the assumption that you are referring to emotional stressors.  We are going to provide an outline to give you an idea of what we might include in the introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion of an essay about that topic.

Essay Outline:

I. Introduction


Capital punishment remains one of the most controversial topics in criminal law.  The ethics of the death penalty are complicated.  Many people believe that the death penalty is simply unethical under any circumstances, while others argue that the death penalty is not only ethical, but that it is unethical not to execute certain killers.  The law provides guidance about when it can be applied, but laws vary from country-to-country and, within the United States, there is even tremendous variation in state laws about the death penalty.  Therefore, any essay about the death penalty is expected....

3 Pages
Article Review

Art  (general)

Passions in Life Elisabeth Bergmann's

Words: 885
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

In Elisabeth Bergmann's case it is just the opposite: she saw her passion for dancing as the opportunity to get to know new worlds, to teach others how…

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1 Pages


Passion vs Reason Passion and

Words: 409
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Both emotions and gods must be respected, according to Racine's overall dramatic conception. Neither reason nor passion is 'bad' merely an excess or an imbalance of one at…

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2 Pages


Passion in Literature the Theme

Words: 608
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The character Ahab's pursuit for Moby Dick is similar to society's pursuit for Hester's as a symbol of their passion for (and against) sinfulness. For Ahab, Moby Dick…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Passion v Reasoning

Words: 1285
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Passion and Reasoning Reason is defined as the (human) capacity for logical, rational or analytic thought, inference of discrimination. It makes the information available in the intellect for the will…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Passion for the Planet

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Passion for the Planet 1, What role, if any, does McGregor's Theory Y play at Patagonia? Explain. McGregor's Theory Y plays a critically important role in the formation and continual strengthening…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Passion or Personal Experience

Words: 360
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Passion/Personal Experience As a daughter to two traditional Chinese parents, I have consistently struggled with maintaining my individual identity while respecting my heritage. Part of this struggle is evident in…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Passion Into Purpose Application for Admission Into Chamberlain Nursing School

Words: 693
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

I am a better believer, Christian, and individual because of these experiences. I have the enthusiasm, drive, passion, and motivation to, one day, become a nurse. I know that…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Passion According to G H Gender

Words: 3343
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

H. crushes the bug which was crawling on the door of the wardrobe. However, the cockroach doesn't die immediately, and continues to crawl despite its injuries. The impression produced…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Passion for Chemistry and the

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

My horizons significantly expanded while on this job and with the aid of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry experience, my areas of research and development base work increased…

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2 Pages


Passions in Life Are My

Words: 562
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

My success in those challenging courses also contributed to my growing sense of confidence in my academic abilities to pursue this highly-competitive area of study in the future. As…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Passion of the Christ

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mel Gibson's 2004 film The Passion of the Christ contains universal and timeless motifs, symbols, and themes. Among the themes that most viewers will easily relate to are…

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2 Pages


Passion for Nursing Ethics

Words: 548
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Nursing I am most passionate about people. I enjoy helping people, and see this as my life's work. I am an empathetic person who feels strongly about the value of…

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8 Pages

Power of Passion Catalyst for Personal Professional and Societal Growth

Words: 2284
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

```html The concept of passion in an individual's life cannot be overstated, as it serves as a driving force that motivates and gives meaning to daily activities. While passion is…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Passions in Life Is Personal

Words: 339
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Passion for more knowledge and personal growth has created the strong and determined person that I am today. I am determined to make a positive impact in my life…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Art History Passion

Words: 973
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Passion: overwhelming erotic love. Passion: zeal, intense interest in a thought, ideal, belief, person, or activity. Passion: anger, rage, fury. Passion: suffering. Perhaps most commonly used in reference to…

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