Patents Essays (Examples)

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Granting Patents on Genes I
Pages: 2 Words: 637

I wonder if Europe is experiencing similar issues with the motivation system for its examiners. They could be pushed into demanding higher quality. However, compared to the drops in the U.S., the drops in Europe are not as staggering. Or the quality of patent applications is genuinely decreasing.
The bigger issue as I see it is trying to determine if the decrease in patent rates is directly indicative of an environment where researchers feel stifled. If that is the case, at what point do the demands for high quality applications have a negative net impact on society rather than a positive one?

Response to Article 2: This is scary. The drug and biotech industries have a complex enough relationship with the legal system already, without adding fifty-one other jurisdictions into the mix. That the Supreme Court justices did not consider the vagueness of the "not strong enough" concept is also alarming.…...

Patents Bayer Must Make Its
Pages: 3 Words: 1021

By helping to solve their problems voluntarily, Bayer can avoid circumstances like the aspirin debacle by building a stockpile of goodwill to be used later.
One step Bayer should undertake is to continue to be aggressive in meeting FDA guidelines on the taking of Cipro. The company should include these recommendations, in English, on supplies sent to Mexico, because they know that some of these will end up in the U.S. Given the nature of the anthrax scare, however, Bayer should increase its labeling standards. Consumers are more likely to take the drug inappropriately under these circumstances. Although Bayer would not have had any way to knowing it at the time, they could have faced significant risk if their labeling, in light of the panic, was considered to be inadequate (yeth v Levine, 2008). Therefore, Bayer should support the recommendations of the CDC, as that should meet the standard for…...


Works Cited:

Wyeth v Levine. 2008. Supreme Court of the United States. Retrieved November 15, 2009 from 

Dunne, A. (no date). Rent seeking and the social cost of monopoly. Trinity College of Dublin. Retrieved November 15, 2009 from 

Sterckx, S. (2006). The moral justifiability of patents. Ethical Perspectives. Retrieved November 15, 2009 from

Patent System a Patent Is
Pages: 2 Words: 694

Thus, according to Heller and Eisenberg, useful innovations that build on earlier patented inventions can be inhibited by the high transaction costs from negotiating with the earlier patentees.
There are several compelling arguments that patents aren't really that economically efficient for organizations. For instance, essen and Meurer (2008) point out the complexity of the patent system; stating that a prospective technology investor would need to check a very large number of patents. If a company is selling online, these authors cite a patent risk management firm as saying there are more than 4,319 patents a company could be violating. or, if a company advertises, receives payments for goods or ships goods, there are approximately 11,000 patents that the company should check into. Further, essen and Meurer (2008) believe that America's patent system isn't efficient because it doesn't offer clear and efficient notice of the boundaries of the rights granted. As…...



Banta, DH (2001). Worldwide interest in global access to drugs. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 285 (22), 2844-2846

Bessen, J. And Meurer, M.J. (2008). Patent failure How judges, bureaucrats and lawyers put innovators at risk. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs). World Intellectual Property Organization. 

Patent -- economic rationale. Encyclopedia II.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Fatigability and dyspnea on exertion may be seen in PDA patients that have reached 40 years old, however, if their PDA has not been treated, or has not been treated properly (
Having a PDA allows for blood to shunt from left to right, or from the systemic circulation to the pulmonary circulation. The flow of blood is therefore excessive on the pulmonary side and there are very few factors that can control how severe this actually is. The larger the narrowest point of the ductus arteriosus, the larger the shunt. A restrictive ductus arteriosus can also have an effect, depending on the length of the narrowed area. Having a longer ductus is often associated with having a smaller shunt. It is also partially controlled by how much pulmonary vascular resistance there is when compared with systemic vascular resistance. Low pulmonary vascular resistance or high systemic vascular resistance creates a…...


Bibliography Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Retrieved 23 January 2005 at Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Retrieved 23 January 2005 at 

Patent Step-By-Step Guide to Getting
Pages: 2 Words: 840

Thus, if someone has an idea but has not yet worked out all the details, a non-provisional patent is appropriate. If the individual already has the design in certainty, a non-provisional patent guarantees the trademark rights right away.
5. The next step is to make a model or other type of drawing or presentation that thoroughly explains and outlines the details and functions of the product being patented. It is important to be very detailed, as these drawings will serve as the basis of what is protected. Moreover, it is important to understand the consumer base, present the model with them before solidifying with a patent. This will give the individual a chance to revise as necessary.

6. Next is the actual filling out of the patent application. In this step, one needs to carefully follow all instructions on the patent application as to ensure reliability. In this application, the individual…...



Clayton, B. (2012). How to get a patent. Legal Matters. Web. 

United States Patent and Trademark Office. (2013). How to get a patent. Patents. Web. /web/patents/howtopat.htm

Patent Protection on Clinical Research The Primary
Pages: 3 Words: 998

Patent Protection on Clinical esearch: The Primary Sources of Innovation in the Drug and Device Development Process
When it comes to biopharmaceutical research, the United States is the best country in the world and it is currently the largest pharmaceutical market. It has invested immensely in research and development, especially in the biopharmaceutical sector, and it holds numerous intellectual property rights for a majority of the drugs developed. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA (2014), all drug companies have to seek the organization's approval before they sell new drugs, and these drugs have to be tested accordingly to guarantee the safety of the public. Adherence to these requirements often makes markets increasingly competitive and in the recent past, the increasing demand for innovation in pharmaceutical companies has necessitated new approaches to be applied in the drug and device development process. This is particularly because pharmaceutical companies have…...



Gold, R, E., Kaplan, W., Orbinski, J., Logan, S.H., & Marandi, S.N. (2009). Are Patents Impeding Medical Care and Innovation? PLoS Medicine Vol. (7)1 e1000208. Retrieved 13 March 2015 from

The United States Food and Drugs Administration (2014). FDA Basics. About FDA. Retrieved 13 March 2015 from

Patent Law
Pages: 2 Words: 678

student with a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications, minors in both Psychology and Sociology, and a desire to attend law school, my request to enter a Biochemistry program may be unusual. After all, people who focus on the hard sciences usually do so because of plans to work in a particular industry or to pursue additional field-specific education via Masters or PhD programs. Because I have no intention of pursuing a graduate degree in Biochemistry or a related field, I may, in fact, seem to be a flawed candidate for the Biochemistry program, who would be taking up space in a highly competitive program that might be better used for someone who intends to pursue Biochemistry. However, my goal in attending law school is to pursue patent law. To become eligible to sit for the Patent Bar, a candidate must have a demonstrable science or technical background. Therefore,…...

Ethics in Patents in Amazon One Click
Pages: 3 Words: 810

Ethics in Patents in Amazon One Click

Patents are meant to protect the intellectual property of the people who apply for them. They are given when the process is a unique idea, or it offers an improvement to an existing idea that does not infringe on the original patent and is itself unique. The question is not whether patents themselves are ethical, but whether a business requesting a patent for a process, in its entirety, is ethical. People with different philosophical outlooks would see this case very differently. On the one had rule utilitarian's would see the patent rules and judge based on that criteria whereas a natural rights theorist would have a completely different outlook. This paper looks at the patent application for Amazon's revolutionary "one-click" payment processing through the lens of both a rule utilitarian and a natural rights theorist and determine how a person with that set of…...

Flavia Coffee Machine Patents Flavia
Pages: 4 Words: 1258

" This is registered as IC 029. U.S. 046. G & S, under Goods & Services. The mark is the specific words, rendered in stylized form. The first use of this mark was in 2002. The application was filed on February 1, 2002. The mark was registered on March 23, 2004. The owner of the mark is Mars, Inc.
The next trademark is 78977583, "Flavia Fusion." This is registered as IC 011. U.S. 013-021 023-031-034. G & S, under Goods & Services. The mark is the name, in standard characters. The first use of this trademark was in 2005. The application was filed on March 17, 2005 and was registered on November 28, 2006. The owner of the mark is Mars, Inc.

The next trademark is 77246316, "Flavia Creation." This is registered as IC 011. U.S. 013-021 023-031-034., under Goods & Services. The mark is the name, in standard characters. The first…...


Works Cited

Athavaley, Anjali. (2007). Gourmet Coffee Becomes the Latest Office Perk. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved November 14, 2008 at

Mars, Inc. (2008). Drinks. Mars, Inc. Retrieved November 14, 2008 at

US Patent and Trademark Office website. Retrieved November 14, 2008 at

Trash Bag Patents the Designation
Pages: 12 Words: 3706

This invention allows the draw tape to have the tactile advantage of a low density polyethylene, making it comfortable for consumers to use as a handle, while also having the heat sealing capacity of this same low density material, yet have the strength afforded by a high density polyethylene material, that otherwise would be uncomfortable for the consumer.
Glad Quick-Tie = Patent # 5,246,110:

Patent # 5,246,110 focuses specifically on trash bags. The patent applicant notes that bags that are typically used for storing and transporting garbage or refuse, prior to collection or transport to disposal, are made from plastic material. When these bags are in their flat condition, they are comprised of two rectangular panels, which are connected on three of the four sides. The fourth, open, side is used to insert matter into the bag. These types of bags are typically made via a tubular extrusion process ("United States…...

Business Law Utility Patents and Employee Contracts
Pages: 7 Words: 1811

Business Law
Utility Patents and Employee Contracts

Since the before the beginning of the industrial revolution, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has been recording and protecting the ideas and gadgets of inventors. But, what exactly is a patent and what laws govern the patent process? ho can file for a patent and what is the process for applying? hat benefit are received if a patent is in place? Does a patent cost money and who enforces the fact that a patent is in place? These and many more questions will be addressed throughout this research presentation.

It is the end of your first week of work at the new factory and while on the line you design a brilliant new piece of machinery that just could be the next great gizmo in this industry. You realize that if it works and if its marketed properly, well hey, you could just become…...


Works Cited

Grubb, Philip W. Patents for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Global Law, Practice, and Strategy. Oxford: Oxford U, 1999.

Harbert, Tammi. "Do Not Go Idly Into That Employment Agreement; Watch What You Sign; Your Inventions Won't Necessarily Belong To You. (Engineers' Employment Agreements)." EDN (1990).

Holzmann, Richard T. Infringement of the United States Patent Right: A Guide for Executives and Attorneys. Westport CT: Quorum Books, 1995.

Patent Law: An Overview. Ed. Legal Information Institute. 21 Nov. 2003 .

Compulsory Licensing of Patents
Pages: 14 Words: 4596

Compulsory Licensing of Patents
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the causes and affects of the compulsory licensing of pharmaceutical products. Initially, the paper highlights the fundamental positions, attitude, inclination and concerns of the developed world and the under developed world with regard to the intellectual property rights of the pharmaceutical products. The paper also concentrates on the subject of the intellectual property rights of the biotechnology products (plants); this is because plants are the major source of almost all pharmaceutical products being used today. Furthermore, it is a matter of fact that the patentability of plants has been given a lot of attention by the developed world, in particular United States of America, as well as, the developing World. The paper also exposes the priorities of both the developed world and the under developed world, priorities that have been a major hurdle in all previous negotiations on Intellectual…...



Bernard Pecoul et al., Access to Essential Drugs in Poor Countries: A Lost Battle? 281 JAMA 361, 365 (1999).

David P. Fidler, International Law and Global Public Health, 48 KAN. L. REV. 1, 29 (1999).

David Benjamin Snyder, Comment, South Africa's Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act: A Spoonful of Sugar or a Bitter Pill to Swallow?, 18 DICK. J. INT'L L. 175, 190 (1999).

David P. Fidler, Symposium on Globalization at the Margins: Perspectives on Globalization from Developing States: Neither Science Nor Shamans: Globalization of Markets and Health in the Developing World, 7 IND. J. GLOBAL LEG. STUD. 191, 212-213 (1999).

AT& T Files Patent Lawsuit Against
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Vonage said in a regulatory filing. Vonage's stock, which was down 13 cents to $1.54 in 4 pm. New York stock Exchange composite trading, was down another 24 cents to $1.30 in afterhours trading. Vonage went public in May of last year at $17.One of the early players offering internet telephone service, Holmdel, N.J., vonage has been reeling in the past year as it has lost two high-profile patent lawsuits. All the major phone companies have patents they claim cover aspects of voice-over-internet-phone technology" (at&T Files patent Lawsuit Against Vonage).

AT&T has been trying to arrange a settlement with Vonage for the past two years, which shows they want to do the right ethical process without going to court, however they were unable to negotiate a "reasonable licensing arrangement" with the company. It is my opinion that Vonage is being untruthful in their below statement because if they truly wanted to…...

Should Human Genes Be Patented
Pages: 2 Words: 522

human genes be patented?
Patenting Genes

The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a chemical information structure that contains the whole composition of the cell, as it determines the nature of proteins it produces, its life span, and its function. Genes are part of the DNA and they are practically functioning subunits with each of these respective units having a certain set of instructions that typically code particular proteins or functions.

While naturally occurring genes are present in people's bodies, artificial gene synthesis has made it possible for scientists to create artificial genes in laboratories. Gene synthesis services have recently become a major commercial opportunity and companies from around the world now provide individuals with the possibility to access their services.

y looking at the case involving Myriad Genetics, one can easily understand why it would be important for genes to be patented. The company is trying to patent genes that are connected to a…...




Koepsell, David, "Who Owns You: The Corporate Gold Rush to Patent Your Genes," (John Wiley & Sons, 23 Sep 2011)

Management Patents Are a Source of Protection
Pages: 7 Words: 2503

Patents are a source of protection for intellectual property in any industry. The value in a patent is that it allows a company that has developed a product or proprietary technique to enjoy monopoly power over that, thus enabling the company to recoup its investment in the development of the proprietary product or technique. Patents are published as a matter of public record, and this is not deemed harmful because of the strength of law protecting patents. The typical response of competitors to patents is that they either build on the patent in a meaningful way, so as to receive their own patent for a new product that may be built on the original product. Alternatively, a competitor may develop a similar product that performs the same function as the one covered by patent, and receive its own patent on the new product. Patents typically can only be held for…...



Cadigan, S. (2015). Nurturing a culture of innovation. Inc. Magazine. Retrieved July 25, 2015 from 

Morah, C. (2015). Patents are assets, so learn how to value them. Investopedia. Retrieved July 25, 2015 from 

QuickMBA (2010). The value chain. Retrieved July 25, 2015 from 

Waldron, D. (2013). Online education companies facing new disruption. Seeking Alpha. Retrieved July 25, 2015 from

How to make an essay outline of the invention of cars?
Words: 630

Looking at how cars were invented and reality quickly became the go-to transportation method for much of the world is fascinating.  While the automobile was invented in Germany and France, Henry Ford, who mastered automation and the mass production of cars, probably deserves much of the credit for the automobile’s early successes.  In fact, Ford’s focuses on wages and affordability probably deserve credit for the rise of the American middle class, suggesting that the history of the automobile and the history of the middle class are inextricably intertwined.

I. Introduction

A. Precursors....

I need some suggestions for principles of business essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 364

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

I\'m interested in debating healthcare in africa. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 488

Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on healthcare in Africa. Some potential essay topics could include:

1. Universal healthcare vs. privatized healthcare in Africa: Is universal healthcare the best way to ensure access to healthcare for all citizens, or would a privatized healthcare system be more efficient and effective?

2. Traditional medicine vs. Western medicine in Africa: Should African countries prioritize traditional healing methods and practices, or should they focus on integrating Western medical techniques and technologies?

3. Government funding vs. foreign aid for healthcare in Africa: Should African governments allocate more resources to healthcare programs, or should....

Words: 419

Understanding the law on e-commerce is crucial for businesses operating online. Here are a few reasons why it is important:

1. Compliance with regulations: E-commerce laws are in place to protect consumers and ensure fair business practices. By understanding and following these regulations, businesses can avoid legal issues and penalties.

2. Protection of personal data: Being aware of laws governing the collection and handling of personal data is essential for safeguarding customer information. Compliance with data protection laws is crucial to maintaining trust and credibility with customers.

3. Intellectual property rights: E-commerce businesses must understand laws related to trademarks, copyrights, and patents to....

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