Perfection Essays (Examples)

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Perfection in Wells' the Time
Pages: 3 Words: 887

The Time Traveller can only believe that the Eloi and Morlock's are what are left from the human race. His adventures with them bring him no hope for the future - at least in the sense that we would have reached perfection as a society. Bergonzi notes, "The image of the 'golden age' as it has presented itself to him on his arrival has been destroyed" (Bergonzi). e read that the traveler discovers an "altogether new element in the sickening quality of the Morlocks -- a something inhuman and malign" (ells 68). Upon watching the Morlocks work, he must abandon his original notion that the Eloi were superior beings. Instead, they are inferior and clearly the Morlock's victims. Bergonzi states that the traveler's experience underground has "shattered his previous euphoria" (Bergonzi). His shattered dream serves as a warning for the rest of us as we soar into the future thinking…...


Works Cited

Bernard Bergonzi, "The Time Machine: An Ironic Myth." GALE Resource Database.   Site Accessed April 04, 2008. 

Kathryn Hume, "Eat or Be Eaten H.G. Wells's the Time Machine." GALE Resource Database.

Striving Perfection Must to Err Is Human
Pages: 4 Words: 1290

striving perfection. MUST
To err is human. Although somewhat of a cliche, the aforementioned aphorism, like most aphorisms, contains a great deal of truth. Humanity is rooted in fundamental flaws whether they are of body, mind, or perhaps even of spirit. This notion is explored in detail in masterful raconteur Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "The Birthmark." There is an innate striving of perfection on the part of a couple in this tale -- and particularly on the part of the husband. In hoping to gain an earthly view of perfection, however, the pair encounter more than a few surprises along the way. There are several elements within this tale -- its characterization, plot, and theme -- which strongly imply that Hawthorne is denoting his opinion about some of the fundamental principles of human nature. Ultimately, however, the conclusion of this tale and an examination of the diction throughout indicate the…...

Walks in Beauty Perfection in Byron's She
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

alks in Beauty
Perfection in Byron's "She alks in Beauty"

George Gordon, Lord Byron was a British poet and a founding leader of the Romanticism in literature. Byron's works are infused with his dichotomous persona. Byron has been described as, "[dark] and brilliant, melancholy and vivacious, overtly sexual and sexually ambiguous [whose] shadowy side…has attained the stature of such dangerously attractive figures as Casanova, the Marquis de Sade, and Rasputin" (Pesta 59). "She alks in Beauty," one of Byron's most well-known poems, reflects the paradoxical nature of his persona, creating a balance between opposing forces through the use of imagery.

Byron was notorious for his sexual exploits. Lady Caroline Lamb, one of his lovers, once famously described the poet as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know," a description that was further emphasized through "his compulsive love affairs with women and boys; his drinking and excess; [and] the scandalous liaison with his half…...


Works Cited

Byron, George Gordon, Lord. "She Walks in Beauty." Norton Anthology of English Literature

Vol. 2. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, pp. 484-485. Print.

Castle, Terry. "Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know." Books -- the New York Times on the Web.

13 April 1997. Web. 15 March 2013.

Maladaptive Perfectionism
Pages: 6 Words: 2212

Dr. Mai izk
Perfectionism, is it something that's good or bad?

What is Perfectionism?

Cons of Perfectionism

Perfectionism within everyday

Pros of Perfectionism


Perfectionism is often regarded as a personality trait that is undesirable in most areas in life, especially as it pertains to social relationships and even to some extent professional relationships (Benson, 2014). Although professional relationships often admire perfectionists and their ability to go above and beyond what is required of them, it can also lead to overwhelming stress and unnecessary conflicts. Perfectionists believe that people do not need nor deserve second chances if they try their best at something. The inherent problem with this statement is perfection is hard to come by and when feeling are involved, perfection is almost or completely non-existent.

Perfection is limited and interpretation of situations is subjective. Therefore it is best to give people second chances in order to allow one's self not only a better relationship with the…...



Benson, E. (2014). The many faces of perfectionism. Retrieved 30 November 2014, from

Burnam, A., Komarraju, M., Hamel, R., & Nadler, D. (2014). Do adaptive perfectionism and self-determined motivation reduce academic procrastination? Learning and Individual Differences, 1. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2014.10.009

Flett, G., Druckman, T., Hewitt, P., & Wekerle, C. (2011). Perfectionism, Coping, Social Support, and Depression in Maltreated Adolescents. J Rat-Emo Cognitive-Behav Ther, 30(2), 118-131. Doi: 10.1007/s10942-011-0132-6

Frost, R., & Steketee, G. (2002). Cognitive approaches to obsessions and compulsions. Amsterdam: Pergamon.

Heavenly Realm or Alternate Universe
Pages: 4 Words: 1076

(Conze 78)
After recognizing Mara's ill intent, Sakra resolves to "recall the Perfection of Wisdom, bring it to mind, repeat it, and spread it." (Conze 78) This definitely indicates some sort of process or method. What is interesting is that you have to both "recall" the perfection of wisdom, then "bring it to mind." (Conze 78) So merely remembering it is not enough, you have to focus on it after making yourself remember it. Then, you "repeat it," indicating that it is some sort of chant or mantra. (Conze 78) Finally, you "spread" it. I think "spread" means to let it penetrate your mind and expand, as thoughts tend to do when you focus on them. (Conze 78)

After Sakra performs the Perfection of Wisdom, Mara is discouraged, and "immediately" "turns back again" and "goes on his way." (Conze 79) This implies that Mara was more disappointed than defeated, going on…...



Conze, Edward (1973). The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines and its Verse Summary.

Silk, Jonathan (1998). The Heart Sutra in Tibetan: A Critical Edition of the Two Recensions

Wriggins, Sally Hovey (2004). The Silk Road Journey with Xuanzang.

Prebish & Keown (2007). Introducing Buddhism.

Perceptions and Expectations Analyzing the Concert Experience
Pages: 6 Words: 1780

Perceptions and Expectations:
Analyzing The Concert Experience In A Live

versus televised format

Perceptions and Expectations: Analyzing the Concert Experience in a Live vs. Televised Format

In experiencing a real-life situation in the flesh rather than in viewing its projection through a medium such as television, one's experience differs significantly. The expectations one brings to a live performance vs. The expectations one brings to the viewing of that same performance on television are radically different, as experiencing the performance in the flesh brings with it an entirely different experience that one expects to achieve upon deciding to attend. This type of expectation can be seen in viewing the example of attending a rock concert vs. watching the same concert on television. In looking at the two situations in comparison to one another, it can be seen that several factors come into play to distinguish the two from one another most significantly. These factors include:…...



Balzer, W. (2004) Boredom: Practical Consequences and a Theory. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology. 49(1): 289-294.

Barzilai-Nahon, K. (2009) Gatekeeping: A Critical Review. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 43(1): 433-478.

Eilders, C. (2002) Conflict and Consonance in Media Opinion. European Journal of Communication. 17(1): 25-63.

Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. New York, NY: Harper and Row. Available at:   / publications/frameanalysis/. 

Arthurian Literature
Pages: 15 Words: 5193

Pearl Poet's Sir Gawain
The Arthurian Legends are one of the most mysterious of Middle English literature. For many years historians have tried to match King Arthur to one of the Early Kings of Britain, however, all attempts have met without success. It is now generally accepted that King Arthur and the other Knights of the Round table represent a composite of the behaviors and attitudes of people of that time period. The same can be said of the character of Sir Gawain in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." As social attitudes changed, so do the ideal characteristics that exemplify virtue and purity. The character Sir Gawain appears in many versions of the Arthurian Legends. The characteristics and attitudes of Sir Gawain seem to shoe a shift over time. The most widely accepted version of the character of Sir Gawain is the version that is attributed to the poet known…...


Works Cited

Abrams, M.H. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1993.

Andrew, Malcolm, and Ronald Waldron, eds. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript. 2d ed.

London: Arnold, 1982; Gordon, E.V., ed. Pearl. Oxford: Clarendon, 1953.

Bishop, Ian. Pearl in Its Setting- A Critical Study of the Structure and Meaning of the Middle English Poem. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968

Response to Themes in Barry's Machine Man
Pages: 6 Words: 1737

Barry's "Machine Man"
Originally published in 2011, Max Barry's futuristic science fiction novel "Machine Man" was first made available to readers as an online serial, before being updated and collected into a full-fledged book. Barry bucked publishing industry protocol and posted excerpts from his "Machine Man" to his personal website, imploring his regular readers to submit criticism and feedback in the hope of collectively shaping his creative vision. As one of the first literary works to be "crowdsourced" in terms of content, the version of "Machine Man" which emerged from this collaborative process is, much like its conflicted protagonist, an amalgamation of various constituent parts which comes together to form a harmonious whole. Barry's thematic thrust with the novel -- which tells the tale of Charles Neumann, a subordinate scientist working for a military research conglomerate known as Better Future -- is humanity's ceaseless pursuit of perfection, and the consequences…...


Works Cited

Barry, Max. Machine Man. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 2011. Print.

Crerand, Canice E., and David B. Sarwer. "Body dysmorphic disorder." Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology (2010).

Interpretation Analysis Evaluation of a Short Story
Pages: 4 Words: 1253

irthmark, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is the story of a man consumed by the pursuit of perfection. He seeks absolute knowledge and absolute control, and imagines that he has discovered great scientific absolutes including the nature of the very heavens and the reason volcanoes erupt. After he marries, he becomes obsessed by a small birthmark on the cheek of his otherwise flawlessly beautiful young wife. His obsession with perfection combined with his scientific hubris leads to the death of his wife. Ironically, in death, the hated birthmark finally fades. The story demonstrates the danger of hubris in assuming that science will have all our answers, that we can manipulate life to meet our arbitrary standards.
Hawthorne demonstrates the protagonist, Aylmer's, obsession through various references. In the opening paragraph he says Aylmer.".. had made experience of a spiritual affinity more attractive than any chemical one. He had left his laboratory to the…...



1) Beauchamp, Gorman. 2002. "Hawthorne and the Universal Reformers." Utopian Studies 13. (Beauchamp, 2002)

2) Fitzpatrick, Martin. 2000. "To a Practised Touch': Miles Coverdale and Hawthorne's Irony." ATQ 14:1, pp. 27+. (Fitzpatrick, 2000)

3) Wohlpart, A. James. 1994. "Allegories of art, allegories of heart: Hawthorne's 'Egotism' and 'The Christmas Banquet.'" Studies in Short Fiction, June 22. (Wohlpart, 1994)


Myths Myth of Marriage and Children Joseph
Pages: 4 Words: 1995

Myth of Marriage and Children

Joseph Campbell's The Power of Myth is a book that can potentially transform the reader's consciousness. Beyond being informative, Campbell's analysis of cultural myths is profound; it provokes genuine introspection. The author refers to the spiritual in whatever he speaks about, and yet he never lapses into religious diatribe or dogma. Subjects like marriage are elevated beyond the social to the psycho-spiritual. For example, he calls marriage "primarily a spiritual exercise, and the society is supposed to help us have the realization. Man should not be in service to society, society should be in the service of man," (8).

In light of modern society, Campbell's words hold new meaning. In America, we have few true rituals because we have turned our attention outward instead of inward. The wisdom of life is being denigrated through a preoccupation with technology and material goods. There is little sense of the…...

External vs The Internal View in Neo-Confucian
Pages: 10 Words: 3097

External vs. The Internal View in Neo-Confucian Thought
Since the beginning of time, philosophers have made a living looking at how people conduct themselves and trying to make sense of it. Sometimes the philosopher will devise a theory about how the human world works by looking inside themselves and trying to determine the answer, and other times they will observe what people actually do and make comments based on that. Two Chinese philosophers and teachers, Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming, who were the most prominent Neo-Confucian thinkers, had different ideas with regard to how people developed a moral sense and translated that to the world. They also understood the law very differently. This paper looks at the two philosophers and their perspectives on some key issues so as to determine how they differed, were similar and how they relate to a modern world that often seems to be largely amoral…...



De Bary, William Theodore, and Irene Bloom. Sources of Chinese Tradition, 2nd ed., vol. 1 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), 849.

De Weerdt, Hilde. "Changing Minds through Examinations: Examination Critics in Late Imperial China." The Journal of the American Oriental Society 126, no. 3 (2006): 367-375.

Gardner, Daniel K. Zhu Xi's Reading of the Analects: Canon, Commentary, and the Classical Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.

Guo, Xuezhi. The Ideal Chinese Political Leader: A Historical and Cultural Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002.

Dark Age and the Archaic Age
Pages: 6 Words: 1920

Dark Age and the Archaic Age
Having watched the lectures for the prior learning unit on video, I was prepared to enjoy the video lecture presentation for this learning unit. I previously found the presentation of lectures in the video format to be very convenient because I could observe at my own pace, rewind if I missed part of the lecture, have flexibility about when I was viewing the lecture, and not be distracted by the behavior or questions of other students. I acknowledged that there were some negatives to the video-learning environment, such as missing out on the organic and natural question and answers that develop in a live classroom setting, but had decided that missing those was an acceptable trade-off given the other benefits that I was receiving from the video lecture environment. Therefore, I was surprised to find that I did not enjoy the video lectures for this…...

Holt Renfrew
Pages: 8 Words: 2190

Holt Case
Holt Renfrew

Holt Renfrew Toronto Storefront (Isaido, 2010)

Galen estond overseas the ittington Group which is the company's owner. Holt Renfrew is a high-end retailer in Canada with ten stores located in seven different metropolitan areas and the company's flagship store is located on Bloor Street, Toronto. The retailer sells top quality, branded and private-label designer fashions as well as cosmetics and sells a plethora of designer names such as Prada, Gucci, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana and Oscar de la Renta to name a few. As a luxury retailer the company targets an upper demographic and must stay on the cutting edge of the fashion industry to remain competitive. The company has also launched hr2 by leveraging their 175 years of Canadian retail expertise. hr2 offers Canadians who love fashion and leading brands, a new and unique designer product selection -- at great value -- and with a great shopping experience…...


Works Cited

Bessant, J., Von Stamm, B., Moeslein, K., & Neyer, A. (2010). Backing outsiders: selection strategies for discontinuous innovation. R&D Management, 345-356.

Gembutsu Consulting. (N.d.). Kaizen Approach. Retrieved from Gembutsu Consulting: 

Holt Renfrew. (N.d.). Our History. Retrieved from Holt Renfrew:|about|our%20history 

i Six Sigma. (N.d.). 7 Wastes of Lean. Retrieved from I Six Sigma:

Tibetan Buddhism Qs the Great
Pages: 2 Words: 501

Lecture 12:

The Kadampas monks were instrumental in spreading Tibetan Buddhism not so much for developing their own strain and teachings of Buddhism, but rather through the creation of programs for advancement towards Enlightenment and progress through Tibetan Buddhist teachings. These monks also develops preaching techniques that proved highly effective and popular. The Gelupkas were similar to the Kadampas in many respects, but placed a greater emphasis on the doctrine of emptiness than the older school.

Lecture 13:

Though the Buddhism that the New Translators found in India was largely the same as what they had left in Tibet, there were significant differences that were observed and developed out of this return to the Indian Sanskrit scriptures. The Sakya lineage was formed from reinterpretations of Sanskrit texts from a Tibetan Buddhist perspective, explaining both the similarities and the differences between the Sakya and the Nyingma schools. One of the unique features of the…...

Shoe Blog Brand Stewardship Blog
Pages: 6 Words: 1878

Given that Puma's new Bolt-endorsed line of running shoes doesn't really contain any groundbreaking innovations, either, it seems like simply more of the same rather than anything fresh and exciting.
Puma is reaching out to a different market than Nike, it is understood, and Usain Bolt simply does not have the same celebrity status or marketing clout as Michael Jordan. The relationship itself, however, just seems lackluster compared to the long-running Air-Jordan campaign and to other efforts made by other companies in the securing of endorsements and engaging in product-specific celebrity alignments. A rather basic looking running shoe blandly supported by a world-class runner -- the balance isn't there, and neither is they hype. There is more excitement brewed by the new comfort-oriented shoes being released by Asics than there is when it comes to Bolt's purported choice in footwear.

Other celebrity associations with footwear have been more successful, likely because…...


References (2012). micahel Jordan. Accessed 4 April 2012. 

Manifested Marketing. Converse Shoes -- Celebrity Endorsement of CSR? Accessed 4 April 2012.

Nike. (2012). History of Flight. Accessed 4 April 2012. 

SneakerFiles. (2012). Celebrity Shoe Sightings. Accessed 4 April 2012.

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on Anxiety/Depression. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 437

1. The link between childhood trauma and the development of anxiety and depression in adulthood
2. The role of genetics in predisposing individuals to anxiety and depression
3. How cultural factors influence the expression and treatment of anxiety and depression
4. The impact of social media on mental health and its contribution to feelings of anxiety and depression
5. The relationship between sleep disorders and the development of anxiety and depression
6. The efficacy of alternative therapies such as mindfulness, acupuncture, and yoga in treating anxiety and depression
7. The correlation between gut health and mental health, specifically the role of the gut-brain axis in anxiety....

the founding fathers essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 205

Thesis Statement: The Founding Fathers were instrumental in the establishment of the United States of America and their ideals and principles continue to shape our nation, however, their perceived infallibility and lack of diversity among them should be critically examined and re-evaluated in today's socio-political climate. Suggestions for revising the thesis statement:

1. The Founding Fathers laid the groundwork for the United States, but their shortcomings and biases must be acknowledged and addressed in order to fully understand their impact on American history.

2. While the Founding Fathers' contributions to the nation are undeniable, it is important to re-evaluate their legacy through a....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Beauty filter on social media?
Words: 208

1. The Impact of Beauty Filters on Self-Image and Mental Health

2. Social Media and the Pressure to Conform to Beauty Standards

3. The Distortion of Reality: How Beauty Filters Affect Our Perception of Ourselves

4. Unfiltered Beauty: Embracing Authenticity in a Filtered World

5. The Evolution of Beauty Standards in the Age of Social Media and Filters

6. The Corporate Influence of Beauty Filters on Social Media Platforms

7. Beauty Filters: Enhancing or Distorting Reality?

8. The Psychological Effects of Using Beauty Filters on Social Media

9. Redefining Beauty in the Digital Age: Rejecting the Filtered Look

10. Beyond the Filter: Finding Confidence and Self-Acceptance Without Altering Images....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about reflect on fun, humor and laughter in life?
Words: 469

Title Suggestions for Essay on Fun, Humor, and Laughter in Life

1. The Alchemy of Fun, Humor, and Laughter: A Journey of Joy
2. Unveiling the Transformative Power of Laughter: A Reflection on Its Significance in Life
3. Exploring the Interplay of Fun, Humor, and Laughter: A Cornerstone of Human Well-being
4. The Vital Trio: Fun, Humor, and Laughter as Essential Elements of a Fulfilling Existence
5. The Joyful Trinity: Reflections on the Intertwined Nature of Fun, Humor, and Laughter
6. The Elusive Elixir of Laughter: Its Therapeutic and Transformative Effects on Mind and Spirit
7. In the Realm of Fun, Humor, and Laughter: A Philosophical Exploration....

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