Perrier Essays (Examples)

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HRM Change Management - Perrier Case Study
Pages: 3 Words: 1304

Change Management - Perrier Case Study

In any organization there is a need for change, otherwise organizations will stagnate and fail to adapt to changing environments. There are many drivers to change; changes in the competitive environment that result from the lowering of barriers to trade, such as increasing use of technology to facilitate trade, especially over international boarders and transportation technology increasing the level of competition faced in market (Salawu and Agboola, 2011, p235). Increasing levels of competition may be a significant driver for incumbent firm to develop and maintain competitive advantage, which may drive the need for innovation to compete. This was seen with Perrier and the introduction of Badiot ouge. Where competition is coming in from offshore locations there is also the potential for the firm to face price pressures, with many offshore producers having the potential benefit of comparative advantage and able to offer lower prices (Nellis…...



This was provided by the student was utilized in answering this paper, but as no citation details were provided, it cannot be cited.

Buchanan, D; Huczynski, A, (2010) Organizational Behavior, Harlow, FT/Prentice Hall

Nellis JG, Parker D, (2006), Principles of the Business Economics, London, Prentice Hall.

Salawu, Rafiu Oyesola; Agboola, Akinlolu Ayodeji, (2011, Jan), Managing Deviant Behavior and Resistance to Change, International Journal of Business and Management, 6(1), 235-242

Case Study in Crisis Management Perrier Recall
Pages: 6 Words: 1770

AJAX Mineral
Since the Pacific im companies started to mine and supply the same minerals, Ajax Minerals started to become concerned about the future of the company. Even though the workers did not think that there were any emerging issues, the management could view that they had to take immediate steps. The first major resistance that Ajax Minerals had to face with respect to the changes in their policies and strategies was that the workers were not ready to accept any changes. The main reason behind this was that the labor union always believed that the management wanted to harm them. The relations between the labor union and the management were such that the workers were always suspicious that any changes in the company would mean that there would be cut offs in their salary. The second resistance that the management had to face was that they were of the view…...



Barton, L. (1991). A case study in crisis management: the Perrier recall. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 91(7), 6 -- 8.

Blawett, K. (2011). Leave Ajax minerals in the ground. The Daily New. Retrieved from,. (2014). Ajax Minerals LTD.: Private Company Information - Businessweek. Retrieved 4 August 2014, from

Voss Water
Pages: 29 Words: 7740

As will be shown below, the bottled water market is increasingly competitive and consumers have a dazzling array of choices available to them. It is clear that Voss has taken this into account when developing its sophisticated packaging, some samples of which are shown in Figure ____ below.

Figure ____. epresentative Sampling of Voss Packaging Techniques.


In fact, one new admirer of the Voss brand unashamedly proclaimed that even though she liked the water, it was the "wicked cool" Voss packaging that sold her: "Yesterday, I drank a few bottles of Voss Artesian Water from Norway. One was Still. One was Sparkling. Both were pretty good but its wicked cool glass bottle is the best thing about it. My friend Sharon said she paid $20 for a bottle of Voss at the tres upscale Michael Mina estaurant in San Francisco, which was more than she paid for a glass…...



AquaMaestro: The Source for Fine Waters. (2007). Available: .

Aras, Bulent. (2004). "The Future of Liberal Islam," Futures, 36(9), 1034.

Beer, Cider and FABs in Turkey to 2010," 2007, Available: 

Brown, F.E., S.J. Neary and M.S. Symes. The Urban Experience: A People Environment Perspective (London: E & FN Spon), 1994.

Managing Organizational Change Identify the
Pages: 2 Words: 656

What needs to first be improved upon is the lack of ownership on the part of the unionized workers, yet even more systemic is the challenge that Perrier management has in how workers are accustomed to prosperity in an era of economic downturn. Gaining consensus with unions during a contraction of their business cycles is going to be difficult. What needs to first happen is that the Perrier and Nestle' management teams needs to first focus on being transparent and honest about the need to change, and taking pay cuts, reductions in bonuses and in generals being the champions of the needed change first (Brown, Cregan, 2008). This will help to increase their credibility with the union workers, and also show they are willing to make sacrifices they are calling on others to do as well. Second, Perrier and Nestle' management must focus on creating measures of progress that equally…...



Michelle Brown, Christina Cregan. (2008). Organizational change cynicism: The role of employee involvement. Human Resource Management, 47(4), 667.

Retrieved January 22, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1598548371).

Christina Passariello (2004, March 17). Nestle's Dispute With Perrier Could Be Coming to a Boil Soon. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), p. 1. Retrieved January 22, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 580630441).

Marketing Plan for New Evian
Pages: 10 Words: 2693

The bottled water industry is an extremely dynamic one which has brought the players major revenues. Seeing the great potential for further profits, new companies have emerged and some of the already existent ones merged as to get better comparative advantages. Evian's main competitors are the Perrier Group, Aquafina and Dasani, and all these have engaged in marketing operations to differentiate themselves from the newly entered players and consolidate their position in the international market. The Perrier Group based their marketing campaigns onto radio announcements in order to reinforce their brand; Dasani has launched a new television advertisement featuring the Commodores and other funk stars; and Aquafina (from PepsiCo), has developed a televised campaign based on advertisements featuring celebrities (Hein, 2001).

3.4 Target Market

The target market is identified through the application of the segmentation criteria. The most commonly used such criteria include age, cultural background, economic and social status, political and…...



Danone Group 2005-2006 Annual Report, Retrieved at April 3, 2008

Hein, K., May 21, 2001, Water Competition Heats Up; Summer Awash with a Bevy of Ads, Brandweek

1988-2008, Oxygenated Water, Tools for Wellness,   accessed on April 3, 2008 

2002-2007, the Marketing Mix (the 4 P's of Marketing), Net MBA, Business Knowledge Center, accessed on April 4, 2008

Commercial Use of Ground Water
Pages: 3 Words: 836

Commercial Use of Michigan Groundwater
Appropriately named the "Great Lakes State," Michigan is the only state whose borders lie completely within the world's largest system of fresh surface water, the Great Lakes basin, which constitutes 18% of the world's water supply.(4)

Traditionally, Michigan has relied primarily on "riparian" rights analyses derived from English common law to regulate the commercial use of its largest natural resource. Since riparian concepts focus primarily on the relative rights of competing users of surface waters, there has, until very recently, been comparatively little regulation of the underground springs or aquifer system which feeds the surface water system, or of the rights of the state to control removal of water resources for use or sale elsewhere.

On November 25, 2003, Mecosta County Circuit Court Judge Lawrence Root issued a lengthy opinion that finally addressed the problem and defined many of the issues under the laws of Michigan. The dispute…...



1. Howlett, D., Water Battle Dredges Up Acrimony; USA Today (June 22, 2003)

Accessed at 

2. Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation v. Nestle Waters North America Inc.

49th Judicial Circuit Mecosta County Circuit Court Opinion (Nov 25, 2003) Accessed at

Ivan IV or Ivan the
Pages: 20 Words: 5817

hen a greater variety of representatives were present, the term zemskii sobor or assembly of the land was applied to the
group. This group did not really have any political power as a legislative
body. However, it was a way for Ivan's administration to gather support
amongst a wide range of people.[25]
Ivan felt that he needed the support of the people and of the church
to accomplish his reforms. Consequently, one of his early and important
reforms involved changes in the church. ith Ivan's blessing, the Stoglav
Council made many revisions in church policy ranging from ways of worship
to church court to monastic life to Christianity for the average person.
All of these new policies were documented in a book called Stoglav.[26]
Ivan was a pious person himself and he saw the necessity of bringing the
church on board with the various changes that he intended to make.
Initiating some reasonable changes in the church set a positive tone for


Works Cited

Crummey, Robert O. The Formation of Muscovy: 1304-1613. London: Longman,


De Madariaga, Isabel. Ivan the Terrible: First Tsar of Russia. New Haven:


University Press, 2005.

Pavlov, Andrei and Maureen Perrie. Ivan the Terrible: Profiles in Power.


Pearson Longman, 2003.

Healthy Snack Flyer and Five Day Menu
Pages: 3 Words: 826

Healthy Snack

Have you ever had a devilled spider egg? They're perfect for Halloween, but they are a healthy choice any time of the year -- and great for scaring your mom! All it takes to make a devilled spider egg is one hard boiled egg and one carefully sliced kalamata olive. It's nutritious and fun!

Instructions: Hard-boil the eggs, and slice them carefully in half, removing the yolks. Mash up the yolks, adding mustard, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and paprika. Then fill the egg whites with a dollop of this mixture. To make the spiders, carefully slice a kalamata olive in half. One half will be the body. Thin-slice the other half into eight segments for the legs, and place carefully on top of the devilled eggs!

einhold, Dorothy. "Halloween Deviled Spider Eggs." Shockingly Delicious, Oct 26, 2010. Accessed 21 January 2015 at:

Safety Precautions

emember to wash your hands…...



Iyer, Raghavan. "Tempeh Vindaloo." The Soyfoods Council. 

Stewart, Martha. "Lobster Newburg." Martha Stewart Living.

PepsiCo organizational change caused by Aquafina water
Pages: 5 Words: 1760

Bottled portable water was not a significant product in the beverage industry in the US two decades ago. The industry was dominated and controlled by such giants as Groupe Danone SA’s Evian and Nestle SA’s Perrier. By 2002, the industry was worth $3.5 billion. In 1997, Pepsi made attempts to join the bottled water market. Some of the efforts included buying a spring water company and a shot at selling a brand that was sparkling. However, these efforts did not yield fruit. The management came to the conclusion that the best method to create a successful water brand was to exploit a resource that was already in existence, i.e. the water treatment equipment already at the bottling plant locations. These were being used to purify water for the soft drinks that the company produced (McKay, 2002).
The then Pepsi beverage main CEO along with his team figured out that there was…...

Tylenol Case Analysis Johnson and
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Johnson and Johnson issued a public relations response immediately naming their number one priority: to aggressively protect any consumer from the potential hazards that may be present in any of their family of products.
Symptoms of the Problem -- Quickly, the crisis reached epic nationwide coverage. The panic that ensued, somewhat as the result of the twenty-four hour media coverage, fueled this panic into a frenzy. One hospital in Chicago, for instance, received 700 calls in one day; while Johnson and Johnson received averaged almost 150 calls per day. Across the country people were admitted into hospitals on suspicion of cyanide poisoning (Tifft, 18). Johnson and Johnson worked rapidly and decisively with the media to disseminate information. When the news spread, copycat criminals began to tamper with the products on the shelves of stores, which only deepened the crisis. ndeed, the FDA confirmed more tampering had taken place, but this…...


Identification of Goals - in 1982, Tylenol controlled 37% of the pain killer market, approximately $1.2M and was the leading painkiller in the American market, outselling Anacin, Bayer, Bufferin, and Excedrin. Seventeen to eighteen percent net earnings of Johnson and Johnson were from Tylenol sales. Profits placed Johnson and Johnson in the top half of the Fortune 500 (Berg, 1998). The company had been doing well for years. Stock analysts had actually predicted that Tylenol's market share was poised for up to a 15% growth. In fact, Tylenol was to the product that would lead this company to further success- hat is until the Tylenol laced cyanide crisis came to be. This calamity changed the strategic plan, management goals, and parent to subsidiary goals across the organization -- within a 24-hour period. Instantly, an immediate crisis mode was assumed and a reassessment and reprioritization of their goals and immediate actions required jolted every executive, manager and employee in the organization (Mikkelson, 2004).

Immediate Goals once Crisis was Revealed-

Reacting to the news, when Johnson and Johnson was faced with the initial situation; it had to make some tough decisions that would severely impact the future of the company. Rather than think in financial terms only, CEO James Burke immediately turned to the

Positive and Negative Effects Video Games Have in Relation to Addiction Human Interaction and Violence
Pages: 20 Words: 5997

Computer Games esearch
When considering the short history of computers, video and PC gaming are very recent on the timeline of technology. This is one of the reasons why there have not been many conclusive studies on the negative and/or positive effects of electronic games on children and young adults -- the most formative years. With the ever-increasing interest and involvement of children in this activity, much concern has been expressed about the impact of these games, especially ones of a more violent nature, on physical and psychological development. At the crux of the debate is the question of whether they are detrimental to a young person's health. There are specific concerns about such factors as aggression, addiction, criminal activity, obesity and reduced academic achievement.

Studies thus far show both positive and negative results from playing video and PC games. Some research finds that the playing or observing of violent games does…...


References Cited

Anderson, C.A., and K.E. Dill "Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000, 78, 772-790.

Ask, A., Autoustinos, M., and A.H. Winefield, "To kill or not to kill: Competitive aggression in Australian adolescent males during videogame play." Children in the New Media Landscape. C. van Feilitzen and U. Carlsson (Eds.). Goteborg, Sweden: UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen, 2000.

Bowman, R.P. And J.C. Rotter. "Computer games: Friend or foe?" Elementary School Guidance and Counselling, 1983, 18, 25 -- 34

Calvert, S.L., and S. Tan, (1994). "Impact of Virtual Reality on Young Adults' Physiological Arousal and Aggressive Thoughts." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 1994, 15, 125-139.

Business Crises Evaluation
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

Crisis Management
Argenti raises many sound points regarding the proper protocol during crisis management. The bulk of chapter ten demonstrates a sound understanding of how crises unfold, and how every crisis is different. While this is true, there are still strong areas of overlap among crises. "Few circumstances test a company's reputation or competency as severely as a crisis. Whether the impact is immediate or sustained over months and years, a crisis affects stakeholders within and outside of a company" (Weiner, 2006). In such a case, clients cancel orders and cancel subscriptions. Employees start asking questions or worse, quitting. Competitors start circling like sharks and government agencies and other regulators often start knocking, with attorneys at their heel (Weiner, 2006). Given all the aggravated circumstances connected to a crisis and the variety of ways that any potential crisis could be handled, Argenti makes a continually strong and pervasive argument about how…...



Argenti. (2007). Strategic Corporate Communication. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill


Friedman, K. (2013). Dealing with the Media During a Crisis. Retrieved from

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