Personality Assessment Essays (Examples)

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This 14-year-old male is currently in the ninth grade. In the demographic portion of the test, he identifies "restless/bored" as the problem that is troubling him the most. A tendency toward avoiding self-disclosure is evident in this adolescent's response style. This nondisclosure may signify characterological evasiveness or an unwillingness to divulge matters of a personal nature, problematic or not. Also possible are broad deficits in introspectiveness and psychological-mindedness, owing to either emotional impoverishment or thought vagueness" (Millon 2005).

As evidenced in the above, sample assessment, the Millon devices are all-encompassing, giving a diagnosis and analysis of a multitude of different factors relating to an individual's state of mental health. A statistical recording of all responses and how they correlate to different mental health conditions is included and incorporated into the assessment. The assessment can make judgments about an adolescent's developmental state, as for example the above 9th grader's lack of….

The two interpersonal scales are Dominance and Warmth. Many of the clinical scales, as well as the aggression scale, also have a number of subscales to provide more nuanced information bout each of the clinical conditions. For example, the Borderline Features scale has four subscales: Affective Instability, Identity Problems, Negative elationships and Self-Harm.
The resulting score profiles can be compared to either normative or clinical populations. aw scores are converted to T-scores using tables provided in the scoring manual. These tables were generated using either normative or clinical samples that were census matched and standardized (Morey, 2007). The manual provides average scores for each of the subscales, for example, the average T score for Borderline Traits is 59, indicating that individuals falling below this number are emotionally stable and do not reflect borderline traits. The individual mean scores for each scale vary and are presented within the testing manual (Morey,….

Low emotion level - this is an area that will need improvement considering that a perspective employer may view me as an individual that is not overall enthusiastic in nature, this can also be perceived as a lack on enthusiasm in my work and corporate morale. Low trust level - Work is needed in this area in order to make interactions with others more fulfilling. If everyone is perceived as selfish and potentially dangerous, this will put a strain on cooperation in-group work and in building positive personal and business relationships. Low altruism level - Being viewed as a person that does not like to help others. In a work setting or search for employment, this can be seen as a deterrent to hiring me if the perception of ill will towards helping others exists. Low tenderness level- if I want to pursue a career in Counseling & Psychology,….

Myranda seems like an ideal researcher, treasurer, or secretary who keeps the meeting's minutes and sets the agenda.
To counteract such a love of logic and structure in the characters of her two teammates, however, Kimberly, an ENFP can offer an intuitive, feeling, and perceiving orientation, using intuition and less logically and time-conscious ways of viewing the world. Intuition allows for more 'leaps' in understanding, and more creative ways to view the world, although her extroversion and sensitivity to others will allow her to communicate such feelings to the world with greater ease than Scott. Kimberly would be an ideal marketing or sales person. Lastly, Scott, an ISFP will also add similar sensing, feeling, and perceiving attributes of creativity to the group. Although he is an introvert, this will balance the stronger extroverted tendencies of the three other participants, and will ensure he will not allow his creative views to….

Personality assessment

My MBTI assessment

According to my MBTI assessment results, I am

moderately expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality slightly expressed thinking personality slightly expressed judging personality

There are many aspects of this personality review that I like and resonate with how I see myself. For example, it is said that INTJ personalities are called 'masterminds' who traditionally assume positions requiring a high degree of responsibility and dedication. They can also be objective when making decisions. However, it is noted that most of my traits are either only moderate or slightly expressed. This suggests that had I taken the test at a different time or even in a different mood, my results may have been slightly different.

The question of freedom of choice regarding major life decisions like careers is a complicated one. On one hand, having certain personality traits would seem to be an advantage for certain careers. Having a methodical and objective,….

Integrative Typology of Personality Assessment for Aggression: Implications for Predicting Counterproductive orkplace Behavior," Bing et al. discuss the relevance of personality measures on organizational behavior and psychology. The authors present a typology of personality that may be particularly relevant from a human resources perspective. Self-reports are central to the personality assessments, as are conditions requiring situational and conditional reasoning. The emphasis in this study is on aggression and aggressive tendencies. The authors note the methodological weaknesses in prior research using self-reports, as "individuals possessing negative attributes, such as aggression, may be reluctant to reveal these attributes to others," (Bing et al. 722). In fact, research has shown that persons who tend toward aggression can also cultivate false sense of self with "inflated, positive, and inaccurate self-perceptions," (Bing et al. 722). To correct for the biases inherent in self-reports, the authors propose a new method of personality assessment based on….

Personality AssessmentPersonality assessment is a term used to refer to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of measures of personality styles and traits that are supported empirically. As a result, personality assessment is an important part of organizational and clinical conceptualizations (Shorey, 2018). It is also an important part of change initiatives and intervention planning. Personality assessments are used for various purposes including clinical diagnoses, psychological intervention, and prediction of behavior. The use of personality assessments for different purposes is attributable to the fact that these tests provide insights that help characterize people. In essence, personality assessments help in the identification and characterization of individuals personality features.Given their significance in clinical and organizational conceptualizations, different types of personality assessments exist. There are different types of personality assessments that are used for various purposes. An example of a type of personality assessment is type-based personality assessments, which examines a collection of personality….

Organizational esearch and Theory: Personal Assessment
Emotional intelligence embodies the ability to identify, understand, manage, and employ an individual's emotions positively in effective communication, solving conflicts, empathizing with others, and relieving stress (Mischel, 2013). All these components resonate with the thinking influences aimed at establishing real connections with others. I find this concept relevant and critical essential in my INTJ personality. The willingness to invest in a significant amount of time and effort on a relationship resonates to the importance of this trait.

Emotional intelligence eases the navigation on social complexities in different settings such as schools, workplaces, and other social environments. Physical and mental health also relies on this attribute. Managing stress and emotions aids the formation of healthy relationships limiting the feelings of isolation and loneliness. Understanding my INTJ personality facilitates better understanding and decision-making processes, conflict resolution, and management of personal influences on others. From this point, it becomes….

Personal interviews -- especially what the respondent actually says in them -- can be extremely useful to humanist practitioners. They also share a reliance on objective tests -- where the respondent attempts, in a guided way, to assess their own behavior and/or personality, with the two remaining branches of personality assessment.
Trait-based and social-learning psychology have vastly different approaches to assessing personality, but there are also some commonalities insofar as how they assess personality. Trait-based theorists believe that people exhibit specific behavioral traits, and that these can be analyzed to determine personality. Tests like the Big Five indicator are trait-based assessors. Social-learning theorists, on the other hand, believe that certain cognitive patterns are set early on, and that behavior (and personality) is determined by these unique cognitive processes working with the sum experience as well as the current environment and interactions. For this reason, social-learning theorists do not see behavior….

Moreover, cautiousness prevents me from causing problems.
What are your weaknesses which might hinder you in your career - and which you might want to work on?

Among my weaknesses that I believe can hinder me in my career is my introvert personality. These days, especially in the workforce, having the capability to speak out and communicate well is important because these are among the qualities that mark a leader. I learned that reserve and quiet individuals are oftentimes left behind in terms of becoming a leader. This is because people need leaders who have the ability to speak out and take charge. My quietness and lack of social relationship hinders me to demonstrate to others my talent and capabilities to become a leader. Instead, I tend to let others take charge while I just play the role of a member or a follower.

Another weakness that I believe can hinder me….

(Humans are often called 'social animals'). However, the test construct acknowledged the fact that no one is perfectly social or asocial but a mix of both characteristics. Extroversion and introversion are not necessarily either/or qualities, which has been one of the critiques of the Myers-Brigg assessment. In future forms of this extroversion inventory, creating a typology of different types of introversion and extroversion would be useful. For example, some people are very extroverted with friends, but are more socially reserved in a work context. Others are very introverted in the sense that they like to be alone, but can still 'get by' in social environments and perform like extroverts. It is also possible to be very confident speaking in public to large groups of people, but to feel more uncomfortable one-on-one, in personal social contexts.
Additionally, positive forms of sociability -- such as compassion -- and negative forms -- such….

Echo finally died of old age, and the raw emotion from the park rangers and zoologists just brought tears. Similarly, he thinks that now that he is older he can sift through the "B.S. In advertising and media hype," and enjoys such cynical, but rather realistic, portrays of modern society in Mad Men, Weeds, and Breaking Bad.
As far as personality development, Tom believes that children get a pretty good grounding from their parents and early school experiences. Concepts like empathy, morality, situational ethics, and reliability are built when one is young. However, that being said, Tom does not see himself as a rule follower like his parents. Both believed that if something said x in the rules, then x it was. They both also believed that a person should get a job and stay with that job until retirement. Tom has already had two careers, and estimates he will….

In addition, the information that I find on their site seems to be very vague, especially about what kind of 'success' they have had in being accurate regarding people's personalities. While this is not just a quick, online quiz, it has much more of the feel of that type of 'test' than the Myers-riggs assessment does. If I were to take a personality test, I think I would avoid the Keirsey test, simply because it does not seem to be that legitimate of an instrument for truly determining a person's personality and temperament, and what he or she should then do with his or her life based on personality.

Harrington, R. & Loffredo, D.A. 2001. The relationship between life satisfaction, self-consciousness, and the Myers-riggs Type Inventory Dimensions. Journal of Psychology, 135(4): 439-450.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter. n.d.

Lewis, V.G. & orders, D. 1995. Life satisfaction of single middle-aged professional women. Journal of….

The author of this report is to answer to two different psychology-related questions. The first question asks the author of this report to speak to how certain career people would tend to fit into the five factor model. The second and final question asks the author of this report to take an online personality assessment and share the results. While making broad generalizations about the first of those two questions would be unwise, there are patterns and trends that would make themselves clear and personality tests like the one taken in the second question would be much more precise.

Questions Answered

The five factors of the Five Factor grouping are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The president of a corporation would absolutely tend to have extraversion and neuroticism as the main foci. To be specific, they would tend to be secure and confident as well as outgoing and energetic.….

Nonetheless, Bill never hurts other people simply because he thinks that it is irrational to hurt others. He thinks that any rational person would be like him and not hurt other people. Does Bill really understand that hurting others is morally wrong? (Nichols, 2002, p. 285)."
This presents some interesting directions of thought. However, it is time to go into the relationship between serial murderers and forensic psychology as it applies to the crime scene. Ted Bundy seemed very much aware that he was committing crimes against society, certainly crimes against his victims. Berkowitz, it was argued, was more psychotic, and for that reason perhaps less aware of his actions as crimes against society or individuals. Berkowitz was known to have started more than a thousand fires, and had a history of cruelty to animals; both manifestations of deeper emotional problems (Schlesinger, 2004, p. 328). This does not make any….

Here are some potential essay topics related to career choice:

1. The importance of choosing a career path that aligns with your passion and interests.
2. The role of family and societal expectations in influencing career choices.
3. The benefits of seeking mentorship and guidance in career decision-making.
4. The impact of education and training on career opportunities and advancement.
5. The challenges and advantages of pursuing a non-traditional or unconventional career path.
6. The relationship between personal values and career choices.
7. The ways in which technology and globalization are shaping the future of work and career options.
8. The importance of work-life balance and well-being in....

7 Pages


Personality Assessment Instruments Millon Rorschach

Words: 2270
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

This 14-year-old male is currently in the ninth grade. In the demographic portion of the test, he identifies "restless/bored" as the problem that is troubling him the most.…

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4 Pages


Personality Assessment Inventory PAI Personality

Words: 1199
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The two interpersonal scales are Dominance and Warmth. Many of the clinical scales, as well as the aggression scale, also have a number of subscales to provide more…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personality Assessment ID 69079 Personality

Words: 619
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Low emotion level - this is an area that will need improvement considering that a perspective employer may view me as an individual that is not overall enthusiastic…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Jungian Personality Assessment Characterized Maria

Words: 377
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Myranda seems like an ideal researcher, treasurer, or secretary who keeps the meeting's minutes and sets the agenda. To counteract such a love of logic and structure in the…

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2 Pages


MBTI Personality Assessment My MBTI Assessment According

Words: 672
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

MBTI Personality assessment My MBTI assessment According to my MBTI assessment results, I am moderately expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality slightly expressed thinking personality slightly expressed judging personality There are many aspects of…

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5 Pages

Human Resources

An Article on Personality Assessments in Organizations

Words: 1487
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Integrative Typology of Personality Assessment for Aggression: Implications for Predicting Counterproductive orkplace Behavior," Bing et al. discuss the relevance of personality measures on organizational behavior and psychology. The…

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4 Pages


Personality Tests and Theories

Words: 1130
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality AssessmentPersonality assessment is a term used to refer to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of measures of personality styles and traits that are supported empirically. As a result,…

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2 Pages

Business - Business Theory

Effective Communication and Personality

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational esearch and Theory: Personal Assessment Emotional intelligence embodies the ability to identify, understand, manage, and employ an individual's emotions positively in effective communication, solving conflicts, empathizing with others, and…

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2 Pages


Personality Theories and Assessments Though

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal interviews -- especially what the respondent actually says in them -- can be extremely useful to humanist practitioners. They also share a reliance on objective tests --…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personality Report to What Degree

Words: 539
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moreover, cautiousness prevents me from causing problems. What are your weaknesses which might hinder you in your career - and which you might want to work on? Among my weaknesses…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Personality Construct Development of a

Words: 923
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

(Humans are often called 'social animals'). However, the test construct acknowledged the fact that no one is perfectly social or asocial but a mix of both characteristics. Extroversion…

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5 Pages


Personality Interview One of the

Words: 1413
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Interview

Echo finally died of old age, and the raw emotion from the park rangers and zoologists just brought tears. Similarly, he thinks that now that he is older…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Personality Research Myers-Briggs - This

Words: 1500
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, the information that I find on their site seems to be very vague, especially about what kind of 'success' they have had in being accurate regarding…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Personality Characteristics

Words: 570
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Psychology The author of this report is to answer to two different psychology-related questions. The first question asks the author of this report to speak to how certain career people…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Personalities and Motivations of Murderers

Words: 3011
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nonetheless, Bill never hurts other people simply because he thinks that it is irrational to hurt others. He thinks that any rational person would be like him and…

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