Personality Profile Essays (Examples)

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New Technologies
When searching for new technologies, a company called Cambridge Analytica was identified to be an emerging tech firm. The company is a subsidiary of a London-based firm that has established itself in the industry of psychological operations (psych ops). The company is now working in politics and has recently been employed by the Ted Cruz campaign for the U.S. Presidency and the company can create customizable marketing messages that are based on psychological profiles (Issenberg, 2015). Psychologist use what is known as the "big 5" personality traits to create something referred to as a personality inventory. The big five traits include openness, agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness.

Analytica can shift through a mountain of data to build personality profiles for virtually everyone. It uses data collected by public information available through memberships, shopping behavior, demographic composition, and many other sources. An algorithm is then used to build a personality profile….

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality profile is a valuable resource used to quantify the intangible aspects of individual personality type. The results of this test can be used to develop a firm comprehension of how personality impacts a person's thoughts, behaviors, and actions, while providing leaders with a viable method through which to emphasize personality type while enhancing employee effectiveness. After taking the MBTI assessment, my results showed that I am predominately an (E)xtroverted, (S)ensing, (T)hinking and (J)udging, or ESTJ, personality type. According to the MBTI Assessment Results sheet, "above all else, ESTJs are logical & #8230; (and) as they apply their logic to people, places and things, they become objective organizers and terrific managers," and I would concur with this evaluation of my personality. My past experiences working in (insert your profession/field of study here) have consistently challenged me to employ logical thinking in order to successfully accomplish….

In general, far more information about an individual than is available about Wade Whitehouse in Affliction is needed to form even a passably accurate description of their personality; typical inventories contain an average of over 200 individual items (Edwards & Abbott 1973). From what is shown in the film, however, it is clear that though Whitehouse exhibits aggressive behavior at several key points, it is not actually one of his primary personality traits.
Traits are usually measured by self-assessment of practices, beliefs, and attitudes, and though such self-reporting measures tend to be quite accurate as descriptive instruments, the lack of a solid theoretical basis to much of trait theories claims makes prediction of future behavior difficult (Smith 1999). In a way, this applies directly to Wade Whitehouse's situation; his behavior cannot really be predicted based on the simple observations of his personality traits. he has shown some tendency towards aggression,….

Table 2 -- Correlation of Character Traits with Handwriting (Hull and Montgomery)


Shape of riting



Upward Sloping Line



Upward Sloping Line



Firmness of Line



Lateral narrowness of m's and n's



Heavy Handwriting



Heavy bars on t's



Length of bars on t's



Length of bars on t's compensating



Closed as and o's


Now, we jump to 1954, with a study by Lorr, Lepine, and Goldner entitled, "A Factor Analysis of Some Handwriting Characteristics." Initially, the authors are open minded about the subject, citing that one of the difficulties has been the lack of proper measurement regarding graphological characteristics. In addition, since different types of pedagogy exist when teaching writing, it is difficult to compare students without solid factors.

In this study, a group of 200 right-handed graduate psychology students with a median age of 27 were asked to us an ink pen and write a full page story on a standard sheet of unruled paper. No subject was aware that their writing would….

Despite having diverted to the employment sector for ten years to make ends meet, I am still determined to be what I had intended to be in the initial times and the high level if determination points to my inward motivation. I am also independent in that I make sound decisions on my own, I decided to let go of my "career" initially to pursue employment and now I have decided to further my career. If it were not for enthusiasm, I could have already let go of my dream to be a nurse which I still hold on to dearly. Self-confidence is played out in the fact that I never allowed the unpleasant interaction between sexuality and gambling waste my life ahead. The job of being at a casino, especially for that long, requires someone who is extremely outgoing and sociable.
Bearing the fact that I wanted to have….

personality profiles considered to be part of my strengths. The paper identifies and discusses the specific dimensions that influence my personal strengths and weaknesses.
My Personality Strengths

Conscientiousness and openness to experience are the strengths in my personality traits, I am freshman undergraduate student with the following personality profiles.

Openness to Experience: Openness is one of my strengths in personal profiles that involves active to the imagination, preferring different intellectual curiosity, attentive to my inner feelings, and active in aesthetic sensitivity. With regards to openness, I prefer new experiences over a routing experience because I believe that a new experience will add to my body of knowledge and assist in delivering a wide variety of interests. Creativity is one of my strengths because I believe in developing new ideas rather than relying on traditional old ideas. Moreover, I consider myself to be highly intelligent and knowledgeable. Essentially, openness is correlated with intelligence….

Personality Profiles
There are several theoretical approaches that are utilized in explaining personality based on the different traits relating to an individual. These theoretical approaches are divided into two major categories i.e. the five domains and complex models domains. The five domains (psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, trait and type, and learning) are approaches that focus on how individual traits are developed and how behavior is formulated. On the other hand, the complex models domains basically focus on how traits could impact an individual's personality. These two categories can be utilized in developing a personality profile of an individual based on interactions with him/her and the information on he/she posts on social media.

TinaShazzy's Personality Profile

The chosen theoretical approach that I will utilize in developing TinaShazzy's personality is the behavioral domain, which suggests that an individual's behavior is a reflection of his/her personality trait since personality is behavior (Phelps, 2015). Additionally, this perspective of….

Echo finally died of old age, and the raw emotion from the park rangers and zoologists just brought tears. Similarly, he thinks that now that he is older he can sift through the "B.S. In advertising and media hype," and enjoys such cynical, but rather realistic, portrays of modern society in Mad Men, Weeds, and Breaking Bad.
As far as personality development, Tom believes that children get a pretty good grounding from their parents and early school experiences. Concepts like empathy, morality, situational ethics, and reliability are built when one is young. However, that being said, Tom does not see himself as a rule follower like his parents. Both believed that if something said x in the rules, then x it was. They both also believed that a person should get a job and stay with that job until retirement. Tom has already had two careers, and estimates he will….

The inside feeling of the employees regarding the environment should be more "family like" and not that much "business like," being a company where employees would happily come to work. As called by Cameron and Quinn, this is a Clan Culture and it would be the ideal situation to be obtained, with high level of involvement of all employees in the life and future of the company (Cameron, Quinn, 1999; Denison, 1990)..
Locations of the Organization

For the initial phase, laboratories and production should start in the specific Latin American country to be decided (most probably Brazil), and the Headquarters in the U.S.A. should commence the commercial and tactical activity.

The commercial offices should be installed in consumer-high regions, in order to decrease the costs of transportation of products from the pre-established warehouses. The same strategy should be used also for the Latin American operations, where X-Quisite should have its commercial offices….

Profiling Nasir al-Wahishi
The author of this research proposal deigns to cover two basic research questions and issues within this report. First is the general subject of political profiling of current or possible future political leaders and the second is the more specific focus on the case of a man by the name of Nasir al-Wahishi. That particular man is the current proclaimed leader of al-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula, often referred to as AQAP for short. The research problem to be address in this proposal and, by extension, the approved study is the vexing nature of profiling political leaders, what they are capable of, how they control and motivate the people they proselytize to, how to predict who people will glom onto and who will be ignored and so forth. There is also the question of how to deal with "stateless" regimes and groups that exist. Some of these groups….

DiSC Profile: 3-Year and 7-Year Plans
Taking the DiSC personality profile and revisiting my future plans in light of the results was an interesting and informative exercise. The results of my DiSC profile revealed some aspects of my personality that I was familiar with, and some that I did not know were so strong. The fact that I have a Conscientious-Steady management style focused on Objectivity and Reliability shapes my future trajectory within Strategic Consulting, leading me to focus on more technical fields like engineering, biotechnology, architecture, and risk management. I see myself using my MBA in one of these fields in a sustainable, long-term position that is an organizational keystone.

Over the next three years, I will earn my MBA and move to an entry-level position in Strategic Consulting. Although this industry will challenge my need for stability by providing near-constant change in terms of the projects and problems I….

Nonetheless, Bill never hurts other people simply because he thinks that it is irrational to hurt others. He thinks that any rational person would be like him and not hurt other people. Does Bill really understand that hurting others is morally wrong? (Nichols, 2002, p. 285)."
This presents some interesting directions of thought. However, it is time to go into the relationship between serial murderers and forensic psychology as it applies to the crime scene. Ted Bundy seemed very much aware that he was committing crimes against society, certainly crimes against his victims. Berkowitz, it was argued, was more psychotic, and for that reason perhaps less aware of his actions as crimes against society or individuals. Berkowitz was known to have started more than a thousand fires, and had a history of cruelty to animals; both manifestations of deeper emotional problems (Schlesinger, 2004, p. 328). This does not make any….

This approach assumes that the psychological apparatus of the mind is dependent upon some type of energy to make it function (Personality pp). This energy is used in psychological work such as planning, thinking, feeling, and remembering (Personality pp). Everything that happens in an individual's mind and everything he or she does have a specific, identifiable cause, which is referred to as psychic determinism (Personality pp). According to Freud, "people are driven, fundamentally, by unconscious, animalistic, instinctual urges, particularly lust and aggression" (Personality pp). The unconscious is understood to be the large part of the mind that is hidden from view, and the internal structure of the mind is divided into three separate motivations, the Id, which is the irrational and emotional part of the mind, the Ego, which is the rational part, and the Superego, the moral part (Personality pp).
The basic assumption of the learning perspective is that….

Employee satisfaction might be one of the most difficult measures in management to quantify. There are so many ways to judge this factor, from self-evaluation to independent evaluation to more concrete numbers like productivity, which has been linked to job satisfaction.
There is no industry-wide standard for assessing employee satisfaction, and yet it is one of the most important factors in a successful work environment. This paper will explore the influence of an individual's personality and character traits on their job satisfaction; instead of seeing job satisfaction as a result of outside influences, I hypothesize that an employee's individual personality and attitude are important factors in his or her job satisfaction. That is to say, an employee who is otherwise unhappy and gloomy will most likely not be happy in his or her workplace either, and conversely, an employee with a positive outlook and an upbeat personality will be satisfied and….

Personality Factors

leadership coach begins each public presentation making it very clear that having a leadership position and being a leader are not the same thing. Leadership and management are quite different even though often used synonymously. A "position" is something one is hired into, or appointed -- whether that results in leadership is dependent on the qualities of the individual. Some leaders rise from relative obscurity, and lead from below; some managers never learn to lead (Ventura, 2008).
Almost all the literature reviewed, though, seem to see the leader as being one who can see a situation and assume the right style of leadership for that occasion (e.g. Harry Truman taking over after Franklin Roosevelt's death). Certainly, once there is a leadership role assumed, the dynamics of interpersonal relationships change -- as they should. It is impossible for a leader to be completely fair and unbiased if that leader openly socializes….

2 Pages


Personality Profiles in Politics

Words: 347
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

New Technologies When searching for new technologies, a company called Cambridge Analytica was identified to be an emerging tech firm. The company is a subsidiary of a London-based firm that…

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3 Pages


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI Personality Profile Is

Words: 800
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality profile is a valuable resource used to quantify the intangible aspects of individual personality type. The results of this test can be used…

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10 Pages


Affliction Personality Profile Wade Whitehouse

Words: 2760
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

In general, far more information about an individual than is available about Wade Whitehouse in Affliction is needed to form even a passably accurate description of their personality;…

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5 Pages


Graphology and Personality Profiling the

Words: 1374
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Table 2 -- Correlation of Character Traits with Handwriting (Hull and Montgomery) Emotion/Trait Shape of riting Correlation Ambition Upward Sloping Line -.20 Pride Upward Sloping Line -.09 Bashfulness Firmness of Line -.45 Bashfulness Lateral narrowness of m's and n's +.38 Force Heavy Handwriting -.17 Force Heavy bars on t's -.06 Perseverance Length…

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2 Pages


Personality Application Personality the Aspect

Words: 699
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Despite having diverted to the employment sector for ten years to make ends meet, I am still determined to be what I had intended to be in the…

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3 Pages

Education - Higher Education

Personality Traits and Personality

Words: 976
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

personality profiles considered to be part of my strengths. The paper identifies and discusses the specific dimensions that influence my personal strengths and weaknesses. My Personality Strengths Conscientiousness and openness…

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3 Pages


Analysis of an Individuals Personality

Words: 1039
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality Profiles There are several theoretical approaches that are utilized in explaining personality based on the different traits relating to an individual. These theoretical approaches are divided into two major…

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5 Pages


Personality Interview One of the

Words: 1413
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Interview

Echo finally died of old age, and the raw emotion from the park rangers and zoologists just brought tears. Similarly, he thinks that now that he is older…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Profiling X-Quisite an International Firm

Words: 2302
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The inside feeling of the employees regarding the environment should be more "family like" and not that much "business like," being a company where employees would happily come…

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8 Pages
Research Proposal

Drama - World

Profiling a Leader of a Non-State World Leader

Words: 3540
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Profiling Nasir al-Wahishi The author of this research proposal deigns to cover two basic research questions and issues within this report. First is the general subject of political profiling of…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Disc Profile 3-Year and 7-Year Plans Taking

Words: 725
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

DiSC Profile: 3-Year and 7-Year Plans Taking the DiSC personality profile and revisiting my future plans in light of the results was an interesting and informative exercise. The results…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Personalities and Motivations of Murderers

Words: 3011
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nonetheless, Bill never hurts other people simply because he thinks that it is irrational to hurt others. He thinks that any rational person would be like him and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personality the Concept of Personality

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This approach assumes that the psychological apparatus of the mind is dependent upon some type of energy to make it function (Personality pp). This energy is used in…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Personality and Job Satisfaction

Words: 2842
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Employee satisfaction might be one of the most difficult measures in management to quantify. There are so many ways to judge this factor, from self-evaluation to independent evaluation to…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Personality Factors

Words: 2031
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

leadership coach begins each public presentation making it very clear that having a leadership position and being a leader are not the same thing. Leadership and management are…

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